Book Read Free

In Tune

Page 15

by JN Welsh

  “Thanks,” Luke managed as he slid his computer into its case.

  Leona approached him. “Hey, are you good with the shoot?”

  “Yeah. Why do you ask?”

  “You look like you saw a ghost or something.” Leona gave a nervous laugh.

  He’d seen more than a ghost. He saw his past and his present, and wondered if he possibly saw his future, too. “Everything’s cool, Leona.” He didn’t know what else to say. He couldn’t just start blathering about their Paris connection.

  “You sure?” She hovered. “I mean, I know I’ve been a little busy, but if there’s something on your mind about the shoot or anything, you can tell me. I’ll get it straightened out.”

  He put his hand on her arm and his thumb stroked her exposed shoulder cap. “I’m fine.” He left to change. When he was done changing, Luke headed to the stadium with Leona and Diesel.

  Leona rested her head against the window. She played with her hands and hummed a tune he couldn’t make out. Since New Orleans, she had put more distance between them than after he had almost made love to her in Miami. Yet, the distance did nothing to curb his appetite. Discovering that he’d met her in Paris and the impact she’d had on him and his life only intensified his feelings.

  Something hit his foot. Diesel regarded him with a raised eyebrow.


  Leona turned at his movement. “Everything okay, guys?”

  Luke gave her a quick smile. “Yeah. I was just stretching.”

  She nodded, and again gazed out the window and hummed.

  Luke pretended to threaten Diesel with his fist, after his friend caught him studying Leona. His movements screeched to a halt when he recognized the tune Leona had been humming. His song, “Get Up and Move for Me.” His fans had sung his songs, so did his friends and family, but hearing the melody coming from her chest dissolved him. He wanted to say so much to her but he failed each time he started.

  They arrived at the stadium and split up. Luke readied to perform while Leona worked with the team. In his dressing room, he reviewed his set. A remix of “Get Up and Move for Me” came on and that’s when the idea came to him. The timing couldn’t be more perfect.

  Luke inhaled. He knew what he was going to do.

  * * *

  The next day, during scheduled downtime for the staff and crew, Luke knocked on Leona’s hotel room door and waited. He thought about the ten-day tour break coming up. He had plans to visit his sister’s place in Santa Monica for a few days, and then travel to his home in San Francisco for the rest of the break. He was taking a chance and rejection would most likely be the outcome, but he had to do something.

  Leona opened the door dressed in fitted jean short-shorts and a tank top. “Luke?”

  Every muscle, starting with the one between his legs, responded at the sight of her. Though she was short, her legs appeared long and her ass was barely contained by the material. The white tank top gift-wrapped her breasts like a present.

  Before she could say anything else, he captured her in his arms and kissed her. Her body stiffened at his initial embrace but then she was warm butter melting against him. Being physical with her felt so natural and he wondered if being confined to the tour contributed to that or if there was more between them. Would what he was about to suggest give him the time he needed to find out? As her hips pressed forward, he thought he might have a chance to persuade her into doing the impossible.

  “I have to ask you something,” he whispered against her lips, then backed up enough to see her.

  Leona didn’t speak. Either he had stunned her into silence or she was eager to hear what he had to say. He didn’t care which it was, so long as she listened.

  “Well, hello there, lover boy.” Izzy peered over the back of a small love seat.

  “Izzy’s here.” Leona pursed her lips. “We...uh...we just came back from the pool.”

  “Hey, Izzy.” He didn’t care. Izzy was Leona’s best friend and probably already knew some details. “Do you mind if I talk to Leona alone for a bit?”

  “Not at all.” Izzy scrambled up, wearing a light pink bikini top, white shorts, and flip-flops.

  Izzy was a good-looking woman, but Leona magnetized him.

  “I was just leaving to change out of these wet clothes.”

  Did Leona swim? Did she share his love for the ocean?

  “I’ll call you later before I fly out.” Izzy hugged Leona then squared to him. “Be great to my Leo, okay?”

