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Lord Sebastian and the Scottish Lass

Page 7

by Christine Donovan

  Chapter Nine

  Teagan’s cheeks warmed as she daydreamed about Sebastian’s surprisingly soft lips pressed against hers. When his tongue swept inside her mouth, she’d hesitated, not knowing people did such a thing. But then it seemed natural to join hers with his. Natural and a little on the wanton side. Now that she’d experienced a real kiss for the first time, she wanted more. But only with Sebastian. She wanted to run her hands across his naked chest again and dip her tongue inside his mouth and hear and feel the moan rise up his throat. Her hands flew to her cheeks. “Stop these improper thoughts,” she said to herself.

  “Is everything ready? Ah dinnae think we should waste another second. Who knows if Ian will go tae Paw first or pursue us?”

  Shaking her head to remove her scandalous thoughts, she continued to make a nice soft pallet for Sebastian on one of the narrow benches in the carriage with all the blankets she could find in the cottage. They may be moth eaten and a little threadbare, but they were clean. She’d washed them herself when they’d first arrived. He could sit against the sidewall with his legs spread out on the bench. Not the most comfortable position for someone as tall as Sebastian, but it would be best for his still healing leg, his arm, and now his broken and bruised ribs. She did worry overmuch for his leg. It may not have been broken, but the gash had been deep to the bone. Who knew if there was any permanent damage to muscle or tendon?

  Worry etched in her mind about its healing. She prayed the beating by Ian and the long carriage ride wouldn’t leave him crippled. But what other option did they have? None, thanks to her brother who she had no doubt would backtrack from the border and seek their whereabouts, making this trip all the more dangerous for Sebastian’s healing. They had to make haste and keep to lightly traveled roads, putting them in more danger from highwaymen. Not to mention Lachlan didn’t know the roads to begin with.

  “Aye. Ah’ll be right in tae help with Sebastian,” Teagan said.”

  “No need, ah’ll go get him,” Lachlan replied.”

  “Before ye do, ye need tae ken something Ian said. Do ye remember the rumors amongst the servants about Maw being pregnant when she wed Paw?”

  Lachlan shrugged his shoulders. “Ah never gave it a thought. Dinnae matter as long as they were wed before we were born, so we were nae bastards. But right now we have other things tae worry about. We can sort out the rest when we are safe.”

  “But there is more, much more Ian confessed to me.”

  “It needs tae wait until we are safe,” Ian said as he walked away and entered the cottage.

  Teagan wanted to scream after her brother, but he was right. This conversation could wait. Finding safety could not.

  Next thing she knew Lachlan and Sebastian came into view. Sebastian leaned heavily on Lachlan. “Can ye get the crutch ah made from the bedroom?”

  “Aye.” Teagan was happy to have something to do besides stand and watch Sebastian struggle to not show any pain as he made his way to the carriage.

  Minutes later they were underway. Lachlan drove the coach while Teagan sat on the bench opposite Sebastian’s. “How is yer leg and yer ribs? Do ye need me tae adjust the blankets for ye?”

  “I’m fine, Teagan. Don’t fuss over me. My brother’s friend and mine as well, Amesbury, was in a tragic carriage accident which took the lives of his parents and sister...”

  “Oh, how terribly sad,” she interrupted.”

  “Yes, it was. Amesbury broke his back and the doctors said he would never walk again. Well, that didn’t go over well with him. Months later he began walking with a cane, determined to go on living for his family members who couldn’t. Now years later, no one would know what he went through. Only late at night or in the privacy of his home does he use his cane. When out in polite society, he pretends to feel no pain and fights to hide his limp. If he can recover, then so can I. I will not let my injuries keep me from dancing at the next ball, or riding, or going on hunting parties.”

  “Ah am sorry for yer friend,” Teagan said with a heavy heart. She didn’t want to ever imagine life without her brother. “Yer friend may have healed physically, but what about from the loss of his loved ones?”

  Sebastian cleared his throat. “Yes, well, that’s another story altogether.”

  “Are ye allowed tae share it?”

