Assisting the Bosshole

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Assisting the Bosshole Page 10

by Kristin MacQueen

  My eyes drift closed, the effects of the anesthesia still wearing off. I slip into a peaceful sleep, dreaming of Parker and only Parker.

  I WAKE TO A WARM HAND holding mine, a thumb stroking my skin. Slowly blinking my eyes open, I find Parker holding my hand in his.

  “Hey...” I rasp.

  A smile spreads over his face, he scoots his chair closer and kisses my forehead.

  “Hey, baby. How are you feeling?”

  “I hurt a little, but I’m ok.”

  He glances over his shoulder and waves a nurse over.

  “Logan said she’s in pain. Can she have any medication?”

  “Sure. On a scale of one to ten how bad is your pain?”

  I try to adjust on the bed, pain radiates through my chest, it’s worse than I thought.

  “A seven.” I wince.

  “A seven is more than a little pain.” The nurse smirks.

  “Well I didn’t try to move until after I claimed to be in a little pain. Fuck, this hurts.”

  “Stay still until the meds kick in, it should only take a few minutes.” She says softly, cleaning the IV port and injecting the glorious pain meds into it.

  “Thank you.” She nods and walks away from us, closing the curtain around my bed as she goes. “Did Dr. Rodger talk to you?”

  “Yes. It’s good news, baby. Your lymph nodes were negative for cancer. We just need to wait until tomorrow to see what the breast tissue reveals.”

  Tears prick my eyes, I let out a sigh of relief, an invisible weight evaporates from my chest. I was worried sick the cancer had spread to other parts of my body, terrified this time I wouldn’t be able to survive. I’m still not out of the woods, but knowing the cancer is most likely contained, relieves some of the worry and fear coursing through my body.

  A sob breaks free as tears begin to fall. I can’t hold in my reaction to this amazing news.

  “Thank you for being here with me, Parker. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you!”

  “You could have, Logan. You’re so much stronger than you realize.”

  “I’m tired of being strong,” I whisper.

  “Then lean on me, baby, I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Alright, Logan, it’s time to get you out of here and into a room.” The nurse says, bouncing to my side. She removes the blood pressure cuff, pulse ox and a bunch of other wires. Then hangs my IV on the pole at the bottom of my bed and grabs my chart. “You’re moving to the third floor, room 324.”

  When we get to the floor, there’s a hushed discussion about me before I even make it in my room. The nurse who brought me up comes back over with a smile on her face, but the nurses she spoke to seem annoyed.

  “Looks like you have some good friends in high places. You’re getting a private room.”

  My gaze snaps to Parker, he holds his hands up.

  “It wasn’t me, Logan.”

  “I bet I know who it was,” I grumble.

  “I’d bet I know too.” He smirks.

  The nurse pushes my bed into room 324, I find Owen sprawled across the extra, sound asleep, Lucas stretched out in a chair and Carrie sitting quietly in the corner. The nurse hooks up all the wires once again then leaves the room

  “Little L!” Owen blinks open his eyes, he brightens the second his gaze lands on me, he bolts out of bed and over to my side. “How are you feeling, darling?”

  “I’m ok right now.”

  “We were worried about you, sweetheart.” Lucas comes to my side, concern filling his features.

  “Logan...” Carrie’s eyes fill with tears the second she moves closer. She doesn’t have to finish, I know, I get it. This is the second time she’s been through this with me, the only one who’s stood by my side both times.

  She grips my hand in hers, squeezing tightly. That movement alone expresses everything we can’t find the words to say. We both chuckle, tears streaming down our faces.

  “Owen?” I call, he returns to my side in a second. “What the fuck did you do?”

  “I have no clue what you’re talking about, Little L.” The corners of his lips tip up slightly.

  “You’re a fucking liar.” I laugh but then let out a groan. “Damn, that hurt... How much did you pay so I’d have a private room?”

  “I didn’t pay a cent.”

  “Then how did I get this?” I motion around the large room.

