Book Read Free

In Tune

Page 23

by JN Welsh

  “Of course. What do you need?” Luke readied himself for her instruction.

  “String, a Phillips head screwdriver...umm, some glue maybe, and scissors.” Leona rattled off the items to him.

  “Got it. Head to the studio with Jane. I’ll meet you there. Ariel is already set up.”

  “The studio?”

  The flush on her face broadcasted their activities from the night before. He may have struggled with his emotions but Leona made him smile.

  “Yes. I’ll be there in a moment.”

  He found the jewelry making items she needed. He grabbed some extra art supplies he had for the kids before heading for the studio when Leona’s phone chimed. He picked it up to bring it to her and caught a glimpse of the name before it disappeared.

  Tracy Ruiz.

  Leona had been working and Luke thought it might be an important call related to the tour. When he arrived at the studio, he gave Leona the items she requested.

  “You brought me extra stuff. Thanks.” Leona beamed up at him. He wanted to kiss her, but with Em asking boyfriend-girlfriend questions, he refrained.

  “Oh. Tracy called.” He handed her the phone.

  “” Leona tapped the phone on her chin as if considering making a call but pocketed the phone instead. “You know what? I’ll call her back later.” She then went back to the kids.

  Ariel was behind the glass and positioned in front of the microphone. Luke plopped into his seat at the production table and flipped a few switches.

  Ariel’s voice emanated through the speakers as she rehearsed the words to the song.

  “Let’s make the necklace over here.” Emily went over to the table where Luke had set up “dessert” for Leona the night before.

  He scratched his scalp and tilted his head at a horrified Leona.

  “Hey, Em, why don’t you come over here. I think Leona likes being by the window.” He was up to no good but she was an easy target.

  Leona tilted her head at him. “Really?”

  Luke shrugged. “You enjoyed the view quite a bit.”

  “Hey, guys, let’s put everything out on the couch. You can sit on the ends, here.” Leona pointed to their respective spots. “I will face you on the chair.”

  “Okay,” Emily and Ryan agreed together.

  Leona flipped him the bird behind her back.

  Luke loved watching her interact with the kids. It was so different from Ivy’s distant and fingertip interactions. Caregiving came naturally to Leona and he could see her with kids of her own. Luke swallowed the dryness in his mouth at the thought of Leona’s belly swollen with a child, and forced himself to focus on work before the thought progressed.

  “Testing.” His voice cracked as he spoke into the microphone. He cleared his throat and with it the idea of Leona pregnant with his child. “Testing, testing. Can you hear me, Ariel?”

  “Yup,” she responded.

  “All set with the tracks?”


  “Let’s do a practice run and then we’ll lay it down.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Ariel’s angelic voice drifted through the speakers and lulled everyone into a trance. Leona’s eyes dried from widening shock. “She’s his voice?”

  Jane nodded. “This started out as a one-time thing many years ago when we lived in Chicago. Ariel’s talent shined when ‘Get Up and Move for Me’ was such a hit. Luke uses a few different artists, but she’s his most popular songstress.”

  Leona was honored to be there while Luke created his music with his vocalist. “Does she write the lyrics?”

  “Luke does most of the writing. Sometimes she will co-write something with him and he’ll give her writing credit, but it’s mostly his poetry. Ariel has other songwriting projects,” Jane explained. “Can you believe he almost changed his sound working with Paul Reese?”

  Leona went rigid. “What?”

  “Oh boy.” Jane slapped her hand to her mouth. “I thought you knew.”

  How had she not made the connection sooner? Luke’s anger toward Paul over his album and Bobby’s reveal was as clear as day.

  “I’m sorry Jane, please, excuse me.” She turned to the kids with a happy disposition. “I’ll be back, you guys.” She left the studio in a hurry.

  She found the quiet space where she’d worked earlier and paced a hole in the floor. The guilt she suppressed rose to the surface now that it was personal and had a name and face—Luke’s. Why hadn’t she figured out on her own that Paul and Luke had worked together? She bit her lip to hold back her tears, but the more she tried, the more her throat strained, choking her.

  “Leona?” Luke’s soft baritone drew more tears.

  Leona hid her face from him. This was not how she ever wanted him to see her. Broken.

  He touched her shoulder but she pulled away and hugged herself.

  Luke approached from behind and encircled his arms around her waist.

  “I just need a minute.” She tried to deliver her words in an even tone.

  He squeezed her tighter. “I’m here.”

  Leona inhaled to get herself together. She wiped her chin with the back of her hand. Moments later she faced him.

  “Do you want to tell me what’s going on?” He stroked her upper arms, warming her skin.

  She didn’t want to further ruin this time with Luke and his family, especially if it had anything to do with Paul Reese. Seeing her ex so frequently the past month had gotten to her. Being in Luke’s studio, while he created music, had profoundly brought back the horrible events of the past. “I spent a lot of time with Paul in his studio, working with him and helping him be a better producer, more creative. I—I gave him everything I had, Luke, and even then it wasn’t enough.”

  Luke wiped her cheek.

