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Player Reached the Top. LitRPG series. Book I

Page 3

by Rick Scar

“They told me, I’ll be back to normal soon. How about you tell me what you know about the ring?”

  “Everyone on this Floor knows that. On other Floors, too, I suppose. The old prophecy says that the messengers from Heavens will come and open the gates to undo the harm done to this world; they will be marked with a symbol,” the old man drew the infinity symbol in the air with his finger. “They will be reborn into this world over and over until they fulfill their destiny.”

  “Right! Now I remember… Destiny and stuff. But, before I go save the world, I need to get my pump on, if you know what I mean. I was told you had skill books I could buy. I would like to see what you have.”

  “You really are slow-witted, aren’t you?” the old man shook his head, making Will want to smack him in his wrinkled face. “Wait here.”

  He went in the back, and came out two minutes later, holding a small book in his hand.

  “In this catalogue you will find what you’re looking for. Here you go,” without letting go of the book, he added, “I hope you remember how to read.”

  “Thank you,” said Will, containing his rage. “Alright, let’s see. Warrior, Monk, Druid, Vampire… Ah! Here it is, Rogue. Wow, there are so many skills, and each costs a fortune! All I need is Stealth for now…”

  The young man was muttering as he followed the lines with his finger. “Bingo!”

  “Skill Book: Invisibility.

  Active skill (Apprentice).

  Makes you invisible. The effect ends if you are attacked.

  Energy required: 20

  Duration: 30 seconds

  Cooldown: 7 seconds

  Class requirements: Rogue, Thief, Ghost Demon.”

  “What do they want for it?” muttered Will again, “One and a half gold!? It’s insane! It shouldn’t cost that much!”

  Seeing how one gold coin was worth a hundred silver coins, and one silver coin, in turn, was equal to a hundred copper coins, Will’s frustration was understandable. He knew that a skill like that in any other game would cost six copper coins tops! He read way too many guides for various classes to have any doubts here -- this skill was essential to his class. He stared angrily at the book before him; his hopes had come to nothing.

  “What kind of loan shark Floor is this?” Will sighed sorrowfully.

  Having gathered the information, and what remotely resembled a weapon, he headed back to the warehouse.

  Chapter 5. Patience is the name of the game

  There he was, staring at it. No, it was no rat, it was a monster! Five feet tall, with hollow eyes with purple haze glowing around them, dagger-like fangs, and yellow ribs sticking through its rotten flesh--the scene was as frightening as it was disgusting. That thing was definitely not a low level monster, which meant that Will was not on a lower Floor. +10000 XP seemed appropriate for this kind of abomination, but fighting it with bare hands, having no skills or armor, seemed rather stupid.

  “Unique gaming experience, my rear end,” thought Will. “It must have something to do with that error…”

  He could have asked the administrators to send him to a lower Floor, or he could try and hack it out here on his own keeping in mind that “…a level 1player could kill a level 50 or level 100 enemy.”

  He examined the room and the monster in it through the opened door.

  “Cursed Rat: level 46.

  HP: 5100.”

  “How is this possible?! I’ll be poking it with my toothpick for a week! Maybe I could run some simple errands, make enough money to buy a bow, find a higher ground, where it could never reach me, and attack? Maybe I could search for an exploit? Except I won’t be able to do that from the inside--this thing’s aggro range must be around 50 feet, which is the distance from the center of the room to the door. Stealth won’t help either. I better go see if there are windows in this warehouse.”

  Raven went around the building, but it was useless--the warehouse was windowless.

