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The Club

Page 9

by A. L. Brooks

  They were about five minutes away, and Jacky, despite her own calming entreaties to Tania in the two weeks since they’d decided to make this trip, was nervous as hell. She wasn’t even sure what the nerves were about. Presumably just the strangeness of this situation. She wanted to laugh out loud—she and her wife were going to a lesbian sex club to find a woman her wife could go down on. Never, in all her life’s experiences, had she anticipated this one. She risked another glance across at Tania.

  She was sitting up straight in the passenger seat, twisting strands of her hair around her fingers. Jacky reached across and stilled her hand. Their eyes met, and they smiled at each other.

  “I’m okay,” whispered Tania. She looked out of the window, then turned back to Jacky. “I’m actually quite excited. Is that okay?”

  Jacky nodded and grinned. “Me too.”

  They laughed then, big belly laughs that totally dissipated the tension that had been building ever since they left home about fifteen minutes ago.

  When Jacky pulled them up a couple of hundred yards down the road from the club, they were more relaxed than they’d been in days.

  “Now,” said Jacky. “Before we go in, there is one thing we haven’t talked about.”


  “Well, have you got a particular physical type in mind? What should I be looking out for?”

  Tania giggled. “Jesus, I have no idea! Can we just play it by ear? I don’t know if we’re going to go through with it tonight. It might just be about being there, you know?”

  Jacky nodded and held Tania’s hand. Tania leaned across the handbrake and kissed Jacky, long and lovingly.

  “I love you,” whispered Jacky against Tania’s mouth.

  Tania nodded.

  “Let’s go,” she said as they pulled apart and opened her door.

  They paid and wandered through to the Green Room. According to the woman working the door, it was the “vanilla” room—no toys; no bondage. Jacky laughed to herself when her eyes grew accustomed to the dim light. There wasn’t anything particularly vanilla about what was going on. Several couples were going at it against the wall, and there was some serious fucking action.

  She turned to look at Tania and felt her own first stirrings of arousal from the look on her wife’s face. Tania’s eyes were dilated, and she had a small, lustful grin on her face—both sure signs she was turned on, and it was all Jacky could do not to immediately find them their own corner and fuck her senseless. Tania looked at Jacky and nodded, and they grinned inanely at each other.

  “Beer,” growled Jacky, and Tania laughed as Jacky pulled her onto a bar stool.

  “It’s worth it just for the floor show,” said Tania a few minutes after they’d sat down. They drank their beers slowly as they watched the different couples in action.

  After their first beers, Jacky got them another and then motioned with her head towards the high table in the centre of the room.

  “Want to get a closer view?”

  * * *

  Tania stood up without hesitation, and Jacky chuckled. Tania glanced at her and blushed. Her eagerness showed, and she hoped Jacky was still okay with how keen she was. One look at Jacky’s face told her everything was fine. Jacky looked as turned on as she was.

  They sat next to each other and scouted out the room. Quite a few more women had arrived in the last half hour or so, and some of them were not yet engaged. The new arrivals all leaned against the wall at various points around the room, sipping their drinks. Tania, perched on her bar stool, let her gaze drift over the available women.

  She hadn’t so much as looked at another woman since she’d fallen in love with Jacky, yet here she was actively trying to find a woman to eat out. Did it matter what she looked like? Yes, actually, it did. Finding the woman attractive would somehow make it less…clinical.

  A woman walked by, heading for the Blue Room, and caught her attention. She had a lovely toned body, cute dark hair spiked up, muscles that moved nicely across her shoulders as she lifted her beer to her lips. As the woman lifted her face in profile, Tania was hit with a jolt of recognition. No, surely not?

  The woman walked on, and Tania strained to see in the darkness. She’d only had that fleeting glimpse, but she could have sworn the woman was Lou, from work. Lou, the cute but extraordinarily shy woman who no one in the office ever saw and rarely talked to. How on earth would a woman that shy be a visitor to a sex club?

  Jacky nudged her gently. “You okay? You look a bit shocked—can’t believe you’ve seen anything in here you haven’t already seen. Or done.” She smirked.

  Tania giggled. “No, stupid! I thought I saw someone from work, that’s all, but I must be mistaken.”

