Beauty and the Shapeshifter (Evil Rising Book 5)
Page 26
Sam’s thumb tapped against her leg as she thought about what he was saying. The six elements were hardly a secret, though very few people who weren’t the real deal used them in any rituals.
Which gave his theory some credit.
“Even if this was some sort of ritual, I can’t think of any spell involving human sacrifice. Besides that, I’m not a witch.”
The captain looked at her with disbelieving eyes that saw much more than she wanted him to. He then leaned forward slowly, as though he was measuring the next words carefully. “I can tell you’re one of the good ones. It’s obvious from the way that you’re shaking.”
Sam jumped up from the chair and pulled her bag closer to her. “I’m sorry, sir, but I don’t think you know the first thing about me. It’s time for me to go.”
She turned to start her hasty retreat, but the captain called after her, “Is this blood you want on your hands?”
She froze in place as the question hit her hard. “I’m not the one killing people,” she said softly, still not looking at him.
“How do you think I’ll feel if this killer goes free and I knew there was something to be done? Someone who could help? If there’s nothing you can do, then at least I’ll know I tried.”
Sam pivoted around on her heel and narrowed her eyes at him. Taking a deep breath, she approached his desk. “If you do know so much about me, then you know that I’m basically useless to you. This,” she held up a shaking hand as evidence, “is exactly why you shouldn’t even think about asking for my help.”
“I considered that.”
“And what made you think making this offer was still a good idea?”
The older man shrugged, his pristine white shirt barely moving. “I have no other options.”