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Star Kissed

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by C. D. Gorri

  Star Kissed:

  A Zodiac Shifters Book: Paranormal Romance: Virgo/Aquarius

  A Wardens of Terra Short

  *As Seen In The Crimson Kisses Anthology

  by C.D. Gorri

  Edited by Tammy Payne

  To anyone who believes in Fate and love.

  del mare alla stella, C.D. Gorri

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  Table of Contents



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5




  More Books

  Welcome to the Wardens of Terra, an elite group of Zodiac Shifters destined to save humankind!

  The Hounds of God have been disbanded by the Catholic Church, leaving a terrible void in the fight to save humankind. As a result, a much older organization returns to power and takes up the reins to fight to save the Earth from the evil that stalks it.

  They are the Wardens of Terra, an elite force of Zodiac Shifters each carrying the power of their sign to aid them in the never-ending battle against the forces of darkness.

  Alone they are fierce warriors. Once they’ve found their true mates, they become an unstoppable force. These are their stories.

  Book Description

  Sexy Fox Shifter, Isabella Fuente has spent years learning to harness the powers of her sign and trying to forget him, the man who broker her heart.

  A chance reunion at the Wardens of Terra Centennial Convention has brought Luis Fernandez, Jaguar Shifter and retainer of Aquarius, in her path once again. This time, he is not about to let her get away!

  A Tarot reading from an unusual fortune teller leaves them both shaken. Will Fate finally have its way with the two wayward lovers?


  “Luis?” Isabella hurried through the forest behind the weathered finca. She smelled rain on the air, but that was hardly unusual for this part of the world.

  Ecuador’s coastal towns often endured the heat of the tropical sun followed closely by light to thunderous showers on any given day. The farmhouse or finca was as old and stately as the Station Master who ran it.

  Armando Fuente had been Station Master for near on three decades. He was an Andean Fox Shifter and also uncle to Isabella and her older brother Marco. He’d been named their guardian when their parents died in a tragic car accident years ago.

  She hardly remembered them anymore. Isabella relied on Marco to tell her about the way her mother smelled of roses and her father told lousy jokes to bolster her few memories. Life on the finca was hard and rigorous, but she loved it.

  She loved her Tio Armando too. Well, as much as he allowed. He wasn’t exactly the warm and fuzzy type. He’d raised his niece and nephew in the same way he did the other young Zodiac Shifters in his care. With education, instruction, and rigorous training.

  She looked down at her wrist where the symbol of her sign sat etched into her skin since birth. Almost like a tattoo. Except every now and then it pulsed and hummed with the magic of her sign.

  The glyph symbolized the maiden and her bundle of wheat, an earth sign, representing purity and innocence. She scrunched up her nose at that. It was her hardworking nature and analytical mind that drew her to the sign, rather than her purity.

  She’d often wished for another sign, Taurus perhaps? Like Marco. But that kind of thinking was beneath her. She was a Virgo and proud of her sign.

  Still, it was an honor to be marked. Chosen by the Parcae, the three sisters who wove the fates of those who inhabited the planet Earth.

  Isabella understood from a very young age that she was special. Zodiac Shifters were almost never female, and retainers of Virgo were exceedingly rare.

  Marco on the other hand was everything a first-born son was supposed to be. Born with the mark of Taurus on his arm, he was a brave, rough and tumble sort. Four years older than his little sister.

  Isabella was younger and smaller than most Shifters at the finca, but she worked twice as hard. Both Fuente children lived at the Station year-round with their uncle.

  The other young Shifters who were trained there came and went regularly. As they had for hundreds of years, since the last time the Wardens of Terra had been called upon to defend the earth from darkness.

  Serious minded as ever, Isabella understood her role and reveled in the fact that she was one of the chosen few. Despite Marco treating her like porcelain, she always managed to prove her worth in the practice rings and in the classroom.

  Along with him. Images of a certain young man with dark hair, and impossibly darker eyes, filled her mind. Heat flushed her rounded cheeks and made her belly tighten. She moved faster, panting with the effort. Tonight was the night.

  The familiar smells of wet earth, heavy air, wild grasses, and the occasional farm animal reached her nostrils. Good. She wasn’t too late. He hadn’t made it that far yet.

  Isabella moved silently, a part of the night that swept over the land like a blanket. Underneath the smells of the farm and forest, Isabella found his scent. It tickled her nose and warmed her stomach. Like always.

  On two legs, he smelled fresh and clean. His scent drew her to him then, but as his Jaguar it was that much more potent. She caught stronger whiffs of that musk that was all male, all him, with a hint of wild cacao and the Tocte nuts that grew in the forests around them.

  It drove her Fox crazy. Her beast panted after him. The beast pushed harder, demanding she find him. One word repeated over and over in her mind. Mine. She took shortcuts through the brush, paths his fur had recently tread over.

  Luis was part of the land as no other. He carried its flavors on his skin. Flavors Isabella found herself more and more desperate to savor. Confused at first by her growing attraction, she understood it now. More than that, she needed to tell him how she felt.

  Growing up in the unspoiled isolation of the finca, surrounded by mostly male Shifters, Isabella had very few friends and confidants. Marco was a great brother, but he wanted her to be a baby forever. What she needed was a friend.

  Something all teenage girls longed for. She had no idea how average girls of the time acted in this situation, and she didn’t care. He would understand. He just had to!