  He gave her a half smile on her way out and ambled further into Leona’s suite, the door closing behind him.

  “I want you, Leona, and I know you want me,” he said.

  “I—I—” she started but he plowed through.

  “We have the tour break coming up and I want to invite you to stay with me at my home in San Francisco for part of it. It’s only for the last five days of our break, but if you’re willing, it would be five days of—”

  “Sex.” Leona finally spoke.

  “I was going to say pleasure, but it’s more than that.”

  “But sex is part of it, no?”


  Leona crossed her arms and chewed the inside of her lip.

  “I get that we have some unresolved shit that complicates things, so here’s the deal. If you agree to come out, we can’t bring any of it with us. I’m inviting you, not your baggage.”

  “My baggage! My baggage?” She side-eyed him up and down.

  “Yes. Oh, I have my matching set, too, but it’s off-limits for both of us,” he said. As far as pasts went, theirs continued to block them like a brick wall and he wanted to experience the Leona that existed beyond the wall.

  She tightened her arms. “I don’t think—”

  “Don’t answer right away. Think about it and let me know when we’re in New Mexico.”

  “Luke, you’re my client. I—”

  Luke held her shoulders. “Just tell me you’ll think about it.”

  Leona was a strong woman who knew what she wanted. If she didn’t say no right away, that was a good indication she had thought about being with him and learning more about him, too. If she’d thought about being with him, then maybe she’d eventually say yes.

  He waited.

  Leona frowned and again chewed the inside of her lip, but he noticed she didn’t rub her left ear, which meant he hadn’t completely freaked her out.

  “Okay. I’ll think about it,” she said.

  He smiled. Yes!

  * * *

  In New Mexico, the pending tour break, and planning for the post-break Los Angeles show, had everyone working overtime. Sara and Sebastian would meet Leona in San Francisco to get footage of Luke’s one-off performance, and continue to execute the marketing for the LA show. After LA, they would travel to Las Vegas where Tommy, Leona, and Abe would meet with the owners of the Xcelsior Hotel to bid for Luke’s residency. The team had to pre-plan for all of it. To say things were busy was an understatement. They were flat out frantic.

  Through it all, Leona had to decide whether or not she was going to Luke’s during the break. Every time she made a decision, she changed her mind. She had never experienced this level of indecision.

  At their tour break dinner, she was ready to give Luke her final answer. This wasn’t going to happen. Luke was her client and muddling their professional relationship with sex was the last thing either of them needed.

  An opportune moment to deliver the news to him came at their team dinner. She pulled Luke just outside the dining hall and was resolute in her decision. When she gazed up into his green-gray eyes and inhaled his fragrance she was mesmerized by the thought of his hands on her, free to express their desires. His body was so close she could feel his warmth.

  “So?” Anticipation creased his forehead.

go to San Francisco.” That was so NOT the answer I was supposed to give. What the...

  “Are you sure, Leona?”

  She shifted from one foot to the other and repeatedly pressed her earlobe. The doubts she had prior to her announcement were now replaced with nervous excitement, and her breathing quickened. She could, and surely should, change her answer, but she didn’t want to.

  “Yes. I’m sure,” she said, the word just passing her lips.

  “And you’re okay with leaving our baggage for now?”

  Leona struggled with this, but she wanted Luke. She was not giving up on getting answers and reminded herself that this agreement was temporary. “For right now, yes.”

  “How soon can you get to San Francisco?” His happiness surprised her and Leona couldn’t help but join him.

  “I’m back to New York for an event and to see my family. So Monday at the earliest.”

  “I’ll send the details when you get to New York.”

  “Shouldn’t I book my flight?” Her nerves were high-pitch screaming at her.

  “I’ll take care of everything, Leona. Just pack.”


  Luke straightened, cutting her off. “I’m going to ask you to give up control this one time. Let me take care of getting you to my home. I got this.”

