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Together We Stand

Page 21

by JA Lafrance

  “I did something similar. Cared more about what my boyfriend thought than my own child. My son left as soon as he could, and we have been estranged since. I hoped that helping him like this may have gone a little way to atone for how I treated him.” Evelyn’s shoulders slumped and she gave Dani a bittersweet smile. “At least I got to meet my granddaughter.”

  Things didn’t add up in Dani’s mind and her fears from the first night returned once more. “Evelyn, if you need anything…”

  Evelyn shook her head. “I’m fine, child. Don’t worry about me.”

  It was hard not to. But it was time to continue their journey. Dani buckled her seatbelt, closed the door and drove on. When they arrived at Evelyn’s usual stop, Dani thought of keeping her on the bus, though it would be against work policy to take a passenger to the depot.

  Evelyn rose from her seat leaning on her cane, a slight tremble in her posture. She walked two steps to stand next to Dani and extended her hand. At first Dani thought Evelyn was offering a shake before spotting a white envelope.

  “Will you do me a favour, Dani? Can you deliver this note to my son? The address is on there. I don’t have the heart to tell him or my granddaughter that I can’t go anymore. Please.”

  Dani stared at the envelope, then up at Evelyn. The woman’s eyes had filmed over. Alarm bells were going off in Dani’s head because nothing was adding up, but something propelled her to take the note anyhow.

  “Bless you, child. Take care. Promise me you’ll live your life, not your job?”

  Dani swallowed a lump in her throat as she nodded. “I promise.”

  “Good.” Evelyn gave her a last brief wave and stepped off the bus.

  This time, Dani didn’t pull out of the stop right away but remained parked to keep an eye on Evelyn as she shuffled away. Dani set the envelope down with care onto the dashboard and looked out the windshield. Her headlights, combined with the streetlights, provided enough illumination for her to see the little old lady’s figure against the rain. Why don’t you have an umbrella? Dani frowned as she watched.

  Evelyn’s outline seemed to be fading away.

  Dani rubbed her eyes once, then blinked again. In that moment, Evelyn disappeared. She couldn’t have possibly moved that fast. Without another thought, Dani unbuckled her seat belt, flew from the bus and out to the street where she last saw Evelyn. The old lady was nowhere in sight.

  What is going on?

  The rain had become a downpour and Dani was soaked by the time she got back to the bus. But she hardly noticed as she sat back in her seat while trying to process what she just saw or didn’t see. Her gaze fell on the envelope and she picked it up for a better look. Yes, it’s real. Evelyn was really here. I’m not insane.

  Dani set the note down and drove to the bus depot. But her mind was still reeling. Evelyn was a real person. She could not have imagined her. The note was proof enough. But how could Evelyn disappear like that? It must have been a trick of lights in the rain.

  And what about these night visits? If Evelyn and her son were estranged, why would her son allow his mom to watch his daughter like that?

  By the time she signed out, Dani had decided what she was going to do. She needed answers. She needed to know Evelyn was okay.

  According to the address clearly printed on the envelope, the house was in the area. Dani punched the location into her phone, tucked the note inside her jacket, and followed the app’s directions.

  The walk was miserable was almost refreshing if not for the mystery that kept Dani’s mind occupied and her pace quick. Within thirty minutes Dani stood in front of the sleepy house. Old, but well maintained, dim light shone out from the windows. For a moment, doubt assailed her, but she had come all this way in the rain. Might as well see it through. Dani climbed the stairs and stood on the porch, logic warring with instincts. But it was now or never. She closed her eyes and drew air deep into her lungs to steady herself. When she opened her eyes again, she stepped forward and knocked on the door.

  To her surprise, Dani heard footsteps before the door opened.



  They stared at each other, and Dani was sure the shock she saw on Hiro’s face mirrored her own.

  Hiro was the first to recover. “What are you doing here?”

  It was enough to jumpstart her brain. “ Evelyn around?”

  A funny look crossed his face and Hiro gaped at her. It was another full minute before she spoke again. “How do you know Evelyn?”

  Dani didn’t like Hiro’s suspicious tone and scrambled to explain. “She has been riding my bus every night for the last three days.” Dani stammered, dread creeping up her spine.

  “That’s impossible. Evelyn was my mother and she passed away last year.” Hiro’s expression was more angry than sad.

