The Love You Give

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The Love You Give Page 15

by Sheena Binkley

  I lowered myself against her, so I could whisper in her ear. She titled her head to the side, her breaths becoming shaky by each thrust that she was feeling inside of her.

  “I’m going to make you come cum so many times, you won’t be able to walk out of here when we’re done.”

  Just saying that got her rhythm going as she bounced her ass on me. I started groaning, feeling her getting closer to her climax. Her hands were slipping off the sink as her body shook against mine. She leaned her head back, continuing her journey to ecstasy as one moan after another escaped her lips.

  “Fuck, Cane!”

  That what I love to hear.


  “Come on baby, cum for Daddy.”


  After her fifth orgasm, my body finally gave out and I came against her. That made her cum again, and she leaned forward on the sink. She looked into the mirror and smiled.


  “I bet you never had it like that, have you?’

  She giggled. “Hell no. It was fun, nonetheless.”

  “It definitely was. Keep being with me and you can experience that all the time.”

  Kia turned around and smiled. “How do you know if I will?”

  “At first I didn’t but, after what just happened, I think that things have changed. You found me even when you wasn’t even looking. That means something.”

  “I guess it does.”

  “You want to get out of here. Maybe go back to my place.”

  Kia smiled. “Yeah, I would like that.”

  We cleaned ourselves up before leaving out of the restroom. Surprisingly, no one was around when we walked out. Kia slowly reached out and took my hand into hers and smiled.

  “I’m sure you haven’t done this in awhile, have you?”

  I chuckled. “I honestly haven’t.”

  We walked towards the front of the bar and I paid for our drinks before leaving. Kia was right; I hadn’t held hands with a woman in a while. Hell, I hadn’t done a lot of things that I had done in a short time with Kia. Maybe Kia was changing me more than I realized.

  Once we got to my place, we couldn’t keep our hands off each other as we had sex in several areas, including the living room and the kitchen. We ended up in the bedroom, sparred out on the bed, eating strawberries and whipped cream that Kia found in the fridge. We got to know each other and our likes, dislikes, favorite memories, and our childhood. Although I never talked about my childhood to anyone, it felt good telling Kia about it. Maybe that’s something I needed to do instead of keeping all of that shit in.

  After Kia fell asleep, I went to the window again to stare at the sky. I took a deep breath, wishing I knew what to do about everything. From Melissa to my feelings about Kia, everything was coming to me so quickly. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and clicked on Karla’s number. She quickly answered, wondering what I wanted.

  “I need you to do a favor for me, if you’re interested.”

  “What’s in it for me?”

  “I’ll think of something. But, are you in or not?”

  “Tell me what you need.”

  I gave Karla the details to my plan and told her that I’d talk to her later. We ended the call and I put my phone back on the nightstand. I stared at Kia, looking beautiful and a bit at peace. I didn’t know what was happening between us but, to some degree, it’s changing the both of us.



  I was still amazed by what happened between Cane and I. One minute, I was confused on my feelings for him and, the next, I was getting pounded by him in the women’s restroom. I was always attracted to him, so that wasn’t the problem; it was just me wondering if I should go down the friends with benefits route with him. I had never done that before but, for the short time I had been around him, things had been wonderful. Maybe this was the distraction I needed from the craziness that had been going in my life. But, what if I wanted more from him? I know that’s something he couldn’t give me, especially since he didn’t want a committed relationship. He just wanted to have fun, nothing more. So, I probably shouldn’t get my hopes up on establishing something more than just sex between us.

  It was two weeks later and it was close to Christmas, as the club was getting ready for its annual Christmas event. Karla and I had done some last minute changes, making the event a bit more festive.

  While planning the event, I was starting to get into the Christmas spirit, which was something I hadn’t felt like doing in a long time. The last Christmas I did feel happy on was when my mom was alive. Maybe Cane had something to do with me being happy as well. Since our last encounter, we had been inseparable. I’d been at his place since then and he even suggested for me to stay there for a little while, but I told him I’d be getting my own place soon. I still wanted to have my independence, so looking for a place was still top on my priority list.

  As for Karla, she was a bit annoyed when she found out that Cane and I were seeing each other, but she admitted that she had seen a change in Cane since I’d came into his life. I was surprised but a little happy to know that because he made a change in me too. But, she did tell Cane if he hurt me, she would kick his ass. That’s if I didn’t get to him first.

  With Karla and I working throughout the day decorating the club and helping the staff with the food and drinks, we were ready for the event to kick off. Although it was a Christmas theme, we decided to go a little naughty by having an adult pajama party. The idea came after the sleepover I had with Cane. The weather supposed to be a very cold night with a possibility of snow in the forecast, so hopefully people would want to come out. I know for me, when it’s cold, I would want to stay at home and cuddle up on the couch, so hopefully no one didn’t have that same idea in mind.

  I looked around the club, feeling proud of the work Karla and I had done, but also a bit unfulfilled. Since working at Visions, I had a lot of fun mixing drinks and interacting with new people, but a part of me did miss being in the medical field. I missed tending to patients and being helpful to people. I didn’t know if I would want to go back to pursing nursing, but I think I wanted to do something within the field.

