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Missing the Alpha (Full Moon Series Book 5)

Page 7

by Mia Rose

  Sanders slammed a clenched arthritic fist on the table, and his glass of wine toppled. A dark crimson wine stain spread across the tabletop as if someone had plunged a knife into a body.

  “Edmund, you prick, I don’t want to hear ‘that’s the way it looks,’ I want definite answers.”

  Edmund’s tight lips tried to force a smile as he looked at the stain on the tablecloth. That stain won’t come out, that’s definite. “Okay, all her family are definitely out of the picture, and I’d be surprised if you ever heard from any of them again,” Edmund answered resolutely to the old man, who glared at him with intent.

  Sanders picked up his empty glass and grabbed ahold of the bottle. He slowly poured himself another drink and nodded his head to offer Edmund a glass. Edmund declined. He never was one for drinking, yet give him a microscope and some blood samples, and he would take your arm off.

  Sanders looked up at Edmund after placing the bottle on the table. “Is there any news on the council and their pack of hunters?”

  Edmund slid himself onto the chair and rested one elbow on the table as he fumbled with a silver knife. “Nothing for a few months, not since they wiped out that camp on the far side of the forest.”

  Sanders poked his fork into the slice of meat he’d just cut. Blood oozed from the rare steak which sat on his plate. He pushed it into his mouth and began chewing with his yellowed teeth. Edmund watched as juices ran down Sanders' chin.

  Sanders' lips smacked as he chewed, and his words were mumbled. “What about the pack in the Towers?” Edmund spun a knife end to end on the table. Sanders glared at Edmund as if he was a kid that was picking his nose. “Will you stop fucking doing that, you’re gonna mark the damn table. Now tell me about the pack.”

  Edmund dropped the knife on top of a napkin and looked up at Sanders with his face flushed. “I heard they have a ritual coming. Their new alpha has to choose a mate...” he said.

  Sanders looked back at Edmund waiting for the remainder of the sentence. He urged Edmund to continue with an upturned hand. “Please, finish what you were saying.”

  Edmund scratched the back of his head and leaned both his elbows on the table. “I have a plan. In this ritual, they’ll have drinks. I can lace their drinks with the elixir, and they won’t have a clue. And before morning, they’ll all be human again.” He felt proud of himself for being so cunning.

  “And you won’t get caught? You don’t want to find yourself tied to a chair again,” Sanders said grinning at Edmund.

  “Hmm, how did you hear about that?” Edmund asked. He did wonder how Sanders had heard. In his mind, he was sure that there were only Noelle’s parents and Noelle who knew of it. Two of which had no memory, and the other had gone missing and was presumed dead, or worse.

  “The pack’s in total disarray, they have no idea if they’re coming or going. Gabriel’s losing the plot, and they’re all gearing up for this ritual to find his mate.”

  Sanders sliced another piece of blood-drenched meat as he sighed before looking at Edmund. “And none of them are in a position to stand up to us?” he asked as he skewered the steak and held it in mid-air. Edmund watched as the juices began running down the handle of the fork that went to Sanders’ fingers.

  “Nah, they’re all followers. The pack’s as weak as it’s ever been, no matter how much training they do. If the council struck them, they’d crumble in minutes,” Edmund replied, now watching Sanders lick the juices from the tips of his fingers. God damn. You might be family, but you’re so damned repulsive. After all this time, you could’ve learned a few manners.

  “Edmund, you do know all this is for the greater good, and that these wolves need a chance to have a normal life,” Sanders said, leaning back and running his hands over his full stomach.

  He screwed up the side of his mouth and burped. Edmund stared in disbelief. Any more and I disown you. I wish you’d perished all those years ago. Edmund straightened his back after his thought because he knew there was little point sitting at the table any longer. He started to stand, and as he did, he rested his hands on the table.

  “Yeah, I’ve never lost sight of the bigger picture, we just have to spread the elixir as quickly as we can, and before any more packs get wiped out.”

