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Witch You Were Here

Page 13


  Without telling him, I gathered my magic and pushed it out around us, firmly placing us in a cone of silence. “There. Fixed.”

  Dale quirked a brow. “You do realize she probably felt that and now knows I’m up here deflowering her daughter.”

  I grinned brightly. “Oh, believe me, she knows. She thinks we're all having orgies.”

  Dale made a choking sound. “Orgies?”

  I angled my head up and licked his nose. “Yep. You're now part of my devious harem. So, since we're all going to hell anyway,” I slid my hand between us, grasping him firmly in my grip, “we might as well go down the right way.” I pulled the zipper of his pants slowly down, releasing him from his pants.

  Dale groaned but didn't protest. “Max. I’m supposed to be making you feel better.”

  I smirked devilishly, giving him an extra tug, enjoying the way he thrust into my palm. “Feels good to me.”

  “You're going to be the death of me,” Dale growled, grabbing my hands and pinning them above my head.

  “As long as you die with my name on your lips.” I murmured before his mouth captured mine. Our tongues tangled together as Dale worked on fulfilling his promise to make me feel better.

  Shifting so he could hold my hands with one hand, he cupped my breast with his free one. I arched into his palm, rubbing my hardened nipple against it. I growled into our kiss when my bra hindered his touch.

  Chuckling, Dale released my lips for a millisecond, the air stiffened, and then Dale's hand was touching my bare skin.

  Through our kiss, I muttered, “You better not have destroyed that bra. It was my favorite.”

  Dale grinned against my mouth. “It's on the floor.” The hand on my hands let go, but I found my arms stuck in place. A small thrill ran through me. I was completely at his mercy. Raising a brow, Dale smirked. “Now, what was it you said about going down together?”

  I only had a second to giggle before Dale treated the rest of my clothes to his magical treatment. My legs spread wide, Dale settled between them, not giving me a moment to focus on what he was doing before making me cry out.

  “Ah. Dale.” I pinched my eyes closed, focusing on each movement of his mouth, each swirl of his tongue, before he had me careening into the abyss.

  My chest heaving, my eyes fluttered open to lock with Dale's smug ones. I tried to pull at my arms, but they were still spelled into place. Dale quirked a brow, and then suddenly I was free.

  “Wish I had that much power in my eye brow.” I retorted, earning me a dark chuckle. With a cheeky grin, I reached for him. “My turn.” However, before I could return the favor, the window burst open.

  In flew what looked like a drag queen riding a broomstick, her arms opened wide and a big grin on her made-up lips. “Dry those tears, my dear, because cousin Addy is here.”

  Chapter 15

  “Oh, my, it looks like I’m a bit too late. Someone else has already put a smile on that face.” Addy grinned largely, turning slightly to the side as Dale and I scrambled for our clothing.

  Once fully clothed, I went to the bedroom door, opening it, and shouted, “Mom! Cousin Addy just flew into my window.”

  “Cousin Addy?” mom shouted back, surprise coloring her voice. “From Vegas?”

  I glanced back at the bright purple sequin dress covering Addy’s voluptuous form. Her blonde hair was piled up so high on her head that it had to either be a wig or magic keeping it in place.

  Smirking at Dale’s blushing face, I yelled in return, “I’d say so.”

  “No need to shout. I’m right here.” My mom appeared at the door, and I moved out of the way for her to come in. Dad followed after her to my surprise.

  His brows shot up to his forehead when he took in the poised form of cousin Addy doing her best to bat her long fake lashes at Dale. “That is cousin Addy?”

  I smirked. “So I’ve been told.”

  My mom wasn’t weirded out at all by this six-foot-something woman standing in the middle of my room as if she had just come off the Vegas stage. “Addy, I didn’t think you were coming. When did you get in?”

  Addy held her broom out with a smug smile. “Just now.”

  “Still playing the broom flying witch gig, huh?” My mom hugged her tightly, oblivious to the rest of us.

  Addy embraced her like a long-lost child, her eyes moving from my mom’s head to my father. “And I see you are still playing the human card.”

