No More Wasted Time

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No More Wasted Time Page 3

by Beverly Preston

  “Maybe a dozen, it’s one of my favorite things to do here.”

  The boat slowed and Riatia tied a rope onto a metal poll sticking out of the coral with a florescent orange flag waving from its top. Peering over the side of the boat into the crystal clear lagoon, they could see vibrant coral, schools of fish and even the ripples in the sand. Mr. Rene gave Tom proper instructions; stay next to him, keep your arms at your side, no flippers on with the sharks in the water and enjoy the show.

  Speedo? Tess snickered noticing Tom didn’t have his swim trunks on. “You brought trunks didn’t you?”

  “I did, but I figured there’d be a place to change.” He smirked.

  “I’ll turn around or if you’d prefer to wait until I get off the boat…”

  “No, no, you can just turn around.” His lips curled up on one side into a gorgeous heart-stopping smile.

  Tess slid out of her tank top and cutoffs, waiting curiously to see what he’d look like in his trunks.

  “Ready!” he said. Tom nervously peering over the edge of the boat, observing several black tips slicing through the water’s surface.

  Riatia swam twenty yards out, calling in the sharks with dead fish.

  Tess checked Tom out nonchalantly while pulling her hair back into a ponytail. He had great arms with the perfect amount of muscle. His black trunks hung low on his waist, exposing a chiseled six-pack. Well at least I’ll have a nice view for the day. Tess Mathews that was a little shallow. Her heartbeat drummed loudly in her ears. Jesus, get it together. It’s not as if you haven’t seen attractive men before. She merely hadn’t taken notice of one in twenty-five years.

  Mr. Rene handed “Mr. Tom” a mask and snorkel.

  Tess fine-tuned her mask, resting it on her forehead. She watched him wipe the sweat from his hands to adjust his mask. She placed her hand on his forearm. “I promise. You’ll love it.”

  He huffed out an uncomfortable chuckle. Following her lead, they turned their backs to the lagoon and plunged backward into the warm lagoon.

  A camera hung from Tess’ wrist on a rubber band. “Did you bring an underwater camera?”

  “No, I didn’t even think about it,” he shrugged with disappointment.

  “Do you want me to take some pictures of you with the sharks?”

  He glanced at her oddly as they bobbed in the water. “I don’t really want pictures. Thanks anyway.”

  “How come? You may never get to do this again. Believe me. Your friends are going to want to see these pictures.” She didn’t understand. Surely, Tom Clemmins loved getting his picture taken; he fronted dozens of magazine covers.

  “I don’t think so.” Tom raised one eyebrow skeptically, glancing at the camera.

  “Seriously? I promise, I’ll email them to you.” Tess realized by the suspicious look on his face, it wasn’t that he didn’t think she wouldn’t send them; Tom didn’t want the world to see them. “Are you afraid I’m going to sell them or something?” Tess asked with her mouth wide open, insulted that Tom didn’t trust her.

  He gazed through the water under his chin observing a dozen sharks starting to come in. Riatia floated in front of them feeding the sharks right out of his hand. “My vacations are private to me. It’s happened a dozen times before. I’m sure you’ve seen some of the photos in the rag magazines.”

  “Come on, I would never do anything like that, I promise! Look, I’ll even give you the camera when we’re done. You can send me the pictures. You have to have memories of this.”

  He hesitated for a few more seconds.

  “You can trust me.”

  “Deal. But if I get eaten by a shark, you can sell the pictures,” he joked, lowering his mask into the water and began watching the show.


  They drifted in the crystal clear lagoon alongside twenty to thirty sharks feeding merely feet in front of them. As sharks approached Tom, he instinctually stretched his hand out to touch the magnificent gray creatures. Tess reached out, gently tugging on his arm, pulling it back so he’d return to the boat with all ten fingers. They smiled through their masks, watching in amazement as sharks opened their jaws to snag fish right out of Riatia’s hand. Tess took great pictures of Tom with six-foot sharks in the background who swam effortlessly with only a swish of their tail.

  When they ran out of fish, and the sharks disbursed, everyone retreated back to the boat. Tom talked nonstop for twenty minutes while Mr. Rene took them to their next destination. Tess laughed at Tom describing the sharks in animation. His arms stretched out fully while imitating the sharks thrashing about, ripping the fish heads off.

