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KING OF THE UNDERWORLD: Lucien and Scarlett (Earthbound Series Book 1)

Page 20

by V L Peters

I can't help myself, I laugh, and it's not one of those happy, cheerful laughs. It's more like a peal of manic, paradoxical laughter. The sound seems to echo around the room, swirling around us. Oh, Aria's good, she's played a blinder here.

  "Do you think this is fucking funny," he shouts, hands clenching into fists as if trying to rain in his temper. His black eyes flashing red.

  "Funny," I shout back, shaking my head as I walk towards him, until we are nearly touching, needing him to see reason," do I look like I'm having fun to you? You need to get your facts right before you start questioning me." I yell at him as I look deep into his black eyes. God, can't he see what she's doing, I need him to see reason. Stabbing him in his chest with my finger, "I told you, warned you, to keep her away from me. That I would defend myself if I had to,"

  "Stop fucking poking me," he growls as he leans forward, tugging me closer to him as he grabs my hand in his larger one.

  "Oh, did it hurt, the big bad demon," I scoff, pulling my hand away as I step back. I don't want him touching me; Lucien ignores my taut.

  "You haven't a mark on you," he tells me, scowling, looking me up and down as if trying to see any marks. He would not see them unless I choose to reveal them.

  "So, what the fuck is this then," I yell, pulling down the neck of my jumper, revealing the deep embed red scratches around my throat," do you think I did this to myself?"

  "Are you telling me Aria did this? That she attacked you first?" he asks, frowning as he takes in the marks, as he lifted his arm, extending his hand towards my neck as if to touch me. I step away, avoiding his touch. If he didn't believe me, I don't want his hands on me. I could tell by the look on his face he didn't like my reaction.

  "Put it this way, I wasn't the one seeking her out. I told you I would defend myself, and I did," I tell him again. Pulling up the top.

  "She said you changed..." he began,

  I signed, so she had told him. I need him to understand, I was hoping that I wouldn't have to give him more information about myself or my family, but it seemed that wasn't going to happen. He wasn't going to like what I'm about to say to him. I can already vision his reaction. It wasn't going to be pleasant.

  "You know I'm Human and part Witch. The Witch inside of me," I say to him, taping myself on my chest with a sign. How can I try to get him to understand and in the simplest of ways, "she's part of me. I have complete control of her. She will only reveal herself if I am threatened, or I call her forth,"

  I stood there staring at him, lifting my chin up, I met his eyes. I wasn't going to run, I wouldn't get far. I wouldn't be able to outrun him. I stood there caging his reaction, his eyes kept changing from a burning red to black. His face seemed to flicker as if trying to change. He was fighting something inside himself. I knew his Demon was struggling to be realised. I stood my ground, trying to show that I wasn't going to back away even though my instincts told me to do so.

  "So, you didn't attack her?" he demanded, I knew that his Demon was close to the surface. His eyes had gone from flickering from black to red to now just red.

  Bloody hell, "I didn't say that. How many times do I have to repeat myself? She approached me and attacked me. I defended myself. My Witch had no choice but to protect me. If anyone, no matter who it might be trying to harm me or anyone she or I think is worth our protection she will defend them as will I," I could feel my Witch getting pissed off with his questioning, she wanted me to release her so she could answer him herself. That wouldn't be a good idea, "believe Aria if you want, I am through telling you what happened," I tell him with a sign.

  He stood there, staring as if mulling over everything I'd told him. A look of satisfaction in his expression makes me pause as if coming to a conclusion; he tells me, "I believe you. It's in my nature to question everyone around me. Even those I trust,"

  I can't believe my ears. Lucien believes me. That was too easy. The thing is. Can I believe him? I want to so much, but he has feelings for Aria.

  I'd witnessed it with my own two eyes. The doubt must have shown on my face. I watch as Lucien steps closer to me, lifting his hands and gently taking my face into his rough hands. It's a gentle, commanding touch. He softly funs his fingertips over my skin, sliding them down to the jumper and pulling it down to reveal the marks on my neck. I feel the tips of his fingers tenderly run over the deep red scratches. I hadn't realised until I had gotten into my room how badly she had marked me. I had thought that no mark would have been left as it hadn't been her actual hand that had been around my neck. I was wrong. The scratches were still sore, deep, and redraw to look at. My Omega was trying her best to heal them from within, but it was a slow task.

