A Whole New Me
Page 11
Chapter 9
The room was a ray of colors. There was a master bed room to the left of the living room. Azalea walked into the bedroom. There were two doors in which you could use to enter the room. One door leads you to the living room and the other leads you straight into the bedroom. The walls of the bedroom where an off white cream color with a gold back wall opposite the wall behind the bed. There’s a bathroom in both rooms. The bathroom in the bedroom is beyond gorgeous. The walls were the same color as the bedroom. Everything looked beyond expensive. The bathroom in the lounge only had a toilet and sink but it was still gorgeous.
“I need to go talk to Dylinn so you can take a shower and change before I come back.” Azalea had almost forgotten that Llorel was even here with her, what a way to put a damper on things. I hope he doesn’t expect me to jump to his every command ‘cause that aint gonna go down easy with me, she thought to herself but out loud said, “How am I gonna change we have no luggage?”
“These rooms have been prepared for our visit, there are clothes in the closet pick something,” he said before leaving the room. Azalea really didn't appreciate his attitude toward her what she had said didn’t deserve all the mean comments and ignoring that he’s been doing lately. Besides, who the freak is Dylinn?
Azalea walked over toward the first closet and it was filled with dresses and heels. The last time she wore a gown and heels was her 8th graduation and her prom and they were also the years that she had ever expected to wear one again. She went through the first drawer and they were filled with undergarments but the other 4 were filled with jeans and blouses more her style. She pulled out some red skinny jeans with silver studs running up the leg and paired it with a white fitted T shirt with cut outs running up the sides. She walked into the shower and stood there for 20 minutes letting the steam engulf her. When she was done she came out smelling like her favorite shampoo and body lotion. After she got dressed she sat in front of the vanity and looked at the many arrangements of make-up. She then went with a simple but bold smoky eye and nude lip stick. She blow dried her hair and threw the wave of curls into a ponytail. When she walked back toward the closet all there was were heels, she’s not a dressy kind of girl so she threw on some boots. She always did like having a trusty pair of boots and since all of the other boots had heels she had chosen a pair of brown ones with the smallest heel.
Azalea looked through the stand on the side of the bed and there was a jewelry box inside. She loved jewelry and it had an assortment of jewelry inside. She put on some earrings, she didn’t have to put on anything else because she kept her necklace, belly button piercing and rings on at all times she never removed them and she just so happened to have kept her tongue piercing in the night before. It didn’t occur to her until she was done getting dressed that she looked rather dressy.
There were a couple of notebooks and school books in the same drawer she had found the jewelry. The moment she saw the notebook she opened it and tried to record everything that she had in the one at home and more, so much more.
Azalea put the jewelry box back into the nightstand and cuddled up with her new notebook, she had so much to tell and so much more to hear apparently.
About a half an hour later there was a knock at the door.
“Ms. Green?”
I really hope they stop calling me that, she thought before she answered with, “It’s open.” The man Llorel referred to as Master Williams appeared in her doorway. She still couldn’t believe he was so young. What does he own this place?
“You clean up nice,” he said from the door frame.
“Thanks,” she said swinging her legs toward the ground and placing the notebook back into the nightstand drawer.
“Ms. Green do you mind if I come in?”
“It’s Azalea and no I don’t mind.”
“Ok Azalea can we talk in the lounge?” Azalea didn’t know what was going on but he was cute and decided that she’d go just about anywhere with him (being single for nearly eighteen years will make you feel that way).
They walked into the lounge and sat on the couch.
“Ok well you’re probably wondering what’s going on.”
“Yea kind of, are you going to tell me?”
“I’ll try” he laughed. What was so funny? I found nothing funny about this.
“Explain please,” she asked after he hadn’t said anything for a while.
“Aww straight down to business I see, ok well obviously this isn’t something easy to explain, and it all depends on how much you already know. Do you know these people?” He handed her a folded photo from his pocket. Azalea opened it up and she immediately got cold feet.
“I don’t know these people; no but I dreamed about them on my way here.”
“Ok well that’s a start.”
“Umm…” she said pausing and trying to remember his name, she only knew him by Master Williams and she felt extremely uncomfortable calling him that. “Umm is she really a vampire?” she asked pointing at the picture rather hesitantly hoping to God that he wouldn’t laugh in her face for asking such a ridiculous question.
“Yes Azalea she is, did your dream give you that assumption?” She shook her head slightly not sure how she felt exactly by having him confirm that the woman was indeed something that shouldn't even exist. “Do you know anything about this man?”
“No not really I know his name and the fact that he spends an unhealthy amount of time looking in the mirror.” He laughed at her again. Was I really being funny and I just didn’t know it?
“Well Azalea that’s pretty much all there is to know about him. How about you tell me what happened in your dream.” She really didn’t want to, but if she ever wanted answers then she knew that she would have to cooperate.