  I was fixing the ornaments on the Christmas tree near the corner when Karla called my name. I looked to her as she handed me a box.

  “Why you’re handing me a box?”

  “Because I need for you to go to the cellar to get some more champagne. You know we’re going to have VIP coming through tonight.”

  “I’m sure. That mean I have to walk outside though.”

  Karla smirked. “That’s where the cellar is at. Just do it quickly; you won’t feel the cold.”

  I gave Karla a smirk back as I snatched the box from her. She giggled and walked over to the bar.

  “You could had went.”

  “I’m busy,” she answered and laughed.

  I went to go get my winter coat from behind the counter to cover my Christmas pajamas, put on my beanie and headed outside. As soon as I opened the door, the cold air nearly knocked me off balance. I quickly had to hold onto the door, cursing Karla for sending me out here. I hated cold weather, so of course winter was a season that I could forget about.

  I walked across the parking lot, wondering why the hell the cellar was separate from the club, when I suddenly stopped. I glanced at the scene in front of me, completely in awe over how breathtaking it looked.


  I walked closer, stepping into a winter wonderland as multicolored lights twinkled throughout the trees centered near the small field near the cellar. A colorful light fixture of Santa on his sled was near the center as sheets of fake snow was drenched throughout the field. A tiny sled was also placed near the back between two giant candy canes. But what really surprised me was the snow that was suddenly falling from the sky. I knew it was from a machine, but it was still beautiful.

  I looked around the area, wondering why was this setup, especially since the
giant snow field was in the front of the club. I looked to the side of me, seeing Cane come out near the cellar, wearing a pair of green pajamas, a Santa hat, and was carrying a giant candy cane. I took one look at Cane and started laughing. Despite him looking silly, he was still sexy as hell.

  “What is all of this?” I asked.

  Cane came up to me and handed me the candy cane. “I wanted to surprise you. You like it?”

  “Of course, but how did you pull this off? Never mind, Karla.”

  “Bingo. I had her set all of this up while you were working earlier.”

  I smiled. “This is really sweet. Thank you.”

  Cane smiled. “I remembered when we talked that you don’t like a lot of snow, but you loved to see it fall. When you told me the time it snowed in Houston and you and your mom went outside…”

  “And grabbed the little bit of snow that was on the ground and started a small snow fight. I still think about that day,” I said. After our various sex sessions two weeks ago, we did talk about our childhood and I mentioned to Cane about that moment. I was 10 during that time and I had so much fun with my mom that day. It still remained with me because that was one of the rare moments that I had with her.

  “I know it’s not real snow, but-”

  “It’s perfect, Cane. Thank you.”

  “You really like it?”

  “I love it. It even comes with my own personal Santa, which I admit is pretty sexy.”

  “That was the plan,” Cane said as he put me in his arms.

  “Aren’t you cold though?”

  “I was hoping you could warm me up.”

  “You don’t need me to do that. From what I can tell, you’re pretty hot.”

  “Cheesy much?”

  I laughed. “Whatever.”

  I picked up some fake snow and rolled it into a ball. I threw it at Cane, hitting him on the shoulder.

  “What was that for?”

  “For calling me cheesy.”

  “Oh, so we’re going there?”

  “Oh, yes, we are.”

  Cane laughed as he picked up some snow as well. His ball landed on my leg, which made me laugh even harder.

  “That’s the best you can do?”

  “Trust me, I can do better.”

  “Bring it then.”

  Before I knew it, we were having a snowball fight as fake snow was flying everywhere. Cane began chasing me as he tried to throw one at me. I ducked and it landed near the cellar door. We continued playing when Cane playfully grabbed my hips. I yelped as we both fell into the snow. I stopped laughing as I looked into Cane’s eyes. They didn’t look like they did when we first met, which were flirty and cocky; instead, they were sincere and loving. He really had started to change before me, which made me wonder if he was having the same feelings for me as I was for him. I knew it’s too soon to tell, but I had quickly fallen for him. I hated that I had, but I couldn’t deny my feelings anymore.

  “There’s something I need to tell you,” I whispered.

  “You can tell me anything.”

  “Cane, I-”

  “I thought the party was inside, not out here.”

  We looked over to see Lillian staring at us with an annoyed grin.

  “What are you doing out here, Lillian? This area is off limits.”

  “For your bar whore.”

  “I’m not going to let you talk about Kia like that,” Cane said. He jumped up and went to Lillian, but I stopped him.

  “Let me.”

  I went over to Lillian, ready for this moment.

  “Don’t you have anything better to do than bother someone that doesn’t want you?”

  “I wasn’t even talking to you, so you need to move along.”

  “No, you need to and leave my man alone.”

  I quickly glanced at Cane, who looked surprised by my announcement. I stared at Lillian, who was definitely shocked.

  “So, it is true. Wow. What makes you any different than me or any other woman that he comes across? Not a damn thing. Watch and see.”

  “Just go, Lillian. There’s nothing more to talk about.”

