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Where We Go One, We Go All

Page 5

by Robert Boren

  The group dispersed, JJ and I staying behind. Vermillion stayed, the doors locking when everybody else was gone.

  “I want you to know that your concerns about the Clan Zone mission are of the upmost importance to me,” Vermillion said. “Are you sure you’re willing to take this on?”

  I sighed. “Yes, I know it’s dangerous, sir, but we don’t have a choice.”

  “And I agree,” JJ said. “We have to know one way or another. I’m more worried about what happens between us and the Central Authority when we get back.”

  “That makes two of us,” Vermillion said. “I hope Simone isn’t allied with the Clan. I’m having a hard time believing it, to be honest.”

  “The Overlords attack on Earth doesn’t make sense to me,” I said, eyeing Vermillion and JJ.

  “Go ahead,” Vermillion said. “You’ve got something on your mind.”

  You might be right.

  “Probably stupid,” I said. “Do we have good video of the attack on Earth?”

  We do.

  “Analyze it,” I said. “I want to see any evidence you find of hostile action taken by the Overlords, beyond just being in orbit.”

  Vermillion chuckled. “You don’t think they were there to attack Earth, do you?”

  “I’m not ready to say that yet,” I said, “but they could’ve done a lot of damage to Earth before those railguns chased them away. They could’ve moved around and continued to hit us, too. It’s not that hard to hit railgun installations on a planet. Simone’s ships can move. Terrestrial railguns can’t.”

  “You think they were at Earth to protect us from the Central Authority,” JJ said in a hushed tone.

  “Let’s let the analysis speak for itself,” I said.

  Vermillion sat silently, thinking it through. “Why did those prisoners go crazy when Simone was insulted?”

  “I’ve got a better question. Why were Simone’s people guarding the Chairman, after being part of a recent failed coup attempt?”

  “Shit,” JJ said. “Those Clan bits could’ve been altered. The whole thing might have been theater.”

  I’ve completed my analysis of the Overlords attack. I don’t believe it was an attack.

  Tell him the other part.

  “What other part?” JJ asked.

  There was a large fleet of Centurion-class ships headed for Earth. They turned around when the Razor ships got into Earth orbit.

  “I’ve got to talk to Simone,” Vermillion said.

  “Butch, send this data to Drake with an urgent indicator, please,” I said.


  “Butch, what did you see in the long-range scan that we left running? Any idea where the Overlords ships started their jump from?”

  We haven’t been back to your stateroom yet, Trey. We came straight to this conference room from the Zephyrus, remember? You must insert the token manually for me to access that scan data.

  Very interesting. Very interesting indeed.

  Thank you, sir.

  “Good, you’re back,” I said. “What do you think?”

  This is the value of people who think outside the box. Mr. Chairman, I’d concentrate on trying to contact Simone. If this is true, it’s likely that your contacts are willing to talk with you again.

  “I’ll get right on that,” Vermillion said.

  “I should go to my stateroom and activate my token so Butch can access the scan data on those Overlords ships,” I said.

  Do that. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. This will take some analysis. Talk to you soon.

  Gone again.

  “Ready to go?” I asked JJ.

  “Yes,” she said.

  We left the conference room, heading for the transit station, grabbing a tin can back to our stateroom.

  JJ plopped on the couch. “I’ve missed this room. The Zephyrus is cozy, but this is much more livable.”

  “It is,” I said, going into the cabinet and opening my safe. I pulled out the token and put it into my system, activating it.

  There you go, Butch. Have at it.

  Thank you, Trey.

  “Any way you cut this, we’re heading into some risky times,” JJ said. “How do we know we can trust Simone? She tried to stun people to death on Earth, let’s not forget.”

  “We think she was behind that. It might not be the case. She denied it when we spoke, remember? I just assumed she was lying.”

  JJ sighed. “Okay, that’s true, but it could also be that her old modus operandi wasn’t working, and now she’s trying something different. She might have been behind the stun attacks and she might also want to make peace now.

