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Amour Battu: Timeless Love: A series of Standalone novels Book 2

Page 33

by Mj Fields

  When I take a breath, his lips move across my cheek and his hand slides down my backside until I feel his fingers on my bare skin.

  Everything inside me heats, and my breasts instantly become heavier, and warmer.

  When his kiss moves from my neck and I feel his tongue caress where my warrior tattoo lays, I push my breasts against him.

  “Why?” he whispers

  “You made me believe in myself.” I push against him harder.

  “You made me imagine the life I can live with you.”

  His lips crash against mine as he pulls the fabric of my dress up, and then his finger grips the fabric of my thong.

  He pulls back and looks at me, his eyes black, but no longer shielded, his full lips now swollen and red from mine. I feel him yank the string and hear it rip apart.

  “Fuck the panties,” he growls.

  I can’t help but grin.

  “Did you watch the movie?” he asks.

  “Three times.”

  When the elevator door opens, his mouth stops its descent and he whispers, “Then you know what you’re in store for?”

  When my jaw drops, he smiles. “I’ll go easy.”

  When he wraps his big muscular arms around me and picks me up, I whisper, “I want you anyway you want me.”

  “Be careful what you wish for, Natasha. It may come true.”

  “I trust you, Oliver, I trust you with my everything. So, take what you want and I’ll do the same.”

  Inside the suite, he walks me to the windows and I watch our reflections in it. He shrugs off his jacket, loosens his tie and unbuttons his shirt as he kicks off his leather shoes.

  “You are incredible to look at.” I sigh.

  “Then keep looking,” he says and kisses my neck as he unzips my dress and then pulls it down slowly, kissing and licking my skin as he exposes it, making every part of me feel as if I’ve come to life for the first time.

  “Christ, you’re beautiful, every fucking inch of you is goddamn flawless.”

  “Every inch of you is art,” I moan as my back arches and he kisses across my lower back.

  “Keep Imagining.” His tongue traces the letters. “I’m never gonna stop.”

  When his hand wraps around the front of me and slides up my thigh, I feel heat rushing to my center. When his finger lightly rubs against my most intimate part that heat begins to liquify. When he starts kissing my backside as the pressure of his finger increases until it’s inside me, I cry out from a pleasure I never imagined

  “Little Warrior, you’re so hot.” When I feels him insert another as he kisses up my back, I feel full, so full. When he begins to curl them, my legs shake, and I press one hand on the cool glass as I put the other behind me around the back of his neck.

  “How do you feel?”

  “Dizzy, so-oh.”

  “Yeah, right there.” He curls his fingers again.


  “Relax, I got you.” He kisses my neck.

  I turn my head. “Oh, oh, please, please–”

  He kisses me before I even ask, and his fingers move in and out of me.

  In, curl, out, twist… he continues, making me cry into his mouth, against his cheek and I continue to feel pressure, so much that my hips begin to rock and he hisses.

  “Open your eyes, beautiful,” he quietly demands.

  “Oh god, Oliver– I-I-I-Oh–”

  His fingers pull out of me and I feel empty, but only for a moment.

  As he rubs something much different than a finger against my entrance, he whispers, “You ready to see fireworks?”

  Oh God, his voice, his words, so hot. This is happening. Oliver and I are happening.

  “Look out the window, Natasha. What colors do you see?”

  I turn my head and see actual fireworks lighting up the sky.

  When he pushes against me, he whispers, “Lean forward. Put both hands on the window and tell me, beautiful, what colors you see?”

  “Blues and golds, purples and reds.” I feel him begin to push into me and I tense.

  His hand reaches around me and pushes the cup of my bra down. When his fingers press against my aching nipples, I moan. His other arm wraps around me and he rubs my clit again.

  He leans into me again, and groans, “What colors do you see?”

  “Green,” I sigh, and he pushes farther. “Pink.” Farther. “Blue… oh… oh. Oliver.”

  “Shhh, I won’t take you farther than you can handle.”

  Something burns hotter in me now. “Oliver?”


  “I want all of you.”

  “Natasha, it’s okay–”


  When he slams into me, he pulls my back against his chest and groans loudly then hisses, “Fuck yes, so hot.” He pulls out and then slams back into me. This time there’s less pinch, more heat.

  When he pulls out fully, I cry, “No.”

  He turns me, lifts me, kisses me, pulls away, and lays me on the bed. “I need to see your face.” He holds his body over mine and rubs against me again.

  “Spread your legs wider, I want to be all in.”

  All in? What was that?!

  He bends and kisses me. “Trust me.”

  I nod and he begins to move slowly in, slower out. Each inward thrust, I watch his jaw muscles pop, I see his eyes burning beneath the black and I see a sheen of sweat coat his arms as he holds his body above mine and moves slowly, beautifully, deeper and deeper into me, until I have no idea where I end and where he begins.