  Sanders raised his hand and hit the silver bell that sat beside him. He waited for the maid to come and clear the table. His crooked yellow fingers reached into his pocket and he pulled out a large cigar. He proceeded to light it. He puffed until the end glowed a bright, sun-burnt orange.

  He leaned his head back against the green leather of his chair. “Before you say anything Edmund, these things won’t kill me. They haven’t so far, anyway,” Sanders said, with a smug grin on his face. He took a large puff and pointed at Edmund as ash fell toward the table. “Never forget the bigger picture, we can be rid of these wolves once and for all.”

  Edmund nodded in response and stood. He bid his farewell to Sanders as the door opened and in scuttled the maid. “I'll keep you updated, a couple of days or so,” Edmund replied, walking to the door at the end of the dining room.

  “Just watch your back with the pack,” he heard Sanders say over his shoulder. He twisted the doorknob to leave.

  He paused for a moment and turned, holding the door half-open. “Without Declan and Noelle, there’s no one to stop us.” He opened the door further and inched his way into the hallway.

  He heard another burp coming from the table before Sanders shouted. He said, “I hope to God you’re right.”

  “That’s not gonna come out easy.”

  Chapter 8

  Peace at Last

  “It’s a magical world we live in.”

  Declan released his grip on the gurney. The doctor stood before him holding her clipboard tight against her chest. He would’ve run his eyes over her body, yet her glare kept catching his attention.

  “What did you say?” he asked quizzically.

  The doctor dropped her clipboard and grabbed Declan’s arm pushing him into one of the patient’s rooms. Declan looked around, confused. A patient laid motionless; tubes and wires hanging with a machine that was going “ping” every now and again.

  He glanced back to the doctor who spoke again, “I said, you managed to get here, we’ve been waiting for you.”

  Declan looked confused and replied, “I have no idea what you’re on about.”

  The doctor sighed and stepped away from the door. “You’re Declan, are you not? We knew you were coming, and the old lady’s been hanging on for you,” she said. “She fought off dying until you arrived, yet I don’t think she’ll last much longer, to be honest.” Declan ran his fingers through (what remained of) his hair and rubbed the back of his neck.

  “Can you take a couple of steps back and start at the beginning. I’ve been escorted by the cops, and I’m a little up in the clouds, right at the moment.” Declan was perplexed at the approach of the doctor.

  She shook her head and explained everything she knew. Maria had apparently reached out as she’d seen Dustin do, and she also thought she’d contacted the old woman. But, the old woman wasn’t an alpha’s mate, in fact, she wasn’t even a wolf. Somewhere the story had become a little convoluted. The old woman was in love with a wolf; an alpha.

  “It was me Maria was speaking to,” the doctor added after her detailed explanation.

  “You’re a wolf… a female alpha?” Declan asked, soaking up the information he’d been bombarded with. “What now? And where is she, the witch?”

  The doctor shook her head. “Declan, if only it were that simple, the old lady isn’t the witch, she just knows her from her experience. We don’t have time to stand here chit-chatting, I need to get you to her before it’s too late.” The doctor felt the pulse of the patient and scribbled on the chart at the end of the bed. “Coma, they won’t have heard a thing.”

  Declan began following the doctor through the door as he put his hand on her shoulder. “If you’re an alpha, why didn’t you go to the m
eeting Dustin called for?” he said, now glancing over his shoulder to make sure the patient was still in a coma and not listening in to his secret.

  “Declan, I heard that you were pretty smart. Do you think I can just walk out of my job in a hospital and attend a meeting?”

  Declan’s cheeks filled and went a pinkish hue. “Sorry, I’m away with the fairies at the moment,” Declan replied, stepping into the hallway of the hospital. “I’m not sure if you know, but we’ve got a major problem with hunters, the council’s waging war on all werewolves. Have they reached this far, yet?” They both moved quickly in the direction of the elevator.

  The doctor pushed her finger against the button of the elevator. The dark red button turned to an arrow from the LEDs inside. The doors opened, and the doctor urged Declan to push the button for the next floor. Declan pushed the button for floor four and then stood back against the wall of the elevator. Within a couple of seconds they were there, and the familiar bell rung as the doors slid apart. The doctor led Declan past the nurse’s station. He noticed their glances, and even though he was a little exhausted, he obviously still had his rugged charm.