  My PA buzzed. It was Izzy.

  “Hi, Izzy, what’s up?” I asked.

  “Deacon made contact with Tac, and wants to go down to the surface with the additional containers. They’ve got more fuel for us to shuttle up here as well. Do you mind if we go down there?”

  “No problem, but I want Andrea on the ship. I’m too busy at the moment. I’ll contact her. Oh, and I want Deacon working something else, so I’m not sure he’ll be involved with this. I’ll notify Nolan and have him go along.”

  “Thank you, Captain,” Izzy said. “Talk to you soon.”

  Butch, please contact Andrea and Nolan. I want them going to Amberis in the Zephyrus.


  Anything on the scan?

  Patience. There’s a lot of data to crunch through.

  Okay, keep going then. Thanks.

  You’re welcome, Trey.

  “Now we wait,” I said. “Hungry? We could go grab a bite.”

  “Either way. Not that hungry yet.”

  “I can wait too,” I said. “You look worried.”

  “You’re not worried? We might learn just enough to make us believe that Simone is on our side. If we get close enough to talk, she might kill us all.”

  I chuckled. “I had exchanges with her before, remember? She was very angry at me.”

  JJ snickered. “How dare you.”

  “Exactly,” I said. “I don’t think she was acting during that exchange. She was really pissed. I could see it in her eyes.”

  “If she wants to make friends now, it’s because she needs us to fight the Prime Minister.”

  “That’s possible,” I said. “The Prime Minister is in some trouble as well. His fleet is made up of old ships that can’t compete with Razors or New Jersey-class ships.”

  “A group of Centurion-class ships destroyed a Razor, remember?”

  I nodded. “Yes, I know, but the entire engagement was not a win for the Central Authority. They lost more ships. A lot more.”

  I have a location.

  I grinned at JJ, who heard it through the link with Emerald.

  Does it get us close enough? Beyond the galaxy?

  We’ve got a solar system. There are two inhabitable planets there. One level fifteen and one level six.

  Six. Oh crap.

  It’s likely they aren’t on the level six world.

  That’s not what JJ is worried about.

  I know what she’s worried about.


  If Simone’s ships are that close to a level six world with the sensors they would have, it’s likely they have cloaking ability that we didn’t know about.

  { 5 }


  J J and I sat in the stateroom, trying to process the data we’d just been given.

  “What are the names of the planets?” JJ asked.

  The level six is called Hodge. The level fifteen is called Naelize.

  I dictated the request for a map of the area, and it appeared in my visual cortex. “I see where they are. Because of their orbits, they’re rarely close together. Might not be as big of a problem for Simone as we’re thinking.”

  “I’m looking at the survey info now,” JJ said. “Hodge has a space program. They’ve already been to one of their three moons, and they’ve sent probes out as well. Sounds like they’re at the level of 1970s Earth, roughly.”

  “Perhaps we should stop by there,” I said. “It’s in the same direction as Boroclize.”

  JJ nodded. “If they’ve got cloaking capability on this level, why haven’t they used it up to now?”

  “Well, they didn’t use it when they were in Earth orbit. Could be that they wanted to be seen then. Also could be that they’ve been working on their cloaking capability after they fled from the last battles, but aren’t ready to disclose they’ve got it.”

  “Wonder how close Simone was to Prime Minister Aeon?” JJ asked.

  “We’ve got so many unknowns.”

  JJ nodded. “You look pretty antsy.”

  “I need a walk. Want to go to the bridge?”

  “Sure, let’s go.”

  We left the stateroom, heading out into the main corridor. It was busy for early afternoon.

  “Why so many people out, I wonder?” JJ asked.

  “Everybody was on alert while we were gone. I told Andrea we could lower our security level. People are taking advantage of a little free time.”

  “Yeah, but how many people is that?”

