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Player Reached the Top. LitRPG series. Book I

Page 27

by Rick Scar

  The rogue said goodbye to Laniya, and tried to speak with Ukumi, but she would not answer. The spell that allowed them to communicate seemed to have ended. He had lost track of time and did not know when the return transition had happened. Therefore, Raven went to the nearest place where there were monsters, which turned out to be a thirty-five-to--forty-level location.

  An hour later, the young man was killing a nimble frograb, and the portal began to suck him in. Raven picked up speed and managed to strike three more blows more, gaining experience. He had already outgrown these monsters, so the quantity of experience for their murder was negligible.

  After the portal closed, Will found Daltaro sitting nearby. He was dozing with his wide-brimmed hat over his eyes, leaning against a tree.

  The rogue decided to play a prank on his friend. Using the Twilight Walker and hiding in shadow, he crept near the archer. But when he was only two steps away, Daltaro pulled an arrow from the quiver and fired it into the shadow, without even taking off his hat. Only after that did he raise the brim of his headwear and look toward where he expected someone to be. He saw nothing, but felt Raven.

  Will stepped from the shadow with a muttered curse.

  “Oh, is that you, Raven?” The archer stretched, yawned, and rose from the earth. “So where were you transferred?

  “To the third Floor.”

  Daltaro stared at the rogue. “The third Floor? Is it really possible? According to the legends, our Floors are not connected. There were rumors that some old beings had ways to move between Floors, but that’s all they were; just rumors. And how did you learn that you were on the third Floor?”

  “There were a lot of Messengers there, like me. They already knew what Floor they were on, so I just asked.”

  “How many?” Daltaro asked, taking an interest.

  “Many. Don’t worry about it. How were things in my absence?”

  “Everything was good. Nobody jumped on me. I was just out for my usual walk.”

  “Well, I’m glad to see you safe and sound. By the way, I’ve got something for you. If memory serves, you bragged about your high level Identification, so I’d like you to have a look at it!” Raven drew the stone head and held it out to Daltaro.

  “Hmm… well then, let's identify.”

  At first nothing happened, but seconds later… Daltaro's hands began to tremble.

  Chapter 77. Following in father’s footsteps.

  Daltaro’s fingers were shaking so much, he could hardly hold the object. His eyes bugged from shock, and he muttered incoherently.

  “No, no, no… how… she… after all…” His shoulders shook, and Daltaro began to cry. “My dear… I said, it wasn’t worth…”

  Will stared at the stone head, wondering what was going on.

  “Daltaro?” The young man addressed the archer. “What is it?”

  The archer, looking years older raised devastated eyes and whispered, “This is my daughter. More precisely, her head.”

  “Wh-wh-what…?” Raven was prepared for anything, but not this. “Why? Why was her head left? And made of stone?”

  “Look!” Daltaro stretched him the head of the daughter in shivering hands.

  Head (unique subject).

  The head of a legendary adventurer Jaomi Marius, the daughter following her father.

  Offered the secret chain of quests “In father’s footsteps”.

  Description: Find other parts of the girl’s body and learn her history.

  Found: 1/7

  Reward: +200,000 XP,

  Eternal gratitude of Daltaro Marius and his daughter Jaomi Marius.

  Unique skill or unique specialization at choice.

  Accept: Yes/No?

  “Oh, my God!” After reading the list of rewards, Raven gasped.

  It would be impossible to find other parts of the body alone. The only thing he could do was quote the price at auction and to hope nobody had identified the stone body parts yet, and without drawing a lot of attention. This seemed unlikely.

  The rogue tapped on the shoulder of the man and looked into his eyes. “I will help you. Whatever the cost.”

  “Thanks.” The archer nodded, calming down.

  “You have accepted the secret chain of quests ‘In father's footsteps’.”

  “Eh… I’m missin’ killing rats,” the rogue whispered to himself.

  Ukumi watched them. Though she didn’t understand, she felt the weight pressing on Daltaro’s soul. She climbed into his arms, pressing against his shoulder, and began to conjure. Her hands glowed bright white, filling the man’s body with light. Daltaro’s face relaxed, and a weak smile flashed over it.

  “Thank you, Priestess.” He looked at the exhausted Dryad. She smiled and nodded, conveying her acceptance of his gratitude.

  Later, she returned to Will’s arms, but they could not communicate. Raven waved his hand and accompanied the archer back to the Green Lagoon. They would have to update the spell, or they would end up wandering through the forest searching for these Nomir--monsters about which he knew nothing.


  Evening came, and the rogue and archer finished gathering the necessary herbs. Nomirs turned out to be as huge as myriapods, ants covered in a thin violet flame which, digging down, left holes in the earth.

  As well as Davrs, they found a Hermit-Nomir too, which looked like moths but without wings. Its body was bigger than the others’, and instead of violet flame it was covered with acid smoke which did not affect it in any way.

  The fight was difficult, considering they could not touch its body. But through teamwork, they were able to destroy the monster with almost no loss of health. The archer had to spend an incredibly rare arrow with an edge shaped like a dragon’s tiny mouth. As if by lightning, it created an electric discharge, then sliced through the Nomir’s body when it had less than 15% of life. There were no hidden items or chests within, but Raven looted a good item suitable for him.

