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Player Reached the Top. LitRPG series. Book I

Page 20

by Rick Scar

"The tongue with ten thousand receptors is supposed to be the mind of that monster. If the “Soul Cry” had wounded it, the flower would not be able to resist against the mental attack, wouldn’t it? So a confusion debuff …"

  Will figured it out.

  “You’ve got thirty seconds to kill it or get out of here!” Raven cried, running away from the frozen monster as fast as he could.

  “Name: the Demon’s Jaws (Viscount)

  Level: 85

  HP: 13,720/34,000”​

  Having put distance from the fight, he doubled back. He had twenty-five remaining, perhaps, to kill the monster.

  - 230

  - 198

  - 199

  The dagger flashed, slicing into the creature’s tongue.

  8... 6 … 4 …

  “Quicker! Attack with the most powerful weapons in your arsenal!” Will yelloed. He switched to Double Attack, but the skill did not work.

  “Name: the Demon’s Jaws (Viscount)

  Level: 85

  HP: 1,890/34,000”​

  “To run you!” the Horgh roared. He flew up high and unsheathed his weapon. Air swirled around his two-handled sword, condensing and electrifiying, forming branchy lightning that zipped along the blade. Gradually, the branches became thicker and thicker.

  0 …

  “R-r-rgakh! Falling into the abyss!” Even the accent of his race was gone.

  Dreyrok fell upon the plant body, releasing his blade’s power.

  “Ruy-iui-ii!!!” The monster collapsed into convulsions, its body coiling. The Devil’s Jaws twitched furiously, and then became still. Its body shivered, imploded, and turned to ashes.

  Chapter 59. Ekaro Dead City

  The Crimson berserker, along with his clan players, stood near the dead city Ekaro, regaining their strength.

  In reality, his name was Ronnald Kert, or Ronni as his friends called him. He’s celebrated his twenty-third birthday on the eve of the game’s release. Since boyhood, Ronni had never had problems with money. Rich parents provided him with everything he needed, but Kert’s prided himself on being hardworking, polite, and purposeful despite being born with a gold spoon in a mouth.

  Six feet in height, athletically built, sporty, with green eyes and a handsome face, he was a good candidate for girls’ attentions in every possible way. He had been fond of games all his life, and when the virtual era began, he became a pro.

  Ronni had a younger brother, Donald. He resembled his big brother in many ways, but with brown eyes, and with a stocky build. Donald had never worked, choosing to spend his parents’ money and loving the fact that he was born in this family.

  Don, like Ronni, loved to play, and was one of the game’s most ardent donators. His ambition was to surpass his brother in every spheres one was considered to be a master, including their parents’ love. He did not remember when he had set such goals. Perhaps at the moment their parents began praising Ronni, some deep desire made Don want to surpass the person he had idolized since childhood.

  Don was five years younger, and while Ronni had tried to be the clever and kind elder brother and lead by example, they eventually became adversaries. In the game, Don had a clan based on the Gold Children and had never attained Top 20 status. He was barely in the Top 50.

  When Don joined Ascension, he was angry that there was no Donation system. After two weeks, information about it did not appear on the game’s website.

  At the moment Ronni was involved in a chain of epic quests. His class, as well as his name, was Berserker. To receive any specializations, it was necessary to be 50 level, but to gain experience in this game was too hard. A player had to kill many monsters for leveling.

  The young man was a professional player in virtual games, so he had the patience required for the tiresome grind and power leveling. Crimson Berserker preferred a solo game if it was possible. In other games, he could pass through most dungeons and quests on his own and achieve 100 level. Ronni hoped he would have such results here soon. When he saw the mysterious unknown player leveling up, he was shocked.

  Ronni’s first thought was that that player was just lucky to complete the secret quest. But he continued and continued to shoot ahead, maintaining a gap of ten levels between them.

  Then he considered that the developers had decided to keep players in suspense by launching one of them ahead in the game. The thought was idiotic, but it would adequately explain this gap.

  As a result, he got this epic quest.

  The first task of this chain was to destroy an ancient ghost on the suburb of the empire Kar-Tar. The entire guild searched and finally found the ghost. It was of the rank "Baron”, so they had to sweat it out, killing it after half an hour.

  The ghost was insidious. Physical attacks without special oils against air beings did not cause damage. As a result, only magicians and three warriors, along with Crimson Berserker, destroyed it.

  A vial containing an unusual reagent named "Groaning Soul" dropped from the ghost, so the clan brought them to the local wizard, who was studying similar vials. It took the clan four days to locate this old man.

  Having conjured over that flask, the wizard asked them to bring three more vials with “Groaning Souls” for final confirmation of his theory.

  Having already found two such reagents, they were on the point of finishing this task. The first one they had got from a bare illusive cat, the second from the corpse of a former monk. So they searched the dead city Ekaro in search of vials.

  “Is everybody ready?” Crimson asked his clan, with whom he had been friends for six years.

  “Listen!” a girl playing for Tifling asked. Her beautiful figure and symmetrical horns ideally combined with her leather armor with a deep decollete. Gold level black trousers and high boots only emphasized her image of a seductress. “Ronni, are we still going on that date today?” Kate flashed a lovely smile, showing why she was called Seductive Deviless in the game.