  She knew by the way his brows furrowed he was contemplating the reasoning behind her question.

  “I don’t know. Nobody but those inside our close circle of family and friends knows about his struggles.”

  “Ah understand. But if ye told me, ah wouldnae tell a soul.”

  “As long as it goes no further than you and me. The doctors gave him laudanum for the pain. They said he would need the drug for the rest of his life. Amesbury became addicted to it in a bad way. Wentworth and our other friend, Myles, think Amesbury was trying to die.”

  “Oh dear.”

  “Then one night he almost die, that is. Since then he has recovered and put the anguish and loss of his family behind him. I’m quite convinced he still deals with terrible pain and sadness on a daily basis, but he no longer takes laudanum.”

  “How terribly sad for him. Ah hope tae meet yer family and friends ye speak so highly of someday.”

  “Oh, you will when we arrive at Stony Cross Manor.”

  Now it was her turn to worry. Worry about their safety on making Stony Cross Manor without Ian overtaking and killing them. But she didn’t need to bring it up. Sebastian knew this, and yet he was willing to travel with them and put his life in danger once again.

  “I know what you’re thinking?” he said with a somber expression.

  “Ye most certainly do not.” She couldn’t very well admit that he knew her so well.

  “You are worried about my safety. Well, I’m worried about yours. That brother of yours is a monster. His eyes, when he would question me or hit me, were blacker than black and void of any emotions except rage. I’m finding it difficult to believe he is your brother?”



  “Aye. Ian told me back at the cottage and ah’m inclined to believe him. But please keep it to yourself as ah havenae told Lachlan yet. We’d both heard Maw was with child with me and Lachlan when she wed my paw. But we had no idea he wasnae our real Pa. It does explains why Paw hates us so and wants Ian tae inherit the title and lands. Lachlan is not his offspring by blood, only in name and because the duke signed the birth registry as our paw. In our society, that makes Lachlan the true heir.”

  “So that is why he is adamant in killing Lachlan. But why you?”

  “Unfortunately, while Maw lived Paw tolerated our presence. He dinnae go out of his way tae be kind, he just didnae bother with us at all. Which was perfect for Lachlan and myself. Because when Paw did go on a rage, we would hide.”

  Anyway, my maw took ill and passed. The night we put her in the ground, he shot Lachlan, imprisoned him in the dudgeon to die, and gave me tae that beast of a mon. But Lachlan already explained all this to ye.” Teagan swallowed the bile rising up her throat at the memory of that horrible night.

  “Thank God, you are a strong willed and resourceful woman. And that Lachlan had a loyal valet. What do you suppose your father has done to him for his help in aiding his escape?”

  “Oh dear, I hadnae thought about his safety. If Paw kens he helped Lachlan, he will be killed or worse. Imprisoned in the dungeon tae die a slow and tortuous death from starvation and the elements. He will freeze tae death during the winter without blankets.” Teagan sat up straight on the bench and took a deep breath. “When we stop for the night, ah’ll inquire as tae his safety. But if ah ken my brother at all, his valet was weel taken care of. May we change the subject? All this talk about death and danger is making me anxious.”


  Teagan wasn’t the only one anxious. Lachlan sat holding the reins, driving the coach. Something he’d never done in his entire life. George had given him quick instru
ctions, and he seemed to be doing well enough. The horses were used to pulling a carriage, which was fortunate for them all. Lachlan just hoped their luck stayed with them for the entire journey.

  Bad weather, highwaymen, or his brother could cause a disaster. Meanwhile he stayed to the rough road George told him about and in several hours’ time they should arrive at an Inn where the horses could be fed and rested, and they could have a hot meal and comfortable lodgings for the night.

  While they traveled over bumps, rocks, and holes in the road he wondered how Sebastian was doing. He imagined his ribs were screaming out every time the carriage dipped and jarred. Not to mention his leg and arm. Hopefully this trip would not set the man back on his healing.

