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King of the Hood

Page 11

by Kendra Sumter

  “Ma’am, miss, do you live here?”

  “Yes. That’s my little brother. What happened?” I questioned again, without yelling.

  “We got a call from the young man saying he couldn’t breathe. He was wheezing so badly, we barely made out what he was saying. If you hadn’t had a landline, we would’ve been lost on the address. Pulling in, we checked the door, it was unlocked. We found his prone body laid out on the floor, with the cordless phone in his hand. My partner checked the residence, she found a female dressed, but asleep, in the back bedroom. We know by your brother’s bracelet he’s asthmatic and has type II diabetes,” he explained.

  Without thanking him or answering him, I bum rushed the front door. Standing in the living room looking like a slut ass dope fiend.

  “You trifling, nothing ass, bitch,” I seethed, before barreling towards her ass.

  She jumped behind the paramedic. That ain’t stopping shit. Swinging around her ass, I tagged her damn face.

  “Oooawww,” she howled.

  “Miss! You can’t,” the paramedic yelled.

  “No, you can’t. I can fuck her ass up. The fuck did yo ass do, Ocean? Huh?” I yelled, going at her ass.

  “Ma’am, please!” The paramedic begged, as she tried desperately to block me.

  Ignoring her pleas, I shoved her ass out the way. Ocean tried running down the hall. Reaching out, I grabbed a hand full of the bundles her ass is rocking. I’m trying to snap her neck.

  “You just won’t do right. Will you? Yo ass trying to kill him. Is that it? Let’s see how yo ass likes death,” I snarled, going in on her ass.

  I won’t be happy until I see blood, coupled wit her ass taking her last breath.

  “Neesha! Baby girl. No! Let her ass go! Yo bruh needs yo ass,” Banks yelled, grabbing me.

  I must have zoned out. I didn’t hear no one stepping up in here.


  One last lick caused her head to lob forward. I hope she bit her tongue, I thought, as I stopped swinging.

  “Ocean, yo ass better pray to whoever it is yah ass believes in that he’s gonna be okay. If he ain’t, trust, yo ass won’t be neither,” I promised, snatching out of Banks’ hold.

  Her dumb ass was crying, holding herself.

  Walking through the front door and straight to the back of the ambulance.

  “Can I ride with him?”

  “Sure,” he answered, nodding, while helping me into the back.

  “Baby Bubba, you gonna be okay. I got you. I love you,” I whispered, grabbing his hand.

  He feels so lifeless.

  “He’s going to be okay. He’s breathing, but it’s hurting his lungs. His sugar is elevated. We have to get it down. From the information on his bracelet, I’ve been able to pull his medical records up. We will get him right,” he assured me.

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  Dropping my head, I began praying. So much is alluding me. Seaqual had a brand new canister in his inhaler. His medicine was in his humidifier. His sugar was good before I left for work.

  “Are you okay, miss?” He started.

  “Miller, Neesha Miller,” I stated, lifting my head.

  Wiping my eyes as I exhaled.

  “No, I’m not. I’m not understanding why he didn’t use his inhaler. A new canister was in it. I made sure of it. I left it beside his bed, like I always do. His sugar level was good too when I checked it before I went to work. I’m just confused as to what the hell happened to cause this,” I rambled, absently.

  He nodded, as if he sympathized with me, but didn’t speak.

  “Ms. Miller, when I approached the young lady’s bedroom to wake her, I noticed an inhaler on her bedside table. Is she also asthmatic?” The lady paramedic in the passenger seat spoke.

  “No, she isn’t. I know she didn’t. That selfish tramp,” I gritted out.

  The cabin fell silent.


  “Ms. Miller, I’m going to help you down first, then we will pull your brother out. Okay?”

  Nodding at his explanation. I waited.

  “Okay, here we go,” he stated, opening the door, stepping down, then helping me down.

  “Thank you,” I accepted, throwing my bag cross my body.

  Watching them pull Seaqual out, tears threatened to fall from my eyes. He looks so small and fragile. I gotta make a change, before I’m burying my brother. And that will kill me.

  Following behind them to one of the open pods. Not really listening to the paramedics as they inform the attending physician to what’s going on with him.

  “Excuse me.”