  “Addy,” my mom warned, pushing away from her. Adjusting her clothing, well, more like brushing off the excess glitter from Addy’s clothing, mom turned to the rest of us. “This is my husband, Wesley.” She and dad wrapped their arms around each other, looking the very picture of domestic bliss.

  “Well,” Addy pushed up her breasts and pouted her lips, “I’m very happy for you.” Her large blinking eyes landed on me. “And I’ve already met your daughter, Max.” She winked. “A bit more than I expected this early in the relationship actually.”

  I flushed down to my toes. “Well, I’m not the one who just burst into someone else’s room unannounced.”

  “And if you had been going to sleep and not messing around, you wouldn’t have had this embarrassment to relive.” My mom wagged a finger at me and then gestured to Dale who hadn’t stopped blushing since Addy came swooping in. “Look what you did to poor Dale. He’s traumatized. You’ll be lucky if he ever gives us grandbabies now.”

  If possible, Dale looked even more horrified.

  Unable to help myself, I poked at his side. “That’s alright. He’s still pretty good with his hands, and I have three others.” Dale swatted my butt behind my parents’ back, reminding me of his warning of a spanking.

  “Oh, Max,” my dad groaned, rubbing his face. “Now, I need to bleach my ears out.”

  Cousin Addy, however, took it all in stride. “I had heard a rumor that my new cousin was more my kind of person.” She scanned me up and down with a hopeful glint in her eyes.

  I giggled. “If they come with your fashion sense, I’d love to be part of your people.” I gestured to her outfit. It made me hugely aware of my lack of fabulousness.

  “Don’t mind, Max.” My mom wrinkled her nose at me. “She’s still sour over the fact that she has yet to find a new dress for her coming out party. You are coming, right?”

  “Why else would I lower myself to come back to Atlanta of all places?” Addy’s face scrunched up in distaste. “I heard my new cousin was a fierce and fabulous breath of fresh air and had to come to see for myself.”

  I beamed back at her. “Well, here I am. Fresh air and all.” I opened my arms to my sides, shifting from side to side.

  Addy leaned her broom against the end of my bed and circled around me. Dale moved out of her way so she could take me in completely, or maybe he was too embarrassed by having been caught with his dick out to go near her.

  “Not bad,” Addy commented after a moment, tapping her chin. “You could use a bit of blush, but I can work with it.” She laced her fingers and cracked the knuckles. “Let’s get started.”

  My eyes going wide, I held my hands up. “Hold on a second. Get started with what?” I glanced around the room at everyone else seeing if they knew what she was talking about.

  “You said you needed a dress, Max.” My mom gestured to cousin Addy. “This is your answer.”

  Arching a brow, I turned back to the sequined beauty. “You can make me a dress? What are you, my fairy godmother?”

  Addy threw her head back and laughed. “Oh, no, honey. A fairy I might be, but I have way more of a magical kick than any old godmother would.” Reaching between her cleavage, she pulled a long stick out with a shiny purple ball on the end. Was that a wand? Before I could ask, she twirled the stick in the air. “Go on, give us a spin. Can’t expect me to do all the work.”

  Frowning my disbelief, I held my hands out to my sides and slowly turned in a circle. The air in the room thickened and sparkled before my eyes. Purple and pink glitter gleamed all around
me, and I sneezed.

  Normally, I would have been apprehensive about letting someone I didn’t know do a spell on me. I barely let myself do spells on me. However, my mom seemed to trust her, and Aris wasn’t freaking out, so I figured I was safe enough.

  “Oh, Addy, still so over dramatic with your magic,” my mom huffed from somewhere in the room. I couldn’t see past the cloud of sparkles and was half afraid to move in case I ended up with my head on my ass.

  “You know, Peggy, I remember you liking my dramatics when I helped you with your wedding dress,” Addy’s voiced crooned out through the fog.

  Mom got help from Addy? I grinned. Oh, she was so going to hear about this.

  “Now, don’t move, dearie, I haven’t done a Cinderella since your mother.” She stopped and then snorted. “Well, not the magical kind anyway, but that’s a story for another time.”

  When the magic touched my skin, making it itch, I couldn’t stay silent any longer. “Uh, Addy?”

