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The Lesbian Billionaires Seduction

Page 9

by K C Luck

  Suddenly, I don't care who might see us, and even with the porter watching, I bend and give Lila a tender kiss on the lips. “I'll be right back,” I whisper and turn to obey Zena’s summons. No matter what happens, I have no regrets.

  After a sharp knock on the door to her office, she tells me to come in. Her tone is neither friendly nor stern. I can't read anything from it nor from her glance up from the paperwork on her desk. If she is angry, she is doing a perfect job of hiding it. Not that I should be surprised. If there is anyone in the universe adept at hiding her emotions, Zena is probably the woman. I stand at attention in front of her desk, not making eye contact. I hear the scratching of a pen while she signs documents that probably make the world go around on some level. There is no rest for this billionaire.

  “Have a seat, please,” she says in her usual quiet tone. I do but keep my back straight and eyes directly ahead. There's a pause, and I hear her chair creak as she leans back, no doubt to regard me. “At ease, Captain,” she says, and although she is not military, I obey. “And look at me.” I do.

  Her dark eyes are like mine, and they hold steady while the two of us stare at each other. If she is expecting me to speak, I am not planning to do so. I have nothing to say other than to defend my affection for Lila. Still, I will not give up the information until I know exactly what she knows. She steeples her fingers.

  “So, what do you think happened on the ski slope?” Zena asks catching me off guard for a moment. This topic is unexpected. I blink and try to change gears while she continues. “What do you think made her crash?”

  I consider this for a second. When we asked Lila at the hospital, she had not been sure. To catch Madison, she took a shorter route, but then there was an icy spot on the slope. She went to avoid it when a sliver of the fading sunlight blinded her. I explain all of this to Zena and watch as she takes in the information. There is no reaction at first as she ponders what I said, but then she leans forward in her chair and puts her palms on the desktop. “What if it wasn't sunlight that blinded her?” she asks.

  I furrow my brow and consider her question. “What else?” Before I surmise an answer, Zena takes something from an envelope on her desk and passes it to me. It is a grainy photograph of Lila on the ski slope, possibly just before she had her accident. I recognize her clothing. It dawns on me then the flash of light was from a camera, and my heart skips a beat at the idea that an intruder was so close to Lila. The camera could've been a gun. The puzzle pieces are coming together. “This is the photograph that was leaked?” Zena nods and takes the picture back.

  “Yes. It was auctioned off on the Dark Web not long after Lila was found and brought off the mountain. Thankfully, you reacted quickly and made sound judgments to get her out of there.” She sighs. “Otherwise, you would've been swarmed at the resort.” Tapping a finger on the photograph, Zena stares at the image. I wait, not sure what is expected of me. Finally, she glances up, and I see a hardness in her eyes. “It does disturb me to think she and the rest of you were watched all day, even from a distance, and that Lila was alone when the photograph was taken.”

  For a second, I think about explaining Madison’s race and how she was the one who promised to watch out for Lila while they skied, but then I don't. I should never have let them go or insisted they take a different slope, one I could've gone on with them. “That was my fault,” I say. “I take full ownership for what happened.”

  Zena nods. “Well, I'm sure there were extenuating circumstances. And I will not be surprised if Madison did not have something to do with it.” I work to keep from smiling realizing Zena knows Madison very well indeed. “Regardless, you did get her out safe as well as the other two, and your quick thinking to find the discreet inn for overnight shelter was perfect. But.”

  At this last word, I am no longer relaxed, and I sit up straight again. The ‘but’ is no doubt the segue to the other reason I am in her presence. Swallowing hard, I look at a spot on the wall and wait. “I'm not going to dance around this, Captain,” she says. “Are you having a sexual relationship with Lila?”

  The sentence is so cold and blunt, I almost blurt out ‘no.’ Even though we are definitely having sex, fantastic sex, there is so much more to it. Our relationship has evolved so much in just a few days, I wonder if we are not moving beyond lust. Into what next, I am not sure. Still, Zena is not asking for details at that level. She simply wants to know what I am doing. Gritting my teeth, hating to put Lila on the hot seat, but refusing to lie, I answer. “Yes.”

