Beauty and the Shapeshifter (Evil Rising Book 5)
Page 24
Ella’s brow knotted together and then a big grin spread across her face. Dad might just be human, but he was no fool.
His kitchen knives were silver.
Rok ran at her once more and she braced herself, aiming the blade straight for his heart. But Rok was smarter than the vampire in the deli and grabbed her knife with one hand; the other punched her in the gut.
She grunted as the blow seemed to reverberate through all her limbs, sending her sprawling on the floor.
Her eyes only saw the hardwood below her, but she felt Rok’s smugness above her. Gloating over his victory.
Every time she started to feel better, he managed to break her in some new way. How had Cade endured this for three years? Judging from the state he was in, the answer was “not well.”
She had no doubt Rok would kill her now. He wanted to know why she was special and now he knew about Clara.
He had new game to hunt. The thought of Clara having to be on the run broke her heart, but at least she had Lucian to look after her now. He would keep her safe, just as he had tonight.
Something poked into her side, and Ella shifted, trying to avoid at least some pain before she was killed.
Rok grabbed her shoulder and flipped her over, straddling her just like he had three years ago. “You were right,” he hissed. “I did enjoy that. Foreplay’s over now, babe.”
He shot forward, sinking his fangs into her neck, and moaned in pleasure.
Right when he relaxed and started to take long draws from her neck, she twisted, giving herself just enough room between his chest and hers to slam the smaller steak knife through his heart.
He went still, withdrawing from her neck to stare down at her in confusion.
“Word of advice. Next time you pull a knife out of your neck, don’t just throw it on the ground all willy-nilly. It’s rude.”
Rok’s body went limp above her, and she twisted under his weight. It was harder than she thought to get two hundred fifty pounds of dead vampire muscle off her.
She let her head fall back and laughed. Of all the problems to have, this was one of the best.
She turned her head at the sound of shuffling feet.
“Ella! Oh my goodness, are you okay?” Dad knelt next to her as he helped to roll Rok over.
“I’ll live,” she muttered. “How about you? Still feel like you want to serve me up to the vampires?”
He sat down next to her and leaned against the wall. “I don’t even know what I was thinking. I mean, I wasn’t thinking at all. Everything he said just seemed to make so much sense. He could’ve ordered me to drink bleach and I would’ve thought he was the smartest being I’d ever met.
“How can something have that kind of power over us?”
Ella belatedly remembered she was bleeding and held up a hand to her neck. How did someone forget about that? “I’ve been bitten by vampires too many times. They get less painful the more you do it,” she muttered
Her father scanned her face, brows drawn together. “Let me see your neck.”
She moved her hand.
Dad frowned. “It’s not bleeding.”
Ella stared down at her hand in horror. Just like he said, there was no wet blood on her hand. “What do you mean it’s not bleeding? How is it not bleeding?”
The sound of wood being split into pieces had both her and Dad looking to the front of the hallway. Loud footsteps pounded in the entryway right before Lucian bounded into sight.
“Ella!” His shout died out as he looked down and saw her, Dad, and the dead Rok.
He fell to his knees at Ella’s side, cupping her face and examining her injuries.
Cade walked in stoically behind him, eyeing the scene.
“I’m so sorry. I should’ve been here.”
Dad shook his head. “No, this is my fault. She is my daughter and I should’ve been able to resist if her safety was at stake.”
Ella rolled her eyes. “Crazy idea. Maybe it’s the dead guy’s fault.”
Cade kicked Rok over, getting a good look at his face. “I’m impressed.”
“Not to brag or anything, but it is my second vampire kill in a week.”
“Then I’m twice as impressed.” It sounded like the old Cade, but not a hint of a smile covered his face. Maybe once his beard was gone and he got some muscle back, he’d be better.
Lucian’s eyes raked over her once more. “You don’t look injured.”
“Well, I can take care of myself.”
“No. I mean you look perfect. Your neck...your arm.”
Ella held her hands up, examining her wrists. Sure enough, the purple bruising in her wrist was gone and there was no sign of swelling. “What the—?”
Lucian whipped around to face Dad. “What did you do?”
“It’s not his fault. The vampire made him do it. He had no control over himself.”
Lucian shook his head. “You didn’t heal this fast three years ago. Something changed.”
Dad stood up straighter. “How dare you accuse me! This is all your fault.”
Lucian’s narrowed gaze told Dad exactly what he thought of this blame game. “How could I have done this?”
“It’s your people who wanted me to do these experiments in the first place. You know she had some of your vile DNA to begin with.”
“But she’s different. Something changed her.”
Ella couldn’t stand their arguing, literally, over her. She pushed herself up and stood between the two men in her life. “Lucian, I think, changed me.”
His brow furrowed as he looked at her.
She continued, “It was probably Clara...the pregnancy. Did you know about this, Dad?”
“I suspected. But it didn’t matter. I promised I would never look at you as a test subject again, and it makes no difference to me if you are super or sub-human. You’re my daughter and I was just happy you and Clara made it out alive.” He took a pensive breath. “For all I know, it was Lucian coming back into your life that worked as a catalyst.”
