KING OF THE UNDERWORLD: Lucien and Scarlett (Earthbound Series Book 1)

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KING OF THE UNDERWORLD: Lucien and Scarlett (Earthbound Series Book 1) Page 5

by V L Peters

  I was not someone who didn’t have total control over my feelings or desires. I was a cold bastard, no one crossed me and lived to tell the tale and I had learnt that lesson the hard way. I took them out without any regrets. It was kill or be killed in some circumstances. I wasn’t a psychopath I didn’t enjoy killing, I didn’t get off on it. It was sometimes a necessary evil. I didn’t like hurting women though I couldn’t say I hadn’t hurt them in the past. I didn’t have friends per se, there was a handful of people I’d trust to a certain extent. If you were loyal then you got rewarded tenfold, cross me that would be your undoing. I helped those that were desperate enough to ask for it, but it came with a price. One I always made clear before they signed that dotted line. Once they had put their signature on that piece of paper there was no going back on the agreement. If that makes me sound cold so be it. No matter how my body seemed to respond to hers, I needed to find out if she was a spy. There were questions that needed answers to and if that meant scaring the living shit out of her, so be it. Had she been sent by one of my enemies? I had enough of them, if that was the case, I needed to know who and why.

  I was not the type of man who was known to be soft, I couldn’t afford to be. There were too many who were waiting for me to take a wrong step and fall. No matter how much my body wanted her, begging me to take her. I would get the answers I needed no matter the cost. I could tell from her demeanour that she was scared, frightened. Was it because of what she feared I could do to her and her loved ones? For some reason it didn’t sit well with me. It wasn’t something I was used to. These feelings I could feel, I ruthlessly shoved it to one side. I couldn’t let myself be swayed. I’d get the answers I needed. She’d entered my club under false pretences, something I couldn’t sweep under the carpet. If I did that, then I would appear weak and that was something I wasn’t. The more frightened she was, the more answers I could get from her.

  As if sensing my presence, she turned towards me; it was like a kicked to my gut. Her skin was flawless like whipped cream, wide green eyes stared back at me, dark auburn hair piled on top of her head with lips like the colour of a red roses. Her breasts where large and round, her hips flared out, her legs where trim. An hourglass figure came to mind. She was small without the fuck me shoes she would only come to my shoulder. She wasn’t my usually type. I tended to go for the taller females. Women who were much slimmer with bigger tits, but there was something about her that wouldn’t go away.

  ‘’I am Lucien Sinclair,’’ I told her as I introduced myself giving her the once over, ‘’you are?’’ I demanded even though I already knew who she was. I wanted, needed to see if she’d lie to me or how truthful she’d be. I watched the flicking of her eyes going to the TV monitors before coming back to rest on me.

  I let her question me something I wouldn’t normally do and replied to each question. I could smell the fear radiating from her, I couldn’t help myself, but relish in that fear. It was like a drug I could feed off. Also, in that smell I tasted something else something that pleasantly pleased me, I could smell her desire.

  I watched her trying to control the emotions flicking over her face. I read every single one of them. Her emotions were overwhelming her. I knew she was wondering what part to tell me if I knew who she was. My demon relished the feelings that were bombarding me. He wanted to eat those feelings to satisfy his hunger.

  I listened as she asked for my help in finding her sister. It did not cross my mind why she thought I’d even be interested in helping. Her sister didn’t mean a thing to me, I couldn’t give a fuck about her. I noticed her little slip up, it wasn’t only the woman before me, who needed my help. There was a shit load of them. The human that had gone missing from my club was her sister. Nobody dared to do so in any of my clubs. They needed my help, it sounded that they were begging for it. If they didn’t, then the woman standing before me wouldn’t be here. I could smell taste of desperation rolling off her.

  ‘’Why do you think I would be interested in helping you?’’ I questioned her, intrigued to learn her answer.

  ‘’For one thing, it is not good for business. To have innocent people go missing from your establishment, that bad news,’’ I watched her swallow her nervous showing through ‘’I’ll do anything you want, if you agree on helping us,’’

  Oh, this was just too easy, I chuckled to myself, it was like leading a lamb to the slaughter ‘’anything little human?’’ I asked showing no emotion as I stood up from the leather chair and moved slowly towards her until my body was almost touching hers ‘’Would you let me defile you? Take what I want without question?’’ I asked as I watched with satisfaction, as she fought with herself trying not to take a step back. Trying not to show any sign of weakness.

