A Whole New Me
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Azalea had the nightmare again for a whole week without an added addition. Dez took advantage of her having a phone and she called her every night. Azalea visited Lea now every day after school; they do homework and talk about norm. Azalea hasn’t had to report anything to Jaiden since their last talk so he was back to his goofy, flirty, detention having self.
Lea and Dorian are official and Azalea gave Lea some much needed space every now and then so that they can spend more time with each other without her. Mialynn and Azalea have been spending every ounce of their time on Saturdays shopping and gawking at cute boys but Azalea hasn’t seen or heard from her at all this week.
Stacie-Ann tried to explain to Azalea that her comment about the costume party was a joke and that she’d really like for her to come. As hard as that must have been for her to say Azalea still refused. Azalea and Llorel still treat each other as if they are unaware if each other’s existence, but she had to admit it’s been kind of hard for her to pretend that he’s not here when she constantly feels his presence around her.
Rose actually invited Azalea to her house for Halloween and Azalea laughed at the thought of it, she would never go back there especially not on Halloween day. Speaking of, today just so happened to be Halloween and Azalea had decided to just skip school and stay home. No scary movies for her she wasn’t sure that her heart would be able to take them t, especially since she was living by herself, ever since Trey officially moved in with his girlfriend Natasha. He assured her that she would be fine living by herself and that she would be 18 in no time. Her Birthday is rolling around the corner but she was not looking forward to it.