“So what else is different?” asked Lucian. “Are you immortal? Can you teleport? Are you going to start changing forms?”
“Are you sure you want to see this?” asked Lucian.
Ella took a nervous gulp. To be honest, she wasn’t sure at all, but it was too late now. She was here and would face her fears head on. “Yeah.”
He interlaced his fingers with hers and they stepped into the building. Sunlight streamed through broken windows, shining on the glass and debris that littered the floor.
Rust-colored patches colored the floor and Ella averted her gaze. “It looks so different.”
“By the time we’re done, there won’t be anything left.”
“Are you going to burn it down?” Ella carefully stepped over a pile of broken brick and rubble; Lucian rushed to her side to make sure she didn’t fall.
“Fire will draw too much attention. By next Friday, we’ll have the inside completely gutted. No trace that anyone was ever here.”
Ella approached the first of the cells, laying a hand on the cold concrete. “Cade was just a lab rat to them. Poking and prodding him...developing chemical weapons. Who knows how much they’ve discovered.”
Lucian set a comforting arm around her waist, pulling her from the cell. “We stopped it, though. The best computer technicians in the world are combing through the hard drives we recovered even as we speak, looking for anything we can use. This was an important victory.”
Cade’s gaunt face popped up in Ella’s mind. “It doesn’t feel like a win.”
Lucian tipped Ella’s face back and stared deeply into her eyes. “I got you back safe and sound. My best friend is alive. And I found out I’m in love with an indestructible woman and have a multi-talented daughter. I might be the happiest I’ve ever been.”
Ella smiled up at him. His words pushed away all the doom and gloom from her mind. “When you put it that way...” She leaned forward, laying a gentle kiss on his li
~~~THE END!~~~
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Don't miss Melody's newest series, SINS AND SPELLS! Check out book one, Pride and Magic!
She walked away years ago,
But magic has a way of creeping back in.
Samantha Harris walked away from her family, and magic, years ago. But when a string of murders rocks New York City, Sam can’t help but notice that the placement of the bodies screams magic. Except no one in her family seems to pick up the connection.
When she tries to give the lead detective a quick hint to send him in the right direction, Sam gets sucked further into the investigation than she ever thought possible. Now Detective Derek Pierce has to put together the half truths Sam is giving him and the facts of the case that get stranger by the second.
The killer is closer to Sam than she could've imagined and Derek is the only one who can stop him from tearing her family apart, but only if he knows the whole truth. And the whole truth is exactly what could kill him.
Keep reading for a sneak peek at the first three chapters!
Samantha Harris had seen Detective Derek Pierce exactly three times before. The first time was the day he moved in and introduced himself as a detective, effectively ensuring that she’d be avoiding him as much as possible. The second time was when she realized he might be the most attractive man she’d ever seen. The third time, she’d passed him in the stairwell while she had three brand-new joints in her jacket pocket and she kept her head down and got as far away from him as possible.
So when she saw him on the news talking to Nick and Travis Baker, everything her mother was talking about faded away and Sam craned her neck to get a better view of the TV.
“Are you even listening to me?” asked Abigail Harris as she gave Sam one of the disapproving glances she’d become so famous for.
“Can we turn this up? I know him.” Without waiting for her mother to reply, Sam got up from the pristine marble island in her mother’s kitchen and grabbed the remote to the small television hanging under the cabinets, turning up the volume until the news reporter’s voice was audible.
“—in what appears to be the fifth murder by the Bay Side Butcher. The police arrived on the scene at two a.m. this morning but—”
Abigail turned off the television and then stood in front of the screen so Sam couldn’t use the remote to turn it back on. “I don’t need those sort of obscene shows on in my home.”
“The Baker brothers are out there. Where the latest girl was murdered?”
“You stay away from those boys. They’re probably trying to use this as a way to get in the spotlight, and we don’t need to have anything to do with that kind of filth. Now, I don’t want to discuss such matters in my kitchen.”
“You’re the one who had the news on,” pointed out Sam.
“I just put on a random channel. I like the white noise while I’m cooking. Cooking a fantastic breakfast which you haven’t eaten any of, by the way.”
Sam looked over the spread of eggs, bacon, sausage, and a whole fruit platter. It all looked fantastic, but the idea of eating turned her stomach. “I’m sorry. I don’t really have any appetite today.”
Abigail frowned as she approached and set a comforting hand on Sam’s shoulder. “Honey. I hate seeing you like this. Please, let me help you. Your sister and I can get you everything you need.”
Sam rolled her shoulder, dislodging her mother’s grip. “I’ll be fine. Promise. I’ll have a huge dinner tonight,” she lied.
“Let me call Jackson. He’ll take care of you.”
“Jackson doesn’t want to hear from me.”
“If I ask him to, he’ll go over.”
Sam blinked a few times. She wasn’t fishing for compliments or anything, but sometimes her mother’s straightforward talk still managed to catch her unaware. “Thanks for the confidence boost, Mom.”