  "I'm sorry," he whispered, I can feel the anger emanating off him as he trailed his knuckles over my cheek. He looks at me as if I'm fragile as if I'm the most precious thing he's ever seen. His eyes slowly once again start changing back to the natural colour. I feel his lips on my neck, laying soft butterfly kisses over my skin.

  As my eyes flutter shut, I sign, "Lucien," his name is like a plea on my lips.

  "I will make this better. Aria won't be able to touch you again," he vows quietly.

  "I can protect myself," I whisper, keeping my eyes closed. That wasn't the problem, I can still see them together. Touching, kissing. It is something I can't get out of my mind. "I can take care of myself, but what I witnessed, I can't get out of my head. It's there imbedded, never going away."

  I hear the sign that falls from his mouth, "whatever you think you saw……."

  I scoffed; did he think I was a fool? "Really!" I interrupted him, "so your tongue down her throat didn't mean anything. Don't take me for a bloody idiot Lucien," I tell him tearing myself away from him. Walking backward, away from him.

  "I don't think you are a fool, Scarlett," he tells me as he advances towards me, fire burning in his eyes, "I will do everything in my power to protect you. Even if that means upsetting you."

  I shake my head, upsetting me. I can't believe what I'm hearing, "it wouldn't be just upsetting me, Lucien. It would be killing any feelings I have for you. It would be like a slow death. If you give yourself to another, then there is no us," I tell him, moving far away from him. I must get my head on straight, standing so close messes with my mind. I can't think straight. I sit on the bed; he didn't really believe that I would accept him being intimate with Aria or anyone else? ‘‘So, tell me, Lucien, what the hell do you really think I witnessed?''

  Hearing Scarlett's words gut me. I can't tell her the truth, and I don't need to hear any more to know how it affected her. I'm not the type of man or Demon to apologise, but for her, I'd willingly do so, ''I'm sorry, I will make it up to you somehow."

  I could feel his intense stare. It was like a burning inferno scorching my skin, setting my body alight.

  I could feel the hot flush coming over my skin. I knew that if I didn't get out of this room now, Lucien would be deep inside me before a word of protest would leave my lips. Though any objection wouldn't be real, I didn't seem to have any morals with this man. I could smell him, a smell I'd come to recognize as him. It engulfed at once, and suddenly my thighs clenched. All I could think about in my fog-filled mind was having his lips and hands on my body, all the promises I'd made to myself and the protests I'd just made where ignored. Wrapping his hand around my upper arm, his grip firm, but not hard enough to hurt me or cause any bruising. He pulls me up and towards him until we are standing toe to toe. I should protest and push him away. I do the opposite. I opened my mouth willingly as I watched his head descend towards me. The kiss, so much more than the one before. This one wanted to devour me whole. I was his for the taking, and there wasn't anyone to stop what was about to happen…….


  Though he had apologised, I knew I should put up some sort of fight, a protest even he had a lover for god's sake, I'd witnessed the evidence with my own two eyes, but I knew deep down I didn't want to, I hated myself for it, but I'd been kidding myself since I'd
seen him in the flesh. I fist his dark hair into my hands, pressing my body against his as if to sink into his hardness, I felt his rock-hard cock against my stomach. He swallowed the moan that rose from my throat in surrender while wrapping a hand around my throat; he directed me towards the wall behind me. Pushing me up against it, he took hold of my thighs and pulling them upwards towards him, I wrapped my legs around his waist. I whimpered, feeling his hardness rub against the heat in the centre of my thighs.

  Rubbing myself back against him. He skimmed his hand over my breast, the feel of his hand, was something I didn't want to end. I wasn't a small woman, but his large frame covered mine. I never felt more alive, and I couldn't explain it, but at the moment, I felt safe, protected, wanted, and he made me feel as if I only existed for him. I gripped him with my thighs, trying my hardest to bring him closer. I felt an intense longing. Feeling so overwhelmed by the emotions he could bring out in me. As well as thrilling me, it scared the fuck out of me. I wanted him deep inside me, I needed to feel that hardness slide deep within me. Taking me to places I'd never experienced before.