  “Fuck,” Leona bit out. “I didn’t want to ruin this.” Leona pressed her forehead into his chest. She held her emotions in check by an old, tattered string about to snap. That she let Luke see her vulnerability was already too much.


  Her phone chimed in her pocket but she ignored the ringtone.

  “Why didn’t you tell me Paul fucked up your album? Is that why you hate him so much?”

  If Luke hated Paul for that, how would he feel once he found out about the decisions she’d made to keep quiet about Paul?

  Luke sighed. “Among other things. I projected that on you in the beginning, but that was before I knew you and who you were. Before this... I was wrong, Leona. Things have changed.” He reached for her and she backed up.

  Things had changed between them. She was falling so fast for Luke she couldn’t catch herself, but she had unintentionally aided in the turmoil surrounding Luke’s life and he had no idea. “I’ve drawn enough of your attention. We should go back in.”

  Her phone chimed a second time and she checked it to find Tracy calling, again. She picked up.

  “Hey, Tracy. What’s—”

  “I know you’re on break, which may explain why I’m the only one courageous enough to call you about this, but the gallery event is online and—”

  “Oh no.” She rubbed her ear. She’d thrown champagne in Paul’s face. There was no way he’d let that go.

  “Oh yes. Surprisingly, Paul hasn’t threatened to sue for assault or defamation of character, but I wanted to give you a heads-up. We don’t want this adversely affecting Luke’s tour or the contract agreement.”

  “That’s a joke, right?” Leona was livid and almost dared Paul to sue her.

  “Well, you did throw alcohol in his face.”

  “That’ll never happen. Paul knows better and I gave him fair warning.” She rubbed her ear.

  “What is it, Leona?” Luke was attentive and Leona prayed Tracy didn’t hear him.

  “Is that—?”
/>   “Do you think it’ll keep escalating or can we snuff it?” Leona pressed her index finger against her lip to quiet any further peep out of Luke.

  “With Paul involved, I don’t know. The media may have had enough of him, but by the coverage it’s gotten so far, they still love the earthquakes he causes.”

  “Great.” Leona’s anxiety started to float to the surface. First Paul’s media tirade, and now Tracy may have picked up on Luke in the background. How many more ways am I going to get fucked, right now? She’d only been back two months and the erosion of her reputation was already in progress. “Well, what do you suggest I do?”

  “Nothing for now, but just stay alert and keep your eye on it. We’ll reconnect in a few days if things don’t die down,” Tracy said.

  “Okay. Thanks, Tracy.” They hung up.

  “What’s happening?” Luke asked.

  Leona tapped on her ear. Did she really think she could hide away with Luke without having the drama infiltrate their time together? She’d been selfish and wanted this little slice of heaven with him, because it had to end. Her heartstrings hated the thought. She had to tell him. Once they were back on the road and fully plugged in again, there would be no hiding from what happened with Paul.

  “At the gallery event in New York, Paul was there. He was riding me, getting in my face, so I threw champagne in his.” She filled Luke in on the details.

  “What?” He pulled out his phone and did an online search. He scrolled through a few images and his reaction was not what she’d expected.

  “Why are you smiling? This is so not funny, Luke,” she admonished.

  “It’s not so bad seeing Paul get what’s coming to him.” He tried to suppress his laughter.

  “Oh, let me see it.” She looked at his phone and her mean mug accompanied an in-action shot of alcohol hitting Paul’s squinty-eyed face.

  Despite her attempts to be miserable about the situation, she grinned. I’m smiling?

  Luke approached her and held both her hands. “I know you’re worried about the media getting out of control again, but maybe it will just be a small blip and die down.”

  Leona wasn’t so sure, but as Luke wrapped his arms around her, she almost believed him.

  “I hope you know that whatever is on your mind, you can always talk to me, Leona.”

  She had no doubt that Luke would hear her out, but when he did, it would taint every memory they created here in San Francisco.

  * * *

  “Sorry about that, guys.” She sat back down in the chair. “You’re going to help me, right?”

  “Yes.” The kids still bounced around and played with high spirits and Leona was thankful her disappearance didn’t affect them.

  Jane mouthed an apology to her and Leona fanned it off as nothing, but the apology was more impactful than anyone realized.

  Luke and Ariel worked on a song and as Leona worked with the kids, Ariel’s celestial vocals filled the room.

  “I’m coming into the booth,” Luke said to Ariel via an intercom. Luke gave Jane a few instructions and she sat in his chair at the DJ table. Luke stepped into the vocal booth with Ariel. He motioned to Jane, who hit a button and the music played. Ariel sang the verses and Luke harmonized with her on the chorus.

  Leona studied them in awe. Luke sang on some tracks, but to watch him was an experience of another level. This man was full of surprises.

  “We’re going to lay this one down with music. Jane?” Luke called.

  “Got it.” Jane flipped buttons with less skilled hands but got the job done. Leona listened to the different song elements, read the monitor, and jumped in to make some adjustments.

  “Hey, you’re pretty good at this. Maybe you should take over.” Jane eyed her.

  Leona shrank inward and again focused on the children. “Nah. You’re doing great.” She’d been so unguarded with Luke and his family that she’d almost outed herself.

