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Page 15

by Tiya Rayne


  I place my hand at her lower back and lead her to my new car.

  Chapter 26

  Can You Dance?


  * * *

  “It looks like he came in through the front window. There’s a faulty clasp that needs to be replaced, not to mention a few other upgrades I want to add.”

  It takes me a minute to realize he’s talking to me. I’ve been too busy ogling his body in his white wifebeater. He took off his button up when he wanted to go into my crawl space to check some type of wiring.

  He used the hem of his shirt to wipe his brow and I thought my jaw would permanently be on the floor. He is cut with a capital damn C. I can count eight sections in his abs. Yes, there are eight.

  Where Seth has tats that cover his arms, the back of his hands, fingers and one that peeks up his neck, Lucien’s don’t go past his chest. There is one on his stomach I only got a glimpse of. It looks like a regular skull on one side of its face, and on the other side it seems to be melting away. The artwork is amazing but does little to distract me from his body.

  “Did you hear me?”

  “Huh?” I ask, completely zoned out. A smile spreads over his face and he pushes his glasses further up his nose.

  “I said, what day do you want me to come and hook up your new security system?”

  I shake my head, I heard none of that. “Are you sure you don’t mind? That’s a lot of work and equipment, at least let me pay for it.”

  “Absolutely not. And it isn’t much work. Only a little rewiring.” He shrugs and blushes. It’s so cute.

  “Well, can I at least pay you in lunch?”

  He grins. “I can take some food.”

  “Come on. I’ll make us grilled chicken sandwiches.”

  He follows me into the kitchen, stopping to look at the pictures on the refrigerator.

  “Is this your daughter?”

  I look at the picture hanging on the fridge. It’s the day the paperwork for her adoption had been finalized. She had the biggest smile on her face as she held up the certificate of adoption.

  I stood on one side and Grams on the other. Her caseworker took the picture. Another picture with her and her caseworker is in my scrapbook. The woman was a blessing.

  “Yep, that’s my Emory.”

  “She’s gorgeous. Funny, she has your smile.”

  “You think so?” I try to hide how happy that makes me. I know I’m not her biological mother, but it makes me proud when people say she resembles me.

  “Absolutely,” he says, turning back to face me. “Seth told me he met her.”

  I finish washing my hands at the sink and dry them on a dish towel. Grabbing two plates out of the cabinet, I place them on the island.

  “He did. Somehow my daughter thinks he’s funny and charming.”

  Lucien laughs, coming up beside me. He takes the slices of bread out of my hand, placing them on the plate while I go grab the meat, vegetables, and condiments out of the fridge.

  “That’s my brother for you, either you love him or you hate him. Nine out of ten people hate him.”

  My arms filled with the things I need, I head back to the island. He takes the things out of my hands and places them on the counter.

  “He is definitely a hard pill to swallow, but once you get past the choking and the gagging, he isn’t so bad.”

  We both chuckle, then silently fix our sandwiches. We work well together. I never have to tell him what to do, he just does it.

  While I wash the lettuce, he cuts the tomato. When I warm up the chicken breast, he spreads the mayo. When we are done, we clean up our mess and stand at the countertop eating beside each other.

  I toss my plate in the sink and turn my phone on to listen to music while I wash the few dishes. Lucien joins me to dry. Before long my hips are swaying to music. I forget I’m not here alone.

  I turn to my left. Lucien is observing me. The heat from his gaze causes me to miss the beat. I stop, but he shakes his head.

  “Please don’t stop. I love to watch you dance.” I couldn’t stop this grin on my face if I wanted to.

  “Can you dance?”

  His face turns a bright red. He shrugs. “I’m all right.”

  “Oh no.” I turn the volume on my phone up. “We are going to dance.”

  I grab his arm and pull him to the middle of my kitchen. With my arms up, I start to dance. For a minute, I think Lucien is rhythmless, but I’m completely mistaken. He pulls me to him with one hand and sways with me, keeping up with not only the beat of the song but my moves too.

  What’s that saying, if he can dance, he can fuck. Well, honey, Mr. Gramble can definitely dance.

  “We should go dancing on our next date. After the museum, of course.”

  His eyes widen and then a smile lifts his lips. “So, we’re calling it dating now?”

  I spin out of his reach a little then dance my way back to him. “Well, it only works if you ask me out.”

  He shakes his head, biting his lip. “My mind hasn’t changed since the first time I asked.”

  “That isn’t a question,” I tease.

  He laughs. “Malia Parks, will you go out with me?”

  I bite my lip, prolonging the yes that’s definitely coming. I like Lucien, and I don’t want to waste my time running from an old relationship. I’m over Trent, but I still used him as a crutch.

  I’m not okay with that. He doesn’t deserve to take any more of my mental space. I’m setting myself free.

  “Yes, Lucien Gramble, I will.” He grabs me and lifts me, spinning in a circle. I have to laugh.

  We continue to dance. I start to really feel myself, turning around, I do a hip roll he keeps up with. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me into him with a groan.

  I laugh and spin in his arms. We dance through the next two songs, never missing a beat. We even pull out some classic moves like the Bankhead bounce and the kid and play.

