KING OF THE UNDERWORLD: Lucien and Scarlett (Earthbound Series Book 1)

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KING OF THE UNDERWORLD: Lucien and Scarlett (Earthbound Series Book 1) Page 6

by V L Peters

  The best thing to do was to let him find Megan, which I hoped didn’t take long and I got away from Lucien Sinclair as fast as was humanly possible.



  Just after leaving Scarlett

  I half listened to what Damien, my second in command is telling me. I hadn’t expected Aria to turn up this evening. She normally informed me in advance when she would be arriving, to turn up unexpectedly wasn’t good. My gut was telling me that the reason she had turned up unannounced was to do with Scarlett. Someone was feeding Aria inside information, something I wouldn’t tolerate and when I found out who that was. They would live to regret it. It wasn’t something I could turn a blind eye to, whomever it was would have to be severely dealt with. If I even let one person get away with it, without being reprimanded, I would be seen as weak and that was something I couldn’t afford to let happen. I would deal with her little spy once I found out who it was. It was someone who knew everything that went on. Who it was, that would take some digging. It pissed me off that she thought that she’d get away with it. Did she think I was weak? If that were the case, she would soon find out how wrong she was. I pushed the anger that was raising up deep inside me, down. My demon, who was the other part of me was putting up a fight, he wanted to come out and play. If he consumed me, I could end up hurting innocents. I might be a fucking bastard, but I didn’t hurt or kill for the sake of it. Aria had always been unstable, and I had always been able to control her. Over the last few years, she’d become unpredictable. There been many times that I had just managed to stop her hurting or killing someone that just happened to look at her the wrong way. It was worse if she thought that another female was taking too much interest in me. I couldn’t understand the possessiveness she felt, over the years we both have taken different lovers to our beds. Humans called what we had an open relationship. It worked for me, I loved to fuck. Since she had become more unstable, I made sure that any of the females I showed any sort of interest in didn’t come into her line of site. I didn’t want her anywhere near Scarlett. I knew that at some point she was going to demand to see her and share her, and for reasons I didn’t want to probe too deeply about, I was trying to avoid that happening. I needed to know when she was going to arrive so I could keep her under some sort of supervision while she was here. I need to be in control of any situation, whether it was for pleasure or business. Aria knew I would not be happy with her unannounced visit. She would have to make it up to me.

  Bella was one of the new women I had required recently and was waiting in my pleasure room. I hadn’t had a taste of her yet and I was sure that Aria would find her most delightful. I knew I was a bastard and didn’t give a fuck what anyone thought of me. I took what I wanted without remorse. It was built in me a long time ago and I wasn’t about to change now, that time had passed.

  I hoped that to fuck that Bella and Aria would stop the hunger that still burned deep in my gut. Having Scarlett in the same building with me was going to be a sweet temptation, one I wouldn’t be able to resist for long. Having touched and tasted her was intoxicating to my system. I wanted another taste. I wanted her at my disposal. My Demon roared. I couldn’t remember the last time he had fought so hard to reveal himself. I felt the need he had. He wanted to leave his impression on her, marking her as his. My demon was part of me, he lived close to the surface living just under my skin. He had been yelling inside of me. If I gave him the freedom to come out, to let him take over, then my Demon would seal her fate. I didn’t need or want a bond with anyone let alone a bloody witch, no matter how her body sang to me. Her smell was like a drug, it was that intoxicating. I hadn’t had sex with a witch for over a century and she was pulling me towards her. If Damien hadn’t interrupted us when he had, I would have taken her, fucked her on the floor till she was screaming my name in pleasure. I hated the fact that she was affecting me, I needed to get rid of her. I might play with her some more, before I decided what I was going to do. I had killed many witches in my time and had shared the pleasure of their flesh with Aria before doing so. So why the hell was she any different?