  “That would be too easy,” he said, and went back to the entrance to take another look at what was going on inside. This time, he noticed an unusual construction under the ceiling near the back wall. It looked like a room, but he couldn’t understand why someone would build a room with no doors or stairs leading to it in such a weird place. The roof could be the only place leading inside that room…

  Will knew that if monsters this tough were in the village, going outside the village would be suicide. So, instead of wasting his time, he thought he would do what all newbies that couldn't grind mobs did--become an errand boy. But first…

  The carpenter’s ladder built in a hurry didn’t seem sturdy at all. Nonetheless, Will thought he would give it a try--the fall wasn’t going to be lethal anyway. He spent twenty minutes atop of the twenty three foot high warehouse looking for a hatch, but couldn't find anything. Seeing no other option, he decided to stick with the plan.

  The plan turned out to be incredibly hard, and left Raven feeling exhausted. He was doing small quests for ten hours, and that got him only twenty four silver coins. He was definitely on the wrong Floor. Based on the simple logic of “the higher the Floor, the tougher the monsters”, he figured he was on the seventh or eighth Floor. Thus, the first three Floors must have monsters below level 30; and the fourth, fifth, and sixth would be crawling with monsters below level 65 or so. This was, of course, a rough assumption, but there was no way to know for sure.

  Will felt like taking a break and grabbing something to eat. He opened the capsule door and rubbed his temples. Then he got out, and went to the kitchen to make himself a sandwich. While eating, he checked forums to see if anyone had posted anything interesting, but nothing worth reading came up. When he opened his e--mail box, there was a message from Pak.

  “Sup, Will! Hope you’re already playing the Ascension, just like the rest of the world. Have you seen those trailers? Anyway, just wanted to let you know that our entire clan has moved from the Gates of Darkness to Ascension, so, if you’re interested, join us. We are the Soul Crushers. Talk soon.”

  Will felt he was lucky to be friends with such a guy. Pak was a good person -- trustworthy, open, and sincere. He was a weirdo, but not a sellout.

  An idea occurred to him. He could get skill books via the in-game mail system! Since it could be used to communicate between the Floors, Will could make arrangements with Pak and get stuff from him on the cheap.

  “Hey, Terror =D. Thanks for the invitation, but I was going to play solo, if you recall. I’ll let you know if I’m up to something big. My nickname is White Raven. Which Floor is your clan on, by the way?”

  Will hit send and looked at the clock. It was nine in the evening, and he thought it was early enough to play a little more. In the following three hours, he made ten silver coins, after which he logged off and went to bed. The regime was important, and he didn’t want to be too hard on himself.

  “Tomorrow is another day, maybe it won’t seem so bad tomorrow,” thought Will.

  He could have not been more wrong…

  Getting paid in peanuts for cleaning backyards, working the land, delivering mail, searching for lost cats (or dogs, or hares, or bears), keeping an eye on someone’s cattle, picking fruits, helping an old lady (or a boy, or a blacksmith, or every single one of them) was insanely difficult! This adaptive virtual reality was full of those small quests. It was a dirty job, but someone had to do it, and that someone was keeping his eyes on the prize.

  Will was in the middle of yet another moral strength test, helping a hunter to skin animal carcasses, when he got a message.

  “Player Light Terror sent you a friend request.”


  Another message followed, “Wow! Is this name super cool or what! I love it!

  We are based on the second Floor right now, but we have branches on the first and third Floors. Which one are you on?”

  Will was hesitant to reveal the whole truth regarding his whereabouts,

  “Glad you like it. I’m on the third right now. Listen, I have
a favor to ask. Do you guys have any Rogue skill books I could buy? I need Stealth and some other active skills. I’d be grateful if you could send me a couple. I’m really low on cash though, but I’ll pay you back as soon as I can. I always pay my debts, you can rely on that.”

  He sent the message and continued his work. Twenty minutes later, three books came in the mail: one for Stealth, one for another active skill, and the third for a passive skill.

  “Well, that was fast!”

  “Skill Book: Underhand Blow.

  Active skill (Apprentice).

  Damage dealt to the target off-guard is increased by 20%.

  Energy required: 30

  Cooldown: 20 seconds

  Class requirements: Rogue.”

  “Skill Book: Gunman.

  Passive skill (Apprentice).