“Nothing really happened that I truly understood but that man, Narcissus is what they called him, was in the mirror then someone interrupted him and told him that somebody they referred to as Mrs. Gold had wanted him, and I’m guessing that’s her,” she said pointing to the female in the photo she was holding. “She told Narcissus that she was pregnant and he said that it wasn’t possible. Then she whispered that it shouldn’t be but it was, and that’s when I saw that she had fangs and then I woke up,” she said feeling ridiculous as she said it wondering if he thought she was just as crazy as she sounded.
“Well it looks like this is going to be as hard as Llorel said it was going to be,” he said, not exactly the words she was expecting.
“Umm excuse me… Master Williams…”
“Oh how impolite of me, my name is Dylinn,” he said with a smile.
“Dylinn, where’s Llorel?”
“Oh well he had to take care of some things so I had thought I’d help him and get you up to speed.” Azalea shook her head in understanding. He took in a deep breath obviously ready to get back to the topic at hand.
“Ok Azalea well let me start off by saying if you hadn’t scared yourself awake it just might have saved you from hearing all of this.”
“I didn’t scare myself awake I thrive on energy of all kinds, I don’t scare easily.”
“Well then this shouldn’t scare you when I say these people in the photo… these people are your parents, and this female by the name of Marigold was pregnant with you during your dream.” Azalea had waited so long for someone to come up and to tell her who her parents were and that they had found them searching for her, this was not the way she was supposed to hear it and it wasn’t supposed to happen like this. Don’t cry Azalea, don’t cry. You can do this.
“OK,” she said, showing no signs that she was barely holding it together.
“Back in their time there were wars, a whole hell of a lot of them. It was always vampires and humans but then elementals like your father joined the war because vampires like your mother wanted to be able to walk earth without having to pretend to be something they are not, but the elementals and humans don’t really agree with this they feel as
though it’s not a good idea, well no shit right?” He continued once he’d realized that she wasn’t about to answer him. “Anyways, your mother felt as though she had the upper hand in this war as frequently as she created vampires. But keep in mind it took time to create a vampire; as a matter of fact it took as much time as birthing a baby would. They would have to be concealed for a little over a year so that their thirst would make them monsters because they have been without blood for so long. Your mother made her pregnancy seem as though it wasn’t planned, but it was. It was very well planned. Your mother knew exactly what she was doing.”
“And what exactly was that?” she asked trying to bite back some of her anger.
“Your mother was trying to fulfill a prophecy. Only a child made up of both opposing sides can settle the disagreement. You are that child.”
“Well that was dumb on her part what makes her think that I will side with her and her monsters so they can destroy humans even more than they are now?”
“Well that’s where you and Llorel come in. You are the very first of your kind there has never been a half vampire half elemental ever made in history, but you show the signs of an elemental, no signs of a vampire and your mother knows that and the imprint with Llorel has made the elemental part of you stronger in so many ways.”
“Stop! I can’t. This has me so confused right now; I played along for as long as I can stand it.”
“How do you feel?”
What kind of freakin question is that? She thought to herself even though she answers it. “Angry. I feel like some mother flipping guinea pig. I feel stupid for thinking she had me because she wanted me, when in reality she had me so that she could be the monster that she is… She never wanted me.” I need to take a break in order for this anger building in me to simmer down. “I’m sorry I’m pretty sure you probably have a heck of a lot more to say but I can’t hear it right now.”
“Llorel was certain that you’d have questions.”
“Oh I do, but… I can’t, I don’t want to be bothered with this… with this… this shit anymore,” she bit out in disgust.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to get you upset I think I’ve brought out the worst in you.”
“It’s not you, I swear I’m not normally like this and I try my hardest not to swear, I might have had a minor problem in the past so I’ve been told… its just hard for me to hold my tongue is all.”
“Aye don’t punish yourself about it, it needed to be said. If you want to finish this conversation I’m right down the hall.”
“Thanks Dylinn I really appreciate it.”
“Don’t mention it just do me a favor and think about what I said.” Dylinn started to make his way toward the door but as much as she wanted to drop the conversation she just couldn’t, not yet anyway she just had way too many questions and she couldn’t bite her tongue on them all. But she has no true plausible explanation as to why this was the question that she had decided to ask.
“Dylinn,” she called. “Is Llorel helping me or...is he helping himself? I know that we’re imprinted and I’m kind of dying to know how but imprints can be broken.”
He laughed at her...again. “At of all of the questions,” he said shaking his head in disbelief, she almost joined him.
“I know I asked myself the same thing.”
“Well Azalea that’s a question that—”
“Only Llorel can answer, I figured that be the answer I’d get,” she said cutting him off.
“You’re smart Azalea I’m pretty sure you’ll figure it out,” he said as he exited through the door. I think I’ll take my chances with time, I doubt even if I asked Llorel wouldn’t actually tell me. Boy do I have a heck of a lot to add to my notebook.
Azalea made her way over toward the nightstand and pulled out her notebook. She sat at the end of her bed and wrote until her hand cramped. This was way too much for her brain to process. She went from a semi-normal teen who may or may not have some kind of “inhuman ability” now she’s pretty much nowhere near normal, She couldn’t even try to hang on to normal any more. Her life has been thrown for a loop.