  “Yes! Declan, you do still look pretty-damned hot. For a human,” the doctor said as she laughed.

  She glanced down the hallway and then pushed open the door to enter the room. “You seem cautious,” Declan said, stepping into the room and catching his first glance of the old lady. It was at that moment he felt humbled. It was as if she held a magical power that was way above him. The old lady wasn't the witch, either, she only knew of her location. “Cautious, a little, yes. I know she won’t last much longer, but if anyone related to the council heard of her whereabouts, they’d be here like a shot.”

  Declan nodded in agreement, if the council found out there was a witch who could help the wolves, they'd be up in arms. It’d be an all-out search for the witch, and that would lead to one hell of a war.

  “Before I wake her, what’s this rumor I heard about a cure for silver?” the doctor whispered as they approached the old lady’s bed.

  Declan blew through his lips and sighed, so much so, his shoulders rose and fell. “Some deranged dick. That cure’s a side project, they want all werewolves to turn back into humans,” Declan explained.

  “Edmund Sanders no doubt,” the old lady mumbled from her bed.

  “Hey Martha, you’re awake,” the doctor whispered, taking hold of her wrist and feeling her pulse.

  “I’ve been listening to you two murmuring between yourselves,” she replied. “So, Declan, your pretty much screwed at the moment?” Declan pulled up a chair to the side of the bed, and he nodded.

  It was true. At the moment, he was screwed. Screwed and lost with no direction of where to go. If the witch had no answer for him, all he’d grown to love and cherish would be gone. Just like that; in an instant.

  “You got it, Martha, I’m only a humble human, at the moment. I heard though, that you know the person to help me?”

  Martha sat against the pillows the doctor had plumped behind her. “Thanks, Judy.” Declan smiled as the doctor glanced over Martha’s bed in his direction. Martha smiled. “So, you want to know where this witch is then?” Martha asked. “I hear you have a pack without an alpha and a girl who’s yearning for you.”

  “Martha, you don’t know the half of it, it’s one hell of a story,” Declan said. “If I had time to tell you…”

  Martha took his hand. Declan looked at the tube that was stuck to the back of her hand. Her veins bulged under tight gray skin that looked as if death was right around the corner.

  “Declan, I know all about you, I know you’ve lost your inner wolf, and I know about your pack in the Towers. They need you; Gabriel’s running amok and the shit’s really gonna hit the fan.”

  “Martha, mind your language,” Judy said, obviously grinning at the old woman.

  Declan leaned on the edge of the bed and was fascinated with what Martha had to say about his situation. “I thought it’d only be the witch who knew all this,” he added, glancing over at Judy.

  Judy shrugged her shoulders. She was in the dark as much as Declan about all this. Martha spoke again, “We all have our uses, and you should know that better than anyone.” Declan began laughing at Martha’s comment, and he noticed that for an old lady, she was pretty damned hysterical. “Declan, you’re a good leader and a good man, and that should never be taken away from you. That’s why we’re here to help you.”

  Declan hadn’t noticed until he turned to the side, but there sat Martha’s teeth, happily bobbing in a glass of water at the side of her bed.

  He turned back to face Martha and listened with open ears. “You better get a pen and paper, you’ll never remember these directions,” Martha said plainly. “My teeth are having a break, by the way.”

  Declan smiled and tried not to lose his focus. “Okay, give me the address and I’ll put it in my phone.” Declan pulled his phone from his pocket. Martha laughed and spluttered. Judy reached for a glass of water and Martha took a sip.

  “Declan, this place doesn't have an address,” Martha replied as she wiped her mouth on the back of her pajama sleeve.

  Declan frowned just as Judy’s pager rang in her pocket. She pulled it from her pocket along with a pen and handed the pen to Declan. “I’ll be back soon, duty calls and all that,” Judy said hitting the button on her pager and walking to the door.

  Declan watched, and he waited until the door closed before turning back to Martha. “You were saying this place doesn’t have an address. Where is it?” he asked as he began stroking Martha’s hand.