  “Yes, dear?”

  “Is it supposed to be so itchy?” I wiggled my fingers trying my best not to scratch, my eyes squeezed tightly shut. “And can I stop spinning yet?”

  “Oh, yeah. Sorry about that. The spinning is just to make sure I get all of you.” She cleared her throat, and I could feel her move in closer. “Now, what was that spell?”

  “Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo?” I offered up with a lift of my shoulder.

  “Pfft. The writer of that one was on some good ganja. Freaking pumpkins into carriages. Mice and lizards? Those poor creatures.” I cleared my throat interrupting her rant. “Yes, sorry, hon. Here we go.”

  I peeked out into the cloud, bracing myself for the sparkles to get in my eyes. However, when it seemed safe, I opened them fully. Addy waved her wand in the air in a figure eight motion directly in front of me. The glittery smoke spun around me, swirling and whirling until it resembled that of a tornado. My hair lifted up in the air around me, and my eyes widened. Bracing myself to be lifted off the ground, I was surprised and happy to see my feet stayed firmly in place.

  I couldn’t say the same thing about my clothes, though. The fabric of my jeans split at the seams, moving and elongating into a skirt. Layer sprouted from within the fabric shimmering blue and purple just like the magic around me.

  My shirt went next. I had half a second to remember I really liked this shirt before it split down the middle, warping itself into something completely different. The sleeves wrapped around my upper arms, slimming and turning sheer to match the skirt. The torso of it latched onto my chest, molding into a form-fitting top before latching onto the skirt at my waist.

  If I had ever dreamed of a fairy godmother moment, this would have been it, but even better. The dress I had chosen at Madame Lace’s had been nice. Great even. But this one, this was better. It was a dream that glided across the floor as I moved and shifted, taking in my new gown.

  “Oh, Addy,” my mom clasped her hands together gushing. “You have out done yourself.”

  I beamed at my mom, giggling with her as I spun around. Addy blew on the tip of her wand with a toothy grin. “I know.”

  Releasing my mom’s hands, I went to Dale. “What do you think?”

  Dale’s eyes skimmed my form, his brows shooting up high into his hairline. “I have to say...” He shook his head slowly and then wiped a hand over his mouth. “Wow. I mean, I’ve never been into the whole dress up thing, but I think I could be converted.”

  Laughing at his gawking, I pressed my mouth against his with a loud smack. I practically danced away from him and across the room over to where Addy stood. “Addy, this is so great. I can’t thank you enough.” I wrapped my arms around her with a grin so big it made my cheeks hurt.

  “Well,” Addy laughed, hugging me in return, “you can thank me by letting me do your hair and makeup. It’ll be just the punch in the face your grandmother needs.” She winked at me.

  “You got it.” I gave her a thumbs up and then paused. “Uh, you’re not going to...” I gestured at her own made-up face, not knowing how not to be rude about what I wanted to say.

  “Don’t worry.” She grinned, brushing my hair off my bare shoulder. “You will look fabulous, not Vegas fabulous but everyone will be talking about your coming out party for years to come. I promise.”

  My smile cracked slightly, but I forced myself to relax. Everything was coming together, and I wouldn’t let myself stress for one more minute. After all, I had the whole party to do that. My grandmother would see to it.

  “So,” cousin Addy clapped her hands together, “where can a girl get a drink around here? I’m parched.”

  “Right this way.” My mom ushered Addy out of my room and down the stairs. My dad grinned and winked at me before following them out.

  I could hear him asking Addy, in his unembarrassed way, “So, Addy... does that stand for Adam or...?”

  “Wesley!” my mom’s voice boomed up the stairs.

  Closing the door behind them, I twisted back around to Dale. Hands behind my back, I swished my skirt from side to side. I couldn’t get enough of the dress. It had to be the most gorgeous thing I’d ever own.

  “Are you ever going to take that thing off?” Dale’s lip ticked up at the edges, and his eyes beamed with laughter.

  “Yeah.” I tucked my tongue between my teeth. “When you take it off me.” I sauntered over to him, so I stood between his thighs.