  ‘’What makes you think I would even want to help you mmm? Even with that so tempting offer that you just offered me.’’ I asked keeping an eye on her reactions as I walked around her. Stopping directly behind her, I bent my head slightly towards her neck taking in the smell of her sweet perfume and something else lay there under the surface. WITCH. I could hear my demon shouting out the same. Naughty little witch. My demon took a deeper breath in. He could sense more than one spell had been placed. One was a containment spell; someone had tried their hardest to hide her true self and it hadn’t worked. Not on my demon or me. The other spells we could sense where for protection. They had been placed around her at the same time as the others. Holding back the growl that threatened to leave my throat, fighting to keep my demon buried deep inside me. I pressed my body against her softer one, lowering my head further towards hers and pressing my mouth against her ear as I whisper ‘’You scream of desperation. Tell me why I should help you and do what you’re asking,’’ I feel her whole body go rigid as a shiver shudders through her body. My demon happy jumping for joy wanting to come out and play, while the man rejoices.

  ‘’Tell. Me. Why. I. Should. Help?’’ I whisper into her ear, feeling the shivers run down her spine, as I demand an answer from her, ‘’How will it benefit me?’’

  ‘’ I don’t know’’ she whispers, then repeats herself with a firmer voice, ‘’we don’t know anyone else who can help us find my sister,’’

  ‘’You’re not helping your case little human, you need to give me something that will make me want to help you,’’ I tell her pressing my body slightly harder against hers.

  ‘’Me,’’ I hear her whisper in a murmur, ‘’I can only offer you ……. Me’’

  She was offering herself, oh this was so good. Maybe it was just too good to be true. No one offered themselves as a sacrifice unless they were completely stupid or so desperate that they were willing to do anything. He couldn’t help wondering which one she would turn out to be. There was no doubt in my mind that she was human. Standing this close and with my demon close to the surface I knew she was definitely hiding something. I had no doubt, along with her family that they too would turn out to be part witch, but there was something else lingering in the background, as if hiding. What that was, neither myself nor my demon knew. We just had to wait for that part to reveal itself. Then there was that question, where had they come from?

  I remembered the witches of old. They had not been around for a few generations. I still had a hatred for them. The dealings I’d had with them in the past had never ended in a good way. The ones I had come across in the past had always been fickle and never to be trusted. They wouldn’t think anything of double crossing you and now I had one in my hands, standing there in front of me, could life get any better? I chuckle to myself. I hated that part of me that wanted, needed to fuck her to taste her till she screamed from the pleasure I would give her. I’d done it to so many in the past. Played with the witches who had thought they had been smarter than me. The ones who had tried to cross me. I had given them so much pleasure, so deep that they had begged me to stop. Begged me as I had ploughed into them, relentless in my fucking before I had ripped them to shreds. Many a time I’d let Aria join in my
fun. She had been worse than me if that was even possible. At that time, she had been everything I had held dear. I hated what she had become, lying, and changing. I knew that the outcome wouldn’t end well.

  ‘’Oh, little witch I except your offer,’’ I purred in her ear, ‘’we’re going to have so much fun’’ I tormented her as I slid my fingers down her arm before placing my hand over her stomach. She needed to know that this wasn’t a fairy tale she wasn’t going to get her happy ever after and I wasn’t anyone’s prince charming, never had been and I was going to love showing her just how bad I was.



  I heard the words he purrs into my ear. The word ‘witch’, falling from his mouth. They whisper through my mind. His words not completely connecting. Never realising what he’d just whispered into my ear. His touch made my skin burn as if the flames were like a lover’s kiss, whispering down my hot skin. His hand burned through the top I was wearing, as if it was touching my naked flesh. I really need to get out of here before things got any further out of hand. My body was craving for his touch. I had to press my lips tightly together to try to stop the moan that was making its way up from my throat to my lips to stop myself from begging him to touch me. Had he cast a spell on me? That could be the only reason I just stood there willingly, waiting for his touch. His breath was scorching hot on the skin of my neck, fluttering over my flesh. He grabbed on to my waist squeezing hard, making me flinch from the pain. I was sure that there would be bruises there the next day. Taking my top into his hand, he roughly pulls it down like a madman, until my breasts spill free. He palmed each into a hand. Thumbs rolling over my nipples, I could barely process what was happening. Only that they were already hard and peaked before I felt him tightening his grip and pinching them both.