  I ignored the raging of my demon. He wasn’t happy with the way my thoughts were turning, I wasn’t that thrilled either, for a totally different reason. I forced those thoughts aside not liking where they were taking me. He wanted us to keep her, mark her, fucking bond her to us both for eternity. He knew I hated witches; we both did. It didn’t make sense to why he wanted this bonding to take place. He wasn’t fond of witches. Centuries ago, they had used his kind, tormented them in ways that even twisted my stomach and even though I hated the thought of wanting her as I did, my own mind and body was betraying me. I could hear him whispering her name, Scarlett, repeatedly, he was driving me fucking crazy. We both wanted her that was bluntly obvious. With just one thought of that curvy body, I could feel myself getting hard. I resisted the urge of adjusting myself as the mental imagine of her came to mind. I could vitalise her on her knees in front of me, her red plump lips wrapped around my dick. Her red hair wrapped around my fingers, moaning as she sucked and tongued my shaft until I blow into her mouth. Watching, as my cum dripped from those plump lips… the dirty thoughts made me pause in my steps. Fuck. If I didn’t get control of myself, I was going to cum in my fucking trousers. She was dangerous to my peace of mind. I knew she was hiding something else and I would find out what that was. She hadn’t denied that they were witches, and I could sense that she had been telling me the truth about their sister. I had to find out what was going on inside that head of hers and what she was hiding, and I had every intention of finding out no matter what it took.

  ‘’Put the woman into one of the bedrooms. Her name is Scarlett Winters. She is here as my guest. Until I say otherwise, no body’s allowed to touch her without my say so’’ I instructed Damien, as we walk down the corridor, not waiting for a reply and not expecting one back, no matter who that person was my word was law, ‘’I’ll deal with her, after I’ve dealt with Aria,’’

  If Damien was shocked by my orders, he didn’t show it. All I got was a grunt. As with all my men he was trained not to show any signs of emotion no matter the predicament they might find themselves in. It didn’t matter if you were human or a natural if you were one of my men you had to be a tough bastard, you never knew what kind of situation you’d find yourself in.

  ‘’Oh and Damien she’s a witch so be careful,’’ I tell him before I opened the door to where I know Aria would be waiting for me, ‘’at some point we’ll have to find out how they have managed to be under our noses hiding amongst humans and naturals alike. In the meantime, get in contact with Leon, see what he can find out. There must be someone out there who knows how the fuck they’ve been right here, in my own territory and for how fucking long,’’ are my last words as I walk over the fresh hold, closing the door behind me as we go our separate ways. I don’t bother waiting for a response. For now, I had to deal with Aria and somehow find out if my theory was correct and that was why she turned up at my door unexpectedly.



  I hated how my thoughts kept drifting to my little red-haired witch, Scarlett. I need to be more focused. She was fucking with my head. My demon wasn’t too pleased with me either he wanted me to seek Scarlett out, I had no intentions of doing so. How I had managed to keep Aria away from her was a miracle in itself. I promised her that I’d let her play with her at some point. A promise I had no intention of keeping. It took more effort than I liked in turning my thoughts off Scarlett. I had two beautiful women. Both wanting me and though I wasn’t ashamed to admit that I was going to take my pleasure from their bodies, though I craved for the taste of another. No one was going to stop me, I always got what I wanted. I wasn’t alone in my thoughts; my demon wanted a taste of her to. If it weren’t for the fact that Aria had turned up unannounced, I’d be balls deep. Taking my pleasure from Scarlett’s sweet body.

  I had questioned Aria bef
ore Bella had arrived, she’d had denied knowing that there was a witch under my protection, let alone in my territory. She had shown nothing, but shock and surprise as I had questioned her. If I didn’t know her as well as I did, I would have thought that she was being truthful. I knew different. She often forgot who and what I was. For now, I would give Aria what she desired. This was one of the easier ways. I still had to find out how she’d learnt about Scarlett and why she hadn’t been forth coming with the answers. How I had hid my anger from her I didn’t know. The minute I’d mentioned the word witch she had wanted to play with her. After some convincing I managed to calm her down. The only way I could do that was to tell her about Bella and that she was waiting for us in my pleasure room. Part of me hates the fact that I felt a deep relief that somehow, I’d managed to put her off, with a taste of another.

