Matters of the Heart

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Matters of the Heart Page 16

by Catherine Maiorisi

  “I’ll have to think about it.” But she had already made up her mind. She stood to leave the room. “Did you plan this?”

  “Um, yes.” She blew up, trying to get the hair out of her eyes.

  Andrea leaned over and brushed the hair off her face. “You are a devious woman.”

  “You know you look a little tired yourself. Want to take a nap with me, test it out?”

  “You’re pushing it now. I planned to nap in the other room with the door open so I could hear you.”

  “The other side of the bed is so far away you might just as well be in the other room. Come on. You can even leave all your clothes on.”

  Andrea kicked off her sandals and crawled onto the bed, her back to Darcy so Darcy couldn’t see the smile on her face.

  An hour later Andrea woke and tiptoed into the living room, leaving the door ajar so she could hear Darcy and look in on her to be sure she was okay. When Francine peeked in forty-five minutes later, Andrea put her finger to her lips to signal her to be quiet.

  Francine sat close to Andrea and whispered. “So what’s the plan? I figured out a little while ago that everybody has a bedroom but you.”

  “Devious Darcy at work. She’s convinced me to sleep in her bed.”

  “You don’t look too broken up about that. But what about me, I mean my shift, if you’re there in bed with her?”

  “You and Jennifer are to relax and enjoy yourselves. I’ll need you to help move her in and out of the wheelchair and maybe stay with her if I decide to run on the beach, but otherwise I’ll handle her.”

  “That’s not fair. Why should you do it all? I’m getting paid to take care of her.”

  “She wants it this way, Francine, and I’m fine with it. Now that she sleeps through the night, she just needs someone with her if she has a problem. And I’ll be right there.”

  “Wowzer, wait until Jennifer hears she has me for the weekend. Darcy is so generous. And, you’re wonderful. You make a great couple. When are you going—”

  “Hey what’s all that whispering out there? I need a bedpan, then I want to get up. Surely, there’s someone available to help me out.”

  Francine and Andrea exchanged a look. “We’re coming,” they said, in unison, then burst out laughing.

  “You won’t be laughing if you don’t come right in here with that bedpan.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Sitting on the deck facing the ocean, waiting for their guests to arrive, Darcy talked nonstop. Finally, Andrea took Darcy’s hand and rubbed it gently. “Slow down, sweetie, take a deep breath and try to relax. Your heart’s working overtime with all the adrenaline you’re pumping.”

  “Well, my lovely doctor, let me remind you that stroking my hand does not slow my heart down. Maybe if you just held it.”

  They heard shouting from the kitchen. “Okay, where is she?”

  “Tori is here,” they said simultaneously.

  “We need to drink a toast.” Tori dashed out to the deck with a bottle of champagne. Francine and Elle and Jennifer followed bearing glasses. Tori kissed Darcy and Andrea. “Here we go.” She pointed the bottle toward the other side of the deck, popped the cork, then filled the glasses.

  Darcy was able to hold the glass in her right hand, but the wine sloshed over her hand when she tried to lift it. “Doctor, help.”

  Andrea grasped Darcy’s hand with the glass and raised it.

  “To friends.” Darcy’s voice broke. “And a fun-filled weekend.” Andrea moved Darcy’s hand with the glass to her mouth. They all drank. “Where are the others?”

  “On the next ferry. Elle and I are the A team so we’re responsible for dinner tonight. We’d appreciate your help Francine and Jennifer, but Darcy and the lovely Andrea are excused. Oh, I love that shade of pink, Andrea.”

  The four cooks trooped out to the kitchen, leaving Andrea and Darcy alone. “So what’s for dinner tonight, my blushing doctor?”

  Andrea looked out at the ocean. “Tori said something about tofu.”

  “Is she grilling it? I can smell charcoal.”

  “We didn’t discuss the specifics of each dish, just the ingredients.”

  Elle appeared on the deck with a tray of hors d’oeuvres and two glasses of sparkling water. “Compliments of the chef.” She pointed to the tray. “Shaved Parmesan cheese on thinly sliced fennel, grape tomatoes stuffed with goat cheese, bacon-wrapped dates, bruschetta with roasted red pepper and pine nuts, bruschetta with spicy tomato salad and grilled lemon tarragon shrimp on lettuce leaves.”