  One year later and four days later

  “Again, Princess Mom?” Olivia laughs as we exit the Toy Story ride for the third time at Disney World in Orlando.

  “We have to wait for your dad.”

  I look back and he’s taking a selfie, making sure the high score is displayed too.

  “Come on, Oliver,” I laugh.

  When he catches up to us, he asks Olivia, “How many times do I have to win, before you surrender?”

  She laughs, “That was my win!”

  “Bass doesn’t know that.” He winks.

  “I bet baby Joshua could beat you.”

  He growls at her, scoops her up and she laughs a belly laugh that only a child who has known no hurt or pain can laugh, a laugh that makes me laugh, too.

  “Isn’t there something else you want to go on? The early ride hours–”

  “Magic hours, tough guy,” she corrects him.

  “Okay, the magic hours,” he smirks. “Isn’t there anything else?”

  “There’s…” She scratches behind her ear, just like Mom does when she is trying to think as she squirms to get down, and then laughs hysterically as she squeals. “Toy Story.”

  “One more time,” he concedes.

  She jumps up and he catches her. She grabs his ears and pulls him nose to nose. “We’ll see about that.”

  Then she jumps down and we run behind her to get back in line.

  I stand in line watching Oliver and Olivia laugh and think about all the past year has blessed me with. The greatest blessing, him.

  After we got engaged, we spent two days in bed. I was sure it was the best sex anyone had ever had, Oliver and I walked into Disney Paris and were met by the sweetest little girl I had ever seen. She was tall, like Oliver, dark-haired like Oliver and Mommy Nat, thin like her moms, had a baby face that was cherub-like and the most beautiful green eyes, which Oliver tells people are like mine. She took my breath away.

  The moms got special family leave for the holidays and days added to deal with their family circumstances. Oliver had surprised them with a trip to Disney Paris, so that he could make it right between us, introduce his Little Warriors, and thought since Olivia had never been to Disney it would be a great place to start making memories. When I admitted I had never been, he admitted he hadn’t either.

  To see my big strong man melt for someone other than me, in a totally different way, made me fall ev
en deeper in love with him.

  When Olivia slept, Grace, Natalie, and I talked for hours. Grace was an open book, and at times was so free with information it made me uncomfortable, but I got used to it and ended up appreciating it.

  When she lived in the hell the ‘love of my life, at the time,’ lived in, he took care of her, protected her, and yes, loved her in a way a broken boy loved a broken girl, as best they know how.

  One night while Oliver was at baseball practice, she decided not to stay and watch him. She was determined she was going to do good in school so she wanted to study. When Oliver got home, she was crying with a towel on her face. He went after his father, the obvious protagonist, and she watched him get beat because of it. When she told him that she had done her chores, ones he had done for her because she was afraid of the coon hounds locked up in a pen, one of them sensed her fear and went at her. She needed stitches, but Oliver’s mother told her if she went to the hospital, they’d take her away. She didn’t want to leave the boys she loved, so she stayed.

  Weeks later, Oliver had been beat for talking back to his father, and she was told to do her chores. When she begged them not to make her feed the dogs, Oliver’s father dragged her outside and mashed her face against the cage to teach her a lesson, and she was attacked again.

  When she came back crying, Oliver, who was injured, snuck out of the house and let the dogs out of the cage, hoping they would run away, and she wouldn’t be hurt again.

  Grace had been told to go to her room and didn’t know that Oliver had let them out. She heard him crying in pain as he was whipped again.

  From the hallway, Oliver’s mother heard her dialing the phone and leaving a message for her social worker to come get her. When Grace hung up the phone, Oliver’s mom stormed in and told her to look out the window.

  When she did, Oliver was digging two holes in the earth. His mother told Grace that Oliver’s father was planning to bury both of them. She told her if she said anything to the social worker about their punishment, the social worker would take her away, but Oliver would never leave them. That is why Grace didn’t say anything, because she was promised Oliver would remain alive.

  When the social worker came, Grace did exactly what she was told to protect Oliver. She says she wished she had been stronger, that they both had.

  The dogs were both hit by an oncoming log truck. As punishment, Oliver was digging graves for the dogs his father said he murdered. He was told that if he said a word to the social workers, he would go to jail. That he’d never see Grace again, so he didn’t.

  They had made plans that if ever they got separated, they would meet three days later in town behind the park, in the woods. Grace never showed because she was afraid Oliver would get killed.

  She ran away from her next home when she found out she was pregnant, and then she found Natalie. She never looked for him because she was afraid for him, and by the time she had worked through her fears, she found out that both parents had gone to jail.

  I cried the entire time, and Oliver held me, and Grace cried, while Natalie held her.

  Both were deployed again three days later for four months. For four months, I worked from our home in the Hamptons, and so did Oliver. When they returned, it was hard to let go of a little girl who was so resilient, so full of life and love that I had spent four months with.

