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Together We Stand

Page 8

by JA Lafrance

  Mason put a sneakered foot on the seat of another chair and took another swig of pop from the can. “I wanted to say no, just this once, but she’s my mom, you know?”

  “I get it.” Vicki bit her lip and kept her eyes on her lap, disappointment surging through her veins. At the rate things were going, they would be lucky to start hanging out together by fall. All hopes of asking him out on a real date went the way of the dodo.

  She let out an internal sob, and played with her ring.

  A nudge on her foot made her look up. He smiled sadly when her gaze met his.

  “If mom hadn’t asked me to bubble with her, I would have asked you.” His cheeks flushed pink.

  She blinked several times, trying to grasp what was said. Did he really say he wanted to bubble with her?

  Mason waved a hand in her face. “Earth to Vicki,” he said with a laugh in his voice. His ears were a little red. Was he embarrassed he said that?

  Did he really say that? She shook her head. “I’m sorry, what did you say?” she asked, still stunned.

  He grinned. “You heard me.” Another nudge on her foot with his made her sneaker’s sole squeak on the floor.

  Her gaze met his. “You did not say that.”

  He lifted the can of pop to his lips. “I did not say what?” There was a low snicker behind his words.

  “That you wanted to bubble with me instead of your mom.” She lifted a leg and tapped his shin with her heel. “That’s bull crap, and you know it.”

  Mason shook his head. “I hardly visit Mom. I don’t need to. We’re always talking on the phone.” He put down the pop can and leaned forward in his chair. “I wanted to bubble with you, because I miss our times together. It isn’t the same watching a movie without your snarky comments.”

  She laughed. “I miss your crazy commentary, and your spoilers,” she said with a happy sigh.

  He laughed and their gazes held. Vicki could almost drown in the chocolate depths of his eyes. His face was less than a metre from hers. He was so close that she could feel the warmth of his breath against her face, and she could see the three black specks in his left iris. A faded scar ran through his right eyebrow. It was from a biking accident when he was five; Vicki remembered him explaining it to her. A rock had hit him and sliced open his face. Only the tiny scar remained. Her fingers ached to feel the small imperfection, and the coarse hair of his eyebrow, and more.

  Something brushed her fingers. She glanced down, and saw his hand over hers. Warmth traveled up her arm, into the rest of her body, and focused around her heart. No, this was not happening. Vicki closed her eyes, and pinched herself with her right hand. Her eyes opened, and her gaze landed on her lap.

  His fingers were entwined with hers. Way out of line, and against the law during the state of emergency. She lifted her eyes to his, opened her mouth to caution him, and whatever she was going to say evaporated as his lips captured hers.

  A tornado of emotion swept through her as her eyes closed. Startled, she could only hang on to Mason’s fingers for dear life. His lips touched hers again, and the shock lifted. Elation rushed through her.

  Mason did feel the same way. But why did he tell her now, in the lunch room of all places, instead of waiting until the curve of the pandemic was completely flat, and they were permitted to be together physically?

  The questions faded as he hooked his fingers behind her neck and held her head steady. Vicki snuggled closer, her free hand reaching out and grabbing the front of his shirt. His lips felt amazing. Her world shrunk to the two of them, and time seemed to stop.

  When Mason pulled back, the room was spinning, and teetering on its axis. Thankfully, when she opened her eyes, she could focus on him, and everything felt normal. Or, it was as normal as you could get during a pandemic with social distancing, and two people breaking protocol by making out in their workplace’s lunch room.

  Vicki licked her lips as another bolt of happiness zapped through her. It was all of her fantasies from the last two months wrapped into a single breath.

  A grin split Mason’s face. “I’ve wanted to do that since before the pandemic hit the province,” he said quietly.

  She smiled back, feeling shy. “Why didn’t you do it then?”

