No More Wasted Time

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No More Wasted Time Page 4

by Beverly Preston

  “I don’t have to pay for it, do I? Because I’m sure it’s going to cost double the normal tour fee.” She laughed aloud.

  “Nope, it’s on me.”

  Tess stepped out of the shower with her towel wrapped around her. “Can I eat first?”

  “Sure. Mr. Rene should be here in thirty minutes, but if you need more time we’ll wait. Take your time.”

  Tom stood to leave. Tess sensed his eyes on her. She automatically straightened her back, pushing her ass out. Tom smiled from ear to ear.

  “What?” she asked shyly.

  “Nothing. I’ll see you in a few minutes. I’m glad you said yes, I wasn’t sure if you’d be up for it.”

  “Of course I’ll go with you. Thanks for thinking of me. I’ve never gotten to see the manta rays. Hopefully they won’t be a no-show.” She wanted to ask about his girlfriend. “Just the two of us, right?”

  “Yep, just the two of us.”

  “See you in thirty minutes.” She peeked her head out the door to watch him mosey down the pier. Holy crap!

  Tess slipped a sheer white bathing suit cover over an electric blue bikini. She hit the buffet and made it to the dock in thirty minutes.

  Mr. Rene sang to her as she strolled down the dock. “Ia Orana, it’s a beautiful day, Mrs. Blue Eyes.”

  “Ia Orana. It is a gorgeous day. Hopefully the mantas will show themselves. Mr. Tom isn’t here yet?”

  “He forgot something. He will be right back.”

  Sure enough, Tom strode down the dock. As he stepped onto the boat, Tess fought back the urge to throw her arms around his neck and hug him hello. What the hell is wrong with me?

  “That was fast. I thought for sure I’d be waiting at least thirty minutes for you.” He sounded exceptionally cheerful.

  She exhaled heavily to release the breath she’d been holding. “It doesn’t take me very long to get ready. I’m easy.”

  “Really? I would’ve never guessed.”

  “That’s not what I meant.” Heat rose to her cheeks as she poked him in the ribs.

  “I’m only teasing. I ran down to the front desk and got another underwater camera.” Tom reached for her hand and slipped the camera around her wrist. “With any luck, we’ll get to use it today. I brought my regular camera, too. It won’t bother you if I take pictures, will it? I’ll make sure you get copies and…I asked the nice lady at the front desk to leave me your address.”

  “She’s going to leave you my address?” Tess’ mouth hung open in shock. “Did you have to pay her for it or did you use that voice you use on her?”

  “I’m not sure what you are referring to, but no, I simply asked nicely.”

  “I’ll bet.”

  The bright blue sky made for a magnificent day. The motion of the boat on the water relaxed Tess as they chatted about their excursion from the day before.

  “So Tess, where are you from?”

  “I live in Las Vegas.”

  “Really?” he said in surprise.

  “Yeah, why? Does that shock you?”

  “Well, kind of. I’ve been to Vegas, and you don’t look like the typical Vegas-type girl.”

  “I’m not a Vegas-type girl. Vegas isn’t just about gambling, nightlife and clubbing. Regular people live there, too,” she explained, unsure how to take his comment. “Where did you think I lived?”

  “Oh, I don’t know, you look like a California girl, very natural.” Beneath his sunglasses, Tom’s eyes wandered from her head to her toes.

  Knowing Tom fully enjoyed toying with her, Tess stared him straight in the eye. “I’ll take that as a compliment. I am all natural.” She liked her shape and didn’t feel the need to surgically enhance her body or face. Everything was still where it was supposed to be.

  He grinned in a way that made her blush. “Oh, believe me, I meant it as a compliment.” Tom snapped a picture of her fiery cheeks.

  “Where do you live?”

  “I have a couple of houses, but I don’t really have a permanent residence. I work a lot, so I’m not home too often. I’m trying to slow down so I can have more time off,” he paused for a minute. “Do you have kids?”

  “Three kids. JC is eighteen and starting her first year in college. Tracy’s twenty-one, in her third year of college. And John’s twenty-three. I’m lucky. They’re good kids. We’re close.”