  “Everglades National Park.” Declan sighed, and his shoulders stooped. His demeanor dropped, and his posture looked as if he was as old as Martha. “Declan, don’t be a dick, it’s not that bad. You’ll have directions right to her door if you listen vigilantly.” Declan sat up straight and got his pen ready to write the directions. Martha pulled her hand from Declan’s, and she looked and smiled. “Can you pass me my teeth from the glass, I need to make myself well-understood.”

  Declan froze for a second or two before picking the glass up and passing it to Martha. Martha raised her hand. “How the hell am I going to get my fingers in there? Declan, you’ll have to take my teeth out for me.”

  Declan reached in and pulled out the first half of Martha’s teeth. She took them from his hand and pushed them between her aged lips. She nodded as Declan reached for the other set. Martha flexed her jaw together and clamped her teeth together a couple of times.

  “Damn, that feels better —now, where was I?”

  “Directions to the witch.”

  “Declan, do me a favor, call her by her name, it’s disrespectful to keep calling her ‘the witch,' she is human. Almost.” Martha paused for a moment. “Now, let me close my eyes and think, if I get them wrong, you’ll be dead meat by morning.”

  Declan wrote as Martha recited directions. His small piece of paper was only merely large enough to get it all on. “You said the jetty’s move, why is that?” Declan asked.

  “Declan, the everglades are all water, yet it’s a magical world we live in.” Declan smiled realizing that it was a wonderful and magical world, but only when things were going right. “Declan, I see that look, that’s not what I mean. The world is full of magic,” Martha said defiantly. Declan shook his head as he didn’t believe in magic. “Declan, don’t be so damned naïve, you’re off to find a witch in the middle of the everglades. And if that’s not enough to convince you, have you ever stopped to think what happens when you change back from a wolf.” Declan paused and thought about that for a moment. “Holy crap, we’re always dressed when we change back. How does that happen then?” he asked.

  “Magic,” Martha mumbled. “You have it all written there, yes?”

  Declan looked at his notes. “I have all the directions, and to go and get twelve chocolate chip cookies… and her name’s Marina.” Martha smiled at Declan as he took ahold of her hand.

ake me proud Declan, my job’s done, and tell my sister I love her.”

  “Martha, she’s really your sister?” Declan could see she was tired. “Martha?” Then he realized… she was gone.

  Noelle couldn’t help feeling for Lucas. She was feeling attracted to him because of his tender side. It didn’t matter if he was a wolf who’d have the power to rip her to shreds in the blink of an eye. Her leg hurt hell, yet it had been a while since she felt the heat of a man.

  Lucas came back into the living room, smiling. “We should take you to the hospital," he said sliding open the large glass doors that led to the patio. "They can give your leg the once over.”

  Noelle closed her eyes and breathed in the fresh morning air. Her lungs filled and then she exhaled slowly, now relishing every single breath. “It makes you feel good to be alive,” she said wheeling her way to the doors in her wheelchair. Lucas grinned as Noelle thought out loud and said what she was supposed to be thinking. “When’s the last time you had a woman?” After she blurted it out her mouth clamped shut, realizing what she was saying. But it was a little too late to take it back.

  “It’s been a while. Are you offering?” Lucas asked walking into the lounge from the patio.

  Noelle bowed her head to hide her flushed cheeks. It was a moment or two before her head raised. Lucas saw her biting her bottom lip and she looked at him with a seductive gaze.

  “Lucas, I’m not sure why, but I have an urge. Perhaps it’s all the attention you’ve been giving to my leg, or because it’s been healing…” Noelle murmured. “What I do know though, is, it’s been a while for me, and sex is a great pain reliever. Because all those endorphins get released.”

  Lucas grabbed the handles on the wheelchair and began pushing Noelle into the living room. He lowered his head closer to her ear. The smell from her neck filled his nose with scents he had not encountered for a very long while.

  “You’re offering yourself to me then?” he asked, looking at her with wild eyes. Noelle tilted her head back and rubbed it over Lucas’ cheek.


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