  ‘’Fuck’’ I scream, leaning my head on to his chest, whimpering as a pain like I’d never felt shot though me like a bolt of lightning right through my breasts forcing my back to arch into him trying my hardest to ease the welcoming pain. He didn’t back off, twisting them further, I grab onto his arms digging my nails in as if begging him to stop. Learning over me he bit gently down on my shoulder making me scream again from the slight pain. He releases my tender nipples siding his hands to my shorts popping the button free and the zipper down. I want to resist, slap his face for taking liberties, but I couldn’t. My mind is muddled, as if a cloud was fogging it, causing all common sense flying out the window. Lust was overlapping rational thought.

  ‘’ Don’t move,’’ he growled as his hand slid down my stomach and into my shorts hooking his fingers into my knickers and slid his fingers under them. His touch sends a shot of lust to my heated core and I couldn’t help closing my eyes trying to deny the desperate heat burning up inside of me. His fingers found my clit and started to rub the hardened nub; my body couldn’t help but respond as my body bucked up as he hit the right spot sending me into a mad frenzy.

  ‘’That’s it’’ he whispers harshly into my ear, growling as I lift my hips towards his hand while he continues rubbing at my clit, muffled cries of pleasure coming from my mouth. ‘’I want to feel you coming over my fingers’’ he tells me whispering in a growl rubbing faster and harder over my nub. ‘’I want to feel your juices running down my fingers onto my hand.’’

  A thick finger penetrates me going deep with every movement the sound of my juices filter into the air. The rapid movement of his rough finger cause me to cry out, moving in and out at a rapid pace, while a thick finger continues to rub at my hard clit. The friction is too much to bear, it was like a raging fire swiping through my body setting my insides aflame.

  ‘’I can feel how much you want me little witch. I can smell your hunger. You’re so wet for me,’’ he declares as he slides another finger inside me, stretching my inner muscles ‘’Jesus you’re so fucking tight ‘’ he growls as I clamp down, my tight walls consuming him ‘’I can smell your sweetness. Your hunger. I bet you taste just as good as you feel and smell,’’ he told me as soft moans of hunger escaped through my soft lips ‘’from this moment on, this body, this pussy is mine. Everything I demand of you, you’re going to give to me willingly,’’ he informs me ‘’ No. Matter. What. It. Is’’ he punched the last worlds out matching the movement of his fingers that were being pushed harder and faster inside me. ‘’Come for me,’’ he demands, ‘’Come. Now.’’

  At his command, I scream my pleasure as I explode. My head, shaking from side to side from the blinding pleasure he has built up inside me while digging my nails hard into his arms. My whole body shook from the aftermath of my orgasm.

  He held me up against his hard body, as he waited for me to come down from its high. I’d never felt my body respond to anyone as it just had. It was as if I was an exploding volcano and it scared the living daylights out of me. This was bad, unbelievably bad. I knew from my dreams how much he’d be able to affect me. I just hadn’t realised how much, until now. I was in Shit Street and I’d have to do everything in my power to try to protect myself.

  Grabbing me by my shoulders he stood me onto my own two feet before standing in front of me. I felt so embarrassed on how my body responded to his touch. I have never felt so much desire, have never felt such a strong pull before. I just couldn’t bring my eyes to meet his. I was mortified! I could feel his hot gaze burning into my skin. I needed to gather up the courage to look him straight in the eye as if nothing happened. That as if it was an everyday occurrence.

  I had to get a grip. We need his help, even if at this moment in time I’d rather run. It wasn’t possible. He had yet to tell me what he wanted in return for his help and whatever it was I needed to agree to it. I had done so without even knowing what he’d demand from me. I lifted my head proudly, while pulling my top back over my breasts, taking a step back from him. I watched with wide eyes as he lifted the very fingers that had just moments ago been deep inside me and brought them to his mouth where he sucked my juices from them.