  “When you add all the people working battle stations, it’s a lot. Thirty thousand people, give or take. Might be something else going on, though. It’s not Taco Tuesday, is it?”

  JJ chuckled. “It’s Thursday.”

  “Ah. Meatloaf Thursday.”

  JJ busted up, shaking her head.

  Don’t encourage the boy.

  I can’t help myself. Do you know what’s going on?

  It’s like the Captain said, we’ve lowered the security level, so people who’ve been working overtime are off as of an hour ago.

  Told you.

  Yes, score one for the patriarchy.

  I laughed. “And with that, I’m out of the conversation.”

  “Chicken,” JJ quipped. “Feels good to get out. My stress level is going down.”

  “Mine too. Wonder if the Zephyrus went to the surface of Amberis yet?”

  Yes, they left forty-five minutes ago, Trey. They’re in the big hangar next to the mine.

  “Thanks,” I said.

  “Do you believe that Simone will end up on our side?”

  I glanced at JJ as we walked. “We don’t know enough yet. We can be fairly sure that she’s not on the side of the Central Authority anymore, given the coup attempt.”

  “Unless that was more theater that she and Prime Minister Aeon cooked up.”

  “Well, there is that, I suppose. I hate not having the data we need. Hopefully Vermillion can talk to his contacts.”

  “Can we believe them?”

  I shrugged. “I’ll take some convincing.”

  “Good, then it’s not just me,” JJ said. “Hey, ice cream. What do you think?”

  We were approaching an ice cream stand, with a good-sized line.

  “I’m game, but I won’t use my rank to line-jump.”

  “Wouldn’t have it any other way, honey,” JJ said, taking my arm and leading me to the end of the line. A couple people motioned us forward, but I shook my head no.

  “Drake might have known her, you know,” I said quietly.

  JJ turned towards me. “When he was flesh and blood?”

  “Not so loud,” I whispered. “Maybe we ought to hold this conversation until we’re out of line.”

  This way, then. Alexander Carlson was still in the flesh while Simone was alive?

  I don’t know for sure.

  He missed both Chairman Vermillion and Simone by about forty years, and that was from their birth. Amazing he was able to keep his consciousness alive from so far back.

  He might have known her while he was in the current state.

  You guys can’t see that?

  I tried. Blocked data. Somebody doesn’t want you to know. I can appeal to Drake.

  He already knows you’ve been looking, so I’ll leave that to him. It’s not essential info. I was just curious.

  All data is essential if it helps you understand a situation.

  We’re getting eyeballed too much. We need to stop this. People can tell we’re holding a conversation, and most of them can’t know about the AIs yet.

  Okay, sorry.

  We were almost to the front of the line, the people behind the counter working quickly.

  “Wonder if it’s real?” JJ asked.


  “The ice cream, silly. Does it come from our cattle?”

  “We can ask when we get up there.”

  The young person in front of us overheard, and turned to us with a smile. “This is the real thing, Captain, and you’re gonna love it.”

  “Thanks,” I said. The man turned back ahead, not wanting to bother us.

  We finally got to the counter, ordering two ice cream cones, which we carried away, continuing to the bridge.

  “Wow, this is good,” JJ said.

  “Yep, reminds me of home.”

  Eating the ice cream slowed down our conversation. We made it to the bridge shortly after we were finished. Sondra and Skip were there.

  “Hi, Captain,” Sondra said. “Hi, JJ.”

  We both nodded, taking observer’s seats. “Anything going on?”

  “Not much. Nolan downloaded news, but then he had to go to the surface, so we haven’t watched it yet. I could pull it up if you’d like.”

  “When does Nolan get back?” I asked.

  “Should be any minute,” Skip said.

  “Then we’ll wait.”

  “Speak of the devil,” Sondra said, sitting up straighter. “The Zephyrus just hailed me. They’re on the way up. Skip, get ready on that tractor beam.”

  Skip nodded, moving his chair closer to his station.

  “Short trip,” JJ said.