  A voice from behind me spoke.

  Turning towards the voice then,


  “Are you Ms. Miller? You just came in with your little brother,” she asked hopeful.


  “Oh, thank God. I’m sorry, it’s just, there’s a woman and three men that’s out in the lobby asking for you. They have caused quite a ruckus. I will let them know they can come back. If that’s okay with you,” she rushed out.

  I just nodded, while biting my lip to keep my laughter that’s threatening to erupt in. Them thugs and hoodlum done gave the damn woman the shakes. Her skin is bright red. Lawd, ain’t no telling what they have done. I’ve seen Preshus in action, it ain’t nothing pretty.

  “Ms. Miller, can I speak to you? I’m Dr. Louis, I’ll be Seaqual’s attending physician, until his doctor is contacted in the morning. Seaqual is breathing on his own. But he is struggling. His lungs are working hard to pull in air. We have him on a breathing machine to help him out, so his lungs doesn’t strain and possibly collapse. We will be administering him some medicine to help with his breathing.

  Now, what I’m concerned about is his sugar levels. The EMT noted that you stated his sugar was fine when you tested it before you went to work. We’ll be taking some blood from him to test to see what the exact cause was. We also will be sending him down to have a CT Scan done. We will be admitting him for overnight,” he explained.

  Releasing my lip.

  “Thank you. Can I go in with him?”

  “Yes, you can. A nurse will be in to take his blood. Then a transportation tech will be up to take him down. You will be able to go with him if you’d like to,” he answered.

  “Okay, thank you again,” I accepted, shaking his offered hand.

  Just as I was about to walk into the Pod I heard,


  Freezing, I turned to Preshus. She’s speed walking towards me like she’s on a mission. Her face ain’t nothing cute. She got my ass nervous, like I’m the one that’s done something wrong.


  “Damn, girl,” I shrieked, after being pulled into her chest.

  “Are you okay? How’s Seaqual? He’s going to be okay, right? Ocean called me with some bullshit. I know her ass did some shit. I couldn’t go over there and beat the truth outta her ass, due to having to be here for you,” she let me know, releasing me.

  Sighing, I ran my hand through my braids.

  “I believe she used his inhaler. No, I know she did. Remember I told you I caught her before using it? She used it to up her high. She was passed out, with the damn door unlocked, when the paramedics got to the apartment. Seaqual was the one who called, he was passed out on the living room floor, holding the cordless phone. His sugar spiked. I’m not sure why. The doctor told me they will do blood work to figure out what caused it. Um,” I explained, then hesitated.

  “Um, what?” She questioned, looking at me funny.

  I stepped closer to her.

  “What’s up with the three Musketeers being here?”

  “The fuck if I know. They were at the desk when I came in. Banks was trying to get some information. Racks was cussin’ his ass out fa’ being a jackass. Stone just glared at everyone like he wants to shoot’em,” she answered, causing a giggle to slip out.

  “You think I should say something to them?” I whispered to her.

  “Uhh, yeah, I know yo handywork. You sprayed that man. Tell me why later,” she answered, looking down at me like I should know better.

  Sighing, I turned to face them. They were standing glaring at us.

  “Um, Banks, Racks, Stone, thank y’all fa’ coming. Seaqual is gonna be okay.”

  No one said anything at my words. Banks continued to stare at me with blood shot red eyes. His skin looks slightly irritated. Suddenly, he moved, causing Stone and Racks to move too.

  “Whatever yo ass bout to say, or do, think first. Disrespect her, and yo ass gonna need a bed,” Preshus warned.

  His eyes flashed to hers, before landing back on me.

  “Stallion got y’all asses shook,” Racks whistled out.

  He’s one fione ass white man, with a gritty voice. Damn. I didn’t know they made’em in his shade. May God bless the woman who’s lucky enough to claim him.

  “Shut the fuck up,” Banks and Stone barked, at the same time.

  “Who the fuck is stallion?” Preshus hissed.

  Shaking my head, it’s about to be some shit. She knows good and got damn well that’s her ass. She even calls herself that.

  “You. Stop acting like yo ass don’t know. Who else built like a fucking thoroughbred, stacked stallion? Yo ass know better act like it,” Stone snapped, glaring at her ass.