  “Where does your daughter go to college?”

  “UNLV, but both my girls are going to Colorado College this fall. Tracy did her first year there and loved it. She decided to go back and JC wanted to go with her. They love to snowboard.”

  “I have a cabin about an hour from there. If your girls like to do anything outdoors, they’ll love it.” Tom hesitated. “How long were you married? I don’t mean to pry. I’m just curious.”

  “It’s all right, I promise I won’t break down and cry today.” She smirked self-consciously. “We were married twenty-five years.”

  “Wow. You must’ve gotten married awfully young. Twenty-five years is a long time, how did you do it? Don’t get me wrong. I take my hat off to you. I think it’s great, but I can’t even get past twenty-five days with a woman.”

  “I was 19 when we married.” She wasn’t embarrassed of her age, but in truth didn’t want to tell him. “I was genuinely lucky. For us, it was incredible.”

  “I haven’t had the best of luck with dates and marriage always sounds like too much work. Most of my friends are married, some several times, but the jury is still out on whether or not they’re happy together,” he remarked sarcastically.

  “That’s actually sad. It’s kind of a waste of your life not to be happy. Why bother getting married if you’re going to be miserable together? Life’s too short. Don’t you think?”

  “Hey, I can’t even get to girlfriend, let alone to ‘I do’. So I definitely agree.”

  “I’m not going to lie. It’s a lot of work, but we truly liked each other and loved being together.”

  Mr. Rene broke into their conversation. “We are here. This is the best spot for the manta rays.”

  Both grinned in anticipation. She took off her sunglasses and turned to slip out of her cover-up. The thought of Tom changing into his trunks right behind her sent an unexpected surge of heat through her core. He rested his warm hand on her shoulder. Goose bumps covered her body. She clutched onto the metal shade poll for support, fearing her legs might give out from under her. Holy crap.

  “Ready? Let’s do this.” Tom cocked his head to the side and stared at her in astonishment. “You have the most beautiful blue eyes I think I’ve ever seen.”

  “Thanks,” she squeaked. Tess swallowed the sudden overwhelming desire to kiss him.

  They peered over the edge of the boat, staring down into the dark abyss. Tess turned her back to the dark water and adjusted her mask. Tom huffed out a chuckle as he stepped directly in front of her and poked her in the tummy with his pointer finger, sending her reeling over the edge into the water.

  “Oh, that’s it!” She splashed him with water as he stood on the boat. “So this is how it’s gonna be?”

  “Yep. This is definitely how it’s gonna be.” He confirmed with a grin, tossing his flippers into the lagoon before diving in himself.

  She splashed water in his face again when he surfaced. Straightening the mask over her eyes, she teased, “You’re falling behind.” With a kick of her flippers, she swam to catch up with Mr. Rene.

  When Tom finally joined them, Mr. Rene smiled, “Are you two ready now?”

  Tess squirted a fountain of water from her mouth in Tom’s direction. They both answered, “Yep.”

  The deep cavern changed the shade of the lagoon to midnight blue and the underwater trench acted like an underwater freeway for marine life. They spotted stingrays, turtles, eels, and schools of fish, but it looked as if the morning was going to be a bust.

  Tom swam up from behind and lightly touched the back of her thigh, reaching to squeeze her fingers. She smiled through her
mask, and he pointed downward into the deep dark water. Five huge black and white manta rays gracefully danced their way toward them. They were enormous, their wingspan at least twenty feet across. The dark figures swam in sync doing back rolls and side twists and turns. He slipped the camera from her wrist and snapped pictures of her with the magnificent rays. Tess reached for the camera, pointing downward. Tom dove down twelve feet and Tess took amazing shots of him diving alongside the manta rays.

  The majestic manta rays disappeared back into the darkness as swiftly as they appeared before them. Both were elated as they ripped their masks off, lifting their heads out of the water.

  “That was amazing! I can’t believe how enormous they are.” Tom was beside himself.

  Overcome with excitement, Tess threw her arms around his neck. “That was awesome! They swim so gracefully, like they’re dancing. Finally, they showed up for me.” Her arms still clung to his neck, and her legs automatically floated up to wrap around his waist.