  “Thanks Elle. Why only two dates, and, I hate to be a grouch, but where’s the wine?”

  “Tori said the dates are just for tasting. And you can have wine with dinner.”

  “These hors d’oeuvres look too damn healthy. I knew I shouldn’t have let you talk directly to Tori. You’ve been brainwashing her, haven’t you, my lovely doctor?”

  Elle smiled and walked away.

  “You have to pace yourself, go easy on the wine and the fatty foods. I’d really rather not be catching vomit all night.”

  “Some caretaker you are. Would you feed me my bacon-wrapped date, please?”

  Andrea moved the date toward Darcy’s mouth, then pulled it away at the last minute.

  “Hey, behave yourself.”

  “Don’t abuse the hand that feeds you, my dear.” She teased Darcy’s lips with the date, then popped it into her mouth.

  Darcy groaned. “Oh, lord, that’s almost better than sex. Remember, I said ‘almost.’”

  “Did I hear somebody mention sex?” Tori ran out to the deck with the tongs in her hand. “The girls just got in. They went upstairs to unpack and wash up. Dinner will be ready in about forty-five minutes. Go easy on the appetizers.”

  Andrea bumped Darcy’s shoulder with hers. “See. Just what I said.”

  They sat in companionable silence watching the thundering waves roll in and breathing in the briny smell. From time to time Andrea fed Darcy an hors d’oeuvre and ate one herself.

  “Why am I always surprised that healthy food tastes good? These hors d’oeuvres are delicious, even the ones that don’t have bacon wrapped around them. I smell steak. Is Tori cooking steak?”

  She and Tori had discussed the menu for the weekend, striving for a balance between foods that were usually off limits for Darcy, and tasty healthy options. Tonight was the big treat. “Maybe for them. I specifically requested tofu for you and me.”

  Darcy was outraged. “You mean I’m going to have to watch them eat steak, while I eat tofu?”

  Andrea shrugged. “It’s for your own good.”

  She sniffed. “It smells great. You are one mean bitch.”

  Maya walked onto the deck, greeted them each with a kiss, then did a soft shoe and sang the invitation to dinner. “Okay, ladies, tofu is coming off the grill, food is on the table. Come and eat.”

  Andrea released the brakes on the wheelchair, then started moving toward the dining room…“Just leave me here,” Darcy moaned. “At least I can enjoy the smell of the steak.”

  “You have to eat.” Andrea pushed her into the dining room. “Come on, at least try it.”

  The other new arrivals greeted Darcy and Andrea as they entered. Andrea parked the wheelchair at the head of the table and took the chair next to it. Darcy’s eyes got huge as Elle served them. Each dish held a small darkly crusted steak, a baked potato and a pile of broccoli di rape.

  “I knew Tori wouldn’t make me eat tofu.”

  Andrea grinned. “Be honest now. You believed she was cooking tofu for you and me.”

  “Yes, but I knew the wicked doctor must have cast a spell on her.”

  Andrea cut Darcy a bite of steak and fed it to her. She chewed slowly, moaning softly. Andrea leaned close and spoke into her ear. “This is a special treat for a special occasion. Tomorrow we go back to healthy.”

  “Yes, my dear, anything you say, just feed me more steak.”

  Andrea took a bite of steak. “Tori, thi
s is delicious. You are a fabulous cook.”

  Tori looked at Darcy. “Doesn’t she know?”

  Andrea was puzzled. “Know what?”

  “Elle and I and Darcy own a restaurant. I’m the chef, Elle is the hostess and business manager, and Darcy—”

  “Is the official taster. More steak, please, Doctor. Don’t get distracted while you’re feeding your best patient.”

  “Sorry.” She cut another piece of steak and put it in Darcy’s mouth. “What’s it called?”

  “Café Bonasola.”

  “That’s one of my favorite restaurants. How did you get away for the weekend?”

  “Summer weekends are slow with everybody out of town, so we leave our staff in charge.” Elle smiled. “Glad you like it.”

  Andrea hadn’t given a minute’s thought to what these women did for a living, now she was curious. “So what does everybody else do? Let’s go around the table.”