  Oliver and I flew to Ft. Bragg, on what he calls the flying love shack, to visit Olivia, every other weekend, regardless of where we were.

  After every visit ended, we took comfort in each other in ways that made that first time what it was, a great start to an unbelievable sex life.

  I love my husband, I love my stepdaughter, I love my family, I love my job, and I love being so close to Oliver that there is literally nothing between us. I love the feeling of being connected to him in all the ways we are.

  We spent the summer at Maisie’s and got married on the dock. We wanted a small private wedding since so much of our lives are now public. And we spent winter and spring mostly in between Paris and London.

  Stella lives in London and is doing amazing in school. But her love life… well, that’s another story… but she’s still my best friend, always will be.

  Regardless of how painful our journey was, I wouldn’t change it for a thing.

  Oliver, he’s my strength, I’m his warrior, and together, we’re everything our angel above, knew we could be.

  *** The End ***

  What’s next in the de la Porte world?

  Two more novels will be added to the

  Timeless Love

  series of standalone novels

  Help me decide who’s story you’d like to read next.


  (New Adult, steamy romance)

  From my earliest childhood memories, I remember Elijah as a tortured soul, and my mother telling me, ‘You’re the only one who can make him smile.’

  It made me feel special.

  When he lost his father, he was once again inconsolable. He pushed away all his friends… except me.

  He made me feel exceptional.

  When my father became ill, I realized it wasn’t just friendship, it was love. And he admitted, he had always been in love with me.

  Together we’d become, extraordinary.

  When my dream came true, something changed. He changed, we… changed.


  (Older woman, younger man, steamier… romance)

  Consumed, compelled, possessed…

  Can one man’s touch become so addictive that your desires, your needs, your cravings, disconnect your reserves?

  Tag me @mjfieldsbooks on social media with your choice of which Timeless Love novel is penned next


  About the Author

  USA Today bestselling author MJ Fields write books that scorch pages and melt hearts. Her style is raw, gritty and authentic. Love an alpha and a strong heroine?

  She does too.

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  Ladies of Love and Steel

  Also By Mj Fields

  The Steel Series (World)

  The Men of Steel Series

  Forever Steel • Jase • Cyrus • Zandor • Xavier • Raising Steel

  The Ties of Steel Series

  Abe • Dominic • Eroe • Sabato

  The Rockers of Steel Series

  Memphis Black • Finn Beckett • River James • Billy Jeffers

  The Match Duet

  Match This! • ImPerfectly Matched!

  The Steel Country Series

  Hammered • Destroyed • Wasted

  Tied In Steel

  Terzetto • Valentina • Paige • Gia (Coming in 2019)

  LRAH Legacy Series (World)

  These families’ stories are intertwined starting with The Love series, they move to the Wrapped Series, the Burning Souls series, Love You Anyways, 27 Truths, 27 Lies, Her First Kiss, His First Crush, and Their First Fall.

  Many more series will spin off from these supporting characters already mentioned and each will be a standalone series but for those of us who love a story to continue I recommend reading in this order.

  The Love Series

  (Must Be Read In This Order)

  (Lucas Links story)

  Blue Love • New Love • Sad Love • True Love

  The Wrapped Series

  (Brody Hines Story)

  Wrapped In Silk • Wrapped In Armor • Wrapped In Always and Forever

  Burning Souls Series

  (Maddox Hines story)

  Stained • Forged • Merged

  LRAH Legacy Additi

  Love You Anyway • Love Notes

  The Truth About Love Series

  (Ava Links story)

  27 Truths • 27 Lies

  Firsts Series

  (London Fields story)

  Her First Kiss • His First Crush • Their First Fall

  Standalone Series

  The Norfolk Series

  Irons • Shadows• Titan (April 2019)

  The Caldwell Brothers Series

  (co-written w/ Chelsea Camaron)

  Hendrix • Morrison • Jagger • Visibly Broken • Use Me

  Timeless Love

  Cinq A Sept • Amour Battu


  Offensive Rebound


  To all of the military heroes I have been blessed to have in my life, thank you for all you have done for us. May your battle scars diminish, your worries lessen, and your hearts be full.

  To each and every one of my readers and blogger friends that decided to take a chance on this book, thank you. Your support and love of written words means the world to me. I am so grateful for each and every one of you.

  To Gitte & Jenny (Totally Booked Blog) - I am so glad you loved Cinq A Sept and also wanted more. Your encouragement and support is deeply appreciated, and also part of the reason Natasha and Oliver’s story came to life so soon. I hope you enjoyed them. See you both in September !!

  To Mandy and Asli- Each of you helped polish my words, and for that, I thank you.

  To Jules- I’m not sure how you do it, but you harness my thoughts and create magic. Thanks and much love.


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