  She tilted her head to the side, eyeing Stone. Then, with slow, measured movements, she ran her hands over the short summer dress she’s wearing. Preshus body is fucking amazing, she knows it, every man who ever laid eyes on her knows it also. Now, she has Stone’s undivided attention.

  “Umph, Thoroughbred? I’ve been called that before. I know how the fuck I’m built. I also know my parents gave me a name, and it wasn’t stallion. If yah ass expect any, and I do mean any conversation, recognition from me, I suggest you man the fuck up, ask me, then never forget my muthafuckin’ name,” she scowled.

  Without waiting fa’ ah response, she walked into Seaqual’s pod.

  “She got yo ass goooddd. Damn,” Racks sang out.

  Stone didn’t say a word. I believe his ass was in a trance.

  “Um, were you saying something, Banks?” I asked, drawing his attention.

  He looked down at me with a thoughtful expression on his face.

  “Yeah, I’m happy to hear yo bruh gonna be good. My bad fa’ the bullshit I said to yo ass. I thought about it, and yah ass was right. Yo crazy ass damn near blinded my ass. I’m getting yo car fixed. It’s been towed. I got ah trick fa Shenniqua’s ass when ha ass heals. Yeah, I heard bout the damage yo ass did. Yo shit should be fixed no later than Wednesday.

  When you return home, a black car is waiting on you. Here’s the key. Don’t give me no lip,” he said, all at once.

  Changing my stance. Like, who the hell do he think he’s talking to?

  “Swallow that shit down. This shit don’t happen often. I’ll see yah ass in a few days to check on lil’ man,” he stated, walking off, before I could object.

  Stone and Racks threw me a head nod, then turned walking out with him. Watching in amazement as people moved out their way. Women drooling and tripping over themselves. I can’t lie, that’s some power in those three men.

  “Shit, what’s really going on?” I mumbled, before taking a deep breath before, entering Seaqual’s pod.

  I didn’t know what I expected walking in the pod, but my eyes clashing with Preshus’s inquisitive ones and Seaqual’s tired ones wasn’t it.


  “Why should the innocent be the ones to get hurt? You didn’t deserve this, Baby Bubba. Big sis, Neesha, and me, will make sure this doesn’t happen to you ever again. I promise,” I spoke quietly, upon walking into Seaqual’s pod. He’s just as much my little brother as he’s Neesha’s.

  Receiving a phone call from Ocean telling me Seaqual’s been rushed to the hospital because he was unresponsive, was not what I wanted to hear. Then, her lying ass couldn’t even come up with something that would explain why he was unresponsive. I already knew she’d been the one to do something to him.

  She’s a jealous, selfish ass, female. Her damn call came while I was at my place of business. Some bullshit been going on. I’m trying to get to the bottom of it, but ain’t nobody talking.

  The creaking of the little door thing pulled my attention.

  “Hey, Baby Bubba, I won’t ask how you feeling. I know you are tired. You gonna be okay. I love you,” Neesha cooed, as she made her way to Seaqual’s side.

  Focusing my eyes on his face. He looks so tired. He nodded slightly, then closed his eyes again.

  “I know my ears didn’t deceive me. Why did Banks leave a car for you to drive?” I questioned, just above a whisper.

  She sighed, while looking at Seaqual. Licking her lips, she started talking. Explaining her entire night.

  “Hol’ up. Let me get this straight. That dizzy brawd confronted yo ass over nothing? The hell wrong wit her ass?” I interrupted.

  She shrugged, looking disinterested.

  “The hell if I know. Spewing her ignorant rhetoric wasn’t enough. She threw a damn brick, stone, rock, something, through my back window, causing it to shatter. Which led me to beating her worthless ass. Her cronies attempted to try and do something. Sugi came out the restaurant on some slicing and dicing shit. They backed the fuck down. Honestly, with the way I was feeling, I would’ve taken they asses on.

  Leaving there, I sped home, straight to the back. Dawg wouldn’t get Banks. Telling me he wasn’t there. I knew that he was, cuz that damn unmarked black Crown Vic was parked on the side of the building. I made a Molotov cocktail. Launching that bitch through the window got his ass to come out. Cocky bastard came out on some disrespectful shit tho. So, I sprayed his ass, while letting his ass know what that thang who birthed his son did. That’s why he left a car,” she finished, causing me to cover my mouth, as I laughed.