  “I was afraid you didn’t see them at first. I swam over as fast as I could, so you wouldn’t miss them.” His strong hands slid beneath her bottom and slightly adjusted her position for a more comfortable fit. Tom’s fingers rested on her hips as they treaded water together.

  At that moment, Tess realized she’d wrapped herself around him. She froze. The desire to kiss him was almost unbearable. Her heart hammered in her chest as they bobbed up and down in the lagoon. The touch of his skin uncoiled an ache deep within.

  Her gaze followed her fingers as they coasted across his shoulders and draped behind his nape. Their eyes locked upon each other.

  Mr. Rene blew his conch shell, breaking the spell. A smile touched his lips. She untangled herself from his lap and they swam for the boat.

  “I have a perfect place for lunch today. We will celebrate the show the great mantas put on for us.”

  Tess sat beside Tom unable to stop her feelings of confusion. Her attraction for Tom had grown during their excursions, but so did the feelings of guilt and cheating. Richard always wanted to see the manta rays, he tried so many times, and today with Tom, they finally emerged from the depths. The carved box from the day before consumed her thoughts, certain Richard had already found his way to the majestic rays.

  “Are you okay, Tess?” Tom softly brushed his hand across her shoulders.

  “I was just thinking. Do you ever think things happen for a reason? Like they’re supposed to happen that way in life, good or bad?”

  “Actually, I do believe that.”

  “Me too.”

  He eyed her curiously, but she simply gazed out over the water.

  They stopped for lunch on a beautiful unspoiled motu. Tess and Tom strolled around the island talking about “the great manta adventure”. Mr. Rene prepared coconut cocktails with an incredible lunch. After, Tom explored the motu taking pictures while Tess relaxed on the beach with her toes in the warm water. Calmness settled over her.

  “Would you like to stay here in paradise, or would you like to snorkel some coral reefs?” asked Mr. Rene.

  Tom sat beside her in the sand.

  “I’d love to relax for a while, wouldn’t you?” She asked.

  “Sure," Tom agreed. “Your back is getting red. Would you like me to put some sunscreen on it? I bought this great oil in the lobby this morning. It’s made with coconut oil and vanilla.”

  She chuckled when he held up a bottle of her favorite monoi oil. “You could use some on your back, too.” Tess buried her guilt and shrugged off the fact that a gorgeous woman waited back at the resort for him. She wanted his hands on her. Tess missed being touched by a man, even if only a casual contact of his hand on her shoulder.

  They laid out beach towels and Tom handed her the oil as he turned his back toward her. His body felt fit under her hands. Her fingers wrapped around his sides, feeling every muscle in his back and shoulders. Her heartbeat pounded in her ears and her hands trembled from nervousness.

  He faced her, taking the bottle from her fingers. “Lay down, I’ll do your back.”

  She did as he asked, giggling nervously as he drizzled oil down her back. His hands were amazing, as he massaged her back with the perfect amount of pressure, rubbing the sides of her waist. He slipped the tips of his fingers under the edges of her bottoms. “Your cheeks are a little red.”

  Extremely aroused, Tess held her breath, using all of her concentration not to moan aloud. “It’s from s…snorkeling. You know, face down,” she said, practically panting.

  “There you go. How’s that?” he asked playfully.

  “Oh yeah, that’s great, thanks.” She could barely talk.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yep.” She nodded, taking in a gulp of air.

  “I can put some more oil on you, if you think I missed a spot.”

  Tom lay on his side next to her with his head propped up on his elbow.

  “That’s really not fair,” she groaned.

  “Why, whatever do you mean?” he asked, his voice thick with amusement.

  “I haven’t had anyone’s hands on me, including my own, in over a year.” She shoved her face into the beach towel. “I can’t believe I said that out loud. You are totally messing with me on purpose.”

  “Tess, it sounds like you’re complaining,” he pointed out sweetly.

  “Oh no, I’m not complaining.” It came out muffled, her face still buried in the towel. What the hell was I thinking coming here like this? I should’ve taken care of myself a long time ago.

  Mr. Rene blew his conch shell. “Lunch is ready.”