  Something else weighed heavy on his mind. What exactly had Ian said to his sister? Lachlan had his suspicions over the years as to his parentage. But to his knowledge Teagan never had, besides thinking Mother and Father had made love at least once before speaking their vows, hence why they were hurried. Did Ian know the whole truth? The one Lachlan had guessed at shortly after their mother took sick? That their father was not really their father?


  On the second day of travel, the heavens opened up and damn if the coach didn’t leak right onto Teagan’s bench. Sebastian groaned with frustration at not being able to relieve Lachlan at the reins. He, no doubt, was soaked down to his skin and chilled to the bone. The weather had taken a drastic turn, bringing cold air. The last thing they needed was Lachlan getting sick. The man had been through enough already.

  Sebastian thought it foolish to use up most of the blankets making a soft pallet for his broken body. “Teagan, please help me remove these blankets from beneath me. I’m perfectly capable of sitting on the sparsely cushioned bench. And for God’s sakes, come and share my seat. I won’t have you catching a cold or worse, pneumonia on my behalf. That leak will drench the cushion and thus eventually, your clothing. Please.”

  He knew his words were harsh, but he felt like lashing out at something. Someone. Too bad that someone was the beautiful lady sharing this carriage and trying to save all their lives. She deserved much better than his behavior. And by the look she gave him, she didn’t appreciate his words or tone either.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t take my frustrations out on you. You and Lachlan are trying to help me while dealing with your own dire situation.”

  She jutted her chin up and damn, she looked determined and cute at the same time, making his insides stir with awareness.

  After what seemed like forever, she finally moved from her seat. Gently, with his help, they removed all the blankets from beneath him. Carefully she adjusted his leg across the narrow aisle, and propped it up on the opposite bench far from the leak.

  Teagan hesitantly sat beside him and covered them up with several blankets to ward off the chill. Without thinking, Sebastian wrapped his good arm around her back and pulled her close so they could share body heat.

  “Sebastian...Lord Sebastian. Ah think we should address each other properly because we will arrive at yer family’s estate soon, and ah don’t want tae ostracize myself with bad etiquette.”

  “If you wish, Lady Teagan. Whatever you ask of me I will do.”

  The feel of her chest rising and falling soothed him. Her head tucked beneath his chin had the tantalizing scent from her hair drifting to his nostrils, causing them to flare. Easy Sebastian. She’s been in your arms for seconds, and you’re already thinking improper thoughts. Not to mention the stirrings in his pants.

  “Tell me about your mother?”

  Her body tensed and he thought she’d ignore his query, but then her body settled deeper within his. “She was beautiful and strong. She ran the house. Including keeping my paw in line. He was a poor, homeless duke when he married Maw. His castle had been ruined in the border wars with England. It was her dowry that rebuilt Murray Castle and kept them in the lifestyle befitting a family of a duke.”

  “Hmm, she had one large dowry.”

  “Aye, it must have been. She taught me how tae take care of the sick as her maw taught her. It is a tradition among the women in my family. He fought her everyday on it. Saying nay duchess of his would spoil her hands with tending tae servants or tenant farmers.”

  “Must have angered him to not get his way.”

  The sound of Teagan’s laughter had him joining in with her.

  “That is an understatement. He hated it. Hated her and me for nae being able tae control us. Yet he feared her, her paw, and brothers. They’d threatened him many times that they would nae hesitate tae cast him off his lands if he didnae treat her as due her station as a duchess. My grandpaw might nae have been a titled man, but a richer gentry ye would nae find in all of Scotland.”

  “Why did you not seek his help?”

  Tension rolled through her body and he hugged her closer to his side, ignoring the twinging pain in his ribs. The pain was nothing if he could comfort her and keep her warm.

  “That is how we ken our paw was truly evil. Right after my maw died, he sent men tae my grandpaw’s estate, killed him then went on tae my uncles’ homes and had them killed tae.”

  He didn’t have to hear her crying to know she was. She’d become quiet, and her body trembled ever so slightly. “Teagan, I’m sorry. What kind of monster kills another person? Why did you not go to the authorities? Certainly...”