  He sighed and glanced down at their still entwined fingers before meeting her gaze again. “I didn’t think things would get so crazy so soon, you know? One minute, we were allowed hanging out and being together, the next, we’re told not to get within six feet of our families or anyone else we don’t live with. I was going to ask you out on a real date, but time got away from us.”

  Vicki tentatively reached out and touched his cheek. “We could go out when social distancing is over with.”

  His hand covered hers and he nodded. There was a smoky promise in his eyes. “I haven’t visited my mom yet. I’m going to call her after our shift and let her know I changed my mind. I’m bubbling with my girlfriend instead.” He winked.

  Although jubilation ran through Vicki’s body, she felt the need to be the voice of reason. Mason had to see his mom, somehow. “What about your promise to her?”

  He grinned. “We’ve been doing video chats since the pandemic began. It won’t be long until we can add others to our bubble. She’ll understand, once she realizes who I’m with. She’s been pushing me to ask you out for a long time.”

  “Really?” Vicki stared at Mason in disbelief.

  He snickered and kissed her quickly. “I think she knew I had feelings for you long before I realized it. You know my mom.”

  She nodded with a giggle. Alyssa was a nice lady, and extremely perceptive. “Yeah, she’s something else. I like her a lot.” He had thrown a surprise birthday party for Vicki, and his mom had been there. They had become fast friends, and talked on social media a lot, sharing games and a lot of jokes.

  He grinned. “Mom loves you, and thinks we’d be perfect together.”

  Vicki leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on his lips, savoring the feel of his mouth against hers. He leaned into her, deepening the kiss, which made her heart sing with joy.

  He pulled back. She sighed with disappointment.

  “We don’t want anyone seeing us,” he whispered, “not yet.” He brushed her bangs out of her face and smiled softly.

  Her phone went off, indicating her break was over. She frowned at it.

  “It’s time to go back to the real world, eh?” Mason’s voice was a little sad.

  “Yeah.” Vicki stood up and stretched, still a little in awe from the events of the last half hour. She glanced at Mason, who stood less than two feet away. Damn, he was tempting. With an interior boot to her butt, she forced herself to back up another two feet, to be safe.

  “After work, you’re coming over. We’re officially bubbling,” he said with a grin and a wink. It made Vicki’s heart trip over itself, and her knees weakened.

  “I’ll bring the popcorn,” she said with a happy note in her voice.

  With a huge grin, Mason closed the distance between them, leaned forward and placed a long, soft kiss on her lips. “See you later, Vicks.” He straightened, touched her face one last time, and left the lunch room.

  With a happy sigh, Vicki followed, feeling like she was walking on air.

  Their journey after the pandemic was only beginning, and she couldn’t wait to find out what was in store for them.

  About V.J. Allison

  V.J. Allison was born and raised in southern Nova Scotia, Canada, and her work reflects her strong Maritime roots. She is a stay-at-home mother to a son on the autism spectrum, married to the love of her life, and “mama” to a rescued Maine Coon cat named Marnie. She has been writing various stories of novel length and short stories since her school days, and sees writing as a vital component to her life.

  When she isn’t writing, she loves to read romance and science fiction novels (notably Star Wars); listen to music (heavy metal, rock, alternative); watch various crime and forensic dramas; watch science fiction tele
vision shows and movies; and spend time with her large family and many friends. This self-proclaimed geeky rocker chick is a warrior and advocate for various chronic illnesses including Occipital Neuralgia, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Diabetes, Migraines, and Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia. She is also an advocate for the prevention of animal cruelty and is a voice for Autism Awareness.

  She is a small town erotic romance author published by eXtasy Books in Squamish, British Columbia, Canada. Her sophomore novel, Away to Me, is a recipient of the eXtasy Books and Devine Destinies’ Editor’s Choice Seal of Excellence and Enjoyable Reading.

  Visit her website at and her profile on eXtasy Books at

  Wait for Me

  J.M Walker

  When a single meeting leads to a date, I regretted having to leave. Little did I know, how much I would need her later on. — Wait for Me

  Wait for Me

  By JM Walker


  I saw her struggling.

