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Breathless for the Billionaire

Page 4

by Gia Blackwood

  “10 A.M.? You mean to tell me I slept an entire day?”

  “More like three days.”

  Her mouth hangs open. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “I’m afraid not.”

  She sniffs the air. “Well, crap. I smell, don’t I?”

  I shrug. “You smell delightful to me, Violet.”

  She rolls her eyes at me. “I’m assuming you changed me.”

  I nod. “I did. And I was very respectful of your luscious body. I promise.”

  She blushes at that, eyeing me suspiciously for a moment. “Well, thank you. I do appreciate it.” She reaches her hand out and grabs my own. “Thank you, Jack. For taking care of me. I can tell it’s been hard. You’ve got your own bags under your eyes now.” It’s probably true. I’ve been too worried about her to sleep much.

  “It was all worth it for you.”

  It really was. I look down at her as the morning light brightens her eyes. As a slow smile curves her lips attractively and I can’t control myself anymore.

  I bend my lips to hers for a soft kiss. That’s all I’m taking. For now.



  Jack’s lips brush mine so softly it takes my breath away. Once he pulls back, it’s all I can do to maintain his heated gaze. Unbidden, his eyes flick downward to hover over my lips and lower still to the curve of my breasts.

  I clear my throat and pull the blanket up to cover myself, suddenly feeling self-conscious. I really don’t want him to see the way my nipples hardened at his kiss.

  “Sorry,” he says softly. “I’ve been waiting for that kiss since I met you.”

  I smile at him tentatively. “No need to apologize. I’ve been wanting to kiss you too.”

  His hands cup my face then, wipe a stray lock of hair from my eyes. “I’m just so glad you’re back.”

  I smile. “Me too.”

  “I did have some help caring for you though. Katie came by.”

  “Katie? How? Why?” I hadn’t even thought about my sister. She would be worried if she didn’t hear from me. I usually send her a text every night checking in. But she lost her phone at the club. So how…

  “I talked to her. Found her in your phone, but it kept going to voicemail so I visited her dorm. I figured it was best for her to know what’s going on.”

  I nod. That probably was for the best. Still though… I wonder what she thinks about Jack. And about me staying with him like this. I’ve never been one to depend so much on anyone, especially a man.

  Another thought occurs to me too. What if Jack falls for her? The idea of this man seeing my gorgeous sister makes me insecure and I hate that I feel that way.

  “Thanks for letting her know. So she nursed me, too?”

  He nods. “Yep. She gave you a sponge bath a couple of times.” Suddenly he looks guilty. “I have to warn you and apologize for what I’m about to tell you next,” he says slowly. My heart skips a beat. Oh no. A sense of dread fills me. Here it comes. This is where he tells me the two of them fell in love while looking after me.

  “Go ahead,” I say, stealing myself for the pain I know is coming.

  Jack laces his fingers with mine. “I gave her a stern talking to. I was probably harsher than I should have been actually. She may or may not have cried.”

  Wait… what? That’s what he wanted to tell me? “You mean…” The words come out before I can stop them. “You’re not in love with her?”

  His brow furrows. “What are you talking about? I spent the last few days at your bedside and you think I’m in love with your sister? Hell no. If there’s anyone I love it’s you. I mean…” Jack sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “I know it’s early and we hardly know each other, but… I can’t help it. The point is, I’m into you and only you.” I realize I dropped the sheet again when his eyes begin to roam over my body. “You are exactly my type, Violet.”

  His mouth is a stern line, as if he’s unused to saying such things. It may seem crazy to trust him so soon, but somehow I do. I place my hand over his and his expression softens. “I believe you. I’m sorry for doubting your feelings.” I’m actually beyond flattered. To think he feels that way about me. To think he prefers my curves to my sister’s slender frame. It’s gratifying. I don’t know if it’s the medicine I’ve been receiving or just that I feel so much better than I have in a while, but I’m practically giddy.

  “As long as you trust me, that’s all that matters.” He nods as if everything is settled.