  The tempo of his kiss grew, he became more demanding ravishing my mouth in an explosion of passion and desire. I moaned, trying to get closer to him. I could feel his arousal against my body hard and long. I had never felt this burning heat before, and it scared me the way it was making me think. A shiver of pleasure went down my spine as I felt his lips move down towards my throat, I dug my nails into his back and held on tight as he sucked on my throat teasing me with his lips and teeth. The husky moans that escaped my mouth sounded federal. I wanted him to fuck me, needed him deep inside me. It was like my hunger for him had grown since I'd last seen him

  "I want to fuck you, I need to be inside you" a low rasping growl escaped his lips before he slammed his lips against mine again, causing the intensity of the kiss to grow in heat.

  The burning in my belly caused all thoughts in my mind to float away, turning into nothing but smoke and ash. The fire within burned hotter with every second as his hard body pinned me to the wall. I wrestled his shirt off and ran my hands down his back, I felt his muscles flex under my fingers, taut and compelling. I moved my hands to his chest; under my fingertips, I felt a light dusting of hair. God, he was ripped, his abs bunched as I dragged my fingers over them. It was at least an eight pack, if not more. Yet more proof that this couldn't be real, though the sensations I was feeling couldn't be anything else.

  Pulling back away from my body and taking my top into his fist, he ripped it off in one swipe baring my naked breasts to his gaze. He leaned down and kissed the tops of my breasts. I arched my back in bliss as he sucked the sensitive skin before moving down to take a stiff nipple into his mouth. Closing my eyes, I let the lust sink into my bones. The feelings he was giving me was descending in. Everything he had to offer was everything I needed, and I needed it right in that second. He growled, making the vibrations shake over my body. I was doing this. I knew once I was completely bare to his gaze, there wasn't any turning back. I had never wanted anyone or anything so much in my entire life.

  He started guarding us back towards my bed; my legs still somehow wrapped tightly around his waist and his hands firmly gripping my ass cheeks.

  He tossed me onto my bed, my red hair fanned out over the mattress. He lays down on top of me, his massive body pushing mine into the mattress. Using his leg, he pushes it in between my own, pushing it wider apart as his fingertips skimmed the flesh of my stomach, making Goosebumps run across my entire body. I knew I shouldn't even think of letting him touch me, but all logic was gone. I did not give a fuck. I might regret it later, but at that moment in time, I just didn't care. I could see the hunger for me in his eyes, and my body rejoiced in it.

  A jolt of excitement sweeps through me as he looks down into my eyes his are hooded a spark of energy flashes in them his black eyes breathy change to red then black again. I know what that flash of red means.

  His Demon is near. I chew my bottom lip, liking the intensity in his eyes. My breathing becomes laboured as he looks deep into my eyes as he leans in and presses his lips down on mine, hard. My lips tingle: electricity ignites through the air like a lightning storm as his tongue enters my mouth. His hips roll against my pussy. I gasp into his mouth with the tension of the moment, and his lips leave mine, letting me breathe in much-needed air as he mouth assaults my neck, his teeth taking my skin, nipping, and sucking with enough force to leave a mark. My breath comes out in rasping sounds as I grab his hair needing to feel him. Pulling my hands away from his head, Lucien stands. He grabs my legs and pulls me down the bed towards him until the bottom half of my legs fall off the bed. Lucien runs his hands up my thighs, my breaths quicken with his slow movements. His hands reach the top of my jeans, undoing the button, zip and then yanks them off me in one quick motion. Leaving me completely naked. He stands back and stares at me as I lay there on the bed.

  "You're fucking gorgeous," his voice deepens, sending a shiver down my spine. "I'm going to have so much fun with you," he tells me as he moves in, his teeth clamping down on my earlobe as he pulls it into his mouth and sucks. Making me close my eyes in delight. I let out a small whimper my inside fluttering with excitement. He backs off the bed, and I instantly miss his touch as he turns around as if looking for something. He steps to one side, a wicked smile written across his face as he picks up my robe from the nearby chair and pulls out the belt while I lay there with wide eyes watching his every more.

  "Slide up the bed. Now." He demands his voice a deep hard growl.

