The Circle

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The Circle Page 11

by Harold R Watson

  Once Marvin Roberts and his Executive Officer were back inside their camp, we ordered the following: 1) For the ground troops to set off the explosives planted inside the cave, and 2) For two of our star cruisers not being used to transport the prisoners, to blast come around and to blast the cave entrance until it was closed permanently.

  We assume that Marvin Roberts and his troops were trapped inside during our very successful attack. We lost no one from our side.

  As we returned to the other side of the mountain in THE TOY to rejoin THE BONNIE ONE, and the other star cruiser waiting there, the other two continued to pound the large cave entrance until it was buried under tons of boulders and other debris from the landside they created from the bombardment to the Atlanteans camp. Revenge was never so sweet.

  Before the morning was over, we had all our people back on board our ships and were heading off the Old Chief s planet to head for Japae to rejoin our mother ship there.

  All the Old Chief s people thanked us before we left. The old chief had been given a ringside seat aboard one of the star cruisers that blasted the front of the large cave before being returned to his tribe for a celebration. With all their young hunters returned, finding food for them should no longer be a problem. We did leave them with some better weapons to augment their spears and bows.

  Once we left the old chiefs planet, we had not traveled far before coming upon THE TOREN TWENTY-TWO again. Our sensors indicated that no one was on board. It was just floating in space near the turn marker where we had first encountered it. None of its propulsion systems were active so it was there more or less just floating in space.

  We figured that the Atlanteans had not wanted to keep it fearing the Torens would leave no stone unturned to get it back. Apparently, the Atlanteans weren t interested in taking on the whole Toren Empire, just the group of us that would someday challenge them for the possession of the earth.

  We went aboard and check it out. It was not damaged. We decided to put all our remaining star cruisers aboard and to take it on to Japae with us.

  I removed most of the disguise Dr. Collins had put on me and Tess then recognized me.

  She had thought that the BONNIE ONE had been destroyed in the attack by the Atlanteans before we made contact on the belt receivers.

  She was extremely happy to see me as I was to see her.

  She said that we would not be having any intimate relations until I shaved off my beard. That was certainly enough incentive to do so with out further delay.

  We spent nearly the first day aboard THE TOREN TWENTY-TWO locked in our quarters somewhere between the hot tub bathing, the sauna relaxing, the kitchen eating, and our bed making love just pretty much letting our pent up desires control our actions. Our daughters must have understood as they didn t seem to complain about how little time we spent with them our first day back together.

  It was great to be together again. We spent the next four months it took us to get to Japae preparing our crew and ships to rejoin those who had proceeded us on THE TOREN TWENTY.

  When we did arrive there, we found that Japae was overjoyed that we had been able to return THE TOREN TWENTY-TWO to them.

  Before we left Japae six months after our arrival on THE TOREN TWENTY-TWO, they completely remodeled and overhauled our damaged THE TOREN TWENTY for us. It was like a new ship by the time we left Japae.

  During out visit to Japae, they held a gala ball for us as is the tradition on Toren planets for visitors that come in on a mother ship.

  We learned that the people of Japae were a very beautiful race of people. They were extremely charming and they treated us well. To my knowledge, we had no problems adhering to all their laws and rules and no one got into trouble there. We were proud of our people and how well they had behaved themselves with all the restrictions imposed upon them.

  We had taken some of their people with us when we had left Erie to return them to their home planet. We also took some of their people with us when we left Japae and headed for our next planet called Hilo. Our mother ship as well as our dignity had been restored thanks to our recent successes. We decided that we should dwell more on our successes and not so much on the bad times we have experienced since before the time we left the earth. By so doing, we would remain positive about our future. Besides, we were now heading away from the neutral zone and hopefully away for the Atlanteans.

  When we welcomed the people from Japae on board THE TOREN TWENTY for the trip to Hilo, we insisted on having their quarters isolated on a portion of the mother ship away from our people. We didn t want to take any chances of having an incident involving some member of our group and one of them that could cause repercussions with the rulers of Japae because of their rules of protocol.

  Things between them and us went well for the first week of our trip. Then Tess received a call from the leader of their group requesting a meeting. Their leader insisted that I come to hear their concerns about problems they were having because of their isolation from the rest of the ship. My wife told their leader that she would send me to the meeting at the appointed time and place.

  I questioned Tess about the call and asked her if their leader had discussed the nature of their problems and she told me about their isolation concerns. She told me to listen but to make no commitments about changes until she and I discussed them. I agreed.

  When I arrived at the address given I rang the door bell. A lady dressed in a Commander s uniform met me at the door. After I identified myself, she invited me into her quarters. I had felt that this meeting should be taking place at my office or her office rather than in her quarters, but I was just following orders.

  I expected to meet some gruff old man complaining from the first breath. I was surprised that the Japae Commander was such a very beautiful lady I d guess to be in her early thirties.