  “Hm…We’ve arranged one, Kate, and it's going to happen,” he averted his eyes, because this was the third time something had prevented him keeping the tryst.

  “Well, you!” the girl exclaimed and punched slightly him in the shoulder. “Aren't you ashamed to keep deceiving me? Don’t make come pull you out from the capsule. I’m not too lazy to come to your place.”

  “O-augh...” several voices said. Most of the guys were watching them.

  Kate put hands on her hips, staring at that one she had fallen in love with long ago. But this pro-gamer did not know how she felt, and she did not like telling him directly. They had known each other since high school, and in that time she had been stuck on him. When Ronni had begun to play, she had set up a clan with him. But Crimson did not want to be management, preferring to play and be, as he said, "at the front".

  “E-e-e …” Ronni scratched his neck. “This time, I promise. If I miss it again, then I’ll owe you one. Ok?”

  “You give me your word, and in front of witnesses! Hey! Have you heard everything? Yeah?” She looked at her group, but they all looked away. Some were kicking at the earth, and some pretended to be sleeping. All of them knew their clan leader pined for Crimson Berserker, but did not dare interfere.

  “Hey you! As you leader, I warn you, if one of you doesn’t confirm his promise, you’ll all be grinding in low-level locs. Got it?!

  “Precisely, deviless...” one of the guys whispered.

  “I heard you, Racer,” Kate hissed.

  “Well, I see all of you have taken a breather,” Crimson, said, hoping to save his friend further grief. “It’s time to get the last vial.”

  Chapter 60. Eternity in hell

  The Soul Crushers Clan. The Monastery of gloom.

  Having shown the video to the Archeologist, they gave him a task to search for further traces. A week later, the Soul Crushers faced the caves again. This time the Archeologist was with them. Night stood in front of them, inspecting everyone.

  “The main task is to meet that monster again. It kno
ws something about Dullakhan. If we have to kill it, be ready to do it. Archeologist, don’t interfere. Your data can help to open something we’d missed, but otherwise we repeat everything we did last time. Delia, we’re glad your back, but are you sure you’re ready?”

  “Of course!” she smiled. “Last time everything occurred so suddenly. I know I’m young, so I was scared.”

  “Well, too young!” Night hemmed, but, noticing her glare, he turned away and ordered, “We repeat everything as last time. Especially you who weren’t there, remember everything you were told and shown about whom and how to kill. Don’t speak with the Grave Mound!”

  The group of ten players moved inside, looking to answers. This time it took them less time to pass through caves. Three hours later, the “Soul Crushers” stood in front of that Grave Mound again. There was nothing creeping on the ceiling anymore, but laying in the center of the room were the remains of old guests.

  Last time, after the group of players had been sent to seek out giant cannibals, the world had begun to change, and had thrown them out of the Monastery of gloom. They did not hurry to return, understanding all this had an ulterior motive.

  “Have you come again? How d’you like a new truth?” said a spectral voice.

  Night came forward together with Archeologist. Their negotiations would influence whether they learnt what they needed from the monster, or just kill it and look for answers somewhere else, meaning they had wasted their time.

  “Tell what you tried to tell, showing us the new version of bygone eras? What is it?” The vampire stepped forward, beginning the conversation.

  “To each-ch-ch his-s-s own point.”

  “Perhaps we don’t see the whole picture, but we know you’re what's left of those two hundred people the knights and soldiers took away in catacombs.”

  “Sh-sh-shut up-p!” A loud whistle scolded all of them to bones. “You unders-s-stand nothing!

  Archeologist coughed in his fist and took the floor.

  “We understand everything. You tried to save yourselves, but the changes of the world affected you for some reason. Space began to change as well, mixed your bodies as a result and buried you in the mass grave. The ancient magic. It’s mentioned in a book written by the Keeper Dravars. Instead of rescue, you’ve been suffering for many centuries. We don’t know whether those giants were Gods or Demons, but you wanted to show us something about the guilt of those seven heroes. There’s nothing about them in the books. D’you know why?”

  “Saviors!” The monster spat out, the most disgusting word. “Hundreds of millions had died before they acted. I … don’t! We hate them! We’re trapped in time … In space… In agony. In hell.”

  The Grave Mound began to shake in rage. The earth trembled, and the ceiling threatened to fall on them.

  “Wait!” cried Night. “If you tell us about them, perhaps, we’ll be able to help you to find peace. To free you.”

  The beast stopped raging, and hundreds of eyes stared at Night.

  “Do you cons-s-sider you’ll cope with it?”

  “I promise if there is a chance, we won’t stop. Death is not the end for us. We are Messengers of Gods. Have you ever heard of us?”

  “Yea. I know-ow what you are. Althou-ough death isn’t the end, its-s-s complex-x-xity is-s-s great. Are you rea-ready?

  Offered the epic quest chain “Eternity in the Hell”

  Description: Your desire to uncover the truth and to save the suffering beast provides a unique opportunity to influence on all the inhabitants of this Floor. Listen to another story of the Grave Mound about the seven heroes.