  Increased firearm mastery level.

  +2 Fire rate

  +2 Fire range

  +1 Level neglect when using firearms

  Class requirements: none.”

  Will learned the skills and read the message that came with the books,

  “Here, these set me back two silver. They ain’t cheap, but consider them a gift. Let me know if you need anything else.”

  “Two silver?! For crying out loud, what Floor am I on?” thought Will, “I can get everything I need at reasonable prices from Pak now, can’t I?”

  He wrote Pak right back asking him to get a crossbow, a dagger, and some other goods under thirty silver. Having sent the money, including what he owed for the books, Will had ten more silver coins left.

  “I thought you said you were low on cash, and that you were playing solo. Where did you get this money? Did you find buried treasure or something? I made only six silver and forty three copper coins in the last thirty six hours! What the hell?! Our dudes on the third are going all out trying to make some coin too. Either way, can’t do anything about the weapons, the clan doesn’t have that, we’re just starting out, but I’ll see what they have in stores. What exactly are you looking for?”

  “Preferably something without class limitations. I really need a crossbow and a couple dozen quivers with bolts, magic enhanced, if possible. As for the rest, I need class specific stuff with good damage dealing capacity. If you can find cheap potions, that’d be great too. Thanks!”

  Somehow, Will felt better--everything seemed not as bad as before. All that was left to do was to find a way to kill those monstrous rats. Considering the level difference, he was bound to be handsomely rewarded.

  The young man was almost done with his last assignment, when a message popped up.

  “Level Up!”

  This was very gratifying. One thing was clear to Will after all this hard work -- you couldn’t get a lot of XP for it. The most he got for a single quest was 21XP, and he needed 300XP for level 2.

  “You worked hard for the good of Skiavra villagers. Their attitude toward you has improved.

  Current attitude status: 32/100 (Neutral)”

  Leveling up automatically upgraded a class specific Attribute: +1 Agility for Rogues; +1 Wisdom for Mages; +1 Strength for Warriors; and so on.

  Having distributed the points, Will looked at the skills he could learn.

  “You learned a new skill.

  Picklock. Passive skill (Apprentice).

  You can pick simple locks.”

  He logged off to grab a bite. Ten minutes later, he was back in the game doing menial work. In an hour or so, a message came.

  “This is all I could find. See if it works for you, and if it does, I’ll buy it. Oh, and you can forget about the potions, the cheapest ones are, like, two gold a vial.”

  “Dreadnought’s Crossbow (Bronze).

  Damage: 12-16

  Attack range: 108 feet

  --9% Chance to miss

  +4% Chance to stun the target with the last bolt when burst shooting (4 bolts at once)

  Class requirements: none

  Other requirements: none.”

  It came with six quivers with standard bolts (thousand pieces each), five with +2 holy magic extra damage, three with +2 fire damage, and one with +1 light damage, all for the price of three silver and six copper coins; nine silver and eighteen copper coins together with the crossbow.

  “Red Eye Ring (Bronze).

  +3% Accuracy

  +1 Dodge

  Class requirements: Hunter, Rogue, Stalker.

  Other requirements: none.”

  -- One silver and twenty one copper coins.

  “Gale Greaves (Bronze).

  +2 Speed

  +3% Chance to dodge unexpected attack.

  Class requirements: none

  Other requirements: none.”

  -- Two silver coins.

  “Vagrant Jacket (Bronze).

  +5% Stealth

  +3 Dodge

  +1% Chance to find rare item when looting chests.

  Enter Ambush Mode faster when in shadows.

  Class requirements: Rogue.

  Other requirements: none.”

  - Ten silver and fifty copper coins.

  “Not bad for my level. These would cost a fortune in this location. I’d have to buy the same crossbow for at least three gold coins here!”

  Will gave Pak the go-ahead and sent two more coins for his trouble. He also asked to keep him posted in case more skill books he might be interested in turn up.