  Zena sighs, and out of the corner of my eye, I see her rub a hand over her face. “You do realize this is a dischargeable offense, Captain?” Before I answer, she stands and paces around the desk. “What are you thinking?”

  “I can still protect her,” is all I answer.

  Zena puffs out a frustrated breath. “I find that highly unlikely.” I feel a flare of temper at this but check it. My primary objective right now is to stay assigned to Lila. Going off on Zena over the reasons behind my indiscretions will not help. Now is a time to be patient and wait to hear what she has to say. “When did it start?”

  “From the moment I saw her.”

  Zena is quiet at this response, and a minute ticks past on the clock on the wall. Finally, she comes to rest against the side of her desk and looks at me. “And you are willing to lose your commission and your career over her?” she asks, her voice soft.

  I pause. My feelings for Lila are intense, but until now, I never analyzed what they truly mean. Do I love her? And if I do, is it enough to change my life? After another beat, I nod. “I think so,” I respond. As much as my chest tightens with anxiety at the idea of a future without the military, I will not forsake Lila.

  Zena sighs. “Captain, are you familiar with Aesop's Fables?” This question puzzles me, and I glance at her.

  “Yes, I learned them in school,” I answer.

  “Right,” she continues. “Do you recall the lion’s tale? How he fell in love with the forester’s daughter?”

  Slowly, I nod. I do remember it. “I see what you are saying. The lion loves her so much that he is talked into giving up his sharp teeth and claws. The forester convinces him he will hurt her otherwise.”

  “Yes, that’s the one. And we both know how that ends for the lion.”

  I swallow, not liking the analogy. “The lion is killed because he has given up his power.”

  Zena looks me hard in the eye. “Don’t give up your power, Jael.”

  I stare at her absorbing what she said. Zena is no fool, and her advice is not given lightly. She gives me lots to consider. After another moment, I answer. “I will not give up my power. But I will not give up Lila either. Even if you dismiss me, assuming that is what you are planning to do, I will stay nearby. She is important to me.”

  Zena sets her jaw at my response, and I can tell she does not like being challenged. “I have not determined what I am going to do yet,” she says. “I need to think about it.” She stands and walks back behind her desk. “Maintain your post. You may go.” I quickly do as she suggests, yet as I reach the door to leave, she clears her throat. “Make good choices, Jael,” she says. “But do keep her safe.”

  I look back at her and nod. “I will.” And I mean it.


  As Claire gives Lila a long hug goodbye, Madison and I make eye contact behind her back. Only moments before, the billionaire slipped me a note asking me to keep the sudden wedding requirement a secret. Apparently, Lila received something similar as well because there has been no mention or well wishes on the subject. Taking in the frustrated look in Madison’s face, I wonder if she intends to try and get out of the plan, although I admit it is a good one. There is no way Georgia DeLane will miss such an opportunity to cause havoc, even if she can't use the event to determine other members of the club. Of course, Madison could also be waiting to tell Claire when she can make a proper proposal. No doubt there will be some sort of fantastic ring involved. Hoping for the latter
because Claire is one in a million, the woman turns to me. For a second, I think she is about to hug me, but then she only smiles. “Jael,” she says. “I am so glad we met.”

  Before I answer, there is a brisk knock at the suite’s door. I don’t have time to open it before Chloe pokes her head in. “Hey there,” she says stepping inside before raising an eyebrow at Madison. “Well, don’t you look pissy. Taking off then?”

  “Sure, please come in,” Madison says, her tone sarcastic. “And yes, we are off at the next stop. I’ve arranged a helicopter. I need to get us back to Los Angeles.”

  Chloe grins. “Makes sense, I guess you have lots of plans to—.” Madison's eyes widen, and Claire starts to turn toward the Australian when Lila steps forward to take Chloe’s arm and pull her closer.