  I swallow, watching as his eyes turn red and hooded. I have the feeling that at that very moment, the person that is standing before me is no longer Lucien Sinclair, but the inner Demon hidden deep inside him. He has something in mind, and I have no idea what it is or if I should be worried. What I do know is, I shouldn't argue with him now. I slide up the bed.

  He smiles in satisfaction, "now put your hands together above your head, near the headboard."

  I glance behind me and open my eyes wide, then look at the belt in his hand and figure out what he's doing.

  "Now, Scarlett." He orders in that deep voice, his voice flashing back to black briefly before turning red again.

  Oh fuck, I take a deep breath, I can't believe what I'm about to do, but you only live once. Right? And being tiered up is a thing these days, and I might as well try it at least once. Plus, I'm not afraid, tell me it's stupid, but I don't, and I just know he's not going to hurt me.

  I place my hands above my head and lock my fingers together, putting them right by the headboard. He kneels on the bed and slides over my body. I gasp as his massive form moves up over mine. Chewing my bottom lips, he looks down at me with hunger as he leans over, his aftershave filling my senses. I badly need to slide my hands over his chest, to feel those hard-sculptured abs, but his hands slide up my arms ad he fixes the belt around my wrists and then to the headboard.

  I swallow hard as he moves back down my body looking down at me as he does so. I long to be able to touch his body. I want to touch him, and not being able to do so is so …. Strange …… it is new, but somehow, I like it.

  "I don't want you to move. You're to lay there, don't move unless I tell you to."

  He stands at the edge of the bed, staring at me with those red eyes. Looking straight at my pussy like someone who has been starved of his last meal. He grabs my legs, pulling them apart, getting a good view for himself. I tense slightly. I'm not ashamed of being naked, but I can't help feeling nervous. I'm lying on the bed nude and utterly bare to him. I swallow hard, trying to beat down my feelings.

  "So, fucking perfect," he growls, licking his bottom lip as he kneels down, and his head disappears between my legs. He wastes no time his tongue slides out and flicks it against my clit. I jolt my hands banging against the headboard as I clench my eyes shut at the sudden pleasure racing through my pussy.

  My head thrashes to the side as I let out a gasp at feeling a wave on intense ple

  "Oh god," the words slip, leaving me before I can even think about what I'm saying as he chuckles against my pussy.

  Lucien pulls back, leaving me waiting and hungrier for his touch. He looks at me as he stands, "you're so responsive," he tells me, softly touching my pussy.

  I gasp watching, as he moves closer. He shifts until he's once again between my legs. He pulls his arm forward, holding a can of whipped cream. Where he got that, I haven't a clue and really don't want to know.

  '’Nooo…' I gasp, watching as he moves closer, shaking the can. I squirm on the bed the tension on my wrists tightening slightly as I struggle.

  He chuckles, watching my movements as he moves into position and pulls off the cap. He shifts between my legs and brings the can to my thigh. I tense up as he squirts a long line along my inner thigh. The sting of the cold cream renders my senses useless for a second then goes into overdrive. I'm shocked by the feeling he leans closer and his warm tongue in stark contrast to the cold cream as he licks the cream from my body. My clit starts to tingle at the sensations coming over me, making a lump caught in my throat.

  He sprays another line of cream at the top of my pussy, it sits close to my clit I shudder my body trembles while he licks from one side to the other. My breathing becomes rapid as his warm tongue melts the cold cream. The feel of his warm tongue is doing things to my body, something I've never felt before.

  My hands wiggle against the restraint as I try to contain the energy building in me. He is working me up, and all he's doing is fucking licking the cream off me. I had no idea that this could be so damn …… erotic. My heart starts racing as I hear him shake the can again. I close my eyes.

  I hear the spray before I feel it. My body jolts as the cream hit's my clit. My body arching off the bed in shock. Lucien moves in his warm tongue on my clit circling and lapping at the cream as he circles my clit. Heat burns inside me as he continues to rotate and flick his tongue. I moan out loud, not caring about the noises I'm making. He moves a hand up to cup my breast, his fingers tweeting my nipple with firm pressure, enough to be painful as he brings me to the edge. His tongue is relentless. He's very skilled at what he's doing, to my mind and body, and the more he works me up, the more heat is building inside my body.


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