  “So you chewed my sister out?” I have to admit, that’s a sight I’d like to see. I can’t even imagine it.

  “I did. I couldn’t stop myself. I felt like she’s been using you and told her so. I told her how sick you are because you’re working so hard. I told her how you deserve better than what happened at the Palace.”

  I nod. “I appreciate your concern. No one has ever gone so out of their way for me before. My sister… I should have talked to her myself long ago. It’s just so hard when all I want to do is protect her. It’s hard to say no.”

  “I think she’ll change her ways from now on. She really was worried about you. I had to make her leave yesterday.”

  “Good. She should be focusing on her classes instead of worrying about me.”

  “Right. You’ve got me to worry about you now.”

  I smile, pleased at the thought. For once, I’m actually enjoying feeling safe and protected and warm. It’s a novel experience for me. But I also find myself wondering now… what does this mean? We’ve established that we share feelings for one another, but are we dating now? Is he my boyfriend?

  I’m about to ask him outright when another thought hits me. Panic stabs my chest. “Shit, what about my jobs?” I put my head to my hands. “I’m probably fired! Where’s my phone?” I say all of this in a rush and my eyes scan the room for my phone. I need to see if they’ve been calling and try to explain what happened.

  “Vi, Vi,” Jack is grabbing my hands and trying to settle me down. “I called your jobs. All three. And I had my physician sends notes to them. You’re completely covered.” His lips curve in that characteristic half smile. “Though to be honest I almost wish they’d fire you. You work too damn much.”

  It takes a moment to fully absorb his words. “You did that?” More than anything else, him calling in to work for me touches me the most. He knows how important my jobs are. Jack only nods. “Oh, Jack. Thank you so much.” This time it’s me who can’t help it. I wrap my arms around him and almost slide into his lap. Soon after his arms wrap carefully around my waist. Our chests rise and fall together, molding our bodies so that I feel so connected to him.

  I pull back after a few moments but our hands remain linked.

  “Now I don’t want to alarm you, but there is some bad news,” Jack says calmly. More news? How much can my life change in three days? Jack continues. “I had Katie show me where you live, to make sure your place was alright. I had someone stop by and… well, this was on the door.” He gets up and walks over to a desk in the corner. When he comes back, he has a bright yellow paper in his hand.

  When he hands it to me, I want to vomit. I push back the urge and look over at him, unable to speak. It’s an eviction notice.

  “How are you being evicted when you work so much?”

  I sigh and shake my head. “Honestly, that landlord is a jerk. I was refusing to pay him when he raised my rent without warning and by an absurd degree. I told him I wouldn’t stand for it. I guess now he’s only doing the natural thing in kicking me out.

  Jack takes the paper from my hands and crumbles it up. “It’s irrelevant anyway,” he says.

  “Really? My living situation is inconsequential?”

  “Of course not. I’m saying you should stay with me.”

  Did I just hear him right? “I can’t do that.” I mean… that’s just crazy.

  “I know it seems too soon.” He rises to him feet and paces for a moment. All the while I stare at him. I don’t know h
ow to feel about anything yet. Jack stops finally and kneels in front of me. “Look, Violet, I want you. Not just for sex either. I just want you near me all the time. And you need a place to stay. Please.” I cast him a suspicious glance. Then again he did save me and Katie. “I won’t touch you. Not until you’re ready.”

  My eyes glance over him again, think back to our kiss, to our intimate embrace just moments ago and I know the truth of it. I’m ready now. I want to be anyway. How can I refuse an offer like this? How can my whole world change in the space of a few days? It’s mind boggling.

  While I sit in silence, staring at my hands, Jack continues. “Not to throw more at you, but I’d like to hire you as well. I know you won’t let me pay for your sister’s education, but you can at least let me hire you so you can make enough without three jobs.” His hands land on my knees and I see a promise in his eyes. In the way he looks at me. “That way we have time to date. If you go back to three jobs, I’ll never see you. And that is absolutely unacceptable.”

