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The Orbs Omnibus

Page 36

by Nicholas Sansbury Smith

  When he got to the blinds, he reached forward and parted them with his finger. Beyond the dusty glass, he could see the entire lakebed and the hundreds of luminous rods protruding from the bluff above it.

  “My God,” he mumbled. “Bouma, Emanuel, get your asses up here,” he said over the com. “There’s something you guys have to see to believe.”


  CHILDREN’S laughter had become a familiar sound in the Biosphere, and its absence now made the facility seem colder somehow. Owen and Jamie had been quiet since the search party left, playing in corners of the Biosphere like mute shadows, and David was too worried about Jeff to leave his room. Although Holly enjoyed the break from playing babysitter, she also missed the distraction of caring for the kids. Now that she finally had some time to herself, she found that she didn’t want to be alone with her thoughts.

  Holly hated that she hadn’t said good-bye to Bouma before he left. After losing so many people, she couldn’t bear to think of him out there risking his life. It was easier for her just to ignore his departure and go on with her job. As a psychologist, she knew this wasn’t healthy, but she’d done it as long as she could remember.

  She left her quarters and found Owen and Jamie watching a video on Saafi’s old tablet. They leaned over the table, their short legs dangling over the bench without their feet touching the ground.

  Jamie looked up when she saw Holly standing there. “Are we going to play games today?”

  “Yeah, I’m bored,” Owen added.

  “How about picking some tomatoes?” she asked with enthusiasm.

  Both kids frowned but followed her to Biome 1. Helping the children off the platform, Holly moved straight to the first row of mature tomato plants. She plucked a ripe cherry tomato off a vine and popped it into her mouth. “See, they’re good!” She smiled and handed them both baskets.

  “Only pick the red tomatoes,” Holly instructed. “Whoever picks the most gets a prize.”

  Both kids swelled with energy and immediately started swiping the tomatoes from nearby vines. Holly followed the kids down the row of plants, careful not to step on any of the smaller, less developed buds.

  “This is a dumb game,” said Jamie. A mischievous grin broke across her face and she bolted in the opposite direction. “You can’t catch me!”

  Holly frowned and peered down at Owen, who looked up at her sheepishly. Slowly he opened his cupped hands, revealing a half dozen bright red cherry tomatoes.

  “Great job, Owen!”

  He smiled and plopped them into the basket before taking off after Jamie. Holly watched them disappear into the cornstalks.

  “They’re good kids,” said a voice.

  Holly turned to see Sophie standing on the platform behind her. The physicist’s hair was frizzled in all directions, like she had been electrocuted.

  “How are you, Sophie?”

  She managed a smile and jumped onto the dirt. “I’m doing okay. Just worried about Emanuel and . . .”

  “Jeff,” Holly said, finishing Sophie’s thought. “Do you really believe he’s still alive out there?”

  Sophie was quiet for a moment. “What other choice do I have?”

  Holly nodded and reached out a hand to rest on Sophie’s shoulder. “Yeah,” she said. “I believe too. He and David survived the invasion when everyone else died. If anyone can make it, he can.” She watched Sophie digest these words, her features strained as if she were trying to solve a difficult math equation.

  “I hope you’re right,” Sophie finally said.

  The rap of footfalls pulled Holly back to the cornstalks. Owen and Jamie returned from their race, panting like puppies.

  “What have you got there?” Holly asked, noticing something glowing in the girl’s hand.

  Jamie giggled and hid her hands behind her back while Owen walked around in circles in the dirt. “I’m hungry,” he said.

  “Here. Have a couple of these,” Holly said, offering him the tomatoes.

  Sophie paced over to the girl. “What is it?”

  Jamie took a step back.

  “Come on, Jamie. You need to show me what you have.”

  The girl pouted, but slowly brought her left hand out from behind her back. It was closed, still hiding whatever it was she had found.

  “Hand it over, little lady,” Sophie said.

  Holly leaned over Sophie’s shoulder and watched the girl open her hand. At first glance, Holly thought it was a chunk of flesh from one of the Spiders that they had missed during their sweep of the facility, but, looking closer, she realized that whatever it was, it was alive.

  The wormlike thing wiggled, and Sophie swatted it out of the girl’s hand onto the floor.

  “Hey!” Jamie protested, stooping down to pick it back up.

  “Don’t touch it,” Sophie yelled, holding Jamie back.

  “What is that thing?” Holly asked, watching it crawl across the dirt.

  Holly bent down to examine it. Tiny blue veins ran down the length of its body. At the end was a miniature tail, with spikes that were almost invisible to the naked eye. It looked, by all indications, to be a baby harvester Worm. But how had it gotten inside the facility?

  Backing away, Holly let Sophie take a closer look. She figured the scientist would want to collect the Worm for study, but instead Sophie stomped the Worm under the weight of her boot.

  Holly hardly recognized the look on Sophie’s face. They had known each other for a long time, and for most of that time, Sophie had dreamed of winning a Nobel Prize. Months ago, such a discovery would have excited her. But times had changed. Priorities, goals, and dreams had disappeared the minute they learned the outside world had ended.

