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Anthology of Horror Stories

Page 4

by Daphne Haydens

  " What do you mean?" Tyrone asks.

  " I produced a substance that will turn everybody into zombielike creatures like your mom and dad. I hacked the products out of these rocks, and they showed to be quite beneficial. People in the city will dislike one another, they will kill one another, and no one will know how all of it began."

  " B-but why? Why in the world would you do that?"

  " Oh, I have my reasons," the wicked Professor clarifies. "I started out like you. I thought I would help the world by being yourself, but all my experiments got declined. I had chemistry classes, but they weren't open to my recommendations. Ultimately I lost my family, my cash. And it's all thanks to those idiots. They took my life away, and now, I am taking theirs. Well, not really, I'm just the one who shows them a little push. And after that when panic strikes, when they're prepared to ask for a solution, I will sell them the antidote ... for billions! And they'll purchase it no matter what, as I will have a powerful monopoly. It's genius!"

  " You beast!" Tyrone shouts.

  " Call me what you want, boy, but you're already far too late. There's nothing you can do to stop it now. The rocket has been introduced. I wouldn't suggest entering into town. It might be a little chaotic there."

  " Oh yeah? We'll just see about that!" Tyrone says as he runs out of the cavern.

  He hops on his bike and starts the engine. Determined to catch up and follow the rocket into town, he hits the gas and figuratively flies through the air, going beyond the speed limitation on the highway to get to his destination in time.

  He doesn't care about the criminals. He has to let go of his mother and father for a little while until he has the time to reflect on their deaths. All he has to focus on now, is returning to the city to prevent the catastrophe from dispersing.

  The Professor was right, though. He is too late. Hordes of zombies are already wandering through the streets. They attack human beings, each other, and anything they can get their claws and teeth on. Tyrone dodges several dead bodies on the street by leaping on his motorbike over ledges and crisscrossing the bike towards the downtown location. What he sees there, is one of his biggest worst nightmares.

  Chapter 7: Battling to the End

  The downtown area is insane! As Tyrone approaches the burning structures and fuming piles of particles and lifeless bodies, he is challenged by hordes of zombies ... hundreds of zombies. He didn't know the gasses from the rocket would have such an instant effect. Is there anybody left to save, or has the entire city been destined to destruction?

  Painful sounds of horror rip through the regular hustle and bustle city noises like a howling ghost shrieking and flying through the air. The worst mayhem in the city's history unfolds before Tyrone's eyes. Viewing the scenes and the bloody actual results of every person losing his/her sense of reality makes Tyrone shiver.

  Random riots and blasts of aggression are thrusting everyone's heart with worry and stress and anxiety. Someone has to do something. This is getting out of hand. It already didn't get any better!

  Loaded with a set of combating skills and anticipating powers, Tyrone storms at the hordes and starts his fight. He punches one zombie here, kicks another there, and each time, he has the ability to visualize their counterattacks and differ from the patterns of their strikes.

  Is there ever an end to this? What is he even attempting to achieve? Preventing more deaths?

  While avoiding countless zombies and tearing down lots of other ones, he is trying to figure out how to get rid of the root of the issue. He isn't sure. It looks like there is no stopping the transformation of all these people, some of which are heaped on the floors and the broken streets while others are taking out their rage on vulnerable victims.

  The city has never been in such a horrible state before. It spreads out like an illness. Innocent martyrs paint the city red with their blood, mayhem breaks the very foundations its biggest skyscrapers are built on, and a filthy stench of the dead embellishes the senses of all who come near. But it isn't over yet. It has hardly started.

  Chapter 8: Calamity

  Tyrone battles his way through some zombies until a certain suspicion captures his attention. He sees it happening before it does: A subway train is about to derail and cause hundreds of people to die or get caught up in the horrific motions of the city's previous civilians.

  " I have got to stop this thing," Tyrone tells himself. "I know it is originating from ..." he closes his eyes ... "that angle."

  He opens his eyes and looks at his finger, as if he didn't know where he is pointing at. He jumps off a pile of building fragments and starts running in to the direction of the subway tracks.

  Where is the switch?

  He has to act quickly, or the accident will become one of the biggest disasters in the city. He looks and looks, but cannot find the silly switch.

  Then he sees something behind the wall.

  " Aha!" he says, running towards the item.

  It's a lever, a huge one, one that needs somebody to pull with all his strength to get it to move. Tyrone pulls as hard as he can.

  " Umpffff! Too heavy. Let's try again."

  This time it budges.

  " Yes!" he cheers.

  But his little celebration is based upon a wrong conclusion. The lever is pulled back, but the train tracks haven't even moved an inch.

  " What the ...? Why didn't it work?" Tyrone grumbles.

  Meanwhile, the subway train is coming closer. It is racing with a tremendous speed, not able to stop just because of the technological error that has occurred by coincidence. Tyrone is getting anxious. He is uncertain about what to do next. He takes a look around for another switch or lever. There is nothing there!

  The subway train approaches.

  It's getting closer ...

  And closer ...