  Here’s the high and mighty business man I’ve been waiting to see emerge. I meet his eyes. “Who are you really, Jack?” I know I heard his last name at the Palace, but I can’t remember it. I was in no state of mind to absorb that information at the time.

  “I’m Jack Noble, CEO of Noble Enterprises.”

  “Your name…” I say, “it’s on everything. You don’t just own that new bar. You own...” I think of all the places with the Noble name on them. “…way more than that.”

  “You could say that.”

  I shake my head. This man is undoubtedly a billionaire. Everyone’s heard of Jack Noble, but to think that this is actually the man himself. He’s a reclusive person, so I’ve never actually seen his face. No one has. It’s kind of funny that the whole time he was out in the open, probably working at all of his businesses like he worked at Noble Concoctions when I met him.

  “I don’t know about any of this, Jack. What would I even do for you? Workwise, I mean.”

  “Katie told me about your marketing degree.”

  “Oh, that thing?” It’s just an expensive degree I didn’t even get to use. I don’t really like to think about it.

  “That thing? It’s from Princeton, Violet. What are you doing working low wage jobs?”

  I shrug. “It’s the millennial struggle I guess. It takes too long to land a nice paying job nowadays and I didn’t have time to waste with Katie. She depends on me.”

  “Well, consider yourself hired if you so choose to accept.”

  I laugh, strangely excited at the idea of actually using the skills I worked so hard for. So much has changed in my life it’s unbelievable. I pinch my skin to make sure I’m not dreaming. “Ouch!”

  “Hey, hey, don’t hurt yourself,” Jack says.

  “Mr. Noble, I promise I will think about all of your offers. And I thank you for them.” I squeeze his hand.

  He leans forward and kisses my lips softly. “That’s all I ask.”

  Jack Noble may be intimidating from the outside, but I’m coming to realize the guy’s a big softie. At least when he likes someone.

  And I get the feeling he definitely likes me. Boy, do I have a lot to think about.


  Later in the day, my mind is swirling with possibilities. No matter how much I trust Jack, I can’t make myself just say yes. So I decide I need an outside opinion. I think about calling up my sister, but at the same time I know she needs to be studying. I really don’t want to bother her.

  Who else can I call? Because I work so much I’ve pretty much fallen out of contact with my old friends. Well… not all of them. I know there’s one person who will be there for me when I need her. Even when we don’t speak for weeks at a time, I know I can depend on Allison.

  I call up my friend and we decide to meet for lunch at Jay’s Bistro. If I think my life has changed, it’s insane how much Allison’s life has. She’s doing well with her own billionaire husband. They have a kid now and her father is back in her life and it seems like the stars all aligned for her. It’s strange because I feel like something similar is happening to me.

  “I’ll be honest,” she says after I tell her about Jack and how he wants me to live with him. “I met the man once, early on in my relationship with Roman. He kind of scared me. No joke. He just had the angriest expression on his face. He turned out to be nice, but damn was he intimidating that night.”

  I laugh. “I know he comes across that way. I noticed that too at first. But he’s… he’s so much more when you just talk to him a little. Plus, he took care of me for three days! Isn’t that insane?”

  Allison shrugs. “Sounds like love to me.”

  “Love or something like it,” I say.

  Just then a pair of slender arms wrap around my shoulders from behind. “Hey, sis,” Katie says in my ear. She plants a kiss on my cheek and comes around the table laughing.

  I stare at her in surprise. “Katie? How did you know…”

  Allison raises a hand. “I told her to come. You know I’m friends with both of you.”

  “I told her I wanted to talk to you,” Katie says. She holds up a cell phone that is definitely not new. “Got myself a hand-me-down from a friend.”

  “I’m sorry, Katie,” I say, offering her an apologetic smile. “I wanted to invite you, but I’m always afraid I’m interrupting you. Plus, I didn’t know you have a phone again.”