  The beautiful woman who had her arms full, with a box in one arm and two bags in her other hand.

  Her long blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail. She had a light tan and I found myself wondering if she had freckles from when the sun kissed her skin. She was heading to a small white sports car. I assumed it was her vehicle. Especially after she placed the box and bags into the back seat, shut the door and ran her hand over the sleek edge of the roof. Maybe she had saved up for it and it took so long for her to get it, that now that she finally had it, she was grateful. Or maybe, it was a gift from someone she loved who had passed. Or her husband bought it for her.

  My stomach clenched at that last thought. My chest tightened as a sour taste filled my mouth. For whatever reason, the thought that another man had put a ring on her finger didn’t sit well with me.

  I was about to head home after finishing up with some construction at The Dove Project but now that I saw this woman, I thought better of it. She looked familiar though. I must have seen her around the center before.

  The Dove Project had been in the family long before I was ever born. My mom, along with my friends’ mothers, created the center to help those in need. Victims of abuse, human trafficking and more, could come for safety and shelter. And a shit ton of food too. My sister, Meadow, baked and she baked a lot. I wasn’t sure she actually knew how to bake for only a handful of people. But she loved it. Every time I saw her small form disappearing into the kitchen, I couldn’t help but notice the light in her eyes and the smile on her face. I wondered if she even knew how happy baking made her. She was a good cook too, but baking was her calling.

  A hard sigh pulled me from my thoughts.

  The woman was leaning against the side of her car, glancing down at the cell phone in her hand. Her brow was pinched in the middle, her cheeks a mottled pink.

  Before I could stop myself, I took a step toward her until I was only a few feet away. “Everything okay?”

  She jumped, her head snapping up. Her frown deepened when her beautiful blue eyes landed on me. “Excuse me?”

  I coughed, my face heating. “I mean…fuck, I suck at this shit.”

  Her face softened, a laugh bubbling from her. She stuck her phone in her back pocket before turning toward me. “What shit is that?”

  “I saw you struggling with the box and bags and was going to come help you but got distracted,” I confessed, surprised at how easy it was to talk to her.

  “What did you get distracted by?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “Uh…” I smirked. “I was distracted by how beautiful you are.”

  She blinked. Once. Twice. Before her face broke out into a huge grin. A laugh followed. “That was slick.”

  I shrugged. “It did what I wanted.”

  “Oh? And what was that?”

  “It made you smile.” I winked.

  She shook her head, that same smile staying on her lips. “I’ve seen you around here before.”

  “My sisters volunteer here. Meadow bakes and Gigi helps in other areas. She’s a dancer and sometimes holds classes for the girls here too.” I stood up taller, proud of my sisters and the career paths they had chosen.

  “Oh yes,” my beautiful new obsession, beamed. “I know them. Gigi’s invited me to a few of the parties she used to throw but I’ve been too busy with school, that I haven’t had a chance to ever go. And I’m also not overly good with crowds or people I don’t know.”

  “You seem fine with me,” I corrected her.

  “Yeah.” The woman took a step toward me, letting her eyes roam down the length of me. “That’s because it’s just you and I.”

  My body stirred. Interesting. “What’s your name, beautiful?”

  Her eyes snapped to mine, that delicious flush in her cheeks darkening. “Clara.” She stuck out her hand. “Clara Blanco.”

  I wrapped my fingers around hers, giving her a gentle tug until she was another step closer and kissed the back of her hand. “My name’s Ryder. Ryder Rodriguez.” Letting my lips linger a little longer than deemed necessary, I watched as that flush in her cheeks slid all the way down into the V of her white t-shirt.

  “You are a slick one, aren’t you, handsome?” she murmured, licking her full ruby red lips.

  “Nah.” I rose to my full height, released her hand and shoved mine into my pockets. “I’m leaving on Monday, saw you, made a mission to approach you and here we are.”

