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KING OF THE UNDERWORLD: Lucien and Scarlett (Earthbound Series Book 1)

Page 17

by V L Peters

  He sat there going over my proposal, I could see he was not too happy about the concealment spell. He still had a massive problem with us. I could see it in his eyes. The mere thought of having witches in his own locality, he wasn't happy about.

  "The spell didn’t work on me. So there’s a chance it wouldn’t work on the other Naturals. How have you managed to even hide? You're witches for fuck sake," he demanded, "I could sense you the minute I got close to you."

  I knew that question would come up at some point. Hiding in plain sight wasn't hard to do. Plus, if we kept control of our Witch, then it was easier to hide.

  I wondered how much I should give away. We needed Lucien’s trust. He knew we were human and Witch, so giving more information on how we can control that part of us, I didn't think wouldn't make much difference. He just didn't need to know just how powerful we were "you forget we're part human. The human part of us can control the Witch,"

  "How the fuck can you control that thing inside of you?" he demands, never tearing his eyes off me, fixing me with a hard look.

  I sat there looking at him, trying to think how I could explain it to him without him freaking the fuck out. I feel the nerves bubbling up inside me. I hated being nervous. How was he going to react, knowing that humans had stepped up and helped the Witches? I wasn't going to tell him about the Naturals who had helped. Yes, it was long ago. We knew some of those naturals were still alive, we even knew a handful of them and the others that had passed we knew their descendants. Some had just disappeared after they had helped us. I'm sure Jaden is one of those who help our ancestors.

  "It wasn't easy. It's taken years, generations to get to where we are now. I can control my Witch. As can the rest of my family. If I need her, I call her forth, but I'm always in control." I tell him, trying my best to get him to understand, that no one will come to any harm. "No matter how close she's to the surface," I could see the battle inside of him, trying to accept that I have control of the one thing that has caused so much destruction in the past, "you have a Demon inside you. You're not human. Are you? Not really. Oh, you look the part I grant you that. In all intents and purposes, you're not. So how do you control him? Is it possible he could gain control and take over?"

  "No, hes part of me. I am the Beast and the Demon. We are one," he tells me.

  "Then basically in a way, I'm the same as you. As are my family," I tell him a matter factually with a shrug of my shoulders, indicating between us, "The difference between us is I'm also human, you're not. My Witch, when it’s necessary, can protect me. You're powerful enough on your own. We. Are. Not!"

  "How powerful are you?" he asks with a glint in his eyes.

  Really did he think I was going to tell him that? That wasn't something I was willing to share, I'd already warned him and Aria. Whom I now know is basically his partner; I was kindly informed by one of his employees that they been together for years. I had told them both that I could and would project myself. But to say to him just how strong we were, that's not going to happen. Not until I or rest of us were ready to do so. "As I said. If need be, I can protect myself up to a certain extent. I've warned. That warning still stands. If she tries to harm me or any of my family, I will not hold my Witch back. Nor will they."

  "I see someone's been talking out of turn,"

  God, is that all he to say? After just what I told him? Bloody hell. I shrug, "what can I say. You are the hot topic of conversation. There are a few women who just love to gossip. You and your lady love are the top subjects of conversation whether I want to sit there as they bark on and on about your love life or not,"

  His eyes narrowed, what does he see when he stares at me so intently? I am nothing extraordinary to look at, or is he trying to see inside of me? To see what's inside, to see my very soul. I shudder. Of course, that's impossible you can't see inside someone.

  "Don't believe everything you hear, told or see,"

  "I don't. I only go by what I've seen with my own two eyes, and I've seen plenty", I remark, crossing one leg over the other, commenting on what I saw from my window that day and in the TV monitor room.

  'As I said. Don't believe in everything you're told, see or hear. Looks can be deceiving,"

  Really, is he trying to say to me in a roundabout way he's not with her? I'd almost believe him if I hadn't witnessed it with my own two eyes, not only in front of me but also in my visions. Which are never wrong, and rumours or gossip always has some sort of truth in them.

  "So, are you trying to tell me that she isn't your partner, wife, or girlfriend?" I question him, does he think I am delusional?

  He tells me as he pours himself another drink, sitting there watching me, "it's more complicated than that." Bringing the glass to his lips, he takes a long sip, before telling me "what Aria is to me, doesn't affect my unwanted feelings for you,"

  I sit there in stunned silence; did I hear right. No, I must be hearing things. It must be a dream, just one of many that I've had. I hate those dreams, I long for them to stop torturing me any longer. Lucien sits there for a good five minutes watching while I take everything in. I sit there, trying to still my hammering heart. I know I can't avoid what he has just told me. It needs to be addressed. I watched as he places the unfinished drink onto the desk in front of him, then stands and makes his way around to where I'm sitting. I swallowed hard as he moved closer, and I tried to focus on anything in the room around me, anything, but there is a need that's building inside me.

  Standing in front of me, he tilts my face up to his, "why can't I get you out of my mind? Why are you constantly there? No matter what or who I do?"

  I fill my legs shake as his scent fills my senses. Breathing him in. His touch is melting the barriers I had built. It takes all the strength that I had not to give in. "I'm not going to be your plaything or a trophy that you show off to all your men or anyone else who bows down to you." I tell him, removing his fingers from my face.