  Ariel and Luke finished the song. Luke played it back and the room was filled with The Musical Prophet’s signature sound.

  Luke pumped his fist, encouraging his niece and nephew as they danced. Leona only stopped staring at Luke, who was even sexier as an attentive uncle, when Jane pulled her up to join them.

  The song ended and while he and Ariel worked, Leona, Jane, and the kids soaked up more sun outside and enjoyed dessert.

  “Everything okay, Leo?” Jane asked as the kids played in the grass with popsicles in their hands. “I know you were upset earlier. I told Luke what I’d said and...”

  “I hope I didn’t make you or the kids uncomfortable.”

  Jane shook her head. “No. I just wanted to help. So did Luke.”

  “Thank you, Jane.”

  Jane nodded and watched her children with motherly pride. “Em stands like my father.”

  Leona evaluated Emily, who admired the necklace they’d made, and recognized the head-on stance the girl had taken when she’d questioned Leona’s relationship with her uncle. “Luke stands the same way.”

  “Right? It’s amazing how genetics work.”

  Leona saw an opportunity to learn a little more about their family. “Do you and Luke get to see your parents often?”

  “I see them more often. Luke, not so much.”

  “Do they get along?” When Jane didn’t answer right away, Leona thought it best to back off. “I don’t mean to pry.”

  “Oh no, you’re fine.” Jane percolated on a response. “Luke is very driven. I think he just didn’t plan on music being the source of that drive. He wants to make our parents proud and give them accolades to talk about with our family and their friends, who always ask and compare us to their own children.”

  Leona was gentle with her next question. “Do your parents put pressure on him?”

  “Not at all. At least nothing out of the normal. It’s not them. Luke puts pressure on Luke. Like diamond-type pressure. He tried to fit a square peg into a round hole and failed.”

  “What happened?” Leona asked.

  “He loved music more than anything. He always has.” Jane shrugged. “He gave up on the whole office grind to ‘scratch records’ as he would say. I think it would be easier for him to get over if he had some great title in a company, with letters after his name, than to be a DJ.” Jane was quiet. “My parents don’t give a shit as long as he’s happy, but he can’t get past the feeling that he let them down, somehow, so he stays away. I think if he hits his goals this summer, he’ll be better with them.”

  Luke’s goals were more than just record setting milestones. He was doing this for credibility—for his parents. “I see.”

  Jane cleared her throat. “If you don’t mind me asking, Leo, how do you feel about my brother?”

  Jane didn’t mince words and Leona was taken aback by the question.

  “I don’t know,” Leona fidgeted with her hands.

  “You don’t know how you feel about him?”

  “I don’t know how to answer your question. Things are complicated because I’m his tour manager. We both have some issues that we’re trying to sort out. So...”

  “But you’re here with him, so you must feel something.”

  Leona didn’t answer right away. “I do.”

  “I know I’m persistent. I just want to see him happy and with someone that deserves him.”

  Leona was warmed by Jane’s love for her brother. “You should want that for him, Jane.” Hell, she wanted that for him, too.

  “And you, Leo? What do you want?”

  Leona thought for a moment. “I want someone who deserves me, too.”

  Jane smiled. “Fair enough.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  After delivering more hugs and kisses than either he or Leona could count, their company departed. Luke pressed his back against the door and relief soften
ed his shoulders. He’d been nervous for Leona to meet his family. When she’d treated Emily and Ryan with unprompted kindness, he’d appreciated the woman she was even more.

  “That was fun.” She leaned against the wall closest to him. “I really like them and the kids are cute. A handful, but still, they’re the cutest.”

  “They adore you.”

  “That’s because I made them jewelry.”

  He reached for her hand and knitted his fingers with hers. “It’s more than that.” He pulled her a little closer.

  “What is it?”

  “Well, you’re the cutest.”

  She laughed and he wanted to record her and listen to the melody in her voice on repeat.

  “How are you feeling? You know, from earlier?” He desired Leona but when she was upset it clawed at something deep inside him and he wanted to do whatever was in his power to ease her pain. That scared the shit out of him the most. More than the way her touch soothed or his insatiable urge to please her both in and out of bed.

  “I’m good,” she said and squeezed his hand.

  Something was bothering her and he had a feeling it wasn’t just about the media that had surfaced about her and Paul. He brought her hands to his lips. “Come closer.”

  She inched toward him with baby steps. Humor mixed with seduction arched her eyebrow. “This good?”

  “A little closer, please.” He licked his lips. “I got something for you.”

  She stepped inches from him and he captured her lips in a passionate kiss against the front door.

  “Luke,” she called his name. Another sound he wanted to capture and add to his growing playlist of Leona’s Greatest Hits. His free hand slid over her ass and he mashed her against the hard-on he always seemed to have for her. Her hands flew to his head and she matched his passion with her own.

  “I want you so much, baby.” He peeled her skinny jeans down. The material settled around her ankles and by the way she kicked them off, she wanted him just as much. He spun her around to face the door and attacked his belt buckle and wrestled off his shorts. Within seconds he claimed her from behind.


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