  “I took care of it.” Lucas winces.

  “How much, Coleman?” I narrow my eyes on him, he fidgets under my stare for a few moments before he lets out a deep sigh.

  “Half a million.”

  “Dollars?” I sputter, my eyebrows sky rocket to my hair line, my jaw falls to my chest.

  “No, puppies.” Owen rolls his eyes.

  “You can’t spend half a million dollars for me to have a private room for two days! That’s crazy!”

  “It was a donation to the hospital; they need funds and I have plenty. Doesn’t matter, it’s already been done.”

  “Well, fuck. I was betting Owen did it.” Parker chuckles beside me.

  “Now I wish I did,” Owen grumbles.



  “WHERE ARE WE GOING? My apartment’s that way.” Logan gestures out the window.

  “I know where you live, but you’re not going home.”

  “I'm not? Where am I going?”

  “You’re staying with me.” I hold my breath, unsure if she’s going to flip out or go along with this. No matter what she’s coming home with me.

  “Parker! You can't just take me to your apartment!”

  “Yes, I fucking can,” I growl. “You’ll have more help at my place. You just had surgery three days ago.”

  “But I won't have any of my stuff!”

  “I’ll buy you some new stuff or you can make a list and I’ll grab the things from your place.”

  “Parker! You don’t get to make decisions for me!”

  “Logan! Just let me fucking take care of you! Why is it so hard for you to let someone else help you?”

  “Because I’ve never had someone to take care of me before!” She huffs, staring out the side window. “You’re not my boss right now, you’re my boyfriend, don’t confuse the two.”

  “What the hell does that mean?” My gaze darts to her briefly before I focus on the road again.

  “When we’re at work, you’re the boss and I have to listen, but when we’re at home, we’re equals. You have to keep the two separate if you want this to continue.”

  My chest tightens, is she already questioning our relationship? How can she be mad that I want to take care of her? Every woman I’ve ever met expected me to take care of them in every way possible... Then Logan bulldozed her way into my life and flipped everything upside down.

  We don’t talk the rest of the way to my condo, each of us staring out the widows, jaw clenched. Logan’s stubborn and challenges me every chance she gets. I love that quality in her, she’s not willing to go along with the flow, she questions things instead of just falling in line. But right now, I'm seriously hating it.

  I pull into my marked parking spot and hop out of the car, rounding to Logan’s side before she can take off her seat belt. When I open the door, she turns to face me, trying to get past me. I step between her legs, stopping her.

  “Baby, I don’t want to fight with you. Let me take care of you, lean on me for anything and everything.”

  Her eyes search mine, her stubbornness slowly fading away. She lets out a sigh, reaching for my hands.

  “This is all new, Parker. Last time I only had Carrie to help me, now I have Carrie and three guys who don’t understand boundaries. Carrie would offer things or ask what I wanted, but you three...” She shakes her head, staring over my shoulder, lost in thought. “Lucas donated half a million dollars just so I could have a private room. You’re letting me stay in your condo so you can take care of me and God only knows what Owen’s done or is planning to do. Because I know damn right well
, he isn't about to be topped by you two. All of this after you guys gave me a massive raise, job promotion and take me out for lunch every day for free. You three never gave me a chance to get used to this, you came into my life like a tornado... What happens when you leave and I'm left trying to pick up the pieces of my life? The disaster left behind after the tornado courses through, that will be what’s left of my life.”

  “Don’t think like that, baby. None of us are planning on ever leaving your side... You’re like this missing piece we’ve been looking for our entire life. You fit with us, you make us better, stronger. Owen trusts you like he’s never trusted another person outside of Lucas and I. You should’ve seen him in the hospital, he yelled at the nurses and doctors, wanting to know how his Little L was and when he’d be able to see you. Lucas cares about you in a way he’s never cared about anyone else. He’ll always care about us but with you, it’s like this need. That’s why he made the donation, he needed to make sure you had the best and didn’t want you to have to share a room.”