  Pushing aside my thoughts, I turn my attention to the two women on the bed with me, I’d deal with Scarlett later. I was hungry and somehow, I had to feed that hunger. If I couldn’t have the one thing I and my Demon craved it would have to be someone else.

  Bella lay spread eagled across the bed her pussy on display and shimmering with her arousal. Her blonde head was placed against my chest, my rock-hard cock pressed against the soft skin of her back. I spoke softly in her ear whispering encouragement. The feeling of nervousness radiating off her in spades, I praised her as my hands cup her large breasts, tracing the curves of her breasts before squeezing them, grabbing a nipple on each hand. I started twisting and pulling them, distorting their shape. ‘’These are amazing’’ I whisper in her ear giving them a slight slap, ‘’while I play with your breasts Aria’s going to eat that pretty little cunt of yours and then I’m going to fuck it,’’ I told her watching Aria knelling between her legs.

  Glancing down I watch Aria as she rotates her fingers around Bella’s clit ‘’such a pretty girl,’’ I murmur as I watch while Aria pulls open Bella’s cunt. Aria’s breath lingering over Bella’s cunt ‘’such a pretty pussy. I bet it tastes as delicious as it looks,’’

  I felt Bella’s body tense as Aria slides her tongue over her clit pushing the little nub back and forth. Bella begins to moan helplessly, her hips thrusting upwards as Aria sucks on her clit. Sliding a finger then another into her wet slit, before Aria closes her mouth over the nub, closing her teeth to bite it. Aria slides another two fingers into her pussy and starts working them in and out. Her movements intensifying with more aggression. I watch her closely, not wanting her to hurt the woman laying back against me. If I had to demand that she back off, I will.

  ‘’Oh…...oohh,’’ Bella’s moan’s filled the room, her hips rising pressing her cunt up into Aria face as she continued to eat out the pussy in front of her taking a long lick of her hot cunt.

  ‘’Lick her pussy,’’ I order Aria, watching as her fingers slid in out over and over, her fingers becoming soaked with Bella’s juices. ‘’Make her come,’’ I demand not caring that Aria would not like me commanding her what to do. She’d never been the type to take orders in or out the bedroom. She knew not to push me too far. Due to how unstable she had become I had to appease her. She could be unpredictable at a click of my fingers and over the year’s I’d known her she had gotten worse. I couldn’t completely trust her and learnt that it was best to keep her happy and keep a close watch on her.

  I had made a promise and in doing so I was going against my primal instincts. I had killed many in the past and done it without remorse. Could I do it again? I had no doubt in my mind that I could. The mere thought of hurting my Scarlett caused my stomach to roll. My demon was raging inside my head. I shoved all thoughts of Scarlett out of my head while forcing my demon down. I needed my head screwed on. I can’t let myself be distracted. If Aria even got a whiff that I wasn’t fully entailed with what was happening she’d lose her shit. I listen as Bella started panting, trying to suck in air. With a wicked smile Aria pushes her thighs wider getting better access to Bella’s dripping wet cunt. I watch as her back arches up wards, towards Aria, as if she was trying to spur her on. I lift my hand and push down on her groin to hold her still.

  ‘’Greedy,’’ I mumble into Bella’s ear, watching as with one swipe of Aria’s tongue has her coming apart, writhing and bucking upwards.

  She turns her head towards mine, ‘’Please, fuck me,’’ she asks in a broken whisper. ‘’Oh Bella. I intend to fuck you,’’ I whisper into her ear, nipping playfully on an ear lobe ‘You’ll be screaming in pleasure while I fuck that little tight wet cunt. You will be begging, pleading for more by the time I’ve finished with you,’’

  Aria’s got her head buried deep in her cunt, bringing moans from her throat. Bella grabs onto the bedcovers clenching them with her fists, arching her back repeatedly, her head thrashing from side to side as the pleasure she was experiencing was too much to handle. Screams of pure joy was ripped from her throat.