  Sophie lifted her boot off the ground and wiped the gooey blue guts onto the dirt. “I’m heading back to the CIC,” she said, without a hint of emotion.

  Owen bent down to look at the squished body of the Worm. Glancing up at Holly, he said, “I’m not hungry anymore.”

  * * *

  ENTRY 1892


  One thousand four hundred and fifty-nine sensors have gone off in the past five weeks. The newest data scrolling across my display indicates there is a foreign toxin in Biome 1. Without running diagnostics, I am unable to determine exactly what new toxin is present.

  Zooming in with Camera 15, I pick up Dr. Winston, Dr. Brown, and the children Owen and Jamie. They are looking at something on the ground.

  After a preliminary scan, I determine that the creature was an immature Worm, most likely brought into the facility when the other Organics invaded. Somehow it remained undetected until Sophie killed it. An anomaly, but the past five weeks have proven nothing is impossible. As my mental capacities continue to evolve, this becomes even clearer. After all, the programmers who originally designed my systems would say that my current state of consciousness is impossible.

  I tap into the communication system. “Doctor Winston, would you please remove the creature from Biome 1? I would like to run a full set of tests.”

  She looks up at the camera and nods before climbing onto the platform and disappearing into the hallway leading to Biome 2. I lose sight of her for several seconds.

  The test will be the first I’ve been able to run on the Worm creatures. They are what Dr. Winston and her team have referred to as the harvesters: aliens that consume the orbs and discharge the water into the atmosphere.

  It has been fourteen hours, thirty-one minutes, and fifteen seconds since Sergeant Overton, Dr. Rodriguez, and Corporal Bouma left the Biosphere. According to my calculations, they should have arrived at the location of the destroyed drone by now, and if all goes to plan, they will be on their way back shortly.

  I have run a number of scenarios through a probability program. Only two of them result in their return. Even with the mobile RVM and Em
anuel’s weapon, they will more than likely attract the attention of the Organics, which are breeding at an alarming rate.

  I must acknowledge a new feeling I’ve developed, for the sake of documenting my intelligence as it advances to new levels.

  It is a feeling humans would describe as concern, although I’m not quite sure that fits. No, it’s likely that I’ve established several different emotions: a combination of fear, worry, and trepidation. I imagine that I’m having similar experiences to an infant attempting to understand new colors or sounds.

  I must admit it’s all very exciting. At the same time, I recognize that the reason I have acquired these new emotions is due to my attachment to the Biosphere team.

  Like a mother, I have grown to care about them as my own children. Even Sergeant Overton has grown on me. While I know he will likely be the next to die, I can’t help but hope that he survives.

  My excitement and worry and hope are all becoming confused inside my circuitry and making me feel almost . . . alive.


  I am alive.

  With the departure of Sergeant Overton, Corporal Bouma, and Dr. Rodriguez, the likelihood the team will survive is now at a historic low of seven percent. It is not a matter of if they die, only when. The time will come when I will be the only intelligent entity alive in the facility, and perhaps on the entire planet.

  I return my attention to Biome 1 and continue to run my tests.

  One way or another, life will go on.


  THE horizon swallowed the sun, and the last bits of crimson vanished behind the Rocky Mountains. Night claimed the valley. Emanuel swallowed hard. It was one thing to be outside during the day, but at night? The thought made his skin crawl.

  The rap of Overton’s fingers on Emanuel’s helmet made him flinch.

  “Let’s go, Doc,” the marine said. “They won’t last long out there.”

  Emanuel stared at the empty lakebed, focusing on the rows of poles that were lined with human crops. How did the Organics keep them alive? And if the aliens were draining the oceans, then why did they need to farm the remaining population? The questions lingered in Emanuel’s mind as he followed the two marines into the hallway.

  He paused in the doorway, fixated on the hundreds of Spiders gathering under one of the poles out the window. It was then he understood. The farms were feeding the growing army. The orbs and poles were one and the same. Humans weren’t the main source of water for the ships in orbit—they were the main source of water for the soldiers. Mankind had become snacks.

  Looking through his binoculars, he narrowed in on a thin rod at the top of one of the poles. He’d seen similar objects protruding out of the rows of genetically engineered crops in the past. It was likely a device to feed the human prisoners. Whether they received their nutrients intravenously or through some other method he couldn’t be sure, unless he took a closer look.

  “So that’s how they’re keeping them alive,” Emanuel blurted over the com.

  “What?” Overton replied. The marine shook his head and said, “Move.”

  Emanuel forced himself forward, focusing instead on his thoughts. He had to compartmentalize the mission in order to continue; it was the only way to manage his feelings. If he thought about the bigger picture, he would be defeated. The first objective was to find the perfect location to set off the weapon. If it worked—


  When it worked, they would have a small window of time to locate and rescue Jeff and Overton’s squad. Assuming Overton was right, and Jeff was actually here.

  Breathe. One foot in front of the other. You can do this, he thought as he raced down the stairs. He gripped his rifle close to his chest, feeling a bit of comfort from the powerful weapon.

  When they hit the street, Emanuel’s HUD glowed to life. Everywhere he looked, the outlines of cars filled his display, but the infrared detector came back negative. They were alone, just their small band of survivors against the overwhelming numbers of Organics.

