The Circle

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The Circle Page 12

by Harold R Watson

  Finally, when she had completed her coffee, she said: I want you to wait five minutes again before coming downstairs.

  I agreed and sat there picking the cake crumbs from my plate as I stared at my watch. Just when it seemed the time would never pass, the five minutes was up.

  I started downstairs to meet her.

  She was still fully dressed.

  I thought that it would be more fun if we slowly undressed together this time, she said as she took my hand to lead me into the bedroom.

  I remained quiet as we reached the bed and both sat on the side of it. She began to kibble on my ear as she unbuttoned her blouse. She was wearing no bra underneath and soon had exposed her voluminous breasts. Meanwhile, as on cue, I removed my coat, tie and shirt.

  She began to rub my chest with one hand as she unhooked her skirt with the other one.

  My husband doesn t have hair on his chest, she said. It s so s exy for a man to have hair on his chest, she said as she stood while letting her skirt drop to the floor.

  I too stood up after taking off my shoes to remove my trousers. I laid them across the back of a chair so as not to muss them. She then picked up her blouse and draped it around the back of another chair. She then fold her skirt and laid it on the chair.

  You are so neat for a man, she said as I now stood there in my shorts and T-shirt and still wearing my socks.

  Take off the rest of your clothes and put on the robe I laid out for you, she instructed. I thought we could use the hot tub again and do it in there. I don t want you to catch a cold before we get there, she said.

  I followed her instructions as she completed her undressing and put on her robe. As we reached the room with the hot tub located right next to the sauna, there was steam coming out making it very difficult to see.

  She showed me where to hang my robe. She then took my hand to lead me so I wouldn t bump into something. She helped me climb into the hot tub and then I held her arm as she stepped in.

  We were sitting there still having difficulty seeing when I began to hear a chuckle. Then it grew into a laugh. two other people were in the hot tub with us. The laugh sounded somewhat familiar but I didn t recognize the male s chuckle.

  I was soon to learn that the other two people were Shegeko s husband and my wife Tess. The reason th ey were laughing even louder now was because everything including the first arranged meeting with Shegeko was set up by her husband and my wife.

  I learned that while they were both on the old chief s planet before I found them that they had had sex together on two different occasions. Tess said that she thought that the BONNIE ONE had been destroyed and that I had been killed. She said after several months, that she and Shegeko s husband had become very close and that it finally led to the unplanned affair.

  After their rescue, both realized that the affair must end but felt they had to find some way to square things with their spouses.

  Shegeko was told about the affair and asked to participate in a scheme to have the two of you see what could happen if your passions where sufficiently aroused like ours were before you pass judgment on us, Tess explained.

  Now I figure that you have done it with my wife on two different occasions so that makes us even, Shegeko s husband said talking for the first time.

  I guess your right. That squares it, I agreed with mixed feelings.

  Not quite, Shegeko said.

  What do you mean? Tess asked.

  I mean Tess that we can do it anytime with our husbands, she said. To seal the deal and to demonstrate that there are no hard feelings, I think that since we are here together now, that we should trade husbands for this one last time. Don t you agree? she asked Tess.

  That s up to the two husbands, she said.

  Well what do you say? Shegeko asked as she reached below the steam and found what she wanted and squeezed in as she had once before.

  I would go along if your husband is in agreement and if Tess is in agreement, I came back.

  All agreed that this would be the last time and that it would seal the bargain more properly if we followed Shegeko s suggestion.

  Let s all meet again for lunch at 12:00 hours fully dressed and in the kitchen Shegeko said. I will call to order lunch be delivered to us at that time. I am sure that we will all be famished by then, she said as each couple left the hot tub to go to separate bedrooms to finish things.

  Somehow, I didn t feel as guilty this time as Shegeko and I experienced our final encounter that I knew would remember for years to come. We squared all accounts that night.

  Later after we left, Tess wanted us both to promise to each other to be faithful to each other from that time forward.


  We had no further encounters with the people from Japae until we reached Hilo. There we did have a brief encounter with Shegeko and her husband to say good-bye as they left the mother ship to vacation and to arrange for passage back to Japae.

  Hilo has a tropical climate for the most part. It is the main tourist attraction in the empire because of it’s many tropical island get-a-ways and it’s ocean cruises. It reminded me of the Hawaiian Islands to some extent and also to the islands in the Caribbean to some extent.

  Our time on Hilo was like a month long vacation while the loading and unloading of cargo took place on the mother ship. We took on canned tropical fruit and off loaded farming equipment and such to fill their order from Starsis and from Japae.

  The atmosphere on Hilo was relaxed and friendly because tourist trade is very important to the planet’s economy and they don’t want to do anything that might affect tourist trade in a negative way.

  We met a few times with their leaders but there was not the usual protocol and fan fare we had encountered on the previous planets we had visited. All too soon, our time there was over and with the mother ship loaded, we pressed on toward our next planet which is named Tore.