  “Jesus, I hope so! I can’t imagine how I’d react if I bumped into someone from work here.”

  Tania winked. “Well, given that you work entirely with men, that really would be a worry in this club.”

  “True enough.” Jacky laughed. “Anyway, back to the mission—seen anyone you like yet?”

  Tania shook her head. “Not yet, but give it time. I’m sure we’ll find someone eventually.”

  “That mean you’re up for it now, not just for watching?” Jacky’s voice held a slight tremor of excitement.

  Tania grinned. “Babe, just relax. But yes, I think I am up for it, if the right woman comes along.”

  Jacky smiled and nodded, and Tania suddenly wished desperately that she could kiss her, but house rules said no touching at the bar. It wouldn’t do for them to be thrown out for bad behaviour before they’d even got started.

  Tania took another long pull on her beer and studied the women on the wall. That’s when she saw her, tucked into a darker corner.

  She was cute. Very cute. About Tania’s height, with short curly hair and a great body. Curves in all the right places, not one of those skinny twig women. Her jeans nicely hugged her full hips, and a tight tee shirt was moulded to her full breasts. She stared after the woman who might have been Lou.

  A sharp, surprising, twinge of arousal hit Tania as she let her gaze drift down and then back up the woman’s body.

  The woman looked a few years older, but that was irrelevant, really. Tania nudged Jacky subtly with her elbow and nodded in the woman’s direction.

  “Yeah,” murmured Jacky. “I saw her earlier.” They gazed at each other, both swallowing hard.

  “Come on.” Tania stood up. Now that she’d decided, she didn’t want to risk anyone else grabbing “their” woman—she snorted to herself—before they got there. Tania’s stomach did the high jump as she walked, and she took a few deep, calming breaths to steady herself.

  The woman saw them coming and stood up a little straighter after bending to put her drink down on the floor alongside her.

  “Hey,” said Tania, her voice a little croaky with nerves.

  “Hi.” The woman’s eyes flitted between Tania and Jacky, clearly not quite sure what was going on.

  “Hi,” said Jacky, sounding just as nervous as Tania.

  “I’m Tania. This is my wife, Jacky.”

  The woman nodded.

  “We were…er…wondering…if…um…”

  The woman smiled, but somehow it didn’t reach her eyes. “I’m Max. I’ve never had a threesome, but I’ve always been curious. If that’s what you’re after?”

  Tania breathed out sharply. “Sorry, I’m being pretty useless at this, aren’t I?”

  Max smiled again, and her expression opened up a little.

  “The thing is,” continued Tania, a bit bolder now, “there’s something I particularly want to do. And Jacky kind of wants to watch. Would that be okay?”

  Max looked somewhat unsure. “I guess it depends on what that is?”

  “Oh God,” said Tania, embarrassed, suddenly realising how kinky that must have sounded. “I just want to go down on you, that’s all.” As she said it, a flood of juice shot out of her cunt. She felt, rather than heard, Jacky groan behind her. Max’s eyes wi
dened and then darkened, and the smile that Max flashed was so hot and sexy… Tania wanted to drop to her knees right there and then.

  “Yes.” Max leaned forward to breathe the word into Tania’s ear and sent white hot sparks through Tania’s body straight to her clit.

  Tania turned to look at Jacky, and they smiled at each other, and Tania suddenly knew this was all going to be okay. Jacky moved out from behind Tania.

  “I’m going to be behind you,” said Jacky to Max, who nodded and moved away from the wall slightly to give Jacky room to manoeuvre. Jacky leaned back against the wall, gently wrapped her fingers around Max’s upper arms, and pulled her back against her torso. Max melted into her, and Jacky let out a whimpering sound of arousal. She nervously looked across Max’s shoulder to meet Tania’s gaze.

  “It’s okay, babe.” Tania gazed at Jacky, understanding. “I want you to enjoy this too.” She glanced at Max. “It’s okay if Jacky touches you too, yes?”

  Max nodded, smiling, and then turned her head towards Jacky. “Definitely.” She took hold of Jacky’s right hand and placed it over her right breast. Jacky groaned and massaged the breast with her palm. It was obvious Max wasn’t wearing a bra, and her nipples hardened under Jacky’s firm caresses.