  “Don’t we all have plans to make,” Madison says. “Zena is right that we all need to step up our security. But let’s not focus on that messy business.” With a puzzled frown, Chloe looks at Lila, no doubt surprised at the sudden interruption. The two women stare at each other for a beat, but then the Australian apparently sees something in Lila’s eyes to clue her in, and nods.

  “Of course,” she murmurs. “Security.”

  “Speaking of that, are you staying on the train for a while longer?” I add to continue the distraction. “Zena plus some of the others left at the last stop. More are planning to disembark with Madison. I’d like to keep tabs of who has remained behind.”

  “No plans to go anywhere tonight.” Chloe shrugs. “Thought I’d see some of the countryside out the window tomorrow before heading back to Sydney.”

  Lila smiles. “Delightful. You can have dinner with us.” I try not to let the disappointment show on my face. Aside from craving time alone with Lila, dinner with Chloe is not high on my list of good times. She’s too sarcastic and mischievous for my taste.

  “Perfect,” Chloe answers as the train starts to slow for the next station.

  Madison puts a hand on the small of Claire’s back. “That’s our cue,” she says and meets my eye. “Jael, until next time, take care of her.”

  I nod. “I will,” I say, and then they are gone leaving just the three of us.

  “Shall we go?” Lila suggests. “I'm actually starving.” My stomach growls as if sympathizing. We haven't had time over the last twenty-four hours to stop running and really eat a meal.

  “Absolutely,” Chloe agrees leading the way. Dinner is splendid, both because of the excellent food, but also because Lila’s stockinged foot finds its way up my pant leg. As she runs her toes along the inside of my calf, I relish the tight feeling of arousal forming in my stomach. All I want to do is get Lila alone, and like last night, help her out of her clothes. The thoughts of our time in the bathtub keep coming to mind as I try to eat. I can’t seem to get my fill of seeing her naked. As if feeling the same, when I do risk a glance at Lila, there is heat in her eyes. Dinner can't go by fast enough, delicious, or otherwise.

  Fortunately, Chloe seems oblivious to the interplay between us. However, it also means she is in no hurry to finish. In fact, through all five courses, Chloe keeps up a steady stream of conversation, light and playful, to the point I wonder if the woman is ever serious. Surely, she must be when it comes to business, else she would not have made billions in the mining industry. From what little I glean from the endless tales of adventure she’s experienced in the Outback, she is self-made having worked her way up through the fields until she became possibly the richest woman in Australia. Only when Lila turns the subject to romance does Chloe sober.

  “Do tell me you have someone special?” Lila asks. “You've been single far too long.” When Chloe looks away, motioning to the waiter she wants another bottle of wine delivered, I am now paying much closer attention. Something is definitely off about this topic, and I can't help but wonder about the woman's past. Perhaps along the way to the top, Chloe made more than just business sacrifices.

  Finally, she turns back to Lila and gives her a broad grin. “Oh, there’s definitely someone special. One for each day of the week,” she laughs, and although it sounds close to the carefree tone from before, it is not quite. To cover, she takes a long sip of the newly poured wine pausing to assess it before setting the glass down and turning to Lila. “You know me, Lila, I prefer variety. After all, it is the spice of life.”

  In answer, Lila leans across the table to touch Chloe’s forearm. “I know you like to make jokes, but I promise you, the right girl is out there for you,” she says. “Don’t close your heart to it.”

  A distant look comes into Chloe's eyes as if she remembers something from the long past, and I suddenly realize she is more complicated than I first thought. Usually, I am good at reading a person’s character, but Chloe’s waters run deep. The carefree exterior is hiding something. Then, the moment is gone, and she takes Lila's hand to give it a squeeze. “Maybe. I mean, look at Madison, right?” She laughs before picking up her wine again. “But you worry too much about my love life.” She raises an eyebrow as she glances between Lila and me. “Now, if you want to talk about romance—”

  Before she continues, I cough into my napkin. The last thing I want is for Chloe to zero in on my relationship with Lila and force us to explain anything. Clearly, Lila feels the same, longtime friend or no, and she laughs it off. “Oh, Chloe, you always think everyone is having an affair,” she says before meeting my eye over the table signaling it’s time to go.