  “Oh,” Dani whispered. She should offer her condolences at least, but her legs felt too wobbly and she wasn’t sure she could say the words.

  “Dani, what’s going on?” Hiro asked again.

  Wordlessly, she unbuttoned her jacket and withdrew the envelope from her inside pocket. “I believe this is for you.” With an almost detached view, Dani noted the way her hand trembled as Hiro took it from her.

  Technically, Dani had delivered her promise, but she remained rooted in her spot. She followed Hiro’s motions as he withdrew a tri-folded, cream-coloured piece of paper from the envelope and unfolded it with care.

  Hiro’s eyes grew brighter as he read the letter. His shoulder shook and Dani very much wanted to give him a hug. Instead, she remained still until he looked up at last. “You met her? Talked to her?”

  Dani nodded. “She was very kind, and she told me she regretted…” she trailed off. It didn’t seem right for her, a near-stranger, to be telling him this.

  Dani’s thoughts wrangled together. Why had she met the ghost of Evelyn? Why had she encouraged Dani to talk to her love interest? Did she know it was Hiro? Was the spirit of his mother trying to play matchmaker?

  Does it matter?

  “I’d like to hear about it,” Hiro replied and rubbed the back of his head. “I know it’s rushing ahead of our date, but would you like to come in?”

  She paused, studying Hiro before her lips curved into a small, shy smile.

  “I would like that.”

  About P. Stormcrow

  P. Stormcrow writes both contemporary and paranormal erotic romances. In all her stories, she challenges tropes and explores diverse, healthy power and relationship dynamics. She is the author of two series, The Playgrounds, a contemporary series revolving a BDSM club and The Midnight Retellings Collection containing paranormal retellings of classic tales. When she is not madly typing away on her phone as she traverses through her home city, Vancouver, she can be found enjoying copious amounts of tea, way too much sugary treats, one too many sci-fi / fantasy / paranormal TV shows and every otome game she can possibly find.

  Other links can be found on HERE

  Bullet to the Heart

  Sue Langford

  See more of this story in the Revenge series.

  Bullet to the Heart

  There he was. Lying on the front porch of the house that he’d protected for over 15 years. Jackson could hear his heart pounding in his ears, drowning out the sounds around him. His boss Jamie was less than 5 feet away bleeding, and Jackson couldn’t do anything. Finally, he got enough air to ask. “Are you alright,” Jackson asked. “No,” Jamie replied as he tried to reach for his phone. “Oh my goodness,” Anna said as she came outside. “What happened,” Anna asked. “Call Piper,” Jamie replied. Anna called an ambulance and put Jamie’s phone into his hand. Just as she did, he was out cold. Jackson heard people buzzing around them within a matter of minutes. Anna holding a towel to his stomach, trying to check on Jamie at the same time. Anderson, another security officer, came running out to tend to Jamie and make sure everyone was out of danger. The last thing Jacks
on remembered was being loaded into an ambulance with Jamie on a gurney in the ambulance behind them.

  The next thing Jackson saw was what he considered to be an angel. “Am I dead,” he asked. “You’re at Memorial Health. Do you know your name,” the doctor asked. “Jackson Carpenter. Why,” he replied. “Do you remember what happened,” the doctor asked. “Before you pry into my life, do I get to at least know your name?” “Emily Cartwright. Please just answer the question.” “Nice to meet you,” Jackson said with a silly grin. “Sir.” “Call me Jackson.” “Do you remember what happened? The police are here. They want to talk to you.” “She shot me. That stupid insane woman actually shot me.” “Who’s the president?” “Don’t get me started,” Jackson replied as he leaned his head back down and felt for blood. “Sir, please just lay back.” “Where’s the doctor,” Jackson asked. She shook her head. “I’m gonna stitch up the damage. I just need to know who it was that shot you,” Emily said. “Amy. Amy Barker. She’s hanging with Casper Jensen. I have the paperwork in my office.” “Sir, please just lie down. I have to clean this up.” Just as he did, he passed out.

  Emily shook her head. The nurse came in to talk to her. “The operating room is ready. The other gentleman that he came in with is cleaned up but he’s not conscious. He’s white-knuckling his cell phone,” the nurse said. “Is he stable?” “For now. He’s not as severe as Mr. Carpenter.” “If you can get Mr. Carpenter prepped, I’ll take him to the O.R.” “Yes ma’am.” She shook her head. Jackson was just like every other hot shot guy that came in. Unconvinced that she was a doctor. She couldn’t possibly be. Emily shook it off. The main goal was to get him healthy again. He was one of what felt like a thousand people in the ER. Luckily, she was doing a ride-along. They both would’ve been dead if she hadn’t been there. From people coming in with the flu to people like this guy coming in with gunshots or knife wounds, nobody had taken her seriously if they were a patient.