  The train derails and glissades over the ground, ending up above the surface because of the deviating things in its way. Floors collapse, people die, fumes of smoke contribute to the random explosions in numerous places, zombies get run over ... blood and horror illustrate the tragic scene as the so-called hero watches by helplessly, lamenting the loss of the lives he could have saved.

  " Noooooo!" he shrieks.

  Chapter 9: Recognition

  Tyrone wakes up. He finds himself panting because of a bad nightmare he doesn't remember. All he understands, is that it has left him restless and sweaty, even minutes after his awakening. It must have been horrible dreaming about this.

  He sits up for a minute or 2, then gets up and gets a cup of chocolate milk. Back to reality. He gazes at the pigeons outside. One of them is dumb enough to fly into the glass window.


  Reality strikes.

  It hits him like a baseball bat.

  What the ...?

  He's seen this scene before. He remembers his dreadful dream. This is REAL!!! Is all that stuff with the zombies and the poor victims really going to happen? Are his parents going to be abducted?

  There is only one way to figure it out. And THIS time, he's not going to let some traffic jam or search in the mountains put a time frame on him.

  He understands the area. He strongly believes in his dream. It has to be real. Why else would the same fat pigeon from his dream fly into the exact same window?

  Determined to stop the awful events in his nightmare, he runs downstairs, opens the garage door, pulls the sheet off his bike, and kicks the gas.


  No traffic.

  No hold up.


  First, he visits his mother and father. Within a minute, he comes to their places.


  He swings the door open, letting it squash against the sidewall.

  " Mom! Father!"

  " What's the matter, son?" his dad asks.

  " You need to get out of here. Come on, I have no time to explain. I will tell you later. We are lacking time."

  " Uhm ... all right ... if you say
so," his dad says obediently.

  " As long as you'll explain it to us later," his mom says.

  " Naturally, naturally. Now, let's go! We're actually in a rush here."

  Both father and mother get on the back of Tyrone's motorbike.

  " Oh, this is dangerous," his mom says.

  " It will be okay, mother, for now. I will drop you off at the library. It's on the way where I am going anyhow. Just guarantee me you'll stay in there till I'm back."

  " Okay, I pro ... whoa!" his mom exclaims, since Tyrone isn't even waiting for her to finish her sentence. He already hit the gas and has taken off into the direction of the library. After dropping his parents off, he races through the streets to his destination in the countryside.

  " And now I'll handle you ... Schmear!" Tyrone says in a firm, resolute voice.

  He leaves fast again, avoiding the traffic congestion just because of the earliness of his trip. He rides his flaming vehicle out of the city and finds the mountain range he is searching for within a considerable amount of time. He sees the cavern from his dream, but this time, his parents aren't in there, nor has the wicked Professor completed or tested the innovation of his hazardous substance yet.

  Tyrone doesn't think twice. He knows what's going to happen. He walks right up to the punks standing guard.

  " Hey, who are you?" the professor asks stunned.

  " I'm the one who is going to bring you down," Tyrone says confidently as he keeps stepping forward.

  " Shoot him already!" professor Schmear screams.

  Bang! Bang! Tagadagadag!

  They really missed. They all really missed! Tyrone's senses were at a peak. He could feel precisely when and where the bullets would go. Dodging them perfectly, he raises one side of his mouth into a slight smirk as he watches the bullets fly through the air without hitting their predestined target. With his fists, he takes out each of the four guards around the professor, knocking them out one by one and leaving them on the cold floor of the cave.

  " N-no! I was just trying to help humanity. |Don't you see? I mean no harm," the professor claims.

  Tyrone grabs him by the throat and holds him against the stony wall.

  " You're a big, fat liar," he says. "I know what you're intending on doing, but this is where it stops."

  He drops the Professor on the ground.

  " Wh-what are you planning to do?" Schmear stutters.

  " Watch," Tyrone says in a form of calm anger.

  He collects his strength and starts to smash every tube, every piece of glass, every fluid, and every component on the chemistry table. The rocket does not get spared but bent in half by the effective hands of this superhero.

  " No!" professor Schmear weeps. "Not my experiment! You have no idea of how hard I was working on that! Do you know what you're doing to me?"

  Tyrone turns around.

  " Yes, I do. And now the police are going to consider what they are going to do to you. I'm taking you with me."

  Tyrone grabs the evil professorand takes him out of the cave. Dragging him over the rocky ground, he finally takes a look at him, punches him in the face, and throws the knocked out professor on his motorcycle.

  The city has been saved. The diseases and disasters have been prevented. The sun is rising, birds are chirping, and the cold breeze feels nice in his face. The odor of fresh flowers fondles his nose. An enjoyable motorbike ride lies ahead of him.

  " I think this will be a good day after all," Tyrone says with a satisfied face while flooring the gas.

  " And I think I will even be in the city so quickly to avoid the traffic jams."


  Beasts from the Underworld

  Chapter 1: Science

  This isn't it," Trevor the professor says, scratching his head. "It needs something else. I think I am doing it all wrong. The formula seems right, but something is still missing here."