  I’m truly having a great time, something I haven’t had in a long time. When the music changes to a slow song I think he’s ready to stop, but in pure Lucien fashion, he surprises me by pulling me to him as he continues to dance.

  “Did you think I wouldn’t take advantage of having you in my arms like this?” he asks. His warm breath blows over my face.

  “A girl could only hope,” I say, slipping my arms around his neck to run my fingers through the short strands at the back of his head.

  He steps back, putting a little distance between us, before grabbing both my wrist with one of his hands. Spinning me around, he then tugs me toward him with my back pressed to his chest. It happens so fast, I find myself breathless as he sways me to the music. His hand now clutched across my stomach.

  I look up over my shoulder to his face. He glances at my lips, and I send up a prayer to whatever being is there listening, that this man kisses me. Whew, child, it has been so long since I’ve been kissed. My body has been on edge since… well it’s been on edge.

  “We should probably get you back to the store.” He pulls away giving me his back. I stand there for a moment, trying to figure out how this went left so quick.

  “Sure. If that’s what you want.”

  He stills, glancing over his shoulder. The hunger in his eyes is a complete contrast to his words.

  “It isn’t what I want, trust me, but it’s either take you back to work or disrespect you by fucking you on your kitchen counter.”

  My mouth drops open and the pulsing in my veins all seem to flow south to a certain underused area. Before he can turn around and walk out my kitchen, I quickly reply.

  “I have a bedroom upstairs.”

  The moment the words are out, he takes one step and is standing before me. He grabs my face between his hands and seal his lips to mine. Don’t let the manners and the glasses fool you, Lucien kisses like he’s trying to draw my soul out of my body. He nips at my lip before he runs his tongue over the sting, then sucks it in his mouth.<
br />
  I moan. He moves the hand he had once been softly cupping my face with into my hair. Gripping it with a tight fist, he pulls my head back and devours my lips. He tugs my head even further back, exposing my throat. Then he moves his lips down to my neck, where he plants soft kisses, switching between deep sucks. With every tug of my flesh, he pulls a moan from me.

  Lucien travels lower with his kisses to my shoulder. I startle when he yanks my top down exposing my lace black bra. He pauses in his exploration, glancing at my breasts.

  When those eyes find mine, I could incinerate from the fire blazing in them. He keeps them on me, and I’m trapped in a trance. Only the sound of the fabric ripping breaks me from the spell.

  I cry out when he wraps his lips around my left nipple. He sucks one while cupping the other breast in his large palm. I tug at his hair with my fingers, my toes curl in my converse.

  The feeling deep in my belly rises like a wave heading to shore. He releases my breast and goes back to my mouth. Before I can register, he lifts me. I sit on top of the kitchen counter with him between my legs.

  Our kisses turn feverish as I fight with the buckle of his pants. We are so lost in the moment neither of us hear the front door open.

  “I hope y’all plan on sanitizing that when you’re done.”

  I push Lucien away and hop down from the counter, turning to face my Grams and Emory while pulling my shirt up over my destroyed bra. Never have I been so embarrassed in my life.

  “Grams, what are you doing here?”

  She isn’t looking at me, her eyes are glued to Lucien whose face is beet red.

  “The boy done kissed you so hard, you done forgot who all lives in this house?”

  She isn’t going to make this easy for me. “I know you live here. What are you doing home so early?”

  She turns to look at me and lifts a brow that makes me feel judged. “It’s after four.”

  Shit. I wasn’t keeping track of time. If I had, I would have never started this with Lucien. Well, maybe not in my kitchen.

  “You must be the boyfriend?” Grams says, stepping forward. “I would shake your hand, but I’m not sure where it’s been.”

  “Grams,” I warn.

  “I’m Lucien, nice to finally meet you.” He turns to my daughter with a smile. “You must be Emory.”

  I look down at Em and she’s watching Lucien suspiciously, she nods her head.

  “My brother has told me a lot about you. You’re quite the little warrior.”

  The simple mention of Seth brings a smile to her face.

  “Did he tell you he bought me candy?” She signs. I go to translate, but like Seth he answers before I can.

  “He did. Are you suggesting I buy you candy?”

  “No,” I say, narrowing my eyes at my manipulative child.

  She has the right mind to look ashamed. When I turn back to Lucien, I catch him giving her a sly wink. Between him and his brother, Emory won’t have any good teeth left in her head.

  “Well, since you’ve damn near christened my countertop, you might as well stay for dinner.”

  I roll my eyes at Grams.

  “I would love to, but I have to head back to work. I would definitely like a raincheck on that invitation though.”

  “Of course,” I say. “Let me walk you out.” I lead him out of the kitchen and to the front door, grabbing his button up on the way.

  After he peeks to make sure no one else sees us, Lucien pins me against my front door with a kiss that ignites that fire all over again. When he pulls away, I can barely catch my breath.

  “This weekend, rain or shine we’re going to the museum.”

  I can only nod my head in agreement because my mouth doesn’t seem to want to work for anything other than kissing. “I’ll come back by tomorrow to set the surveillance up.”