  She walked into the OR, trying to do her best to keep Jackson alive. Just when she was about to put the stitch in to sew up the damage, he coded on the table. She ran through the instructions in her head. The first jump, she managed to get his heart started. “Not now you aren’t. Stay with me Jackson.” She got him stabilized and finished what she was doing. When he came to the recovery room, Emily was staying close by to make sure he was stable. “What happened,” Jackson said as he came to. “Do you know where you are,” Emily asked. “Hospital with nurse Emily.” “Doctor.” “No you aren’t,” Jackson said as he dozed back off again. Emily shook her head and they took him to his room. “Mr. Hastings is in OR 2. He’s prepped and ready,” the nurse said. “I’ll be there in 5 minutes,” Emily replied. She went into the OR and removed the bullet in Jamie and stitched him up. He made it through recovery and Emily went back to check on Jackson.

  She walked into his room. “So, you came back to visit,” Jackson said as she came in. “Checking to make sure the stitches held.” “Are you allowed to date patients,” Jackson asked still loopy from the pain medication. She ignored the question. “If you get to ask me questions, why can’t I ask you?” “Because you’re a patient. Secondly, the morphine is in your system. You don’t know what you’re saying. I’ve seen it before Jackson. You need to sleep the drugs off.” “No I don’t.” Emily shook her head. “What did the doctor say about the gunshot damage?” “That you’ll heal. That you nicked a few things but you’re fine.” “And?” “And what?” “Are you allowed to date patients.” “You need rest.” “Answer my question and I will.” “Not when my work keeps me busy.” When she turned to look at him, Jackson was out cold again. She shook her head. There was no way that she was gonna deal with him. He was handsome, but not her type in any way.

  She headed out to the nurse’s station and handed the chart off. “What’s going on with the other gentleman that came in with him,” the nurse asked. “He’s stable. I’m going to check now. If he needs a transfusion like we thought, the blood is available,” Emily replied. She went down to check on Jamie. When she looked, he was still unconscious. His vitals were good, but he had a concussion. She shook her head. “Did we find his next of kin,” Emily asked the nurse. “Nothing. I couldn’t access the phone. The people in the waiting room aren’t family.” Emily shook her head. She walked back to the waiting room. There was nobody there, at least nobody for Jackson. She went down to Jamie’s room and saw the nurses going nuts. “What happened?” “He coded. He mumbled something about Piper and coded.” Emily rushed in and had to hit him three times with the defibrillator. “Snap out of it Jamie. Piper needs you,” she said as they continued CPR. One last shock and his heart started again. “He has a good rhythm, but he’s still unconscious,” the other doctor said. “Just keep an eye out. If he wakes up, find out who this Piper woman is that he’s talking about.” The nurse nodded. She went back into the hallway.

  “Dr. Cartwright. Another trauma just came in. We need you in the ER,” one of the other doctors said. “On my way.” Emily went back to the ER and got rushed into a trauma, then another. When the nurse came down to get her, Emily had to change scrubs. “He woke up.” “Which one?” “Mr. Carpenter. He’s asking for you.” Emily shook her head. “Later.” She checked on her other patients then went back up to check on Jackson. “I guess you’re starting to feel better,” Emily said. “Still think we should go out sometime.” “I appreciate that, but you’re a patient. Period.” “Lunch. Dinner. Even if it’s in here.” “You need to stop.” He shook his head. “I can’t.” “You’re a patient.” “And if we didn’t meet here?” “I’m not gonna play your game Jackson.” “Coffee.” She shook her head. “What time are you finished?” “Overnight shift.” “Tonight.” Emily shook her head. “I appreciate the offer, but no.” She left the room, handing his chart off to the nurses and went down to check on Jamie again.

  “Any change,” Emily asked as she approached the nurse’s desk. “He’s asking for Piper, but he’s not conscious,” the nurse said. Emily shook her head and walked into Jamie’s room, standing there staring. “What in the world is going on and who in the heck is Piper,” she asked. It dawned on her that asking Jackson was her only option, but incessantly pestering her for a date was driving her up the wall. She shook her head. He should have been awake by now. Did she do something wrong? The ideas swam through her mind. She shook her head and opted to figure out from Jackson.