  Professor Trevor is an ordinary lab rat, or to put it simply, someone who has spent his entire life finding out compounds and combining chemical fluids and materials. He is impressed by the effects of one fluid mixed with another. It amazes him. It has always fascinated him. That's why he went to university ten years ago: To study chemistry and biology, primarily chemistry. His last theses and papers were full of complicated computations the instructors didn't even understand. He always outmaneuvered them, but now it looks like he hasn't followed the right formula.

  It frustrates him.

  He has run into problems before, and has even had explosions in his laboratory, but this time, he has been doing math for days, looked up many theories and clinical truths, and he still hasn't figured it out.

  His patience has its limitations too.

  " I give up," he says, throwing his hands up in the air. "I'll continue later."

  It's just one of those things that takes forever and ever. It doesn't matter how much effort he puts into it; he just wants to get it done.

  " Why does it have to be so difficult?" he wonders. "I have been successful with many experiments and have taken science to a higher level. This formula is just too complicated. There must be something I am lacking, but what?"

  He goes out the door and returns home, after a long day of 10 hours of work. His partner welcomes him with a kiss at his homecoming, rebuking him for working overtime again.

  " But honey," the Professor says. "This is very important. Can't you see the turnaround this society will have if we get this mixture working? It will be a transformation."

  " I know, but you have to take it easy more often. There's more to life than work," she says.

  At that moment, his three kids come running into the room.

  " Father!" the smallest boy screams.

  " Father, you're home! Finally," his daughter says. "I wanted to show you my drawing. Can you come have a look? It is in the living room."

  " Okay, fine," Trevor says. "I will take a look at it."

  The oldest child does not look so good. He looks sad. His head is hanging down and he slowly walks towards his dad.

  " What's the matter with you, my child?"

  " I bumped my head and lost the sports game."

  " Oh, that does not seem like fun. Come here. Where does it hurt?" Trevor asks.

  " Well, it's gone now. But I still hate that it took place."

  " That's life, child. I'm happy you understand. Bad things happen all the time. And losing? Just take a look at me. I've been attempting to figure out a formula for the previous week and I still don't understand it."

  As he is saying it, he understands that he let it get to him. His frustration got the best of him and he has given up too fast. Some things just take a long period of time anyway, and if this is actually as big as he expects it to be, putting a little time into it is the least he can do. He sees himself as this little boy who is downtrodden since he is losing; or he lost. And this brand-new awareness has made him determined again. Tomorrow, he will return and try again ... and again ... till he comprehends the correct mixture.

  " Do not worry, child," he finally says. "You may have lost the game, but you have not lost the league. And let's see if you can beat this tickle monster!"

  Trevor leans over and begins tickling his kid. The other 2 jump on his back and a rough rumble and jumping game starts. For several minutes, the fun with his kids does not stop and fortunately, no one gets hurt, which actually does happen in some cases.

  " Supper time!" Trevor's marriage partner screams. "Come on, guys! Don't let it get cold."

  " Hold on," Trevor says. "I still have to see our daughter's illustration."

  After his daughter flaunts her skill and he happily pats her on the head, he thinks about what he said to his own child: He lost another game, another match ... by not having the ability to get the formula right; but the league is far from over. Tomorrow there is a brand-new day and he might just get it this time. And if not, then in 5 days, or 10, or twenty.

  This brand-new combination of fluids is going to be
grand. It will have a profound impact on cravings, the economy, and people's way of lives. It's worth fighting for.

  Chapter 2: The Army

  On the other side of town, a corporal screams his lungs out.

  " Forwaaaard! March! One-two, one-two, one-two! Keep moving, you lazy bedbugs!"

  Corporal James has dealt with many tough situations. He is a man of honor. Always putting his best foot forward, he has gained favor with the generals in the city's army. In numerous battles, he has battled threatening Black shades, skeletons, zombies, beasts, vampires, and other risky creatures from the deep and dark lands.

  One time, he stood before hundreds of Black shades, who were already provoked by the gazing soldiers in his army. At first, the coast seemed clear, but then James saw a twinkle in their eyes, a mad shimmer emanating from deep in their souls. They were furious and were ready to attack.

  " Pull back!" he screamed, but the noises of the storm they were in outweighed his voice. Thick clouds had already burst into bolstering thunder and terrifying lightning flashes had set the scene for a more dramatic war that was already raving. Rain was pouring on each and every soldier, soaking their outfits and muting the sounds of their voices.

  They didn't listen.

  They didn't pull back.

  As one weapon, they marched forward to the threatened Black shades, who were in no other way willing to forgive or stand down what had just caught their attention.

  " Return! Retreat!" Corporal James kept shouting, but only a handful of the guys obeyed his orders. The others were too oblivious of the fact that these Black shades were about to run into them and completely crush them with their numbers.

  So they marched forward, not even seeing the few guys that drew back with Corporal James. All they concentrated on were the beasts in front of them. The Black shades kept still, but inside, they were boiling with a raging fire that was about to explode. Hundreds of Black shades were standing there ... in the unknown turmoil of heavy rain, creepy trees, and a soaked field of moss and random blades of grass.


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