  “Acid gloves (gold)

  +50-85 Damage by acid to the main attack.

  + 32% Chance to burn the target with acid during an attack.

  Requirements: 50 level.

  Class requirements: Melee class.”

  He put on them and examined his hands. Around the fingers drifted acid smoke, curling and occasionally flashing. It looked to be very effective. As for the Gloves of dying fame, which the rogue had found in the chest earlier, he decided to wear them only for stealing something if he had to, in order to save Influence points.


  Will stood among small dryads under the evening sky, waiting for the end of the ritual which had lasted for half an hour. The Senior’s movements, gestures and dances, sent him into ecstasy. The robber plunged into himself as if being in a hypnotic trance.


  Daltaro's voice brought him back into reality. Raven shook his head, and glanced around.

  “Are you all right?”

  “Yes, I was… lost in thought.”


  At last, the ritual was coming to its end. Three little girls, kneeling in the circles, which had been sketched by extracts of the herbs on the small wooden stage, broke into a violet sweat. Hexagrams emerged on their backs and violet shards were drawn out their bodies.

  The Priestesses turned white, covered in small drops of sweat. Their faces were twisted with pain. The ritual ended, and left behind were cursed shards. The Senior Priestess, no less exhausted than her daughter and two other young girls, was propped up against a staff.

  “White Raven, as promised, we have extracted the ancient stones,” she said.

  The rogue nodded and headed to the wooden platform. All the dryads stared hopefully after him, though not all of them believed he would save the forest and their younger sisters from slow, withering fates.

  Will stopped near the first shard, gesturing for the others to keep their distance. He did not know how exactly the merging process occurred, vividly remembering the bear. Ukumi and those two youn
g priestesses had been taken away by other dryads. The young man flipped the shard and threw it on the stage.

  At first, nothing happened. Raven figured out that they should be placed near to each other. Then, suddenly, as if drawn by magnets, they were pulled toward each other. Purple smoke curled out from them. After a second, the shards merged in one crystal which resembled a diamond hovering in space.

  The air around it crackled and howled, chopping up the square into small pieces, butchering the earth as if hundreds of soldiers were slashing it with sharp swords.

  At last, the nearly complete cursed crystal dropped onto a small wooden plate in the center of the Green Lagoon.

  A great silence settled around them. The Dryads stared in awe at that what had threatened to destroy their wood for four hundred years.

  Raven approached the crystal, took it in his hands, and inspected it.

  “Cursed Crystal

  Rank: unique subject.

  Loaded: 0/500.”

  The name specified the word “crystal” instead of “shard”. This meant the goal was almost within reach.

  He walked up to the Senior priestess. “As promised, though quite a bit remains to be brought together. I have been informed that when the crystal is put back together again, it will not infect the wood anymore.”

  The Senior nodded. “I believe you will succeed.”

  ?Night Ritual completed.

  Reward: 3 shards, 60,000 XP.

  The relation with the dryads--10/400 trust.”

  “Take this. I think it’ll help you in your travel,” she added.

  Priestess’ Bamboo flute.

  Rank: Unique item.

  Description: Allows calling upon a dryad to assist.

  Duration: 1 day.

  Energy required: 400.

  Cooldown: 12 days.

  Restrictions: The dryad cannot be called in the droughty and frosty lands.

  “Thanks, Senior. Can you give me a hand with it?” He handed her the player's ring. “I’d like to increase space in this ring.”

  “I’m sorry, but we can’t do that. You should find a skilled magician.”

  “I will. Goodbye and keep expecting me cleanse your wood.”

  “Surely.” The priestess turned around and dispensed his commands to restore order to the destroyed square.

  “Hey! Raven!” said a voice in the rogue’s head. He saw tiny Ukumi jumping up and down to draw his attention.

  “How are you?” he inquired.

  She puffed her chest out and put her hand on her hips, smiling joyfully. “I am strong. I said that the stone made me weak.” She raised her head to the sky, striking a pose.

  He used Inspection on her.

  Name: Ukumi

  Level: 64.

  HP: 20,100/20,100.

  “Phew!” Will exclaimed. The stone had nearly doubled the dryads’ stats.

  “Oh, wow, you really are strong.” Raven patted her back. Her childish behavior reminded him so much of his little sister. She also loved to be praised for her successes, like a normal kid.

  Chapter 78. Old acquaintances

  Raven said goodbye to Ukumi, who looked joyful now that she had the flute, and left the Green Lagoon. His mind began to wander, wondering what problem to focus on next.

  It was high time to locate the box, but the rogue did not know where to start. He decided to keep cleansing the forest. After all, the sorcerer and the box were somewhere within it. Will hoped to find it by the fixed date.

  He was about to share his further plans with Daltaro, when Raven noticed him looking somewhere at the South. The archer’s face drew tight, then smiled broadly.

  “Hey, Raven! I sense something alive not far from here. It’s time to see how you will cope. I have not broken my word; it’s your turn now.”