  Instead of starting out with a major complaint as I had expected, she was extremely pleasant in her demeanor. She said that it is customary in Japae not to discuss problems or business at the first meeting but to try to establish a friendly relationship. She said that there would be time for business in a later meeting.

  She asked me to have a cocktail with her. I did. She made small talk and then wanted for me to try some Japaen dish that she had prepared. We had lunch together and still I didn t have a clue as to why she had called me to her quarters. I wasn t complaining though because she was a very charming host and she made me feel like a very important person with her lavish compliments.

  She then asked me about coffee, a brew that she had only tasted once. She said that they did not have coffee on Japae but she liked it very much when sweetened and with cream. I told her that I would have someone deliver some to her with a coffee maker. She said that she had hoped that I would bring it to our next meeting and show her how to use the coffee maker.

  She then asked me to see if I could come back in two days to bring the coffee maker and coffee. Once we agreed on a time, I left because our first meeting was over.

  I had just began to relax in her company when our first meeting ended. She was so charming that I felt a little bit guilty about looking forward to our next meeting.

  Tess asked me a hundred questions about what the Commander had wanted to talk about. I told her what had happened and she said that I should continue the relationship until I determine more about her complaint. She said that it is customary for the people on Japae to not want to talk about such things until a friendly relationship is developed. How friendly, I asked Tess.

  Friendly but not too friendly, Tess said.

  I got her meaning.

  The next meeting took place as scheduled. I brought the coffee maker and soon was showing the Commander how to brew coffee in it. At this second meeting, she was not wearing her uniform but a form fitting low cut one piece dress which added to her charm. In this dress, it was hard to think of her as
a military commander however, I continued to call her Commander because of my military bearing and because I didn t want to break protocol.

  Please stop calling me Commander, she insisted. It sounds much too formal among friends.

  What should I call you? I asked.

  Please call me Shegeko, she insisted.

  Only if you will c all me Damon, I responded.

  Okay Damon. Now are we friends? she asked as she smiled and winked at me..

  Friends, I said as I held out my hand to shake hers.

  We continued to drink our coffee and she continued to tell me how much she enjoyed it. She also had made some little cakes to have with our coffee. They were very tasty and she told me her mother had taught her to make them when she was a little girl.

  After the coffee and cakes, she asked me to wait five minutes and then to come downstairs because she had something she wanted to show me before we got down to business.

  I was filled with curiosity but I thought that it would certainly be nice to determine what her complaint was all about at last.

  After waiting my five minutes, I wondered downstairs calling her name as I went. After my third or fourth call of her name she finally answered.

  In here, she said.

  I followed the sound of her voice. Then suddenly I found myself standing at a doorway that opened into a sauna. She was seated on a bench with a large towel draped around her.

  You may hang you clothes in the dressing room there, before you come in to join me, she said as she pointed to the large walk-in closet next to the sauna room.

  There are towels there too, she said. You should remove all your clothes to get the full benefit of the sauna and besides, you don t want to steam up your nice uniform, she said.

  I m not sure that I can do this, I said. This is very embarrassing for me.

  You don t want to offend me do you Damon, she said in a disappointed voice.

  No maim. But I am a married man and I don t know how I would be able to explain this to my wife.

  I thought you said we were friends, she said.

  We are friends but I don t feel we are intimate friends if you know what I mean, I answered.

  I too am married. I will be meeting my husband on Hilo where he has been stationed for the past two years. I must be with a man before meeting with him again to see if I can still please a man s desires. I chose you because we had never met before and I knew you were a man of honor. Don t you want to help me?

  Yes, certainly I do but it is not customary for us to make love with another woman when we are married, I explained.

  I do not understand, she said as she stood up and started to walk toward me. As she did, she let her towel drop to the floor. There she stood before me completely undressed.

  I looked away so as not to embarrass her. She didn t see the least bit embarrassed as she continued toward me and put her arms around me and pressed herself had against me and planted a kiss of total submission on my lips as she gasped for air as she fell limp as if wanting to collapse in my arms. I had to hold on tight to keep her from falling.

  Please don t make me lose face, she said as she looked up at me with puppy dog eyes. I h ave revealed everything to you. Won t you please do the same for me? she said as she loosened my tie and pulled it off.

  She continued with my jacket. I knew that my resolve to not give in was beginning to weaken. Strange but pleasant feelings were coming over me and soon I found myself helping her to remove the rest of my clothes.

  Everything happened before I could regain my self control or think of the consequences of my acts. I soon was allowing her guide my erecting penis gently into her waiting warm and slippery vagina. Obviously, from her condition, she was already extremely aroused having planned the whole encounter to the last detail beforehand. We had problems doing it in the sauna so we eventually made it to the bed where she worked me like a professional until I climaxed. I tried to pull out but she insisted I remain inside her to the end.

