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The Winter's Tale

Page 5

by William Shakespeare

  The shrug, the hum or ha, these petty brands87

  That calumny88 doth use -- O, I am out --

  That mercy does, for calumny will sear

  Virtue itself89: these shrugs, these hums and ha's,

  When you have said 'She's goodly', come between91

  Ere you can say 'She's honest.' But be't known,

  From him that has most cause to grieve it should be,

  She's an adultress.

  HERMIONE Should a villain say so --

  The most replenished96 villain in the world --

  He were as much more villain97. You, my lord,

  Do but mistake.

  LEONTES You have mistook99, my lady,

  Polixenes for Leontes. O thou thing,

  Which I'll not call a creature of thy place101,

  Lest barbarism, making me the precedent,

  Should a like103 language use to all degrees

  And mannerly distinguishment104 leave out

  Betwixt the prince and beggar. I have said

  She's an adult'ress. I have said with whom.

  More, she's a traitor and Camillo is

  A federary108 with her, and one that knows

  What she should shame to know109 herself

  But with her most vile principal, that she's

  A bed-swerver111, even as bad as those

  That vulgars112 give bold'st titles; ay, and privy

  To this their late escape.

  HERMIONE No, by my life,

  Privy to none of this. How will this grieve you,

  When you shall come to clearer knowledge, that

  You thus have published117 me. Gentle my lord,

  You scarce can right me throughly118 then to say

  You did mistake.

  LEONTES No. If I mistake

  In those foundations which I build upon,

  The centre122 is not big enough to bear

  A school-boy's top123. Away with her, to prison!

  He who shall speak for her is afar off124 guilty

  But that he speaks125.

  HERMIONE There's some ill126 planet reigns:

  I must be patient till the heavens look

  With an aspect128 more favourable. Good my lords,

  I am not prone to weeping -- as our sex

  Commonly are -- the want130 of which vain dew

  Perchance shall dry your pities131: but I have

  That honourable grief lodged here132 which burns

  Worse than tears drown. Beseech you all, my lords,

  With thoughts so qualified134 as your charities

  Shall best instruct you, measure135 me; and so

  The king's will be performed.

  LEONTES Shall I be heard137?

  HERMIONE Who is't that goes with me? Beseech your highness

  My women may be with me, for you see

  My plight140 requires it. Do not weep, good fools.

  There is no cause. When you shall know your mistress

  Has deserved prison, then abound in tears

  As I come out; this action I now go on

  Is for my better grace144.-- Adieu, my lord.

  To Leontes

  I never wished to see you sorry, now

  I trust I shall.-- My women, come, you have leave146.

  LEONTES Go, do our bidding. Hence!

  [Exit Hermione, guarded, with Ladies]

  A LORD Beseech your highness, call the queen again.

  ANTIGONUS Be certain what you do, sir, lest your justice

  Prove violence, in the which three great ones suffer:

  Yourself, your queen, your son.

  A LORD For her, my lord,

  I dare my life lay down and will do't, sir,

  Please you t'accept it, that the queen is spotless

  I'th'eyes of heaven and to you -- I mean,

  In this which you accuse her.

  ANTIGONUS If it prove

  She's otherwise, I'll keep my stables where

  I lodge my wife158, I'll go in couples159 with her,

  Than when I feel and see her160 no further trust her,

  For every inch of woman in the world,

  Ay, every dram162 of woman's flesh is false,

  If she be.

  LEONTES Hold your peaces.

  A LORD Good my lord--

  ANTIGONUS It is for you we speak, not for ourselves.

  You are abused and by some putter-on167

  That will be damned for't. Would I knew the villain,

  I would land-damn169 him. Be she honour-flawed,

  I have three daughters -- the eldest is eleven

  The second and the third, nine, and some171 five --

  If this prove true, they'll pay for't. By mine honour,

  I'll geld173 'em all: fourteen they shall not see,

  To bring false generations174. They are co-heirs,

  And I had rather glib175 myself than they

  Should not produce fair issue176.