  “Where are you going on Monday?” she asked, crossing her arms under her chest.

  “I’m in the military, Clara,” I said gently.

  Her eyes brightened. “My granddaddy was a sergeant. He died doing something secretive. I don’t know what. No one ever told us. Or if they do know, they never told us kids anyway.”

  I nodded. “Understandable.”

  “So, what do you do in the military, Ryder?” Clara asked.

  “Stuff that I can’t talk about.” Truth was, I shot up the ranks rather quickly. My father was impressed. He had told me on more than one occasion how proud he was of me. He had also said that I was a faster learner than him.

  “Oh.” Clara turned away from me. “Well, it was nice meeting you, Ryder.”

  “Wait.” I closed the distance between us and gently grabbed her upper arm. “It’s not because I don’t want to tell you. Trust me. I do. I want to tell so many people, but I’m not allowed. It’s for everyone who’s involved, my career, my life. It’s to keep people safe. The less you know, the better.”

  She searched my face. Probably deciding if I was telling the truth or not. Most cases, I wouldn’t care if the person believed me but there was something about Clara that called out to me. I liked her. Even though I had just found out her name, I had seen her around the center before. She cared for people and had a big heart. That was a bonus in my books. It was one of the reasons why I decided to join the military in the first place. Besides wanting to follow in my father’s footsteps, I wanted to fight for our country. Our ancestors fought for our freedom and I wanted to continue that fight for the generations to come.

  “Okay.” She pursed her lips. “Well that’s fair.” She faced me, giving me her full undivided attention. “So, Ryder. What do you have planned for your weekend before you have to leave?”

  “I’m having dinner at my parents’ place tomorrow night with my sisters and some friends. Sunday will be spent reassuring my mother that I’ll be coming home again.” Even though I knew it was a possibility that I wouldn’t, I had to tell her different. It was the only way she would let me leave.

  “What about tonight?” Clara asked, pulling her phone from her back pocket.

  “Tonight, I hope to be spending it with a woman.”

  “Oh?” Clara raised a perfect blonde eyebrow. “Is she pretty?”

  “No.” I took a step toward her. “She’s absolutely breathtaking.”

  Her cheeks reddened, a slow grin spreading on her face. “Are you asking me on a date, Ryder?” />
  My body stirred. Fuck me, I loved when she said my name and if I had it my way, she’d be screaming it by morning.

  I wasn’t the type of guy who had one-night stands. I would rather be abstinent than sleep around. It just wasn’t my thing. But even if sex didn’t happen tonight with Clara, I knew from the moment I saw her, before I even knew her name, that I wanted to spend tonight with her.

  Clara handed me her phone. “Type in your number.”

  I smirked, taking the phone from her and texted my cell instead. “I sent myself a text.” I handed the phone back to her.

  Taking a chance, I pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “Text me your address. I’ll pick you up at eight tonight.” I took a step away from her. “Oh, and make sure you wear a sweater.” She wouldn’t need it, but I was being a gentleman by reminding her. I had plans of being the only thing to warm her up.

  Before she could respond, I was jogging to my truck with a wide smile on my face.


  I had no idea what the hell just happened.

  I knew Meadow and Gigi had a brother, but I had never met him. Not officially anyway. And I didn’t remember him looking like that. Tall. Dark eyes. Tanned skin. And big. He was wide in the shoulders and I knew that if he ever hugged me, I would feel safe, enveloped in his large frame.

  As soon as I sat in my car, I checked my phone. Ryder had done what he said and texted me. I sent him my address, drove home and stewed the whole way about what I was going to wear. I still had a few hours before he would pick me up, but I knew that by the time eight rolled around, I’d still probably be wondering what I should wear.

  Should I just be comfortable?


  In between?

  I had no idea.

  When I parked the car, I took a breath and looked out at the three story walk up I lived in. The rent was cheap. The location wasn’t too bad, and the other residents were nice.


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