  The answer, with the items attached, came just when Will was about to log off.

  “I gotcha. Thanks for the tips. I don’t know what kind of a deal you have going on, but it’s not normal. Yeah, I’ll keep you posted.”

  Equip all. Log off.

  Chapter 6. Try this for a vantage point

  Will had a good night's sleep. A healthy breakfast and a quick morning workout, a habit that he picked up in the army, were his way of starting a new day. For a while he stood in front of the capsule before going out for a walk to think over the warehouse problem. Clear sky and fresh air did not make him feel any better about it.

  “Kill the rat, kill the rat. How do I kill the damn rat?”

  Fallen leaves danced on the wind and the rising sun was shining bright, bathing the people and the nearby buildings in its light. He passed by the neatly mowed lawns and the kids playing in the street in front of a two-storey house with quirky roofing and a car parked outside. Will made a couple more steps, and stopped dead in his tracks. Something clicked in his mind, and he looked over his shoulder at the house.

  “That’s it! Why didn’t I think of that sooner?! I’ve got to get back!”

  He rushed back home and jumped straight into the capsule. Moments later he was trying to catch his breath, as he was pacing back and forth around the warehouse.

  “Come on, where are you?” he kept repeating. He was looking for an attic window of some sort, much like the one he saw under the roof of that house. It could be closed, which is why he didn’t notice it the first time. Raven was staring at the back wall of the warehouse, but couldn’t see anything. Then, he grabbed the ladder and climbed up to look closer. Just like he suspected, it was right there! No wonder he couldn’t see it from the ground--it was sealed tight.

  “Your keen eye for details let you find the way.

  +5% Luck.”

  Luck was one of those things that could not be upgraded with points. Finding stashes, discovering secret places and such was needed to improve it. The more Luck you had, the more chances there were to find unique or epic items. Will read about this on the game’s website. The developers commented on this simply: “…keep your eyes out.”

  Raven stuck the blade of his sword into a small gap between what looked like some sort of shutters. Then he stopped for a moment, as if he remembered something. A little effort… and voilá, it gave in. He crawled in through the window and found himself in a small dark room.

  “Congratulations! You discovered a hideout!

  +5 Influence Points

  +0.5% Luck.”

  “Finally! My pers
istence paid off.”

  When his eyes adapted, he looked around. It was an empty, thirty feet big square room with a lonely chest in its corner.

  “There better be something good in it,” said Will and stepped closer to it. A whiff of decay blew in his face, “What the…?”

  The smell turned out to be the stench of rotten clothes covering someone’s remains that he didn’t notice at first. Will didn’t freak out as he knew that this was just a game. Poor guy’s empty eye sockets were staring at Will.

  “Dead men tell no tales, I guess.”

  Raven examined the body thoroughly. There was a simple looking ring hanging loosely on the skeleton’s left hand. The other hand was clutching a piece of paper. Nothing else. He carefully took off the ring.

  “Twilight Ring (Diamond).

  Only the true light dispels the darkness.

  Worn by the adepts of the Shadow Order.

  +14 Physical resistance

  +9 Strength

  +23 Agility

  Skills: Twilight Walker (Active).

  Allows a player to stay invisible and undetected when in the shadows. When the skill is activated the player is invulnerable to physical attacks.

  Duration: 2 minutes

  Cooldown: 90 seconds

  Class requirements: none

  Other requirements: none.”

  The ring was a unique item, and could easily be sold at an auction for fifty gold, at least. But Will was no fool to sell such a rarity.

  Every character was allowed to wear three rings on each hand (in addition to the inventory ring), various necklaces and amulets, and had seven inventory slots for accessories.

  Raven tried the ring on, and felt he made the right choice staying on this Floor. Then, he unclenched the skeleton’s fist and, trying not to tear it, took the note. The text was written in blood and partly smudged. Raven moved closer to the window to see if he could read it, but it was written in a language he didn’t know.


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