  LEONTES Cease. No more.

  You smell this business with a sense as cold

  As is a dead man's nose. But I do see't and feel't

  As you feel doing thus180, and see withal

  The instruments that feel181.

  ANTIGONUS If it be so,

  We need no grave to bury honesty183:

  There's not a grain of it the face to sweeten184

  Of the whole dungy earth.

  LEONTES What? Lack I credit186?

  FIRST LORD I had rather you did lack than I, my lord,

  Upon this ground188. And more it would content me

  To have her honour true than your suspicion189,

  Be blamed for't how you might.

  LEONTES Why, what need we

  Commune with you of this, but rather follow

  Our forceful instigation193? Our prerogative

  Calls not your counsels, but our natural goodness

  Imparts this, which if you, or stupefied195

  Or seeming so in skill196, cannot or will not

  Relish197 a truth like us, inform yourselves

  We need no more of your advice. The matter,

  The loss, the gain, the ord'ring on't199, is all

  Properly200 ours.

  ANTIGONUS And I wish, my liege201,

  You had only in your silent judgement tried it,

  Without more overture203.

  LEONTES How could that be?

  Either thou art most ignorant by age205,

  Or thou wert born a fool. Camillo's flight,

  Added to their familiarity --

  Which was as gross as ever touched conjecture,

  That lacked sight only208, nought for approbation209

  But only seeing, all other circumstances

  Made211 up to th'deed -- doth push on this proceeding.

  Yet, for a greater confirmation --

  For in an act of this importance 'twere

  Most piteous to be wild214 -- I have dispatched in post

  To sacred Delphos215, to Apollo's temple,

  Cleomenes and Dion, whom you know

  Of stuffed sufficiency217. Now from the oracle

  They will bring all, whose spiritual counsel had218,

  Shall stop or spur me. Have I done well?

  A LORD Well done, my lord.

  LEONTES Though I am satisfied and need no more

  Than what I know, yet shall the oracle

  Give rest to th'minds of others, such as he223

  Whose ignorant credulity will not

  Come up to225 th'truth. So have we thought it good

  From226 our free person she should be confined,

  Lest that the treachery227 of the two fled hence

  Be left her to perform. Come, follow us.

  We are to speak in public, for this business

  Will raise230 us all.

  ANTIGONUS To laughter, as I take it,


  If the good truth were known.


  Act 2 Scene 2 running scene

  * * *

  Enter Paulina, a Gentleman [and Attendants]

  Gentleman goes to the door

  PAULINA The keeper of the prison, call to him.

  Let him have knowledge who I am.

  Good lady,

  No court in Europe is too good for thee.

  What dost thou then in prison?

  [Enter the Jailer]

  Now, good sir,

  You know me, do you not?

  JAILER For a worthy lady,

  And one who much I honour.

  PAULINA Pray you then,

  Conduct me to the queen.

  JAILER I may not, madam.

  To the contrary I have express commandment.

  PAULINA Here's ado12, to lock up honesty and honour from

  Th'access of gentle13 visitors! Is't lawful, pray you,

  To see her women? Any of them? Emilia?

  JAILER So please you, madam,

  To put apart16 these your attendants, I

  Shall bring Emilia forth.

  PAULINA I pray now call her.--

  Withdraw yourselves.

  [Exeunt Gentleman and Attendants]

  JAILER And, madam,

  I must be present at your conference.

  PAULINA Well, be't so, prithee.

  [Exit Jailer]

  Here's such ado to make no stain a stain

  As passes colouring24.

  [Enter Jailer with Emilia]

  Dear gentlewoman,

  How fares our gracious lady?

  EMILIA As well as one so great and so forlorn27

  May hold together. On28 her frights and griefs --

  Which never tender lady hath borne greater --

  She is something before her time delivered30.

  PAULINA A boy?

  EMILIA A daughter, and a goodly babe,

  Lusty33 and like to live. The queen receives

  Much comfort in't, says 'My poor prisoner,

  I am innocent as you.'