  "Is that what you think? That I want to use you? You couldn't be more wrong,"

  "Your feelings for me are unwanted, you just told me that," I replied, fighting back the tears I can fill gathering inside me. I look down, not wanting to meet his gaze.

  "Look at me," he demands his voice rough with what sounds like desire.

  I give in, even as I curse myself in doing so. Looking up, I meet Lucien's gaze. Seeing the want in those very eyes, I knew that if I'd been standing, I would have tried to flee. His eyes usually are so guarded, and now everything is so plain to see. This man, for that, is what he is, is so damaged he is almost broken.

  He shakes his head, "unwanted yes. I've never wanted any female as I do you. Not even Aria, do you know what that even means? I have done everything I possibly can for her not to seek you out. I have been fighting myself and my Demon. He's even gotten a thing for you. Do you know how rare that is? For him to fight me. When we are near you, he fights me to come out. He wants to be in charge. He wants me to take you as our mate,"

  I hold my breath; I must be imagining what I'm hearing. This is madness.

  "Do you remember that first night when I questioned you and made you give me a promise? You stood there before me, scared shitless but so brave. You looked like an angel passing through the fires of hell. Not giving in. I knew then that you were there for me, and no matter how much I keep denying it. No matter what has brought you here. It was fated. I can't deny or fight it anymore. Fuck I can't fight myself anymore. Yes, we have a business agreement, you know it goes beyond that. I know you feel it too, whatever this is between us. I see it in your eyes every time,"

  I almost can't breathe as I listen to what he's saying. The words hitting home. Could I believe him, trust him with my heart? Believe in what he is saying. I know what my dreams have been telling me repeatedly. That this man, this demon standing in front of me, is my destiny. It was up to me to have enough courage to grasp it in both hands. Did I have enough to do so? He could hurt me not only physically but mentally. This man could break m
e. He takes my hand and kisses it as if it the most precious thing on this earth, and I know I am lost forever. Who is this person before me? He's no longer the hard, dangerous deadliest human demon I've heard of. This man is more powerful. This man is everything I've ever wanted. This is the man I see in my dreams.

  What shall I do? Walk away or believe what he's telling me. So many questions float through my mind. If I let this thing between us happen, what happens then? What happens with Aria? I'm not willing to be his dirty secret. Then there is my family and their reaction. With a start, I realize I said my fears aloud.

  "You'll never be that. Let me deal with Aria," he tells me, pulling me to my feet, till I'm standing within his arms and folding me into his chest. "We will sort out any problems that arise. You're mine from this moment on. No one will take you away from me,"

  I could smell him. It engulfed me at once, making my thighs clench. All I could think about in my fog-filled mind was having his lips and hands on my body, all the promises I'd made myself where ignored. As I watched his head descend towards my own, I met his lips willingly. This kiss was so much more than the one before. This one wanted to devour me, I was his for the taking, and there was not anyone or thing to stop what was about to happen. I knew I should put up some sort of fight. Even a protest, also though he'd told me that he was no longer going to be with Aria. I still felt that I should get that guarantee that it was over between them. Part of me was telling me to put a stop to this madness, the other part was telling me to shut the fuck up. I listened to that part. I fisted his dark hair into my hands, pressing my body against him to sink into his hardness. No matter what promises fall from his mouth, there's no stopping the thought that enters my mind.

  I am his but is he truly mine!?


  I could smell him as I stood there in his arms. It engulfed me at once, and my thighs clenched. All I could think about in my fog-filled mind was having his lips and hands on my body, any protests and promises I'd made to myself where ignored. I watched as his head descended towards mine, I opened my mouth willingly as his lips touched mine. The kiss was so much more than the one before. This one seemed to devour me whole. I was his for the taking. There wasn't anyone or thing to stop what was about to happen. I knew I should put up some sort of protest, but deep down, I didn't want to. I fisted his dark hair pressing my body up against his as if to sink into his hardness. I felt his rock-hard cock against my stomach. He swallowed the moan that rose from my throat in surrender while wrapping a hand around my throat, he directed me towards the wall behind me. Pushing me up against it, he took hold of my thighs and pulling them upwards towards him. I wrapped my legs around his waist, I whimpered, feeling his hardness rub against the heat in the centre of my thighs.

  Rubbing myself against him, he skimmed his over my breast. The feel of his hand cupping me was something I didn't want to end. I wasn't a small woman, but his large frame covered mine. I had never felt more alive and couldn't explain it, but at that moment, I felt safe, protected, wanted, and he made me fill as if I only existed for him. I gripped him with my thighs, trying my hardest to bring him closer. An intense longing overwhelmed me, as well as thrilling me it scared the hell out of me. I wanted him deep inside of me and needed to feel that hardness sliding deep inside, taking me to places I had never experienced before. The tempo of his kiss changed; he became more demanding ravishing my mouth in an explosion of passion and desire. I moaned, wiggling my body, pushing it up against his, trying my hardest to get closer to him. I had never felt this burning heat before, and it scared me the way it was making me feel. A shiver of pleasure went down my spine as I felt his lips move down my throat, I dug my nails into his back and held on tight as he sucked on my throat teasing me with his lips and teeth. The husky moans that came from my mouth sounded federal, like a wild animal waiting to attack. I wanted him to fuck me, needed him to be deep inside me. It was like my hunger for him had grown tenfold.