  “What about you?” She whispers softly, her fingertips drawing circles on my stomach.

  “Damn, baby, you make me crazy.” I shake my head, trying to put the way she makes me feel into words. “If anyone else treated me the way you do, I’d fire their ass in a second, but you walked into my office like a wet dream with those fuck me heels on. Not only did you figure out how to deal with the beast, but you bit back. I have this intense need to protect and take care of you, it drives me crazy when you fight me on it. You wiggled your way under my skin and into my heart without me realizing and I don’t want you leaving.” I kiss her forehead, letting my lips linger.

  “Fine,” She says so quietly I almost miss it. I pull back, gaze locked on her.

  “Fine?” I raise a brow; she rolls her eyes.

  “Fine, you can take care of me... but only until I'm better.”

  “How about I take care of you until you’re better and then we’ll revisit the topic.”

  “I feel like I'm not gonna win this discussion and I'm tired, so I’ll agree for now.”

  “Smart woman.” I smirk.

  Grabbing Logan’s bag from the hospital, I throw it over my shoulder and help her out of the car. I’ve never been so happy to have a close parking spot. We’re in the elevator in seconds.

  “You have the penthouse?” She rolls her eyes.

  “There’s three, it’s not like I'm the only one.”

  Logan shakes her head, but I catch the smile she tries to hide. She closes her eyes, leaning her head back against the wall.

  “Let’s get you some food then a nap, you look exhausted.”

  “Did you just tell me I look bad?”

  “What? No! I said you look tired.”

  “Which means I look like crap!”

  “Logan...” I growl, scrubbing a hand over my face. “Sweetheart, you just had surgery, your body needs time to heal and lots of sleep.”

  “I'm sorry,” She whispers, peeking up at me.

  “For what?”

  “I'm a fucking mess. My emotions are all over the place and I'm taking shit out on you.”

  Tears flood her eyes, I drop her bag, wrapping my arms around her, careful not to hurt her. I kiss her head, rub her back, trying to soothe her the best I can.

  “I understand. Don’t worry about it. I love you and I'm not going anywhere. Take out all your anger on me if that’s what you need, as long as you take out some love on me too.”

  A slow smile spreads across her face just as the elevator doors open. I thread my fingers through hers, leading her to my door.

  “So, who lives in the other two penthouse condos?”

  The second the words leave those gorgeous lips, both doors swing open, Owen and Lucas smirk when they find us in the hall.

  “Are you freaking kidding me?” Logan rolls her eyes once again. “I'm shocked you don’t just share a condo. I swear I’ve never seen three straight guys so attached at the hip before.”

  “But are we sure Lucas is straight?” Owen quirks a brow when Lucas glares at him. “When was the last time you went on a date, Luke?”

  “Shut the fuck up, Owen. Not all of us like to slip into any willing pussy.”

  “I think someone hit a nerve,” Logan sing songs in my ear, only loud enough for me to hear.

  “Sometimes it’s better to hit it and quit it.” Owen shrugs.

  “And sometimes it’s better to be mature and act like a man instead of a boy,” Lucas counters.

  “Enough,” I growl, leveling them each with a glare.

  “What’s going on with them?” Logan mutters under her breath.

  “Emotions have been high; they don’t know how to cope.”


  I give her a really? look, her mouth forms a perfect ‘o’ when she realizes they're so worried about her.

  I open my door, leading Logan through and slam the door on the two idiots in the hall. I stare at Logan, her gaze sweeps over my home.

  “This place is amazing.” I give her a tour, ending in the living room, where I had the adjustable bed placed. “Parker, this is too much.”

  “It’s not. I wanted you to be comfortable in any part of the house.”

  “So... You bought a second bed? For the living room?”

  “I figured you could sleep out here if you didn’t want to go to our room.”

  “Our room?” A slow smile spreads over her lips, she steps closer to me. Her arms start to raise, trying to wrap them around my neck but I stop her.