  Pushing back from the table, I fake a yawn as I stand. “As charming as this has been, I’m afraid I’m exhausted,” I say. “It’s been rather hectic lately. If you’ll excuse me?” Again, Chloe looks between us, and for a second I think she won’t let the idea go, but then she shrugs.

  “Of course,” she says. “I think I’ll go to the bar and have a drink. Lila, are you interested?”

  She shakes her head. “Not tonight. As Jael said, things have been a little overwhelming.”

  Chloe sighs. “Fine, I guess I will have to see if I can find company among the fair lot of tourists.” The insinuation of what she will be looking to accomplish tonight is only lightly veiled. For a moment, I wonder what the woman is genuinely searching for among all her one-night stands. Perhaps true love, but somehow it seems more specific. I make a note to ask Lila about it later. For now, it is time to make our escape.

  “When are you leaving tomorrow?” Lila asks as she leans in to kiss Chloe on the cheek before we depart.

  Chloe shakes her head. “Not sure about my agenda. What about you? Where are they hiding you next?”

  At this, Lila sighs. “I’m to hole up at an estate in Montenegro apparently. And not come out until the wedding,” she explains. “I’m afraid I may go stir crazy.” A quick glance at me reveals she might not hate it entirely.

  I hold back a smile while Chloe chuckles. “We can’t have that.” She sets her napkin beside her plate and stands up. “Come to Australia with me. I know just the place we can ensconce you.” She turns to me. “And your bodyguard, of course.” The cheeky smile is back. I choose to ignore it while I look at Lila to see her reaction to the invitation. A twinkle of delight has come to her eyes, and I love to see it. If I must put up with Chloe to keep that look on her face, I will.

  “I think it’s a good idea,” I add. “From a security standpoint. Less predictable.” Lila claps her hands with delight.

  “Australia it is,” she says.


  “We will find you in the morning to make arrangements,” I say to Chloe as Lila and I move away from the dinner table.

  “Perfect,” Chloe agrees, and while we leave together, I almost feel the woman’s curious stare boring into my back. Perhaps the chemistry between Lila and me is more evident than I believe. Still, I am getting a sense from Lila she is not worried about Chloe suspecting. Even if she does guess, Lila seems to trust her. Their relationship might not be as close as hers is with Madison, but clearly, the Australian is special to her. And vice versa.

we reach Lila’s private railcar, she turns to me. Her eyes are hungry as they run over my body. “You’ve been driving me crazy in that uniform all day,” she says with a sultry smile. “Such a crazy day but thinking about taking those clothes off of you kept distracting me.”

  “Is that so?” I ask moving closer to her. The idea of her undressing me makes an excited shiver run up my body. “So, nothing is stopping you.”

  She reaches for me, her fingers nimble on the shiny buttons. “And if I do undress you, Captain, what will happen next?”

  I take her by the hips and pull her almost roughly against me. She lets out a little cry of surprise and pleasure. “Then, I will make love to you in whatever way you wish. Until you come and cry out my name.” Before she responds, I cover her mouth with mine in a passionate kiss. Her reaction is a moan as she leans closer taking me into her mouth greedily. As I feel her tongue dance against mine, it is my turn to growl with excitement. I love that she wants me and is always so willing to meet my passion equally with her own.

  Breaking away, Lila goes back to the buttons. When she finishes, she pushes the shirt back and stops to let her eyes drink in the muscles of my arms and shoulders. “Like what you see?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

  “Oh yes.”

  With that, I pick her up, and she quickly lets her dress ride up to wrap her legs around my waist. Again, I kiss her as we stand locked in an embrace. As I ravish her mouth, she runs her hand through my hair and undoes the clasp holding it to let it cascade down. The move is so sensual, I tighten between my legs. Gasping, I let my lips slide to her neck, where I nip and tickle the hot skin I find there. “Take me to bed,” she whispers in my ear, and I do.


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