  I glanced her way. “It was only pick up and delivery, and Nolan spent time with Tac recently, so I’m assuming he’ll be back with them.”

  “Yes, he said there were some tests he wanted to run on the cloaking device,” Sondra said.

  “Did he elaborate?” JJ asked.

  “Nope. Here they come, Skip. You can grab them. I’ll let them know.”

  Skip nodded, touching his screen, the tractor beam icon showing up in the upper right-hand corner in bright blue.

  “Got them,” Skip said. “The main bay door is connected and in sync.”

  “Put it on screen,” Sondra said.

  The main bay showed up in the video, doors opening, the ship invisible until the leading edge appeared out of nothingness, growing as the ship moved in, completely visible as the ship set down on the floor, the big bay door already shut behind it.

  “Welcome, Zephyrus,” Sondra said.

  “Textbook,” Andrea’s voice said over the intercom. “Anything going on?”

  “The Captain and JJ are here, waiting for Nolan to show the news,” Sondra said. “Nothing else I’ve been told about.”

  “See you in a few minutes,” Andrea said.

  “What else has to happen before we can take off?” JJ asked.

  “Deacon needs to finish helping the Monitor on the shielded compartment mod,” I said. “Not much else that I’m aware of, other than the impact of the new theory we sprang on Vermillion and Drake.”

  Nolan came onto the bridge.

  “Wow, that was fast,” I said.

  “Didn’t have any other stops,” Nolan said. “Andrea is supervising the off-loading of fuel. She’ll be along later. Want to look at the news?”

  “You haven’t seen it yet?” JJ asked.

  “No, the download didn’t complete until it was too late to watch it,” Nolan said. “Shall I?”

  “Please,” I said.

  Nolan w
ent to his station, used mind dictation, and the first document displayed. “This is the official Central Authority news.”

  The Magellan III salvage mission leads the news today. We’ve lost contact with the Centurion-class task force we sent to Valla Cappos just days ago. They successfully completed their jump into orbit, but haven’t been heard from since. The Central Authority Space Command is discussing the situation now and may send a larger taskforce to the area if communications are not restored. This new wrinkle comes at a bad time, as demonstrations grow and trust of the Central Authority HPDR and Senate are at an all-time low.

  “Ya think?” Skip quipped.

  The summit between Prime Minister Aeon, leaders of the HDPR and Senate, and Chairman Vermillion of the Samson Corporation came to an abrupt end a few days ago with no resolution. The Prime Minister is meeting with his team to decide on the next move. Meanwhile, investigation of the massive explosion that happened as the summit was ending has revealed that it was un-related to the break-up of the summit, contrary to what we reported in the last release. Please accept our apology for publishing an incorrect account of the tragedy.

  “That’s all they’re reporting today?” I asked.

  “I smell panic,” Nolan said. “Shall I put up the next one?”

  “Please,” I said.

  Howdy, everybody, it’s your old pal Hamilton Zenos.

  I’m still in hiding, and with good reason, after the shenanigans we’ve seen over the last week.

  The coverup continues on the Magellan III disaster, and now we’re hearing that the salvage ship might need salvage as well. Hmmm. What’s really happening on Valla Cappos, I wonder? The relatives are demonstrating at the capital. Hope they’re careful, because in the present climate they’re liable to get disappeared.

  Speaking of being disappeared, that seems to be ramping up on Devonia Axxiom, with people not involved with the Overlords among the missing. Where are you sending them, Mr. Prime Minister? And what happened to the summit? We saw what the propaganda… er News Outlet said, that it was ended early without a good resolution for either side. Then there’s the viral video of the roof battle, and a person who looks a lot like Chairman Vermillion being loaded into some strange new contraption which disappeared in an instant. Did it fly away? Did it go into another dimension? Who knows? And then there are the crashed jet copters which nobody will admit to in the “official press”, even though they killed people on the ground below the high-rise building where the battle happened.


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