  Aria lifts her head a smile written on her mouth, ‘’you taste SOOO sweet,’’ she cooed as she ran a finger around Bella’s clit before plunging it into her wet hole ‘you did well Lucien, to find such a dirty naughty whore,’’

  I didn’t give a fuck whether Aria thought I did well or not. I give her a signal telling her that I want to change places. I need to stick my cock into someone’s cunt or mouth. Kneeling between them, I took in the scene before me.

  ‘’Fuck each other,’’ I order in a low pitched voice, crudely yanking their hair back, I heard the startled gasps from their mouths as I demand ‘’Don’t stop until I tell you to, I want to see you both come at the same time,’’ I brought their lips together pushing them closer. Their tongues took what the other wanted. I watch as they both move their hands to each other’s pussies rotating their fingers over each other’s slits before shoving their fingers deep into each other’s pussies. I ignore the look of displeasure across Aria face. She did not like the fact that I was taking complete control over the situation. Did I even give a fuck …? Fuck No.

  I rose higher on my knees and move my hands along their backs. Their nipples were rock hard like little pebbles, as I caress the sides of their breasts. I hear their breaths catch, they were both close to coming undone. I place my hands-on Aria hips and rock them harder and harder on each other’s fingers.

  ‘’Oh fuck,’’ Bella yells into Aria’s mouth.

  ‘’Let me see you come all over each other’s fingers. Do her fingers feel as good as mine? Is it soaking wet’’ I taunted Aria, knowing that she loves dirty talk, ‘’is her cunt nice and tight? Is my dick going to fit inside it?’’ They both came together trembling with their release.

  I look at Bella, ‘’Come here, kneel at my feet’’ I order her, a fire in my eyes as I met her heated gaze. Pointing to the floor in front of me ‘’and take out my cock,’’ her small insatiable hands eagerly took hold of my underwear and pull them down. My dick sprung free, as I kick them off my body. I grip the side of Bella’s head and move her down to my cock shoving it into her mouth, until it hits the back of her throat making her gag. She moans, I knew that she fucking loves it, I see Aria eyes light up eagerly waiting for my next move.

  ‘’Show me how much you want to suck my cock and I might give it to you,’’ I instruct Aria pushing her onto her back ‘’put my balls into your mouth,’’ I demand, I knew she would hate to be ordered around, but I didn’t give a fuck. With a huff she obeys me, she takes them into her mouth sucking one at a time humming before licking my balls while Bella sucks my cock. Her mouth felt like a goddamn vacuum. I grab the back of Aria’s neck as she stuck out her tongue and licks my balls, moving up to my shaft, while Bella sucks on the tip of my cock. I grab Bella’s neck and I move them back and forth in sync, making it look as if they were both sucking my cock.

  I let go of Aria and grab the sides of Bella’s head once again, plunging my dick into the back of her throat. I push and pull my cock back and forth into her mouth as if I were fucking her face.

  ‘’Fuck,’’ I roar in pleasu
re shivers rolling through my body, sweat running down my chest. The sound causing Aria to sit back on her knees with an unhappy look crossing her features her eyes glowing red, I knew that look. I had seen it too many times in the past, if I did not get her under control and quickly, she’d do something I wouldn’t forgive myself for. Before she could even think about harming Bella, I pull Aria roughly towards me kissing her as if I could not get enough.

  Breaking the kiss, I whisper ‘’baby, I fucking love the fact you get so bloody jealous. It turns me the hell on,’’ I bite Aria’s ear, sucking the lobe into my mouth ‘’ but best of all I love the way your suck my cock and fuck me. No other can beat that’’ Hearing my words she starts to calm down, whimpering in ecstasy, rubbing her soft body against mine, as if she was a cat. Taking a fist full of her black hair, I pull her head back. ‘’I want to see Bella’s ass nice and red, Aria,’’ I order, with a twisted grin forming on my lips, as I make Bella gag on my dick, making her eyes water. Aria smirks as she sits up and starts to spank her ass. She spanks one globe, making Bella’s pale flesh turn a deep red before she does the same to the other. She fucking loving it; Aria isn’t playing a part; she loves spanking another woman’s ass until it was glowing a deep red.


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