  If there was anything that made her feel better it was steering her own ship. Not only had she agreed to this lover’s retreat, but she was actually going to let Luke plan their trip?

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this.” Would he be discreet? Oh Lord. What if the sex was bad? What if it was good? What if they couldn’t stand each other after a few hours of being alone?

  Luke touched her arm. “Get out of your head, Leona.”

  There was still time to back out but she wanted this time with Luke as much as he did. “I’ll wait to hear from you.”

  “Good girl.” Luke snaked his arm around her waist and patted her ass.

  Leona lightly hit his arm for chiding her and scoped the hall to make sure no one spied on them. “Watch it.”

  He laughed and separated from her.

  She shook her head. “We should get back.” What the hell did I just get myself into? Leona didn’t know but as she lazed back to where everyone congregated, she smiled.

  * * *

  Back in New York, Leona kissed Peaches’s bowl when she saw her fish alive and well.

  “I told you she was fine.” Izzy stood with hands on hips.

  Leona lounged on Izzy’s couch. “No more solution overdoses. Okay?”

  Izzy scoffed at her. “Like I would make the same mistake twice.”


  Izzy picked up her clutch. “Thanks for coming tonight. We only need to show our faces for an hour or two and plug the magazine.”

  “No thanks required. You know I support you in all you do,” Leona said.

  Leona had a date with Izzy to attend a gallery event for one of New York’s premier fashion publications. The event drew people from all industries and was a great networking opportunity.

  “I must warn you that the media will be there, but they should all be legit.”

  Leona nodded. “We’re only there to network, right?” She had kept her anxiety mostly under control over the past nine months. “I’ve been dealing with them for the tour. I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

  “I’m ready.” Izzy swung her sandy brown hair behind her. “This dress is gorgeous on you, Leo. White is your color, along with every other color in existence. I’m so jealous. Too bad DJ Luke isn’t here to see you. I must send him a photograph.”

  Leona wore a one shoulder antique white, knee-length chiffon dress with gold sequin embellishment at the shoulder and on the waistline. Her hair was pinned up with a straight side bang that framed her face.

  “Thanks.” Leona was unable to stop the heat flaming her face. “You look great, too.”

  “What’s that about? That little smirky thing you have going on your face?” Izzy asked as she smoothed over the simple black dress that she wore with strappy red stilettos.

  “Nothing. Ready?” Leona tried to get Izzy off her scent but she was a bloodhound and even if she let up now, she’d further inquire later.

  “All right, then.” Izzy hooked her arm in Leona’s. “Let’s be off.”

  The gallery was filled with people from the entertainment industry. Leona strolled in with Izzy and smiled at familiar faces. She received warm greetings from some who mentioned her success with Luke’s tour and welcomed her back to the scene. Such a person was Ramelda Manikas.

  “Dahhhhrrrliing,” came Ramelda’s enthusiastic drawl. “You look beautiful and successful.” The already tall woman dominated Leona’s figure.

  “So do you.” Leona hugged her, noting Ramelda’s sparkling jewelry, tight-hugging red dress, and heels that put Izzy’s stilettos to shame. “Thank you again for your help a few months ago. You could have cut me off and you didn’t.”

  “You’ve already given Isabelle an exclusive with The Musical Prophet.” Ramelda flung her tawny hair. “But rumor has it he has some big goals and I want in.”

  “You bet.” Leona knew this give-and-take dance between “friends” in the industry. “I’m sure I can count on you to help us build momentum to ensure it happens.”

  “Why of course, darling.”

  They said their “ta-tas” and Ramelda was off to her next networking victim.

  “Nonstop, that one.” Izzy snagged two glasses of champagne off a nearby tray and handed one to Leona.

  A photographer snapped a photo of her and Izzy poised with their glasses.

  “You’re doing great, love,” Izzy encouraged.

  They covered the side of the room where the editors were and then made their way to the music folks at the far side of the room.