  As the name implies, the Toren Empire derives its name from its ruling planet Tore. Tore s government rules not only to its own planet but is the supreme ruler of the entire Toren Empire consisting of ten populated planets.

  The other planet s rulers look upon Tore s high rulers almost as if they were Gods. Our trip between Hilo and Tore takes nearly two years. This should give us plenty of time to study protocol we will need when facing the supreme rulers.

  We were privileged to have been invited to Tore. Not all who request a visa from Tore are granted permission to visit this restricted planet. Tore also is by far the wealthiest planet in the empire because it collects taxes from not only the inhabitants of Tore but from the inhabitants of all the planets under its command. Our studies indicated that their leaders live in the kind of splendor and elegance not yet seen in our travels.

  In addition to the study material we had about Tore, my wife s parents, who had been there on several occasions, provided us with a video tape of their travels there.

  Their tape showed us the outside and the inside of the palace of the High Ruler. No expense had been spared in its construction or in its furnishings. There were precious stones and other rare gems abundantly displayed throughout the palace.

  It was like a giant castle in the sky situated upon a mountaintop with jagged cliffs all around. Access was restricted to only those with special permission to be there. It was extremely well guarded and we were told it had enough munitions and secret weapons to stave off any imaginable ground assault from enemies known or unknown.

  One animal species that is unique in all of the Toren Empire is found only on Tore. This animal is the legendary unicorn of fairy tales and myths. We are told that these flying horse like creatures with the mythical horn do actually exist on Tore. We were also informed that not all unicorns are white. Most are black or brown in color.

  Legend has it that only the rare white unicor
ns possess magical powers of good. These magical powers are only manifested to individuals that the unicorns can sense are good, like for instance innocent little children, who are often helpless in the face of an evildoer that might seek to harm them.

  It goes without saying that we were looking forward to seeing a real live unicorn, especially a white one, during our visit to Tore. This journey also gave us time to become more familiar with the updated propulsion systems installed on the mother ship when it was on Japae. The short trip from Japae to Hilo had not given us sufficient time and distance to really test out the unfamiliar newer systems.

  We had much to learn about anti-matter as required by the ship s new systems. Before we could understand anti-matter principles, we first needed to review the properties of matter. Matter has shape and occupies space. The mother ship structure was created from matter. Matter can be in the form of a solid, a liquid, or a gas.

  Anti-matter is the absence of matter. It cannot exist in the same form or in the same space as matter. It is very important to understand why anti-matter is only present in outer space, especially in deep outer space. It is the void that one can only experience by being somewhere in the universe where that is no matter except the tiny ship, comparatively speaking, in this sea of anti-matter. Without matter to push against, a space ship could not be propelled in space. It would simply not move. It would be stationary. Most space possesses enough matter for the ship to be able to move by pushing against it with propulsion engines.

  Imagine what would happen in a space void where the ship cannot move from a fixed position in deep space forward or backwards because there is nothing with enough resistance to push against. If the space ship is moving at a speed of say Warp One (the speed of light) when it enters anti-matter field, it will not stop nor will it slow down until it passes through the anti-matter field to a field with enough resistance that the retro-engines will work.

  The reason its speed would remain constant is simple. There is no resistance or impedance in the void that would cause enough friction to slow it down. Just as there is no resistance or impedance to slow it down, there is no resistance by which it could increase its speed or to allow a start from a dead stop if you can conceive of such a thing.

  If it were not possible to treat the anti-matter problem, the maneuverability of a space in the void would be impossible.

  The secret therefore when such a void is encountered, as it often is in deep space, is to be able to artificially create this resistance and this impedance around the ship s exterior so that the ship s speed and direction can be controlled.

  A magnetic force is generated around the ship s exterior that fools the propulsion systems into sensing matter where there is in fact only anti-matter. Look at it as electromotor-force (EMF) given off by a magnet. You can t see it but it is there.

  An armature turns in a magnetic field and we call it an electric motor because opposite polarity attracts and like polarity repels causing the imaginary motor to turn and turn and turn once the current is introduced.

  Look at the space ship as the armature and the exterior as the magnetic field causing it to be moved forward faster in one direction or slowed down if the ship is repelled by a like force in the opposite direction.

  Moving from impulse speed into Warp speed can create a condition where atoms are split when fusion meets fission similar to what occurs in an atomic bomb. Think what could happen if these two forces were allowed to come together uncontrolled. You would have an explosion that would destroy the ship.

  Moving to WARP speed inside the ripple barrier that we spoke of earlier, not only could cause a harmful wake that could affect the atmosphere of a nearby planet, it could cause the ship to explode if the friction created by the matter of the ship going through the matter of the space near the planet were sufficient to reach the critical mass point to create fusion that would ignite the fission of the atoms at the speed of light. Such an event would be rare but possible if all the necessary criteria are met.