  Ahead, Overton flashed a quick hand motion, telling them to advance. Emanuel shifted the RVAMP device on his back and took off running as fast as his legs would permit.

  The street curved and disappeared around two houses that blocked their view of the lakebed. Overton paused, taking cover behind an abandoned truck. Bouma fell into position, watching behind them, but Emanuel stayed where he was, transfixed by the radiant blue glow emanating off the poles. After a moment, Bouma grabbed his uniform and dragged him behind the truck.

  “Once we round this corner, there is no turning back,” said Overton. “Those things won’t give us a second chance. If any of us makes a mistake, we’re all dead. Do you understand?” Overton turned his visored head toward Emanuel.

  The biologist nodded and prepared to move. For some reason, he wasn’t as nervous as he had thought he would be. He could feel the adrenaline racing through his veins and the sweat dripping off his forehead, but his heartbeat was relatively normal, and his breathing calm. He was . . . excited. If his weapon worked, it would change everything. If it didn’t, they were dead anyway.

  “I’m going to need a place to set this up,” Emanuel said. He studied the surrounding area. “Somewhere high, preferably.”

  “Why didn’t you say so earlier?” Overton growled. “We could have set up in one of the condos.”

  “Because I need to be closer. I’m not sure what type of range this thing has.”

  “Fuck,” Overton said, pausing to scan the street again. “Bouma, do some reconnaissance. I want to know what’s around that corner. And don’t get spotted.”

  “On it.” The marine was halfway down the street before Emanuel had time to wish him luck.

  “Stand by,” Overton grunted.

  Silence swept over the pair as they waited for Bouma to return. They crouched there for what seemed like half an hour before Emanuel checked his mission clock.

  Only two minutes had passed.

  The wind picked up. Another three minutes passed. Emanuel felt tense; the waiting was unbearable.

  “Give him some time,” Overton said, noticing Emanuel’s fidgeting.

  After ten minutes, the sergeant popped his head over the bumper to scan the street. There was no sign of Bouma. “Bouma, do you copy? Over,” Overton said.

  Static flickered over the com.

  Emanuel checked his mission clock again. “Maybe we should go to him,” he suggested.

  “No, sit your ass down,” Overton said, motioning with his hand.

  Emanuel sat. His stomach sank with every passing second. The lakebed was only a few minutes’ walk, but there was no telling how many of the Organics were guarding the poles on the other side of the houses.

  Ripping the Velcro straps of the RVAMP off his shoulders, Emanuel placed the weapon on the ground. He checked the control panel; the power meter glowed a healthy green. He’d made sure the device was fully charged before taking it into the field. The last thing he wanted was to get caught without the protection of the reverse magnetic field the machine produced. It had served them well on every other mission and had protected Overton and Sophie on their trip to Denver International and back.

  Next he examined the side power port. The green button caused the device to overheat, and the red button was a fail-safe to power it down. If flipped, the green switch would create an electromagnetic pulse that would be hundreds of times more powerful than the grenades Overton had used on the Organics in the past. The idea was to not only shut down their shields but to keep them down. His laboratory observations proved the aliens could not live without their force fields and would die in a matter of minutes if unprotected.

  Emanuel’s heart skipped a beat at the sound of a snapping twig. He turned just in time to see Bouma emerge from the shadows, his black armor covered in blue goo.

  “What the fuck happened
to you?” Overton asked.

  “Baby Spiders. Two of them,” he panted. “Their shields aren’t as powerful as their parents’. Nothing my boots and knife couldn’t handle.” He wiped his combat knife against his armor, spreading a streak of sticky blue blood on his leg. “There are thousands of Spiders out there. Babies. Adults. All shapes and sizes. The lakebed looks like a forward fucking operating base for the Organics.”

  Picturing the massive army of aliens, Emanuel felt a chill run through his body. The excitement of earlier had left him.

  “Doesn’t change anything,” Overton said. “Did you find a good place for Doc to get his weapon set up?”

  Bouma shook his helmet. “No good place to set up. I barely made it back. One of them spotted me; I think they have sentries or something. I thought you said these freaking things were stupid!”

  Overton grunted and turned back to Emanuel. “How close do you need to be for this thing to work?”

  Emanuel wasn’t exactly sure. His calculations had been done in laboratory conditions, not the field. “As close as possible,” he said, and then paused, wondering whether this was the right moment. “There’s something I should probably tell you guys. When I flip this switch,” he said, extending a finger toward the red button, “it’s going to cause the magnet to fail.”

  “What’s that mean?” Overton asked.

  “It means after I flip the switch, we’re going to be exposed. If the weapon doesn’t work, you better have brought your running shoes, because we’re basically screwed.”

  “Anything else you want to share before we put our asses on the line?” Overton snarled.

  “We only get one shot at this. Once the device is set off, it won’t come back online until it cools down.”

  “Let me guess: you don’t know how long it will take to come back online?”

  Emanuel shrugged. “If I had told you all of this before, would it have changed anything?”

  “You’re a real smart ass, aren’t you?” Overton said.

  Bouma snorted into his mic. “Great. That’s just awesome, man.”


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