  ‘’Just as I thought,’’ he growled aloud like a feral tiger about to strike after finding his pray, as I watched the tip of his tongue lick along his fingers ‘’you taste like honey…like sweet nectar,’’

  His fingers come out of his mouth with a pop. He moved towards me with power and confidence, his gaze like a predator. His hungry gaze made me want to stripe myself bare, to stand complexly naked in front of him. It was fucked up, but I wanted him, and it scared me to death. He reached for me wrapping his arms around my body moulding his chest against mine. He crushes his lips to mine, and I part them for his hot tongue. I can taste myself on him. He kisses me with a passion that is almost like a hunger filled with need. His dick presses hard against me, pressing it into my stomach the feel of it makes my pussy melt and clench. His lips tail down my neck to my shoulder and collarbone leaving small bites, which I was sure would leave marks. My body trembles with an unfulfilled need, I want to feel his thickness inside me.

  He steps away, with a mocking twist upon his firm lips. I realise in shock that a man is standing silently behind him. He is huge, nearly as big as Lucien and that was saying something. His head was completely bald, I had the impression that he shaved it. He was one of the most beautiful men I had ever seen. His eyes a piercing light blue and held no emotion whatsoever. His skin was a beautiful toffee colour. I couldn’t hold back my shock. I hadn’t even heard any knock on the door or the man entering.

  I looked up at Lucien I can’t read what he might be feeling, his face holding no emotion. It was as if nothing had happened between us. He turns slightly towards him indicating for him to come forward. As the man walks over to where we are standing, he whispers something into his ear. What he says to him I haven’t a clue, but from the look on his face, Lucien doesn’t look too happy. Turning, he looks at me, his eyes narrowed. His eyes boring into mine as if he is trying to make up his mind about something before, he turns his back on me and walks out of the room without giving me a second glance. The man following c
losely behind him.

  That is the moment I think my heart cracks and crumbles and I have the worst feeling that it won’t be for the last time.

  I knew it was irrational the way I was feeling. How could I be feeling like this way? Question after question flew through my mind. It wasn’t logical. Where was my common sense? Well it wasn’t with me now. He had no feelings for me, how could he! I was a means to an end for him and nothing else. Plus, he’d known I was a witch the moment he’d seen me. The concealment had not worked on him. I was taking a guess to why that would be. I was almost certain it was because he was a demon and a very powerful one, but that shouldn’t have stopped our spells from working. So that leads to the question, was he something else?

  He was more powerful than any of us realised. It was bad enough he’d known that I was a witch if he sensed that then I had no doubt he would soon realise; all my family were the same. I was glad that he didn’t realise the power I held within myself. If he ever found out that, we were Omega then all cards would be off the table. I didn’t even want to think about what would happen if he ever did. We had to hide that part of ourselves. I could deal with the fact he knew we were witches, as long as he didn’t find out what other powers, we all wielded. I had this sick feeling that it would be a disaster.

  I wasn’t a weakling; I could look after myself if need be. We had all learnt self-defence and practiced our powers once a week. I had never really used them. To me, they had always been just an extra benefit. They were something that was handy to have. We all could very well hurt a normal human if we weren’t careful. The supernatural’s not so much. We could maybe knock some unconscious or, depending what kind they were we could hurt them, but the more powerful they were the harder it would be to do any damage. I had to forget what had just happened and push it to the back of my mind. The feelings he was bringing out in me just shouldn’t be happening. Not this quickly. I shouldn’t have let him touch me as he had, it was confusing me. Messing with my head. Then there was the little fact that we were part Omega. If any Supernatural’s found out that Omegas where thriving, that we had mated with human, witches and supernatural’s, then we would all be hunted down, taken, and used as a vessel. It wasn’t something we could let happen ever again. The humans, they had been just as bad from what we had learnt. Knowing we were witches, was now out there for anyone to know. There wasn’t anything that we could do about it. We would have to do everything that was in our power to protect ourselves.


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