  PAULINA I dare be sworn.

  These dangerous unsafe lunes37 i'th'king, beshrew them!

  He must be told on't38, and he shall. The office

  Becomes39 a woman best. I'll take't upon me.

  If I prove honey-mouthed40, let my tongue blister

  And never to my red-looked anger be

  The trumpet any more41. Pray you, Emilia,

  Commend my best obedience43 to the queen.

  If she dares trust me with her little babe,

  I'll show't the king and undertake to be

  Her advocate to th'loud'st46. We do not know

  How he may soften at the sight o'th'child:

  The silence often of pure innocence

  Persuades when speaking fails.

  EMILIA Most worthy madam,

  Your honour and your goodness is so evident

  That your free52 undertaking cannot miss

  A thriving issue. There is no lady living

  So meet54 for this great errand. Please your ladyship

  To visit the next room, I'll presently55

  Acquaint the queen of your most noble offer,

  Who but today hammered of this design57,

  But durst not tempt a minister of honour58,

  Lest she should be denied.

  PAULINA Tell her, Emilia.

  I'll use that tongue I have: if wit61 flow from't

  As boldness from my bosom, let't not be doubted

  I shall do good.

  EMILIA Now be you blest for it!

  I'll to the queen.-- Please you come something

  To Jailer


  JAILER Madam, if't please the queen to send the babe,

  I know not what I shall incur to pass it67,

  Having no warrant.

  PAULINA You need not fear it, sir:

  This child was prisoner to the womb and is

  By law and process of great nature thence

  Freed and enfranchised, not a party to

  The anger of the king nor guilty of,

  If any be, the trespass of the queen.

  JAILER I do believe it.

  PAULINA Do not you fear. Upon mine honour, I

  Will stand betwixt you and danger.


  Act 2 Scene 3 running scene 4

  * * *

  Enter Leontes

  LEONTES Nor1 night nor day no rest. It is but weakness

  To bear the matter thus, mere weakness. If

  The cause were not in being3 -- part o'th'cause,

  She, th'adulteress, for the harlot4 king

  Is quite beyond mine arm, out of the blank5

  And level6 of my brain, plot-proof. But she

  I can hook7 to me -- say that she were gone,

  Given to the fire8, a moiety of my rest

  Might come to me again. Who's there?

  [Enter a Servant]

  SERVANT My lord?

  LEONTES How does the boy?

  SERVANT He took good rest tonight.

  'Tis hoped his sickness is discharged.

  LEONTES To see his nobleness!

  Conceiving15 the dishonour of his mother,

  He straight declined, drooped, took it deeply,

  Fastened and fixed the shame on't in himself,

  Threw off his spirit, his appetite, his sleep,

  And downright languished. Leave me solely19. Go,

  See how he fares.--

  [Exit Servant]

  Fie, fie! No thought of him20.

  The very thought of my revenges that way

  Recoil upon me -- in himself too mighty,

  And in his parties, his alliance23. Let him be

  Until a time may serve. For present vengeance,

  Take it on her. Camillo and Polixenes

  Laugh at me, make their pastime at my sorrow.

  They should not laugh if I could reach them, nor

  Shall she28 within my power.

  [Enter Paulina, carrying the baby; Antigonus and Lords enter and try to hold her back]

  A LORD You must not enter.

  PAULINA Nay, rather, good my lords, be second to30 me.

  Fear you his tyrannous passion more, alas,

  Than the queen's life? A gracious innocent soul,

  More free33 than he is jealous.

  ANTIGONUS That's enough.

  SERVANT Madam, he hath not slept tonight, commanded

  None should come at him.

  PAULINA Not so hot37, good sir,

  I come to bring him sleep38. 'Tis such as you,

  That creep like shadows by him and do sigh

  At each his needless heavings40, such as you

  Nourish the cause of his awaking41. I

  Do come with words as medicinal as true,

  Honest as either43, to purge him of that humour

  That presses him from sleep.