  “We didnae trust the local authorities. They might have been under Paw’s rule. And we only ken about the deaths because Paw taunted them in Lachlan’s face right before he locked him in the dungeon. Ah dinnae find out until we escaped. Ah think Lachlan would have kept it from me if he could. But ah kept insisting we travel tae them. Finally he broke down and told me the truth. So many loved ones dead by my evil paw’s hands.”

  She pulled away from Sebastian and looked him in the eye. The contradiction between the silent tears staining her cheeks to the determination in her eyes was startling.

  “Nay, not my real paw. No doubt he had him killed as weel.”

  “Oh, Teagan.” Sebastian’s heart ached for her. Such tragedy for one family to behold. He reached out with his good hand and used his thumb to wipe the tears from her face, then he rested his palm on her cheek for silent support. Her hand came up and covered his, holding it to her face.

  “Thank ye. Ah realize tragedy strikes families every day, but when ‘tis yers ‘tis different. Somedays ah’m paralyzed with grief and then fear. Fear that Lachlan will be next, and ah will truly be alone for the rest of my life.”

  Sebastian turned to face her on the bench. Ignoring the screaming burn in his ribs and thigh was easy once he looked into her eyes and was lost in the green depths full of turmoil.

  Even though their conversation was deeply sad and moving, he couldn’t help himself for what he did next. It seemed only natural. Everything about Teagan since he awoke from his attack to find starling emerald eyes assessing his injuries had seemed like fate. And he’d fallen into her spell...hard.

  The first time they kissed came to him in his dreams at night. He lowered his head and pressed his lips to hers, which were moist and salty from her tears. He pulled back and whispered, “Teagan?” When nothing but a sigh escaped her lips he crushed her to him and took what they both wanted.

  In the back of his mind he told himself to be gentle and take it slow. The only time she’d been this close to a man was the night she’d been attacked by the monster her not-real father betrothed her to. But then she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer and proceeded to take as much as he gave.

  He was lost to everything surrounding them. The constant drip, drip of the leaking roof. The sound of the horse’s hooves digging into the mud and Lachlan’s voice encouraging them on. The wind whistling and the rocking of the carriage. Even the pain from his injured body. All was forgotten save for the woman whose lips pressed against his.

  Taking it deeper, he thrust his tongue inside and tasted every crevice of her mouth. Never to
have enough and wanting more than he could ever have. He gasped, pulled back, and cradled her face in his hands and smiled while ignoring the pounding of his heart and the throbbing in his breeches. “Thank you.”

  “For what? “She smiled back with kiss swollen lips, and he groaned knowing he was responsible.

  “For risking ruin by letting me kiss you. For saving my life from the highwaymen even though at first you wanted to leave me for dead.” He had to lighten the mood, or he was liable to lift her skirts and take her innocence on the road in the worn and leaking carriage.

  “Aye, indeed. Ah did want tae leave ye. Ah thought ye already dead and possibly one of Paw’s men. After we dragged yer beaten body back home and ye opened yer good eye for the first time, ah lost myself into the deep blue depths of it.”

  So much for lightening the mood. She brought it right back to sensual. “Teagan.”

  “Kiss me Sebastian. Ah want tae forget what’s happening around us and get lost in yer kisses.”

  Who was he to disappoint a lady? The moment their lips touched, he knew he’d never be the same gentleman he’d been when he left his family home in search of his half-sister. His heart belonged to another for the first time in his life. It made him understand why people risked everything for love.

  Chapter Ten

  Safe, cherished. Those were the words that came to Teagan’s mind when she looked at Sebastian’s handsome face right before he dipped his head and kissed her only minutes ago. The first time he kissed her back at the cottage was a first for her, and she’d been hesitant and afraid she’d do something wrong.

  The second kiss seemed as though Sebastian couldn’t get enough of her. Like he wanted to drink her in and never go thirsty.

  This kiss, the third, was gentle, loving, and her whole body trembled with need. A need she didn’t understand. Her belly fluttered, and she felt the overwhelming need to close her legs or touch herself down there. Is this what love felt like? Or was she developing loose morals?


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