  By the time she made it back down to his room, she’d had to do another surgery and try to revive a man that reminded her of her grandfather. She was drained, but having a nap wasn’t gonna happen. She washed up and went over to Jackson’s room to check on him. The lights were out, but she heard Jackson. “Was wondering where you vanished to,” he teased. “Who’s Piper?” “His wife. Why?” “I have to get in touch with her.” “Is he conscious?” “No.” “Then come over here and sit with me.” “Jackson, I have patients to check on.” “A half hour won’t kill you.” “Fine.” Jackson slid over in his bed, wincing but hiding it through the darkness of the room. She sat down on the chair. “Come sit by me.” “Jackson, this is still a hospital.” “Then lock the door.”

  She’d been single for years, intentionally putting her career first. This was the closest she had come to a date in years. She noticed his six pack when he came in. He was in peak form. At almost 6 foot 4, he towered over her, but there was something about him. Hot, yes. Sexy, hell yes. “Two minutes,” she said as she stepped into the hall. There was nobody at the nurse’s desk. She left a note that she was taking a nap for a half hour or so. That she’d be back then slid back into Jackson’s private room and locked the door. “You’re back,” he said. “This stays between us,” she said. Jackson nodded. “So, are you single?” Emily almost laughed to herself. “Yes. Very single. Why?” “No reason. Didn’t want to step on anyone’s toes.” “Jackson.” He pulled her to him and she leaned onto the bed. “What?” “What are you up to?” He looked at her. “Am I allowed to kiss you?” “We can’t.” “Y
es or no,” he asked. She nodded and he kissed her without even seeing her say yes. That kiss was enough to make every single waking hormone she had to wake up and spark on fire.

  One kiss and she was far past hot and bothered. Jackson’s arms slid around her. “Can’t resist,” he teased. “Just remember that you still need to rest.” Jackson nodded and kissed her again. “I have been thinking about this since I saw you. Like an angel,” Jackson said as he kissed his way down her neck. Part of her wanted to stop him, but the rest of her didn’t want to. He kissed her again then she heard someone trying to get in. She got up. “Where are you going?” “I can’t.” She got up, unlocked the door and went back out to the nurse’s desk.

  “Mr. Hastings woke up and now he’s back unconscious. I was just changing the IV bag and he woke up thinking I was his wife. He asked where Piper was and fell back unconscious,” the nurse said. “Did you find out who Piper was?” The nurse shook her head. “I’m wondering if Mr. Carpenter would know.” “He said that’s his wife.” “There’s no listing. Nothing.” “We’ll find something. I’m keeping a close eye on Mr. Carpenter tonight. He’s popped a stitch already.” “Alright. I’ll keep checking on Mr. Hastings.” Emily nodded. She went and got herself an ice water, drank it and calmed herself down. She couldn’t be getting hot and bothered over a patient. She almost kicked herself for letting it go as far as it had. There was something about him though. That kiss was like liquid fire. She wanted more. She had to have more. She shook her head, trying not to think about it. Her mind kept wandering to Jackson. She made sure the coast was clear and went back in. She locked the door, covering the window.

  She shook her head, determined to shake that feeling off. “You’re back.” “Don’t you ever sleep?” “Not really,” Jackson said. He found her hand and linked their fingers, pulling her towards him. “This isn’t usually allowed,” Emily said as she tried to fight the feeling off to jump him in the hospital bed. “Why do I get the feeling like you’re worried,” Jackson asked. “This is sort of a no-no in the hospital.” “I’m not telling.” She shook her head, staring at this vulnerable man, completely at her mercy. She looked. “What?” “You realize I’m your doctor right?” “And a sexy one at that.” “Jackson.” “What?” She shook her head. “If you’re in pain, tell me.” “I will.” She slid her top off and Jackson felt the fabric breeze past his face. “Before we do this,” Emily said. “Been single for 2 years,” he replied. “Not exactly what I was gonna ask,” Emily said. “Short of the bullet wound, healthy,” he teased. Emily kissed him. That kiss had every inch of her hot and bothered. Luckily, his IV had been removed. He peeled her pants off and the lacy panties underneath. He took full advantage of whatever he could.


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