  “Andy,” Leona called. She’d been listening to Andrew White’s satellite radio show more regularly since the day Abe asked her to help him secure Luke as a Wallace Entertainment artist.

  “Hey, pal,” Andy said to her. “What’s up, Izzy?”

  Leona informed him of her newfound pastime. After they exchanged a few more pleasantries she went in for the favor. “I’d love your help with an idea I have for a ramp up. It involves your listeners but will be pretty cool.”

  “For sure,” Andy said. “I’d love to get Prophet on my show when the tour comes to New York.”

  “Then you’re going to love this idea. We’ll be in touch.”

  An hour’s worth of power networking later, Leona and Izzy were headed to the rooftop bar for a wrap up drink or two when a voice boomed behind them.

  “Well, well, well. If it isn’t Leo Sable.”

  One minute too late. Leona’s teeth clenched when she recognized Paul’s voice. She faced him and his ego filled the gallery. He escorted an alluring, platinum blonde companion on his arm and his antagonizing tone was different from the sweetness he’d lathered on her in New Orleans.

  So much for “I miss you” and “I want you back.”

  Izzy pulled her closer.

  “What’s up, Izzy?” Paul snickered like a teenager.

  “Go fuck off, asshole,” Izzy said.

  Paul swallowed as if he tasted the insult. “I’m just saying hello. See, Leo and I are working together, again.” He threw the words around as if he were making an official announcement.

  “That’s not exactly correct,” Leona stated as a small crowd started to form. This was the last thing she needed. She smelled alcohol emanating from Paul’s pores, which may have contributed to his behavior. Once an ass... Paul released his statuesque companion and scuttled over to Leona. He fanned his hand at a cameraman. “Get a picture of us.” He went to grab her hand but Leona dodged his grip.

  “I told you the last time not to fucking touch me.”

  “Back up, Paul,” Izzy threatened. “Everyone knows how you’ve bad-mouthed Leo. The last thing she wants is a picture with you. Just walk away.”

  Paul stumbled backward and into a group of attendees. He righted himself and mimicked Izzy as his companion tried to tug him away, but Paul moved in.

  “You know, I thought I made a mistake when I let you go, but you’re still not worth it,” he spat at her.

  Leona had been a victim of, and witness to, his manipulation while they were together and at their last meeting. Still, she was not desensitized to it and was baffled by how night and day he could be. He suggested that he wanted her back in New Orleans, but now she wasn’t worth it? She wanted to crawl up inside herself, but she was tired of letting Paul win.

  That might have explained why she threw her half-filled glass of champagne into his face.

  Gasps from the crowd swelled like a lyrical element in a symphony and Paul shouted as he wiped the wetness from his eyes. He squinted from the stinging alcohol.

  “What the fuck, Leo?”

  Izzy applauded. “Bravo.”

  Paul’s companion offered him a tissue from her purse, which he hastily snatched. For a split second Leona thought Paul’s companion was familiar but her anger had her focused on Paul.

  It may not have been smart to get close to Paul, since she’d just wet him with champagne, but she vibrated with anger that blinded her to the possible danger.

  She leaned in and hissed at him. “I’ve played nice and kept my mouth shut, even though you don’t deserve it. I even allowed Abe to talk me into helping you save face with Christian. The only reason why you should speak my name again, is to promote Wallace Entertainment. I’m telling you once and for all, Paul. Stay away from me or I’ll destroy you.” She offered a few parting words to Paul’s companion. “Good luck.”

  “Don’t ever threaten me again, Leo.” Paul fumed. “Come on, Ivy.”

  Leona stopped in her tracks. Ivy? Ivy Nichols? Leona pressed her memory for images of the woman. Her hair was different, more blonde than the images Leo had seen from her research, but it was why she looked familiar. And she was with Paul? Back in New Orleans Paul had said something to Luke about “stealing her” and it dawned on Leona that he may not have been talking professionally. When Luke said his fiancée cheated, she’d assumed it was that Ted Kimmel guy, but it was Paul. Oh my God.


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