  She’s so nonchalant wit her shit. Hearing snickering, we turned towards a wide eyed Seaqual.

  “Quit laughing. I thought you were asleep,” Neesha chastised, while giggling.

  He reached up, lifting the mask off his nose.

  “I was”-he took a hard breath- “But then I woke up.” -Another hard breath- “You crazy, sis,” he breathed out.

  “Okay, put the mask back on,” she instructed.

  He placed it back on, taking a deep breath. Neesha watched him as intensely as did I.

  “Neesha,” he mumbled.

  “Take it off,” she instructed.

  He did.

  “I wanna move. Ocean”-he breathed out- “had sex with Bumps. She hid my,”-he breathed out- “insulin. She took my inhaler.”-hard breath- “She’s gonna kill me. I’m scared.”-hard inhale- “I don’t wanna die,” he finished, breathing hard, with tears running down his cheeks.

  Before I could blink good, Neesha was on him. Gathering as much of his body in her arms as she can. Now, I really wanna put my size eleven’s up Ocean’s hot pussy ass.

  “Aww, Baby Bubba, we’ll move. I’m so sorry. You’re not going to die. I won’t let no one hurt you, ever again. I love you so damn much,” she promised, hugging him, with tears running down her cheeks.

  She’ll give her life for him. Hell, she’ll do the same for Ocean. She has bent over backwards for that girl, but she doesn’t appreciate it.

  The little door thing creaked open, drawing our attention.

  “Is everything okay? Are you in pain or something? I’m sorry, I’m Janice, the transportation tech. I’ll be taking him down to have his CT scan done,” she explained, while looking between the three of us.

  “No, he’s okay. Do I need to go down with him? Do you want me to go with you?” Neesha questioned, leaning away from him to see his face.

  “No, I’mma man. I got this,” he breathed out, after wiping his face.

  His words caused me to giggle.

  “Okay, man, I’ll be right here waiting on you,” she conceded.

  He nodded s
lightly, placing the mask back on.

  “Um, no, actually, you’ll be up on the seventh floor, room 7103. His nurse was coming to tell you, but since I’ll be transporting him, and can’t really hold water, I decided to let y’all know. I apologize if I overstepped in any way,” she explained, looking apologetic.

  “No, no, you’re good. Ain’t no telling when the nurse would’ve made it in here. Thank you for letting us know,” I added, standing from my seat.

  Neesha leaned over, kissing Seaqual’s forehead, then climbed off the bed.

  “Alright, big man. You will be back with your sister shortly. That is your sister, right? You’re so handsome, I have to make sure,” she cooed.

  Seaqual smiled big behind his mask, before removing it.

  “You know, lil’ mama, I do what I can,” he flirted, rubbing his chin, while winking.

  We couldn’t help but laugh at his actions. No matter his predicament, he’s in good spirits.

  “Okay, Mr. Suave, let’s go,” she coaxed, pushing his bed after unlocking it.

  He threw us a peace sign on the way out.

  “He’s strong, Neesha. He’ll be good. Let’s go,” I encouraged, wrapping my arm around her neck.

  “I know, Preshus. Although, I know it, he’s still my baby. Shit like this scares the hell out of me. Especially when I know it shoul’na had happen. Is that offer still open?” She stated, then questioned, while resting her head on my shoulder.

  “You know it. If you don’t want the apartment, let me put you in one of the houses I own. Will you be keeping Seaqual at Southeast Middle School?” I assured, and asked, as we walked out the room towards the elevator.

  “The apartment is paid for, right?” She quizzed.

  “Yes, it is,” I answered.

  “Okay, I don’t want to put you out. I know those houses, you rent them out. The apartment is fine, it isn’t too far out the way. I want to pay you rent too. Before you say no, I won’t move in unless you agree. Don’t give me no speech about accepting help when you, ya ‘self-got it off the muscle. I haven’t worked this hard for handouts. This’ll be the perfect time to give Seaqual a different life,” she let me know, as we stepped on the elevator.


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