  Don t worry. We have birth control pills too, she said as she held me in position.

  I thought it was forbidden for anyone from Japae to have sex with anyone but your own people, I said.

  We are not on Japae. We are on your ship now, she commented.

  True, but we still don t want to offend you and your people, I went on.

  I don t think you need to worry about that now, she laughed. You have made me very happy, she said. Now I feel that I am prepared to meet my husband again. We were only married a short time before he was shipped to Hilo. I could get a VISA until now.

  Do yo u want to tell me what your complaint is about now? I know my wife will ask me as soon as I see her, I said. You know now that we are such good friends and all.

  Let go sit in the hot tub for awhile and I will, she promised.

  I guess it was too late to be shy about us being In the buff together now so I followed her to the hot tub. She turned up the water jets saying that we should relax awhile.

  Before long she began kissing me again in her passionate way.

  I want us t o do it again here in the hot tub, she said as she felt beneath the water until she located what she was after began to squeeze on it to let me know she was ready.

  Soon we were at it again and this time I didn t hold back. This time I believe that she came first and soon was trying to slow me down saying that she wanted it to last longer this second time. I did more or less hold still as I held her body tightly against mine so it would remain inside her as she caught her breath. I let her have her time to compose herself and before long begin to move it in and out of her as she felt the urge.

  She pressed slowly at first and gradually her rhythm began to pick up. I tried to remain still to allow her to do her thing. The rhythm began increasing until she reached an almost uncontrollable pace making noises of pleasure that also caused me to begin to move with he as we both lost all control as we climaxed in unison.

  Hold me, she said as she began to try to ease down from her high. My that was great! she remarked. I don t know when I have ever enjoyed sex more. It was never better for me, she went on and on.

  As we began to return to our senses, I realized that I had gone way beyond protocol this time and wondered how I could conceal this affair from my wife. What if she was in the mood when I got back home. Could I perform? If I was not up to what she thought I should be, would she know?

  Even if she never knows how I had let my weakness get the best of me, I would know and I would have to live with myself for being unfaithful.

  I think that we should get dressed now, Shegeko said. I have no complaints to talk about, she said.

  Why did y ou pick me? I asked. Why not someone from your group? I asked.

  Oh, I couldn t do that. I am their Commander. How would it appear, a Commander doing it with a subordinate? That just isn t done. How could I maintain respect and discipline?

  How will I be able to face my wife after giving in to the overwhelming temptation you led me into?

  You ll just have to manage or I ll tell your wife that you came onto me. That would blow her mind and would certainly set protocol back a hundred years, she said.

  You wouldn t tell my wife! I said.

  That depends on you, she went on. If you are willing to come back say twice a week, I won t tell anyone about what happened today. Besides, I think you enjoyed it a little bit too, she chuckled.

  Is that your price for silence? I asked.

  We ll see, she said.

  No. We ll agree or I will tell my wife every detail of what happened here today and take my chances, I bluffed.

  Okay, I agree that if you will make love to me at least two days a week the rest of the journey to Hilo like you did today that I will remain quiet about everything, she promised.

Okay then, we have an agreement, I said. I ll come back Thursday then say at 08:30. We ll do our thing and I ll be back at work by 10:00 or 10:30.

  Deal, she said as I completed dressing.

  I ll see you Thursday morning then, I said as I left.

  I ll have the coffee on, she said as she waiv ed good-bye.

  What had I gotten myself into, I thought as I returned to the control center. Her was a very beautiful woman who just had to have me.

  I should have been flattered but my feelings of guilt were eating away at me causing knots to form in the pit of my stomach. How would I face Tess? Would she sense that I had strayed? How would I be able to hide my transgressions from her? A thousand things had entered my mine by the time I reached my office.

  Everything all right, honey, my wife said as she saw me pass by her office.

  Everything s fine, I said as she came in. It was as if she knew as she smiled and kissed me on the forehead as I sat down.

  Did you find out about what the J apae Commander s problem was? she asked.

  It was nothing. It s all worked out now, I said.

  I think she just wanted to talk about things, you know things, I rambled.

  Okay dear, if you don t want to talk about it. I m glad you got it all worked out, she laughed as she left.

  Boy that was close, I thought as I turned on my computer and started to work.

  Thursday morning came and I started back to the Japae compound. My wife had left home earlier for a meeting she said she had scheduled.

  I have to admit that I was looking forward to seeing Shegeko again in spite of my feeling of guilt that had eased somewhat as I anticipated having sex with her again.

  She met me at the door and invited me in for coffee and cakes again. As we sat across from each other at her table, she kept reaching her foot under the table and rubbing it between my legs. I was becoming aroused and she was enjoying every minute of it. She was saying nothing but was letting her foot do her talking.


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