Abigail sighed. “Well, if you want to be stubborn, I know better than to try to dissuade you. I’ll pack you some food to take home with you at least. Oh, and one more thing. I bought you a present.” Abigail opened one of the drawers and pulled out a small black box with a bright red ribbon on the top.
Sam eyed the box suspiciously. It was always hard to get a read on her mother’s intentions. “What is it?”
“Well, open it!” Abigail motioned toward the box. “That’s the point of a present!”
There was no wrapping paper on the box, so all Sam had to do was lift the lid and look inside. The loose green herbs inside were utterly familiar to her, but for some reason there was absolutely no odor to the drugs.
“Isn’t it great? I put a spell on them. The last thing I want is my daughter getting arrested for possession of narcotics.”
I’m definitely going to get arrested for possession. Sam took another drag of the “present” her mother had given her. She was especially on edge today. Sam didn’t know whether it was seeing her mother or the shock of seeing her neighbor rubbing elbows with those two sleazeballs. Two parts of her life that should never intersect.
Sam leaned against the brick next to the entry to her apartment building and took another drag, letting the smoke fill her lungs and diffuse into her bloodstream and calm the shaking that was nearly uncontrollable these days.
But she didn’t get high. She never got high.
Out of her peripheral vision, she noticed someone turning the corner and looked over to see Derek Pierce coming right toward her. She straightened and pressed the end of the joint into the rough brick before she pocketed what was left.
The detective’s icy gaze immediately honed in on her, and she could only imagine what he was seeing. She’d lost another five pounds in the past month, so she was really rocking the heroin chic look, and not in a good way. It didn’t help that her current everyday style involved combat boots, skinny jeans, and the blue leather jacket she’d picked up at a vintage shop a few weeks ago and fell in love with.
With dark-blue lipstick to match, of course, because if you were going to stand out, why half ass it?
Detective Pierce looked as if he hadn’t slept in days and even then looked a thousand times better than Sam. His dark-brown hair was cut short, which made sense considering his government job. But those light, ice-blue eyes were what had drawn her in the first time she’d met him.
Damn, he was pretty. Except he wasn’t looking at her with the same type of adoration at the moment. In fact, his scowl deepened the closer he got. Yeah, this was going to be a train wreck.
He came to a stop in front of her and Sam couldn’t find any of her words. He glanced between her pocket where she’d dropped what was left of her joint and her face. “Please tell me that wasn’t what I think it was?”
Sam debated playing dumb but decided against it. “Does it smell like what you think it was? There you go.”
He shook his head and rubbed at his temples. “Just don’t do it in front of the building again, got it?”
Did that mean he was okay with her doing it in her apartment? Didn’t matter. “I was actually waiting out here for you. Do you have a few minutes?”
“I’ve been up for fifty hours straight right now. You have thirty seconds before I go upstairs and pass out.”
Well then, she’d get right to the chase. “I saw you talking with Nick and Travis Baker on the news earlier today. I want you to know that they’re full of shit and don’t trust anything they say.”
He perked up at that. “You know them?”
“We all went to school together.”
“And what makes you think they’re fakes?”
Sam stared at him, blank-faced. She didn’t normally have to explain this to people. “I know they’re fakes because they were C and D students all through school. Wouldn’t a true psychic be able to cheat?” She waited to see whether there was any way he could fight her logic on that one.
“That is assuming that psychics
are all able to read minds, right?”
Sam opened her mouth, but there was no witty retort to that. She kind of thought all she’d have to do was tell him not to trust Nick and Travis and he’d listen.
The detective ran a hand through his short hair and sighed. “I need to get some sleep and my captain is insisting I work with these guys. So far, the intel they’ve given us has checked out, so unless you can give me some proof that they’re not who they say they are, there’s nothing I can do.”
“I can do that.” Sam racked her brain to try to hammer out the details. The Baker show filmed at five p.m. and doors opened at four.... “Think you’ll be awake by three?”
“What’s at three?”
“Just go upstairs and get some sleep. I’ll see you back here in a few hours, okay?”
The detective looked between her and the door and she could tell he was looking for a reason to say no. “I want to get rid of these guys more than anyone, trust me. But I don’t need my time wasted by some pothead who thinks she has a say just because she happens to live next to me.”
“Fine. Forget I said anything.” Sam ducked her head down and grabbed the key to the building, unlocking the door in one quick move. Except her quick retreat had less effect when the person she was retreating from lived in the same building. She made it up the first flight of stairs before she turned back to face the detective. “And I’m not just some pothead, by the way. I don’t do that shit to get high. I wish it got me high. I need that just to function at a normal level.”
Those ice-blue eyes narrowed, and Sam realized that even though she stood on a step above him, they were eye level. She wasn’t used to being around guys this tall.
Except these particular blue eyes didn’t seem the slightest bit sorry for his brisk write-off. “I just spent all day in a field with a dead woman who died horribly. Want to guess just how bad I feel for you right now?”
Well, when he put it like that, she felt stupid. Obviously he had bigger problems than worrying about her feelings. “I’m just trying to help, okay? I’m worried that if Nick and Travis aren’t trying to assist you in your investigation, then they’re actively working against it.”