  This could not happen in the void of space consisting of anti-matter because no resistance or impedance is present that would allow for the creation of friction (heat) to create fusion except for the magnetic field around the ship we spoke of earlier. Sometimes, therefore it is not advisable to have the imaginary motor in operation.

  Now what happens if we artificially create the magnetic force that we mentioned before. Certainly there would be the possibility of creating friction as the ship went from impulse speeds to warp speeds.

  To prevent such an occurrence, there is a time element that becomes involved in the equation. Einstein s Theory of Relativity (E=mc squared) went far enough to help in the creation of the first atomic bomb. It did not go far enough to prevent the bomb from exploding at the critical mass point (CMP) as we must when moving from impulse to WARP speeds.

  To prevent a critical mass point explosion, we must enter a time space continuum into the formula that will move us passed the critical point before it can cause the explosion to take place. I will try to explain it as simply as I can from the text I studied when learning about the new propulsion system.

  Assume that you light a candle. If you hold you hand in the flame long enough, you will surely burn your hand. Now move your hand through the flame very quickly. This does not leave the hand in the flame long enough for you to burn your hand.

  What is the difference in burning and not burning your hand in the flame? It s time of course. You didn t allow enough time in the second example to do any harm.

  Deep space travelers use the same principle to avoid a problem when moving from impulse speeds to warp speeds. The warp engines introduce a series of harmonics to fool the forces into believing that the ship is out of phase with the critical mass point. By the time the harmonics can line up at the critical mass point the speeding ship has passed it.

  A brief time warp has taken place where the ship is not where it would be in normal time. Thus the term time warp speed which has been shortened to just warp speed. Harmonic conditions are created to achieve the warp in time by a combination of force of propulsion engines pushing the ship forward and retro-engines trying to force the ship back or to slow it down.

  The computer regulates on-off switches for the retro-engines. When on, the ship is held back until the propulsion forces build up trying to over come this impedance force.

  Then suddenly the retro-engines are turned off by the warp drive computers at the same time the imaginary engine switch is cut off causing a sudden surge forward passing the speed of light point too quickly for a splitting of the atoms or explosion at CMP much like the hand moving quickly through the flame.

  That is not to say that the harmonics will not for a time create a bumpy ride. The time required for the harmonics was less than a minute Earth time from going from impulse speed to warp speed.

  I don t know if this makes any sense but that is what we needed to grasp to understand our new propulsion system installed for us on Japae. With a year to go before reaching Tore, we would encounter anti-matter areas and have a chance to see how well the new systems work.

  There was also a new cloaking device on THE TOREN TWENTY that we tested by launching several of our star cruisers and had them try to locate us. The cloaking device tests were successful and none of the star cruisers could find the mother ship until we turned of the cloaking device.

  We also tested some of our new weapons by firing on some asteroids we discovered along the way. All our systems proved to be in fine working order.

  We continued our training and promoted many of the enlisted personnel and a large number of the officers as they became more proficient as a fighting force.

  We also put Marvo and Dr. Collins to work installing cloaking devises in all our star cruisers similar to the one Japae installed on our mother ship.

  We kept busy with our training and studies and so
on the year passed and we reached Tore. We established an orbit around this very special planet.

  Shortly after we notified Tore of our position around their planet, we received notice that they would send a shuttle to take my wife, me and our two daughters were down to the planet to meet the High Ruler. For security reasons, no one else would be permitted on Tore until after the procedures were furnished to us to pass on to our passengers.

  We were told that we would not be permitted to wear our military uniforms while on the planet. We would be furnished with special robes being brought to us on the shuttle. While at the palace of the High Ruler, we would be required to wear the robes as our outer garments.

  We would not be introduced to the High Ruler by military rank but by a new title we were to receive before leaving the mother ship. It all sounded very strange to us but ‘when in Rome do as the Romans do’ suddenly took on new meaning.

  Once we were wearing the robes, the crew from the planet held a brief ceremony in our quarters and gave us an official document proclaiming us “High Rulers of Earth” and for Doreen and Susan “Daughters of the High Rulers of Earth”.

  My wife and me and our daughters were given crowns to wear all decked out in precious gems. We were told that we would be accepted by the High Ruler and his court as royal guests to be afforded all the amenities of this high status. We were told that from this time forward, we would be in full charge of the return to Earth and all preparations necessary to bring that about.

  Our new position of power would give our contingent of returnees sufficient clout to obtain what ever we might require to return to and rule Earth once the planet was again ready to be occupied.

  We were told that after our visit to Tore that we would be able to promote from our mother ship, new Admirals to take our place to pilot the mother ship and to over see our military forces that would need only to report to my wife and me as their co-commanders-in-chief.

  We were told that from this day forward, my wife and I would share equal status as co-rulers and that we should discuss how we could best rule our constituents.


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