  Katie looks at me sadly. “But Vi… I want to be bothered. I want to be included. I think that’s what bothered me so much. No matter how much I tried to vent and girl talk with you growing up, you were always more mother than sister. The things you’re talking about now, what you’re going through… this is what I want. What I’ve always wanted. I’m sorry I grew distant and acted like a shit instead of just telling you how I feel.”

  I look at her silently, taken aback. Is this really Katie? She’s never been so earnest with me before. “Don’t look at me like that,” she says. “I really am sorry. You’re the best big sister a girl could ask for.”

  The next thing I know tears are pouring down my cheeks. “Why is the universe being so good to me today?” I get up and give Katie a tight hug. “I love you, Katie.”

  “I love you, Vi.” When I settle back into my chair, I grab their hands. “Thank you both for being here for me.”

  “I hope you’ll come to me when you need anything,” my sister says. “Though I won’t be such a burden to you anymore. Financially anyway.” I look at her questioningly and she rubs her arm as if self-conscious. “I got a job. Not much but it will tide me over. So you don’t have to worry so much.”

  I give her a worried look. “Are you sure you’ll be okay, Katie?”

  Seeing my expression, she nods resolutely. “Definitely. I won’t let you down, Vi. Not again.”

  We share a look and Allison starts gushing over us. “You two are so precious,” she says. “I wish I had a sister.”

  I laugh, but it’s a good thought. A sister is a blessing. Anyone who feels like home is a blessing. My mind automatically moves to Jack. For some reason, when I think of home, of things that make me feel lucky, it’s him that comes to mind. I feel a smile creep over my face.

  “Are you thinking about him?” Allison asks. I look up to see her looking at me mischievously.

  “How did you know?”

  “I know that look. Or rather, I know the emotions that make someone look like that because I’ve felt them myself. You like this man a lot.”

  I find myself nodding. “I do.”

  Katie cuts in. “He’s head over heels for you, Vi. When he talked to me, his feelings dripped over into everything he said. If you’re worried he’s all talk, just saying things to get in your pants, don’t be. I’ve met guys like that and Jack isn’t one of them.” I look at her skeptically. “Believe it or not, I’m really good at reading people.”

  “I’m inclined to believe her,” Allison says. “The man obviously likes you a lot. If he wants to
provide for you a bit, let him! You deserve it. It was a weird feeling for me too when Roman started buying me things and even building me things for heaven’s sake. But it’s also nice and sweet and very much appreciated.”

  This time it’s Katie who reaches across to me and takes my face in her hands. “Give up control, Vi. You deserve it.”

  “And have fun on your date tonight,” Allison chimes in.

  My stomach is a ball of nerves just thinking about our date. Since we haven’t gone on a proper date yet, Jack wants a romantic evening so that we’re more official. I’m excited at the prospect, but at the same time I feel like it will make everything all too real.

  But it already is real. I realize that I don’t want a life that he’s not a part of. It’s an unexpected feeling, but at least I’m accepting it. I feel more resolute than I have in a long time.

  Tonight I’ll tell Jack that I’m ready. For him and all that goes along with him.



  I return to work after caring for Violet for the last three days, but it feels different. Strange. Where before I was able to throw myself into my work, now I can’t get her out of my head. I’ll be doing paperwork or conducting a meeting and then suddenly I’ll catch her scent and it’s like she’s there. Full-figured, beautiful with an effervescent smile and the personality to match. Violet overcomes me.

  It’s like my life has two distinct parts: before Violet and after her.

  Now that I’ve met her, nothing will ever be the same. I can’t say I want it to be either. As much as I love my job and my life, there’s something special about wanting to go home to someone. About wanting to share everything with them.

  I lean back in my chair, stretching my arms. Tonight has to be perfect. Tonight Violet will be fully mine and I hers. Body and soul.


  Since she’s still recovering, I’m aiming for a simple date. I pick her up to see her practically glowing in a black dress that shows her every curve to advantage. I almost have to pick my jaw up off the floor. She laughs, eyeing the bulge in my pants, but I only shrug and kiss her softly. I can’t help the way I react to her and I’m not ashamed of it.


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