  “Private duty nurse,” Francine said.

  Jennifer hesitated. “Physical therapist but I just quit my job.”

  Beth was next. “Why?”

  “They wanted me to handle four patients an hour which means you can’t give any patient adequate time. I’ve been looking but at my salary a lot of places are mills, like the place I quit.”

  Beth nodded. “I’m a personal trainer. I have my own gym and trainers working for me.”

  Beth was the bubbly outgoing one in her relationship with Gina. Andrea had wondered at her high energy and impressively muscled arms. Now she understood.

  Beth addressed Jennifer. “You should start a therapy practice, so you can do it the way you think it should be done. If you’re interested, we could talk over the weekend.”

  Jennifer grinned. “That would be great. Thanks.”

  Andrea watched Tori and Darcy exchange a look. She wondered if Darcy had financed Beth’s business as well as Tori’s and Lucia’s.

  Gina cleared her throat. “I’m Senior Vice President for Engineering at IBM.”

  Andrea glanced at Darcy. She was a different woman surrounded by her friends, sweet and kind and even-tempered. The pride and love on her face was adorable. Wait. Had she just used the word adorable in reference to Darcy?

  “I hope you’re thinking about how to improve this wheelchair, Gina?”

  Gina laughed. “Not my kind of engineering but maybe I can work with Beth and Jennifer to come up with a better design for you, Darce. Think about your wish list.”

  “Got that all ready, Gina. Legs that work.”

  Gina pretended to scratch her head. “Not so easy, but we’ll work on it after we’ve had a little more wine.” She turned to Maya. “Next.”

  Maya waited for the laughter to die down. “I’m Vice President of Marketing for J. T. Marks. We deal in fine leather goods, clothes, luggage, etc. So if you need a fine leather whip to keep your patient in line, Doctor, just let me know.”

  Renee finished chewing before she spoke. “I’m a senior partner in Millford, Cooper and Anderson, Management Consulting.” Her voice was deep and although she would never be taken for a man, handsome and sexy, was the best way to describe her. She smiled. “It’s nice to be here with you again, Darce.”

  Darcy blew her a kiss. “I’m glad you could make it, Renee. But no date?”

  Renee smirked. “Even God rested, Darce.”

  Everyone laughed.

  “I’m on Wall Street, an investment analyst.” Monica sipped her wine.

  “I work with clothes.” Lucia blushed. “Actually, I’m a designer with my own clothing line. And I just got invited into Saks.”

  Everyone cheered.

  “Thanks.” Lucia pointed to Darcy. “Darcy’s wearing another one of mine today.” She smiled shyly.

  “My favorite designer. What a powerhouse group.” Darcy smiled at her friends. “But be that as it may, I want my dessert.”

  Andrea tried to picture each of these women with Darcy. Some like Tori, Gina and Renee she could imagine too well for her liking; others didn’t seem to fit at all. But based on Tori’s story of getting involved with Darcy, it was clear that Darcy appreciated intelligence above looks, and intelligence was something they all shared, as well as kindness, caring and good humor. Darcy had done well in picking her family.

  Tori provided a tiny cookie with ice cream and fresh fruit, which like the rest of the dinner was delicious. After everyone had finished, the cleanup team jumped up to clear the table and clean the kitchen, while the A team relaxed with an after-dinner brandy. Darcy and Andrea passed.

  The cleanup crew drifted back one by one as they completed their tasks and the storytelling and the teasing and the laughter started. Andrea noted that Francine and Jennifer felt comfortable enough to join in. Darcy was in her element and presided like the grand dame of the evening, all attention on her. Andrea could see why she loved these friends. They were easy, they were giving, they were unpretentious and they were playful. Just like her.

  She glanced at her watch. Almost eleven. Darcy put her hand on Andrea’s thigh. “In a little while. I’m still okay.”

  Andrea nodded. Darcy’s hand warmed her thigh, then the warmth seeped through her body. She curtailed the impulse to cover Darcy’s hand with her own and focused on the conversation.

  Maya was in the middle of an hysterical story about an Olivia cruise she’d taken over the winter when Tori bolted upright and stared over the heads of the women sitting opposite her.

  Maya stopped talking and followed Tori’s gaze to where Candace stood swaying.