  LEONTES What noise there, ho?

  PAULINA No noise, my lord, but needful conference46

  About some gossips47 for your highness.

  LEONTES How?48

  Away with that audacious lady! Antigonus,

  I charged thee that she should not come about me.

  I knew she would.

  ANTIGONUS I told her so, my lord,

  On your displeasure's peril53 and on mine,

  She should not visit you.

  LEONTES What? Canst not rule55 her?

  PAULINA From56 all dishonesty he can. In this,

  Unless he take the course that you have done --

  Commit58 me for committing honour -- trust it,

  He shall not rule me.

  ANTIGONUS La you now60, you hear.

  When she will take the rein, I let her run.

  But she'll not stumble.

  PAULINA Good my liege, I come.

  And, I beseech you hear me, who professes

  Myself your loyal servant, your physician,

  Your most obedient counsellor, yet that dares

  Less appear so in comforting your

  Than such as most seem yours67. I say, I come

  From your good queen.

  LEONTES Good queen70?

  PAULINA Good queen, my lord, good queen. I say good queen,

  And would by combat make her good72, so were I

  A man, the worst73 about you.

  LEONTES Force her hence.

  To Lords

  PAULINA Let him that makes but trifles75 of his eyes

  First hand76 me. On mine own accord I'll off.

  But first I'll do my errand. The good queen,

  For she is good, hath brought you forth a daughter --

  Here 'tis -- commends it to your blessing.

  Lays down the baby with a box and bundle

  LEONTES Out!80

  A mankind81 witch! Hence with her, out o'door.

  A most intelligencing bawd82!

  PAULINA Not so.

  I am as ignorant84 in that as you

  In so entitling85 me, and no less honest

  Than you are mad, which is enough, I'll warrant86,

  As this world goes, to pass for honest.

  LEONTES Traitors!

  To Lords

  Will you not push her out?-- Give her the bastard.

  To Antigonus

  Thou dotard90, thou art woman-tired, unroosted

  By thy dame Partlet91 here. Take up the bastard,

  Take't up, I say: give't to thy crone92.

  PAULINA Forever

  To Antigonus

  Unvenerable94 be thy hands, if thou

  Tak'st up the princess by that forced baseness

  Which he has put upon't95!

  LEONTES He dreads97 his wife.

  PAULINA So I would you did. Then 'twere past all doubt

  You'd call your children yours.

  LEONTES A nest of traitors!

  ANTIGONUS I am none, by this good light.

  PAULINA Nor I, nor any

  But one that's here, and that's himself, for he

  The sacred honour of himself, his queen's,

  His hopeful son's, his babe's, betrays to slander,

  Whose sting is sharper than the sword's; and will not --

  For, as the case now stands, it is a curse

  He cannot be compelled to't -- once remove

  The root of his opinion107, which is rotten

  As ever oak or stone was sound.

  LEONTES A callat111

  Of boundless tongue, who late hath beat her husband

  And now baits113 me! This brat is none of mine.

  It is the issue of Polixenes.

  Hence with it, and together with the dam115

  Commit them to the fire!

  PAULINA It is yours.

  And, might we lay th'old proverb to your charge118,

  So like you, 'Tis the worse119. Behold, my lords,

  Although the print120 be little, the whole matter

  And copy of the father: eye, nose, lip,

  The trick122 of's frown, his forehead, nay, the valley,

  The pretty dimples of his chin and cheek, his smiles,

  The very mould and frame of hand, nail, finger.

  And thou, good goddess Nature, which hast made it

  So like to him that got126 it, if thou hast

  The ordering of the mind127 too, 'mongst all colours

  No yellow128 in't, lest she suspect, as he does,

  Her children not her husband's!

  LEONTES A gross hag130.

  And, lozel131, thou art worthy to be hanged,

  To Antigonus

  That wilt not stay her tongue132.

  ANTIGONUS Hang all the husbands

  That cannot do that feat, you'll leave yourself


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