  “It’s a good thing I took pictures for you. All your friends will think you’re full of shit if that’s how you’re going to tell the story.” Tess giggled mimicking him with her arms extended as far as they would reach.

  “Next stop, sting rays,” said Mr. Rene.

  They stood in chest deep water with their feet spread apart, allowing the rays to glide between their legs. At least twenty stingrays swam gracefully around them with ghost-like movements, almost as if they danced to ballet in slow motion. The stingrays loved Mr. Rene, encircling him and fluttering their wings to swim up on his chest, so he could pet and kiss them. Their dark gray skin felt like rubber as their wings fluttered against Tess and Tom’s chest, so they could give the stingrays kisses, too.

  Mesmerized in the moment, Tom rambled on enthusiastically as they headed for their next location. He rested his warm hand on her shoulder, stealing the air from her lungs as a tingling sensation swept over her skin. “You were right, that was incredible. I’ll admit, I was chicken at first, but once the sharks started to come in, I completely forgot about being nervous. I think I liked the sharks more than the sting rays.”

  Guilt crept into her heart for enjoying herself. Tess didn’t come here for fun. It almost felt like she was cheating on Richard to notice another man. She hardly ever noticed other men before, and never cheated, not once in all the years they were together.

  Tess still hadn’t done what she came there for. She considered asking Mr. Rene to drop her off at a separate motu while they ate lunch, but doubted he would leave her by herself.

  “Here, just like I promised,” she handed him the camera.

  “I’m sorry. It’s not that I don’t trust you. It’s just…”

  “Really, it’s okay. I understand. It must be hard not knowing who you can trust. I don’t know how you do it. I’ll give you my address, just make sure you send me copies of photos you want me to have, okay.”

  Mr. Rene interrupted. “Don’t put your camera away, Mrs. Blue Eyes. We are going to snorkel a large coral reef after lunch.”

  “I thought we were doing a half day tour.”

  Tom smirked. “You were, but I booked the full day. Is that all right or do you need to get back?”

  “No, that’s great.” She paused for a moment before laughing aloud. “Did you steal some other unlucky couple’s afternoon appointment?”

  His dark brown eyes flirted mischievously. “No! I did not. Not that I know of. Maybe.”

  They laughed together now. Tess relaxed, knowing she had more time to figure out how to be alone with Richard.

  Tom lay on his back stretched out on a bench with his sunglasses on, one hand propped behind his head and the other rested casually on his hip with two fingers tucked into the band of his trunks. She needed to plan a course of action to get away by herself, but Tess could barely even think straight peering at his lean sculpted physique from behind her sunglasses. I wonder how old he is? I bet he runs. Maybe he swims. He has to be in his late forties. He definitely takes care of himself. Is he flexing? He’s doing that on purpose to torture me. Holy crap! Tempted to reach out and touch the muscular chords running down his arm, she finally forced herself to look the other direction.

  At last, the motu appeared in the distance. Tess couldn’t wait to jump into the water to cool off. Her mind raced in all different directions. Pushing th
e image of Tom lying on the bench out of her head, she moved on to the task that lay before her. This was it. Tess would be able to do what she came here for.

  “What’s going on?” Tom asked lifting his head.

  “Lunch, it’s time to eat.” She smiled.

  Mr. Rene handed each of them a coconut with a straw and a lovely purple flower sticking out the top. “I will get lunch ready. You can swim or relax on this beautiful motu. I will set up a table in a moment."

  Tom held his mask and flippers in his hands. “I’m going to go snorkel, do you want to come with me?”

  “No, thanks. I’m going to chill out for a bit.”

  He headed for the water. Tess waited until she saw his snorkel sticking out of the water before she grabbed her snorkel gear and proceeded off the boat.

  Mr. Rene stopped her, “You are going to go snorkel with Mr. Tom?”

  “Actually, do you remember what I told you I came here to do?”

  “To say goodbye,” he whispered sadly.

  “Can you please keep Mr. Tom busy, so I can have some privacy on the other side of the motu?”

  “By yourself?” he asked hesitantly.