  “Really? After your cousin just caught us?” Dale chuckled, his hands holding my waist. While his mouth might be saying no, I could feel the front of him more than happy to oblige me.

  Lacing my hands behind his neck, I dipped my face down to his, nipping at his lips. “While I would love to continue where we left off, I doubt we are that lucky.”

  “Oh, I think we could make our own luck,” Dale teased, his hands cupping my ass through the dress. However, before he could capture my mouth, I pulled back.

  Dale’s brows furrowed.

  “No, seriously. I can’t get this thing off on my own. I don’t even know if there’s a zipper.”

  “Oh.” Dale pursed his lips, pushing his glasses up his nose. “Well, turn around.”

  I did as he asked, a bit worried I’d have to ruin the dress just to get it off. If that were the case, I’d just wear it until the party was over. Sleeping might be a problem, but I’d stay awake for two days if I had to.

  “Ah, here it is.” Dale’s nimble fingers pulled on something and the back of the dress loosened before falling forward. I hadn’t found my bra in that scramble and was very aware of it when the dress was hanging off me.

  “Thanks,” I breathed.

  “No problem,” Dale murmured, his fingertips trailing down my spine making my breath hitch.

  “You should probably head home.” My mouth might be telling Dale it was time to go, but my body leaned into his touch, aching for more.

  “That would probably be a good idea.” Dale’s mouth brushed my ear. One hand slipped into the top of my dress, and I released it as he found my breast, the dress pooling at my feet. I spread my legs, ready for the other hand that was inching down my stomach.

  “The silencing spell is still on,” I reminded him, letting out a breathy moan. “We could still... maybe.” I gasped and reached a hand back to grab onto his hair.

  Unfortunately, just as Dale’s fingers sunk into me, my mom called back up the stairs, “Maxine, get down here. I’m making hot chocolate.”

  “Ignore her, and she’ll leave us alone,” I told Dale, pushing onto his hand.

  “Are you sure?” Dale urged me toward the door. I stepped out of the dress and braced my hands against the wood. I pushed against him, rising up on my toes to get more friction.

  Dale’s hand left my core, and I groaned in frustration. I opened my mouth to protest, but something even better replaced his hand. My hands grabbed for something to hold onto, but only found one of my jackets hanging up on the door. I held onto it for dear life as Dale thrust into me at a rapid pace
. I squeezed my eyes closed and pushed my hips back, taking him deeper.

  My head jerked back from the door, where Dale’s hand grabbed my hair, arching my neck so I could see him out of the corner of my eye. “You like this don’t you?” He growled in my ear but didn’t give me a chance to answer. “You like me fucking you while your family waits downstairs with hot chocolate. And. Marshmallows.” Each word he paired with a thrust of his hips, making me cry out.

  “Yes,” I bit out, my teeth grinding. “Please.”

  Giving me what I wanted, Dale released my hair and took me by the hips. In an almost abusing pace that left me gasping and wanting more, Dale took me against the door, my family just within hearing distance.

  It only took moments before I was clenching around him, struggling for something to hold onto as I peaked. Dale released my hips, no doubt leaving bruise marks on my skin. Not that I was complaining. He kissed my shoulder and brushed my hair away from my face.

  “How’s that for lucky?” he asked.

  I giggled and then groaned. Ugh. I was going to feel this in the morning.

  I barely moved away from the door before a banging on it startled us both.

  “Just so you know, only the room is silenced not the door,” my dad’s voice announced through the door, followed by my mom and cousin Addy’s laughter.

  Oh, God. Kill me now.

  Chapter 16

  The night before my coming out party, I spent the day in the library. I needed something to keep my mind off the coming party, and a dirty romance was exactly what I was in the mood for.

  I found exactly what I was looking for, reading about this main heroine, Kat, as she tried to decide between the two main guys, one a broody prince and the other a devilish shifter. With my own romance scenario ongoing, I couldn’t help but wonder why she had to choose. Two was always more fun than one.

  Speaking of more fun, I rolled my eyes up at Aris as I pulled out my phone. “Don’t judge me.” I started to scroll through my contacts when a throat cleared.


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