  “Nearby? Uhm … It may be worth distracting myself for a while. We’ve had a few hectic days recently.” Will grinned. “Lead the way, buddy.”


  They proceeded through the forest and gradually reduced the number of 65+ level monsters. As the difference in levels was reduced, Will earned less experience, than before, but still more, than other players.

  Raven noticed that Daltaro had become stronger since their travels began. For example, he now had skills which he had never used before. Several times, the rogue saw him train on trees, refining his technique.

  Three days later, the rogue achieved 56-level. They followed the archer’s internal compass until they heard sounds of a furious fight. Exchanging glances, the two companions rushed toward the source of the sound. Hiding in the leaves of trees, they came upon a girl and two men battling five old friends. Latians!

  Despite not knowing the situation, Raven threw a dagger at one of the Latians, while Daltaro launched an arrow into another. But whether they had excellent intuition or experience, the Latians managed to evade both with light cuts. Perhaps…


  “Name: Latian Headhunter

  Level: 81

  HP: 30,100”

  His level was not higher, than the spy’s, even lower. But in this game one could not underestimate his opponent just because of his or her level. These hunters managed to dodge the dagger and the arrow that had been fired from their blind spots.

  After the dagger returned to Raven’s hand, he jumped from the tree, and rushed into the fight. The archer remained behind, providing backup for the girl and the two men. When the Latians noticed their enemies’ unexpected support, the headhunters attacked even more furiously. The girl, carrying a rapier and a small board on her arm, hung on by the skin of her teeth, but skillfully fought back two Latians.

  One of the three headhunters that fought with the girl’s guards turned toward the rogue. His small two-edged axe sped toward Will at a great speed. He dropped to the earth, dodging the throw, then stuck his dagger into the unprotected hip of the enemy, activating Cut.

  The skill did not work, but Will had already applied Dirty Dodge. Then Raven moved behind the Latian’s back and used Underhand Blow, increasing the dagger’s basic attack by 20%.

  The enemy shook, and brought forward a round board. His mouth opened, hissing, and a dense swarm of flies flew toward the rogue. They took away ten health units for every second, besides applying Confusion. The Flies fastened themselves to Will. He could not see the enemy, so he activated Twilight Walker, slipping into shadow and away from the swarm, while still using the flies to hide from the Latian.

  When the time of Swarm came to its end, the headhunter cried out, “Show yourself! Your head will be a present for our Queen! Don’t think we haven’t recognized you! You are nothing but food for us which we’ll gobble up, as well as all in your empire!”

  Will remembered something. From a small sack which hung on his belt, he extracted a pinch, and blew it to the earth. “I nearly forgot that you are one of this Shadows Order. Our spies obtained a lot of information about you.”

  “Now you are under the influence of the True Light powder, which was invented by the Sacred Earth several decades ago against the Shadows Order. You cannot use shadows for five minutes.”

  The robber swore, jumped back from the axe which had again been thrown at his head the second he came back from shadow.

  “I’ll pickle your corpse in jars, upstart!” the enemy roared.

  Raven smiled and activated Clone, attacking from two directions. The fight was dragging on, and thanks to his titles, he fought as equals with this Latian.

  Now it was time for the heavy artillery. Will used Torture. Raven pierced the Latian’s widened eyes with two sharp blows of the dagger, depriving him of the ability to see. The enemy cried, not from pain, but from rage.

  Will paid no attention. He slid like a snake behind the Latian’s back and applied Underhand Blow again, embedding the blade in his neck. His foe’s head tilted, and Raven who thrust the dagger into its throat.

  Then Will took his dagger reverse grip, pulled the Latian to him, cutting the backs of his k
nees. With a cracked and a loud squelch, the head flew off.

  One of the Latians attacking the girl nodded to his companion, who tried to pierce Raven with his short sword. Barely evading the blow, Will saw a second short sword, which had already punctured his side.

  “Rgakh!” A sharp pain shot through him, threatening to debilitate him. “Soul Cry! And? Devil! Cooldown …"

  He spun, evading the skillful swordsman’s blows.

  “What a bastard! Here you are!”

  “Daltaro, don’t miss them!”

  “Underhand Blow!”

  Some sand was thrown into the Latian’s face, causing him to close his eyes for a moment.


  The enemy opened his eyes, becoming paralyzed with surprise when he saw one of his Kings before him. The Latian had apparently forgotten that this King had been killed.

  “What a…?”

  Daltaro did not miss this moment of opportunity. The arrow flew at the Latian, then Raven threw his dagger, activating Double Attack. His weapon impaled the top part of the enemy’s chest, causing critical damage. The Latian staggered back.

  Raven decided to exploit the situation. He hailed the two remaining Latians, the third having been killed by Daltaro. One of them still fought the girl, while the second faced off against the two soldiers and the shooter.

  “I am your king, Latians!” The rogue shouted the first words that came to his mind, but it was enough. Twisting their faceted eyes, the Latians beheld the king, distracting them for a moment.

  Their rivals took advantage. A stroke, another stroke.

  “Ah, well.” And then his image returned to his usual one.

  Chapter 79. The King’s Daughter


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