  “I promise I’ll be back in an hour.”

  He nodded reluctantly.

  Tess intended on spending the morning reminiscing of their time spent together in Bora Bora, but the day turned out very different than she planned. She wasn’t going to be disappointed though. Maybe it was better this way. Richard wouldn’t want her to be heartbroken in a place this beautiful.

  On the other side of the motu, Tess found a magnificent white sand beach. Tall palm trees swayed in the sultry breeze and a coconut lay in the sand split open with a palm tree growing out of it.

  Tess plopped down on the soft sand with her box in her hand, gazing around at the dreamlike surroundings. Richard would’ve loved this beach. She always believed everything happened for a reason, and she thought of that now, staring out over the lagoon. If she would’ve done the half-day tour by herself, she’d be on a different motu now and this spot was perfect. She wouldn’t want Richard to be anywhere else.

  Looking down at the hand carved box, she reflected to the time Richard bought it. They’d tried on several occasions to snorkel with the giant manta rays. Every time, the manta rays were a no-show. On their last trip to Bora Bora, Richard found the carved box while shopping at the market. He’d said, “Well if I can’t snorkel with them, I’m going to take one home with me.” Tess had even taken a picture of him holding up the box, pointing to the manta ray lid and pouting his lip out because they eluded him once again. Tears spilled down her face as she chuckled remembering the moment.

  Memories replayed through her mind like a movie. The passion they shared still filled her heart. She missed him, his touch, his kisses, his smell, the feel of his hand in hers and his arms around her. She wanted to hear his deep voice and feel the warmth of his body next to hers.

  Relieved to finally be there in the moment, but overwhelmed with sadness, Tess wanted closure yet didn’t want to let him go. Allowing him to slip out of her hands would feel so final, as if she were letting him slip away from her forever. Richard wouldn’t be at home with her anymore. I can do this. I need to do this. I have to do this.

  Tess waded into the lagoon with Richard for the last time, talking to him aloud. “I miss you so much, baby. You were the best husband, lover and friend I could’ve ever asked for in life. I know everything happens for a reason, but I don’t understand why you had to leave me.” She opened the manta ray box, scattering his ashes into the gentle surf.

  She sat in the warm sand, sobbing while the waves washed over her.

  Gazing out over the ocean, serenity and peacefulness fell over Tess, certain Richard would be happy here. She stood up, forcing herself to leave. She blew a kiss toward the lagoon. “I love you and I miss you, Richard. Have fun here, baby.”

  Mr. Rene’s face showed relief to see her trudging down the beach. “Come eat. Please, Mrs. Blue Eyes, lunch is delicious. I have a fresh drink for you, too. Come, come, sit,” he said with a tender smile.

  She tried to eat, but wasn’t hungry, so she laid a towel down on the sand and nodded off. The sound of Mr. Rene’s guitar woke Tess. She sat up wondering how long she dozed off for. It wasn’t Mr. Rene playing the guitar; it was Tom. Mr. Rene touched her shoulder. “Are you ready to go, Mrs.?”

  “Umm hum.”

  Tom handed the guitar to Mr. Rene and followed behind Tess as she climbed back on the boat.

  Tess sat dazed and numb, watching the scenery pass by. Tom joined her on the bench, tears immediately rolled down the tip of her nose as she tried to hold back sniffles. She couldn’t bear to look at him, so she bowed her head clasping her hands between her knees.

  He rubbed his hand across her back. “I’m sorry Tess. Mr. Rene told me about your husband.”

  “Thanks.” Without thinking, without hesitation, and without explanation, she leaned back resting her head against his shoulder and the tears came again. Tom didn’t move. He kept his arm around her, softly stroking her shoulder, holding her fingers with his other hand.

  They stayed that way, not saying a word, until they reached the coral reef. “We don’t have to snorkel here. I’ll understand if you want to go back to your bungalow. You probably need some sleep.”

  “I’m fine, really. Go ahead.”

  She appreciated his kindness, but didn’t want to ruin his adventure. Tess lay numb on the bench, attempting to pull herself together while Tom and Riatia snorkeled. She wondered what amazing creatures Richard would see on his journey. Have you found the manta rays all ready? Are you swimming alongside the boat right now? Sitting upright, she leaned over the edge of the boat, peering into the lagoon. Are you right here with me now?