  He lifts his head, placing his lips against my ear, "I want to fuck you. I need to be inside of you," a low rasping growl escaped his lips before he slammed his lips against mine again, causing the intensity of the kiss to grow in heat.

  The burning in my belly caused all thoughts in my mind to float away, turning into smoke and ash. The fire inside me burned hotter as his hard body pinned me to the wall behind me. I stripped his shirt off him and ran my hands down his back, feeling the muscles flex under my fingertips. His muscles are taut and hard. I moved my hands to his chest under my fingertips; I felt a light dusting of hair. God, he was ripped, his abs bunched as I dragged my fingers over them.

  Pulling away from my body, he took my top into his fist. He ripped it off in one swipe baring my naked breasts to his gaze. He leaned down, kissing the tops of my breasts. I ached my back in bliss as he sucked the sensitive skin before moving down to take a stiff nipple into his mouth. Closing my eyes, I let the hunger sink into my body. The feelings he was giving me were descending into my bones. Everything he had to offer was everything I needed, and I wanted it right that second. He growled, making the vibrations shake over my body. I knew once I was completely bare to his gaze, there wasn't any turning back. I knew I'd never want anyone else as I did this man. That no matter how old I got; I would never want someone else.

  The door slams open, hitting off the wall with a loud thud.

  "Fuck! Shit Sorry, boss, but we got trouble," the obnoxious voice calls from the doorway.



  Oh, God, did that really happen? My mind is spinning around with questions, as I watched Lucien walk out of the room closely followed by the shifter who had interrupted us. I recognised him straight away. He was the same shifter who'd been watching the TV Monitor's, he had given me the creeps then, and he had done the same this time around. Those beady eyes of his gave me the willies. I could feel his eyes on me, if Lucien hadn't stood in front of me shielding me from his gaze while I had straightened my clothing, he would have seen everything I had to offer. Yuk, I hope I didn't run into him again.

  Once again, I am left to myself. Part of me was relieved, the other part…. not so much. It was as if he was never here in the room with me. Could I really believe what he had told me? I wanted to believe him so much, but I didn't really know him. I knew him through my visions or dreams that I have had, but that was not the same no matter how much I wanted to believe differently. I could still fill him, how was that even possible? I had a filling it wouldn't belong, and he'd be seeking me out. I was shitting myself. I was overcome with two things, excitement, and fear, and both were overpowering me. I had to get control of my emotions. I could feel my witch and omega inside me. They were both overtly excited about this development. More so the witch. I could fill her, jumping around in joy. That wasn't good. The Omega I could feel the pleasure radiating off her, but not to the same extent as the witch.

  Do not get so bloody excited, I scorn them, it doesn't mean anything. I could feel them deflate at my words. Bloody heck, behave yourselves. There's no time for this. I need to push the feelings I had for Lucien to one side. Too much had happened in our conversation. I had agreed to a meeting with other Naturals and Humans. Bloody Hell come on, even the councils were going too attended. I had to get hold of Pamela, she was going to flip out. I know they were busy trying to find out who the woman was who had appeared before us. We had all agreed that she felt familiar, that we should have known her. So far, we had no clue. The only thing we decided on was that she wasn't from our timeline, which, if you think about it, was outrageous. Come on, time travel that wasn't possible. Was it? Get a grip, of course, it is not. I tell myself. Whoever she had been, she had been real and sent to warn us. So, we are taking it seriously. We had no choice. Pamela had gotten hold of a friend of hers who could trace these so-called waves; apparently, they are similar to a radio wave. It was above my head all this science stuff. Apparently, according to Ava, he had arrived at our house and had promptly started to
jump about. She hadn't been able to control her laugher as she described how he'd begun jumping up and down. Then started running around in circles waving these mental sticks about. We were still waiting for the results. I didn't want to say to Pamela, but it sounded like a waste of time; I could be wrong. Anyway, as far I was aware, she hadn't appeared since.

  I had no choice I had to tell them about this meeting. I couldn't put it off. They needed to know what they could be walking into. I had to prepare myself as well. It could turn fatal for all. Then there was Lucien. I couldn't avoid him, it wasn't logical. If the fates had a hand in this, then it wasn't something I could prevent, in fact, that went for everyone. It wouldn't surprise me if they did. They could be crafty.

  Of course, I could go to see the Oracle. She was very old and coming to the end of her life. She could still give you advice if you required it. I had gone to her once when I was younger. My cousin had convinced me to go with her. She had left me feeling confused, and I still didn't know what she had been on about. It had been before all my powers had come into full force. I didn't intend to go again. When she passed, another would have to take her place. They would generally be a child, no younger than eight, but no older than fourteen and could be of either sex. Though they typically were females than males. The person who took on the Oracle role wouldn't know that they were taking on the position until the last Oracle had passed away.


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