  Warning. If you accept it, you will not be able to refuse.

  In case of refusal you will get:

  “The Grave Mound Damnation.”

  - 50% XP you’ll get during two weeks. All stats decrease by 2 units forever.

  Reward for the first part of chain:

  +5,000 XP;

  +3% to Chance to receive a secret quest.

  Accept? Yes/no.

  Only the leader of group received this message. He relayed it to the group to make sure nobody was against the idea. Such fines were too serious.

  After weighing the pros and cons, everybody agreed.

  “Accept. It’s like deja vu …”

  “We’re ready to overcome difficulties. But answer a question before telling a story.”

  “A ques-s-stion? As-s-sk!”

  “We know Dullakhan the headless knight sometimes comes to this cave. Can you tell who he is and how to find him?”

  “It’s-s-s him to be that difficulty I s-s-said about. Lis-s-sten to the s-s-story…”

  The Soul Crushers prepared to be transferred, but instead a ghost of a young girl rose out of the Grave Mound. She dressed simply, with black hair hanging down over empty eye-sockets. And she had no hands!

  “Listen to me, Messengers. The knight, being one of the noble, was the one who hid us. His name was Urik Fanrel. When he left, he promised he’d return as soon as everything ended. But a plate fell over on top of him during magic action and crushed his head.” Her unemotional empty voice cast melancholy and sincere emptiness.

  While listening to her voice, thoughts of suicide came to some of the Soul Crushers, but bright white light scattered over them.

  “Be careful. It is one of the highest undead. She doesn't mean us any harm, but her mental magic works as passive.”

  Those who succumbed to it raised their heads and continued to listen more carefully.

  “We, who become useless flesh, being fueled by ancient magic in space and time, and he who made a promise and died, are together. We are connected, but only he can go out into the world. Urik is looking for answers and an opportunity to keep his promise. But what can a disembodied spirit do? We don’t know when he comes, it depends only on him. Urik visits us to learn whether we’re still “alive”. Find or wait for him, or have a talk and save us.

  The first part of the “Eternity in the Hell” quest is completed.

  Reward: 5,000 XP;

  +3% to chance to receive a secret quest.

  The second part of the epic quest chain “Eternity in the Hell” is received.

  Description: Wait or try to find the Dullakhan, Urik Fanrel. Your group is allowed to communicate with him. When you meet him, tell him you are sent by Kalimiya and he will stop to listen to you.

  Attention: The headless knight may not appear for months in Monastery of gloom.


  + 15,000XP;

  +10% to Chance that the knight will help you in a fight if he is around;

  +5 to Intelligence.

  Note: only the one in your group who will be the first to find Dullakhan will get the reward.

  “Tell about the heroes, Kalimiya.” asked Night.

  Chapter 61. A moving target

  The Rollin’ Dice located the wizard Ricky Armastrus. Rewards for the player who had received this task were more than great. He got a lot of experience, jumped two levels at once, gained three units of intelligence and a unique skill “Search”.

  In exchange for influence points, this skill helped find any living person or monster if you had some of his, her or its blood, hair, clothes, weapons, or any item. If a person the user looked for was dead, the magic would not be activated and influence points would not be spent.

  If you had a thing of any alive player, “Search” showed the place on the map and a light thread only the skill user could see. It was possible to search for two targets.

  Thanks to the conversation with the blind old man, they had specified the position on the map which has not been marked even on the website of the cartographers. There was a continuous dark stain with a thirty-three-yard radius there.

  As a result, Mollie dispatched a group of three thieves and three rogues to evaluate the situation. It was forbidden to attack those monsters as their level of was well above 50.

  In case the situation was hopeless, one of rogues would have to sacrifice h
imself to allow the rest to reach further purpose and so on.

  Every day this group, which got the nickname “Scouters” sent the Kingmaker a video which showed their movements. Four days later there were only two thieves still searching. But they found nothing in that place the old man had indicated, only a huge empty space covered with grass. No monsters, trees, or caves existed there.

  Having sent video, they received the answer from the clan leader. She wrote that they would spend a week more searching, promising to train them as high level guilds. So the thieves, who were called Dzhelyon, waited for her to execute the order.


  After two days, boring everyday life began to weigh on the two thieves. All they saw were moles with an ivory-colored mace hanging from their tails from a distance several times.

  “Name: Mole Fighter

  Level: 49

  HP: 9,000”

  Nothing interesting. It was not clear why they all avoided the glade they waited in so far…

  “Kri-kri.” High in the sky, the loud shriek of a bird could be heard. The two observers looked up, stupefied.

  Directly over their heads, the huge Bird Rukh soared, its head passing through invisible barrier. The opened view amazed the thieves. In that place, behind the barrier, a floating island was seen!

  One of the thieves brought out a telescope, activated Inspection and screamed, “We’ve found it! The Third Guard!”

  “Name: Bird Rukh (Guard)

  Level: 63

  HP: 17,000”

  Mollie was excited by the Video she had received. Nobody could imagine that they would be ahead of Fortuna in the search for the Guard. But then her spirits fell.


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