  I completely forgot all about that. The whole reason he’s even here. Lucien opens the door and steps out. He stops and turns.

  “The next time we start.” He nudges his head toward the kitchen. “I want you to be sure you’re ready for all that comes with it.”

  “And what comes with it?”

  Erasing the distance between us, he reaches out and pushes my hair behind my ear before cupping my face.

  “Forever,” he says before planting a quick peck on my lips and walking away. I watch his back until he climbs into his car. Closing the door, I sigh and lean my head against the frame.

  “So that’s him, huh?”

  I startle. “Jeez, Grams.” I clutch a hand to my chest.

  She studies me with her hands on her hips and a glare on her face.

  “Okay, what’s wrong with him? Does he have shifty eyes? Is his head too big? What about him proves he isn’t the right man for me?”

  I know it’s coming. Grams has never met a boyfriend of mine she didn’t dislike. They were never good enough for me. I can only imagine what she’s going to say about Lucien.

  She remains quiet for a moment, watching me. Eventually, she says, “I like him.”

  I don’t think I hear her right. “Is this a joke?”

  “I thought you’d be happy I like one of your friends. Although, if that’s how you treat a friend, I have to question your long-standing friendship with Tiana.” She turns and heads back into the kitchen. I follow.

  “Lucien and I are dating now.”

  She looks over her shoulder before grabbing the disinfectant spray from under the counter.

  “Well, look at you, all grown up and being a big girl, but next time you decide to make your relationship status official, don’t do it on my counter, baby girl.”

  She tosses the spray at me. I catch it before it hits me in the face. Grams walks out of the room and I get to work disinfecting the counter.

  I’ve never cleaned with so much energy before in my life. My lips still tingle and my breast still aches from the memory of his warm tongue lapping at my nipple.

  I loved every second of it, but Lucien is right. I have to be sure the next time the mood strikes, I’m ready for the next step.

  Chapter 27



  * * *

  The ring of the doorbell has my daughter rushing to the door. Grams is with her old work buddies again, doing God knows what. Which means on this date, I’ll be taking Emory with me.

  I walk up behind her right as she opens the door for Lucien. I like the bright smile he gives her even when he has yet to notice me.

  “Hello, Emory,” he greets her cheerfully.

  She hesitates before waving and then turns to me. When Lucien looks up and notices me standing there, his smile turns from charming to heated. There has only been a week since our steamy afternoon on my kitchen counter.

  That event has sparked many nights with my vibrator. It’s almost like Lucien lit a fire in me and I have yet to be able to put out the embers. However, I’m not sure I want to take it any further.

  I like him and my two year, dickless coochie is in love with him, but I’m not ready for what taking it there will mean. I’ve always claimed my sexual freedom. The first day I met Trenton, the silver-tongued bastard had my legs behind my head and I never regretted it. However, I want something different with Luc.

  In fact, I’m looking at this entire relationship differently. This time, Malia is going to stay true to Malia.

  “You look stunning,” he says the words as if they catch him off guard.

  I glance down at myself like I don’t know what I’m wearing. It took two hours and Emory’s help to pick the outfit out.

  “Thank you.”

  “Are you guys ready?” Lucien asks turning his attention back to Emory.

  She nods, before rushing away from the door to grab her backpack. I move closer to Lucien. “Thanks for being so cool about this. Grams told me at the last minute she had plans.”

  “Malia, never apologize for having to bring Emory with you. She’s a part of you, which mean she’s a part I need to get to

  See what I’m saying? This man is unbelievable.

  Emory runs back over to us, her jacket on and her backpack on her back.

  “Ready?” I ask.

  She nods, causing her beads to click together.

  “Let’s go,” Lucien says, stepping out on the porch. He waits for me to lock up. I make sure to set the brand-new alarm. Lucien turns and heads toward the street. Emory and I follow behind him.

  He was able to find parking only half a block away.

  “I was wondering how we would fit in your two-seater.” The smoke gray Maserati he had before was replaced with a champagne colored one after some type of car mishap. However, this is a black SUV this time.

  Lucien chuckles. “Yeah, I had to dust off this big boy. I don’t drive him much.”

  This one is the same brand as the car, but obviously a different model. He must really love Maserati.

  “I like it.”

  He smiles as he opens the door for me and then Emory.

  “We have to drive around the block so I can get Em’s seat out of my car.”

  “No need, I picked her up one.”

  A pink and black booster seat is sitting in the back of his car. My heart stumbles before picking up its rhythm again. He thought enough about my daughter to purchase her a booster seat for this outing. Why couldn’t I have found this man sooner? After shutting Em into the back, he then opens my door and lets me in before hurrying to the driver side.

  The all black color carries into the inside of the car as well.

  “Buckle up, Em,” I tell her as I put my seatbelt on. Lucien climbs in and we quickly head off.

  “Emory, tell me, what are you most excited about seeing at the museum?” Lucien asks once we get going.

  I turn in my seat in time to find Emory pulling her tablet out of her bookbag. Not too much later the computerized voice replies to Lucien’s question.

  “The art collection of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas.”

  “That’s a great exhibit. They have these headdresses on display that are so gorgeous,” I say.


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