  “Well, how ’bout that? All my friends together havin’ a great ol’ time, but they forgot to invite me.” Her speech slurred, her makeup smeared, her hair wild, her clothes wrinkled and dirty, Candace was a far cry from her usual, neatly pulled-together self. She was clearly drunk and had been for a while.

  “Yes, Candace, just like you forgot to tell us about Darcy’s accident.” Rage underscored Tori’s words.

  “Darcy doesn’t need any of you.” She stumbled toward Darcy, steadied herself, then drank from the almost empty bottle of scotch she was carrying. “When Gloria told me Darcy was coming, I could hardly believe it, all broken like she is. But here she is, havin’ a grand time without a thought for Candace. As usual.” She swayed. “I figured that bitch of a doctor she thinks she loves was behind it, and sure enough, there she is sitting at the right hand of the goddess. Ya know, Darcy, I found you a cheaper doctor so you can ditch her. I mean I’m the one who loves you, the only one who truly loves you.”

  No one said anything.

  “Didn’t you ever wonder why a ’mergency room doctor was available to come and take care of you? It’s because she’s probably not a real doctor anymore. After all, can you still be a doctor when you just stand and watch your lover die? No wait, did she kill her? I can’t remember.”

  Andrea spoke softly to Darcy. “I won’t listen to this. Francine can bring you in when you’re ready.” She stood and walked out of the room.

  Darcy’s voice was low and hard. “How dare you come here drunk again and attack me and my guest? Listen carefully, Candace. We will never be lovers. And whether or not I love Andrea is none of your damn business. Now take your drunken ass and get out of my house. You disgust me. I don’t want to see your face again until you’re sober and ready to face whatever the hell is going on with you.” She turned to her dumbfounded friends. “Would a couple of you take her back to her house, please? And since I’m sure she’ll conveniently forget all of this, leave a note on her table telling her I want to see her tomorrow, but only if she’s sober.”

  Beth and Gina jumped up, each took an arm and guided Candace out. Darcy took a deep breath. She looked around. “Where did Andrea go?”

  Francine stood. “I think she went to the suite. Should I take you there?”

  “Please, Francine.” She smiled at her friends. “Thank you for a lovely evening. See you in the morning.”

  “Do you want the pres—”

ot tonight, Francine. Hold onto it until tomorrow night.”

  They found Andrea sitting in the middle of the bed against the headboard, her arms wrapped around her knees. The room was dark and quiet except for the rush of the ocean outside.

  “Doctor? Are you okay?” Darcy spoke softly in case Andrea was sleeping.

  “I’m fine.” She rolled off the bed, turned on the bedside lamp, threw the coverlet and sheet back, then smoothed an absorbent pad in place. “Help me get her into bed, Francine, and I’ll take over for the night.” She kept her tone brisk, hoping to sidetrack questions.

  Francine moved to Darcy’s side. “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure.” They lifted her onto the bed.

  Francine left and Andrea began to undress Darcy.

  “Can we talk?”

  “Let me get you ready for bed, then we can talk if you’d like.”

  “I would like.” Darcy watched Andrea’s face as she stripped her, put her on the bedpan, washed her face and brushed her teeth, but her face gave no clue to what Andrea was feeling. Finally, Darcy was ready. “I’d like to sit up, please.”

  “Put your arm over my shoulder.” Andrea pulled her forward and moved pillows behind her, then pulled her up into a sitting position.

  “I’m going to change into pajamas. I’ll be right back.”

  Darcy frowned when Andrea came out of the bathroom. “No cute shorts tonight?”

  “Maybe tomorrow night if you’re good.” She climbed onto the bed, crawled to the middle, and propped herself up on some pillows.

  Joking. A good sign.

  Andrea hugged a pillow to her chest. “Candace was really hurting tonight. I feel bad for her.”

  “I’m really worried. I thought the drinking was a one-time thing but given what Gloria said, it’s been going on for a while. She needs an intervention, maybe even a stay at an alcoholism treatment center. Would you be willing to help her with that, Doctor?”

  “I would, but I may not be the best choice, given how she feels about me. But I know someone, a very good friend of mine, a psychotherapist who could help her. I can call tomorrow to ask if she’s willing to see Candace.”


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