  “Go ahead. I’ll be there in a minute,” she stammered, hiding her face in the towel.

  “I’m sorry, really I am. Let me help you up.”

  Tess waved her hand at him to go away, so she could collect herself.

  “I know you’re hungry. Seriously, I’ll play nice.”

  She smiled to herself and lifted her hand for him to help her up. After lunch, Tess swam in the shallow turquoise water while Tom received a crash course in Tahitian culture from Mr. Rene. The conch shell blew again. The boat was loaded and it was time to go.

  They sat beside each other on the bench, their shoulders gently brushing every time the boat hit a swell. The motion of the waves and heat from his skin relaxed her.

  “Tom, can I ask you a personal question?”


  “How does a man who seems so…wonderful and kind and gorgeous, have a girlfriend like the one I saw in the lobby? I mean, she’s beautiful, I understand the physical attraction but how do you put up with her?”

  “First off, did you just refer to me as wonderful, kind and gorgeous?” He grinned.

  Tess flushed and wrinkled her nose. “Shit.”

  He chuckled, smiling immensely. “Second, she’s not my girlfriend. It’s more like an out of town date. I didn’t want to come here by myself so…she seemed nicer three days ago. Sometimes it’s more for show, you know, aspiring actress or model. It gives them publicity, and it keeps me in the magazines, too. Honestly, I just haven’t found someone I’d like enough to keep around.” He shrugged nonchalantly.

  “Ever?” Tess asked with surprise.

  “Not really, maybe a few times when I was younger, but it didn’t work out.”


  “I travel a lot and my work has always come first. My date didn’t want to come out and have fun with me, so I’m sure as hell not going to sit by the pool all day,” he said matter-of-factly. “Besides, I’m having a great time with you.”

  “It’s probably just as well she didn’t come with you today.” Tess bit her lip with a naughty grin.

  Tom smiled, too. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, if she would’ve been here, I’m sure I might’ve felt bad. When I knocked her overboard and took you back to my bungalow!”

  “Is that so?” Hidden under his gorgeous grin lay a candid question.

  “Yes, that is so,” she flirted brazenly.

>   Unsure if it was Tom, Bora Bora, or the fact she’d been alone for so long, Tess wanted to take him to bed. She wanted to feel his warm lips and hands on her body. Even more so, she yearned to touch him, everywhere. The mere thought of tasting him sent her pulse rocketing.

  He stroked her shoulder with his fingertips. Every inch of her body craved his touch. She sighed several times, trying to calm herself down. It took every ounce of self-control to keep her hands and lips to herself.

  As they approached the resort, the boat slowed. Tess would never forgive herself if she didn’t ask. Tom sat on the bench, and she stood to face him. His lazy smile drifted over her midriff, before she heard a small breath of air catch in his throat. She entwined her fingers in his and he grinned up at her. “I can’t believe I’m going to say this,” she said. “Tom, I’m going to be at Bloody Mary’s for dinner tonight at eight o’clock. I would love it if you’d meet me there. I realize you’re here on a date, but if you can find a way to throw her overboard....”

  Before he could answer, Tess turned to say goodbye to Mr. Rene. She stepped off the boat and sauntered backward down the pier, flashing him the sexiest grin she could muster. “I know you can’t answer me right now, but I’ll be there.”

  She wanted to kiss him goodbye, but it would be impossible to stop at one kiss. At this point, she might accidentally hurt him if she tackled him to the ground. Full of life and vigor she repeated, “Eight o’clock. Bloody Mary’s.”


  Tess had never been so audacious in her life. Asking Tom to ditch his date to meet her for dinner wasn’t her style, but today, she didn’t care. She wanted Tom more than she could’ve ever imagined. Loving another man was something she knew she’d never be capable of, and Tom Clemmins wasn’t the kind of man who fell in love. But for the first time in her life, a carefree vacation full of passion, lust and great sex might be just what she needed.

  The guilt she felt subsided. I’m not cheating on Richard. Nothing I do now will change the fact that I was a faithful wife. Whether he meets me for dinner or not, I’m not going to be miserable any more. It’s time to move forward and be happy.


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