  “Oh, babe,” murmured Tania. God, that was sexy.

  Max caught her eye, and Tania knew Max wanted to kiss her, and she knew without a doubt she couldn’t. That would be too…personal, too intimate, and the only woman she ever wanted to kiss was her wife.

  She breathed out. “I’m sorry, I can’t kiss you. It’s—”

  Max placed a finger on Tania’s lips, stopping her speech.

  “It’s okay, I understand. This is all about using your mouth in other ways, isn’t it?” Her grin was wicked, and her words sent another spark of pure lust to Tania’s clit. Max curled her fingers in Tania’s thick hair, and Tania shuddered from the touch.

  She pulled Max’s tee shirt from her jeans. Max dropped her arm back by her side, giving Tania full access. Max moaned softly and relaxed back even more into Jacky’s body. Tania met Jacky’s gaze again and smiled as she lifted the tee shirt up; Jacky moved her arm, and Tania pushed the material high above Max’s breasts. Both she and Jacky moaned simultaneously as Max’s breasts were revealed. Jacky skimmed her fingers over a bare breast and squeezed hard. Max groaned, and Tania dipped her head forward to suck on the other breast. Max groaned even louder, and Jacky gasped. Tania flicked her head up briefly to grin salaciously at her wife, who stared intently at her mouth as it worked Max’s nipple. Sharing Max was clearly doing a number on both of them.

  With Max’s nipple between her lips, Tania could barely wait. Any reservations she’d had disappeared the moment Jacky’s hand touched Max’s breast. Now all she could think about was how Max would taste, how her clit would feel on her tongue. The taste and feel of Max’s nipple was lovely, but she was desperate to get between her legs.

  All evening, all through the car journey, all the time they were sat at the bars, all Tania could think about was what it would be like to finally go down on a woman again. She’d told herself that it didn’t matter. She knew now, with it so close, that it really did. Her first chance in three years to feel a woman come all over her face, and she couldn’t wait.

  Still sucking on that deliciously hard nipple, she moved her hands to the button of Max’s jeans. She flipped it open and worked the zipper down. Max gasped and pushed against Tania’s hands. She smiled against the breast beneath her mouth. No, she didn’t need to wait. Max was as eager as she was.

  Tania knelt on the floor and pushed the jeans all the way down to Max’s ankles. She stopped then, her face close to but not touching the soft skin of Max’s belly. She looked up, meeting first Jacky’s eyes, which blazed with desire as her fingers rolled Max’s nipples between them, and then Max’s, which were half-closed, her mouth silently forming the word “yes.” Tania’s cunt tightened in response, and she touched the waistband of Max’s delicately silky underwear. She pulled them down slowly, revealing the curly, dark hair. Max’s scent ratcheted up her arousal another hundred notches or so.

  She reached around Max to grab Jacky’s thighs. She needed to touch her, to have some connection to her while she did this. She moaned and breathed in. Christ, she had forgotten just how wonderful a face full of damp, curly hair felt. She slowly opened her mouth and pushed her tongue against that hair, teasing softly, enjoying the texture and the hint of what Max tasted like. Max groaned, as did Jacky, and Tania fisted the material at the back of Jacky’s loose-fit jeans. She dipped her tongue lower. Slowly, gently. Savouring. The tip of her tongue slipped over Max’s clit, and Max shuddered with it. The taste was exquisite, and she fought the urge to dive in too hard, too fast.

  Jacky threaded her fingers through Tania’s against her own thigh. They gripped each other tightly as Tania let her tongue probe even lower, deeper, coating it in Max’s juice, drinking in the taste of her and groaning at how fucking good it felt. She licked and stroked and delved, now inside, now on Max’s clit, sometimes fast, sometimes slow. She licked not to make her come but just to taste. To feel. Max writhed, panting, gasping, spreading her legs as wide as she could to give Tania better access.

  To have a woman this way—and to know Jacky was right there with her—was almost too much for Tania. Tears built, but she blinked them away. She moved her focus, to keep herself in check, and concentrated on bringing Max to a crashing orgasm. She angled her head and dipped her tongue inside Max’s cunt to forcefully fuck her before she slipped back up to her clit. She sucked, nibbled, and licked firmly and steadily, and Max thrust against her as Jacky’s fingers clenched against her own.