  Lillian gave an evil glance at the two of us. She stared at Cane before speaking. “You don’t want her or anyone else because you’re miserable. You don’t know what to do with a relationship. You’re just like your mother and you know how she is as a person.”

  She walked off, thinking the conversation was done, but it definitely wasn’t. I knew Cane wasn’t going to put his hands on a woman, but I definitely would. I grabbed her by her hair, swinging back to face me as I decked the hell out of her. She landed into the snow, clutching the side of her face.

  Cane was speechless as he watched Lillian doubled over in pain. She got up, throwing draggers at me. I was about to hit her again when Cane pulled me away from her.

  “You black…”

  She wasn’t going to finish that sentence because I hit her again, making her fall back down on the ground. She wasn’t going to call me out of my name. No one was.

  “Whoa! What the hell is going on out here?” Karla asked. She and Tony, one of the bouncers, ran outside. Lillian was trying to come for me again when Tony grabbed her.

  “This bitch just assaulted me! That’s what!” Lillian yelled.

  “Lillian, that’s enough!” Cane yelled.

  “I’m calling the police! She assaulted me!”

  “Probably for good reason,” Karla said. “Now, you need to get your ass out of here now before we have you arrested for trespassing.”


  “Yes, I said it. I already reported to the police that you’re stalking the owner. Now what?”

  Lillian looked at Cane, who shrugged. “You heard her. Go. Now!”


  “I have an officer on speed dial. If you don’t leave in the next five second, he will be arriving soon,” Karla continued.

  “You heard them. Leave,” Tony said.

  Lillian stared at us as she tried to come for me again. I shoved her, causing her to lose her balance. Dumb bitch. Tony grabbed her and took her towards the front of the building. I stared at Cane and Lillian, truly embarrassed by the altercation.

  “I’m truly sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize, Kia. She was asking for it. There were times when I wanted to kick her ass down a flight of stairs,” Karla said. She looked at Cane and shook her head. That’s why I said don’t be messing with these crazy ass females. No offense, Kia.”

  “None taken.”

  “I’m really sorry, Kia. She had no reason to be like that to you. I would have handled her…”

  “I know, Cane.”

  “Wow, that woman had the nerve to say what she said…”

  “Cane, it’s fine. I think we can all say that I handled her. But do you really have a trespassing order on her?” I asked.

  Karla shook her head. “But we can get one, if Cane says the word.”

  “Do what you need to do,” Cane mumbled.

  I looked at him, seeing his mood shift. I stared into his eyes, seeing them turned from sincere to cold. “Cane, don’t let what she said get to you.”

  “I’m not, I just have a lot going on right now. Can you cover the event tonight? I forgot I need to do something,” he said to Karla.

  “What? What the hell is so important now?” she asked.

  “Just handle the event. I have to go,” he said. He didn’t even look in my direction as he walked back into the club. I looked at Karla, who sighed.

  “What the hell was that?” I asked.

  Karla took a deep breath. “That is Cane going back to his ‘I don’t care’ mood. That bitch pissed him off, so he’s shutting himself down.”

  “Will he be okay?”

  Karla shrugged. “Honestly, I haven’t seen him act the way he does with you. I have seen a complete 180 with him in the last few weeks. I think what she said hit home for him. I think he’s actually scared about how he feels about you and that he’s going
to hurt you.”

  I stared at the club building, understanding his feelings. “Is it okay if I step out for a few minutes? I have an idea where Cane is going.”

  “Really? Not you too. This event is bigger than the previous ones, so I need a lot of hands on deck.”

  “And I’ll be back in time. Just hold down the fort for a few minutes.”

  “Alright, boss. But, get back here quickly.”

  I nodded as I went towards the building. I stopped to turn around.

  “Thanks, Karla. For everything.”

  She nodded. “Why are you still standing there? Go get your man.”

  I smiled and went inside. I needed to find Cane and talk to him. If we’re going to make this work between us, we had to go all in. Now, I needed to convince Cane of the same.



  Things did not go as expected with my night with Kia. We were supposed to have a fun night and an even better late night after the event, but honestly, Lillian messed all that up. It wasn’t her presence, but it was what she said that made things all fucked up. The past few weeks had been great with Kia, but I really didn’t know where my feelings for her stand. She’s a wonderful woman, and I wanted to see where things would go, but what Lillian said was true. I really did think I’d hurt her, mainly because I was like Melissa.

  While she left her kids behind without a second thought, I did the same thing with women because I didn’t want to get too close to them. Kia was the first woman in a long time who I was able to get close to, that’s why I didn’t know how I’d be if the two of us did get into a full-blown relationship. Or if we ended things. I was not afraid to admit that I wouldn’t be able to handle it.

  I needed some time to think, so I drove to my favorite spot, put on my hiking shoes, and went to stare at the city. Even though it was getting colder, I didn’t mind the breeze. I needed it to calm myself and the events that took place earlier.

  I looked at the clear sky and the stars aligned brightly in the sky. I sighed, not knowing if I wanted to go back to the club, when I heard someone groaning. I looked behind me, surprised to see Kia walking up the trail.


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