  Mr. Rene blew his conch shell. It was time to go.

  Silence filled the boat ride back to the resort. Not an awkward silence, but an exhausted silence. The lagoon reflected a mirror image of blue glass, as motus passed them by. Tom lightly stroked her shoulder. The feelings that had stirred within her earlier subsided and it was nice to have his arm around her for comfort. It wasn’t the day she planned, but it was a beautiful day.

  As they approached the dock, Tess didn’t quite know what to say. In a strange way, it seemed as if they’d been on a bizarre blind date. “I hope I didn’t ruin your day. I’m sure this wasn’t what you bargained for on your first snorkeling trip. A complete stranger breaking down crying all over your shoulder.” She smiled apologetically.

  “Oddly enough, I feel like I’ve known you for years. Women don’t usually yell at me until they’ve known me a few days.” He joked, making her burst out laughing.

  “Seriously, Tess, I really need to apologize. I hope I didn’t ruin your moment. I feel horrible. If I’d known, I would’ve stepped aside and let you take the tour by yourself. I’m truly sorry.”

  “If you wouldn’t have stolen my tour, you mean.” She poked him in the side. “I’m just kidding. Actually, I’m glad you were here. It helped me in an odd way.”

  His long tapered finger brushed her hair out of her face, tucking behind her ear.

  “I owe you an apology, too,” she admitted.

  “Apologize to me, why?”

  “You’re not what I thought you’d be,” Tess confessed.

  “Am I supposed to take that as a compliment?” His lip curled into a gorgeous grin.

  “Yes. Yes, you are. You were fun today and very charming. I enjoyed your company. I didn’t expect you to be so laid back, and you did let me cry on your shoulder.”

  “Honestly Tess, I would’ve never gotten into the water with sharks if you weren’t here. I’d be left with only a very boring story of how I observed sharks from the safety of a boat. If you leave me your address at the front desk I promise to send you copies of the pictures.” He chuckled reaching down to hug her.

  Tess' heart began to thump erratically as she wrapped her arms around his waist, not wanting t
o let go of him.

  “Don’t stay gone for so long, Mrs. Blue eyes.” Mr. Rene patted her back.

  Tess went to her bungalow, lay across the bed, and cried herself to sleep.


  Tess’ cheeks were red from sunburn, eyes puffy from crying, and hair untamed and wild from salt water. Her stomach growled with hunger, but she couldn’t go to breakfast like this. She dragged herself into the shower outside on the deck, letting the cool water sooth her warm skin.

  Tess heard someone knocking on her door. She didn’t want to be caught naked in the shower by housekeeping, so she grabbed a towel and tiptoed over to answer the door.

  She cracked open the door expecting to see housekeeping.

  “Good morning.” Tom’s irresistible grin broadened, taking in her towel-clad body. “Did I catch you in the shower?”

  Heat immediately rippled through her core. “No, I always look like this when I answer the door in the morning,” she replied with a sarcastic smile. “What’s up?”

  “Can I come in? It’ll only take a minute, or…I could come back.”

  “Come on in. Have a seat. Just give me a couple of minutes to rinse the conditioner out of my hair.” She tiptoed back to the shower.

  Tom followed her to the deck, taking a seat on the chaise. The open-air shower consisted of no more than three teakwood walls. Tess could barely see over the top without standing on her toes. She felt exhilarated standing naked with only a small wooden wall between them. She peeked over the wall to see him grinning at her, looking hotter than ever in flip-flops, khaki shorts, a black T-shirt and dark sunglasses.

  “How are you this morning?” he asked sincerely.

  “I feel…peaceful actually. Thanks. What brings you to my door this morning?”

  “I have a proposition for you, Tess.”

  She liked the way he said her name, kind of slowly and drawn out. “I don’t have to steal anything do I?”

  “Ha, ha very funny. I booked another tour today with Mr. Rene to see the manta rays. I wondered if you’d be interested in joining me. I’d like to make up for interfering with your tour yesterday. And for the record, I didn’t steal a tour from some unlucky couple today. Mr. Rene assured me his brother-in-law would do their tour for him.”


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