  She raised her head very briefly to catch Jacky’s attention and said, “Fuck her.”

  Jacky groaned louder than Max. She ripped her fingers away from Max’s breast and pushed them between Max’s legs from behind. She nudged Tania’s chin out of the way slightly and forced two long fingers inside, and Max gasped. When Max pushed down, clearly needing more, Jacky begun a deep, fast fuck while Tania continued licking, her mouth and chin coated in Max’s wetness, her own very swollen clit throbbing against the seam of her jeans. She was close to climaxing herself.

  “She’s coming,” whispered Jacky, her voice as rough as sandpaper, and Tania could feel it too, feel it throbbing in the clit under her tongue, feel it in the quivering of Max’s thighs, and then it slammed into Max, bucking her forwards and upwards. Tania chased her with her tongue still working on Max’s clit. Jacky chased her with her fingers still buried deep in Max’s cunt. Max cried out, head thrown back against Jacky’s collarbone, hands clutching at Tania’s shoulders for support as she shuddered in their joint embrace.

  They all slumped—Jacky against the wall, Max against Jacky, Tania against Max’s belly. Tania smiled and then giggled, and then Max and Jacky were laughing too. Tania looked up to meet Max’s gaze first. And then Tania met Jacky’s gaze, and she thought her heart would burst with love. Jacky looked at her as if she were the most beautiful woman on earth, and Tania carefully stood up, wiped her mouth, and reached across Max’s shoulder to kiss her wife. Max pulled Tania into her, making it easier to reach Jacky, and after kissing her deeply, Tania turned to smile at Max.

  “Thank you.” She caressed Max’s face. “Just…thank you.”

  Max smiled and wriggled out from between them, pulling up her jeans as she did so. “I think you two need to be alone now,” she said. “Thanks for giving me an amazing experience—I feel quite honoured to have shared that with you, actually.” Her words had a wistfulness to them that caused tears to gather at the corners of Tania’s eyes again. Max also seemed to have the hint of tears in her eyes as she smiled warmly at them both before she wandered away.

  Tania turned back to Jacky and pressed herself close against her, the tears quietly falling now. Partly because of what they had shared, and partly at what Max had said.

  Jacky’s eyes looked moist too, and Tania cup
ped her face.

  “You okay?” she asked.

  Jacky nodded, swallowing hard before saying, “I am. What about you? Was it okay?”

  Tania smiled. Yes, it was totally okay, and she had no regrets at all. Well, except that it hadn’t been Jacky’s pussy. But what she’d done to Max had been a pretty good second-best option.

  “I loved it,” she said a little bashfully, still not quite sure if it was all right to be that enthusiastic about it.

  “Babe,” Jacky pressed her forehead into Tania’s, “I love that you loved it. That was totally what tonight was about, okay?”

  Tania nodded and placed a gentle kiss on Jacky’s lips.

  “But,” continued Jacky when their mouths parted again, “at the risk of ruining this tender moment…”


  “If you don’t let me fuck you right now, I might just fucking explode.”

  Tania giggled and turned them so that she was pressed up against the wall.

  “Oh yeah,” she whispered. “Do me now, babe. I am so fucking ready for you.”

  It didn’t take long. Jacky slipped her fingers deep inside her, hitting that soft, exquisite spot that she unerringly found every time. Tania thrust herself against her wife’s hand, her arms wrapped around her neck, grunting and panting her need into Jacky’s ear. Jacky found her clit with her thumb, and a delicious heat started somewhere deep inside and spread outwards like wildfire across her skin.

  Jacky held her tightly as she came, and Tania didn’t care who heard her scream with pleasure in the darkened room. Jacky’s fingers were so tight inside her, and she gripped them, not wanting to lose that feeling of being possessed just yet. Nuzzling her neck, Jacky trailed kisses up to her left earlobe, where she nibbled gently with her teeth. Tania sighed, contented. She opened her eyes and looked deeply into the blue ones staring back at her.

  “Okay?” asked Jacky, tenderly brushing a lock of hair away from Tania’s forehead where it threatened to drop into her eyes.


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