  “Baby, you can't raise them that high yet... but yes, our room.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  The door swings open, Owen and Lucas arguing as they stomp in, never once glancing our way.

  “Will you two shut the fuck up? I'm tired,” Logan groans, dropping on the edge of the bed.

  “Shit, I'm sorry,” They both mumble at the same time, they glare at each other before turning their attention back to Logan.



  “WHAT CAN WE DO TO HELP you?” Lucas runs a soothing hand down my back. “Can we get you something to eat?”

  “Why are you always trying to feed me?”

  “Because you eat like shit,” Parker growls from the kitchen. He brings a cup of hot tea over and places it on the night stand.

  Yup. He bought a damn night stand to go next to the random bed in his living room.

  “Stop judging me and my eating habits! I have a lot of bills to worry about.”

  “What kinda bills?” Owen peeks over the back of the couch.

  “Don’t worry about it, it has nothing to do with you, Big Man.”

  “I’ll find out anyway,” He mumbles under his breath, dropping back into a laying position on the couch and out of my sight.

  “Shouldn’t you all be at work?”

  “Nope, we’re here to take care of you.”

  “You can't stay home with me forever.”

  “No, but we can for as long as we want. We own the damn company, remember?”

  “Oh, how could I ever forget? The three bossholes.”

  “What did you just call us?” Owen’s head pops back up.

  “A bosshole... like an asshole boss.” I shrug my shoulder; his smile widens until it takes over his face.

  “I like that. Parker? Can I get that put on my office door? Bosshole Powell.”

  “Are you seriously that proud of being an asshole?” Lucas draws his brows together.

  “Well, I mean, I'm not gonna change so I might as well embrace it.” Owen shrugs, turning his attention back to Parker. “So, can we Papa Parker?”

  “Do whatever your heart desires, Owen. I don’t give a shit what your door says.”

  “Nooooo,” Lucas groans, throwing himself back on my comfy bed. Seriously what is this made of? “Parker, who knows what he’s going to put on there now! You literally just gave him the go ahead to put anything on it!”

  “Lucas, chill. How much tro
uble can he possibly get into? It’s a freaking door,” I mutter under my breath.

  “Challenge accepted!” Owen lets out an evil laugh, while Lucas groans even louder next to me.

  “I'm sorry.” I lay back, snuggling into Lucas’s side. He pulls me closer, placing a kiss on my cheek.

  “It’s ok. He woulda done it without Parker’s permission... How are you feeling? For real. Not that shit you feed to Parker.”

  “I don’t-” I start to defend myself but Lucas gives me a bored look. “Fine! I do but only because he worries too much. I'm in a lot of pain but nothing I can't handle.”

  “Are you taking your meds?” I nod my head. “The amount they told you to take?” My nod shifts to shaking my head no. “Why the hell not?”

  “I’ll be out of it and sleepy. I can't take care of myself if I'm like that.”

  “You don’t need to take care of yourself, that’s what we’re here for. Just let us in, Logan.”

  “Fine. But only because this hurts like hell,” I mumble.

  “Hey, Parker, Logan’s in pain, can you get her some meds?”

  Within seconds a bottle of water is in my hand and Parker’s helping me sit up. He knows how painful it is for me to push myself up, so he practically lifts me.

  “What else can I do for you, baby?”

  “I'm good, really. I don’t need anything. You’ve all done so much.”

  My ringtone fills the air, I let out a groan. I don’t want to get up and get it, but I don’t have to. Parker grabs it out of my purse before I can move a muscle.

  “It’s Carrie, do you want me to tell her you’ll call her back or do you wanna talk to her?”

  “I’ll take it, she’ll worry if I don’t talk to her... Hey, girly.”

  “Hey, where are you? I'm at your apartment and you’re clearly not here.”

  “I'm at Parker’s. He doesn’t understand the word no.”

  “Is it ok if I come there? I took off from work today to hang out with you.”

  “You didn’t have to do that, but yes, please come.”

  “Alright, text me his address and I’ll be there ASAP! Love you!”


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