  She’d been drawn to Luis when he first came to them five years ago. A tall, quiet boy, with eyes so dark they looked black. It was his twelfth birthday the morning he’d arrived, and it had been raining.

  He looked so sad, as many of the children who’d been selected by the universe to serve as Wardens did when they had to leave their families. Isabella naturally flocked to his side. Her nature demanding she comfort the older boy.

  He’d been angry and sullen, but she’d held his hand and didn’t let go no matter how hard he tried to pull away. From that day on, she became his shadow. Marco, following his little sister to keep her from harm, found an ally in Luis as well.

  Isabella should have been annoyed at first by her brother’s insertion into their group, but she wasn’t. Instead, she was delighted with their sudden threesome.

  The boys, being closer in age, tended to leave her out of the more dangerous things they did, but she was quick to catch on. And she followed them mercilessly.

  Luis was sweet and caring with her. Just like Marco. Only, she didn’t see him as brother. Oh no, not a brother. He was something more to her.

  She loved teasing a rare smile from his lips. She brought him sweets and good things to eat from the kitchens. She showed him where he could Shift without being caught.

  Her uncle had strict rules when the young Wardens wer
e training. Shifting alone was not allowed, but Luis could not resist the pull of his other half any more than she could.

  Marco was not like the two of them in that way. He could ignore his Fox. But not her and Luis. They indulged in their animal sides more often than not. Changing under the cover of the forest at night.

  He’d told her often enough that he found true joy in his fur, unlike the awkwardness of his skin. It was a teenage boy thing, she guessed. But she didn’t care. Fur or skin, he was special to her.

  She wanted to wrap him up tight and keep him with her. Always. Luis was her best friend, but lately her feelings had evolved.

  She was no longer wearing pigtails and running after him barefoot. The change had been subtle. Isabella had started caring about her appearance. She’d tamed the wild red locks of her hair. Took care with her clothes.

  At first, it seemed normal. Something all teenagers did. But lately, she knew, she did it for him. So he would notice her.

  Isabella stopped and scented the air. He’d passed by not fifteen minutes ago! She had to hurry.

  It took her a while to admit her feelings to herself. She hadn’t told anyone yet. Sure, Isabella thought of going to Marco first, but decided against it.

  Her brother would not be happy with her if she told him of her new feelings for their friend. Her stomach clenched at the thought of confessing her love to Luis, but to a Shifter, honesty was as natural as breathing.

  Sure, he was two years older than her, and probably the most handsome boy she’d ever seen, but none of that mattered.

  They were destined for one another. She was sure of it. Isabella had picked tonight to tell him how she really felt.

  She crept through the overgrown jungle and followed her nose to the tangy scent of Luis’ Jaguar. It was sharp and strong, with all the nutty flavors of his Latin American heritage. Like home.

  He loved to free his animal at night despite the rules that stated all shifts would be monitored and for brief periods only until the young Wardens had mastered their ability to Change skins. Something she had in common with him.

  Isabella had only started shifting this year, a process that was naturally occurring after puberty. Her Andean Fox was small and sleek, with reddish fur. As opposed to her brother who was a beefy sort of Fox, dark brown in color and hugely muscular.

  Much larger than normal foxes, she stood almost four feet tall on four legs and weighed over ninety pounds of pure muscle when in her fur. She had wicked long teeth and nails and was as fast as she was stealthy.

  Still, she didn’t see the Jaguar hovering over her in the branches of the walnut tree. His beast was easily the size of a tiger, more than twice that of a wild jaguar.

  His weight knocked her down as Luis dropped onto her back. He playfully tackled her from behind, careful to avoid slicing her with his razor-sharp claws. He chuffed and growled, and she barked in mock anger.

  They tumbled and wrestled until they grew tired. Panting and carefree as only children could be for those precious few moments in the jungle. Her Fox gave his sleek Jaguar a run for his money!

  They returned to the cave just behind the finca before Changing back. Dressing quietly in the clothes they had left there, with their backs to each other for a modicum of modesty that teenager Shifters found necessary. Isabella sucked in a deep breath steadying her nerves.

  “What is it Bella? I can feel you are tense. Where is Marco tonight? Studying as usual?” Luis asked in a quiet voice.

  She turned to meet his quizzical stare. This was the moment she’d been waiting for all day. It would change everything.

  “Luis, I, I don’t want to talk about Marco.”

  “Okay. What’s wrong, Bella?”

  “Well, I visited the carnival today in town,” she began.

  “You went without me? Por que? Why?”

  “I went to see the fortune teller. I know you said not to waste money, but it was important.”

  “And what did this seer tell you?”

  “Well, she told me that I was special, lucky-”

  “Si. You are. So, what else?”

  “She told me I was one of the few Shifters to be lucky enough to meet their fated mates-”

  “You told her you were a Shifter? Isabella! Does Marco know?”

  “No! I didn’t! And this has nothing to do with my brother. She just knew. Anyway, Luis, she said I met him already and she’s right. I have. My Fox has been telling me this since the first day I Changed skins!”

  “Bella, wait-”

  “No, don’t you see? It’s you! Luis?”

  “No. We are just friends, Bella, you and me, and your brother.”

  “Luis, I am right. Marco is my brother and your friend, but he has nothing to do with this.”

  “No. I am sorry, Bella, you are wrong!”

  His eyes turned almost black as he looked down at her from his height. Isabella felt tears prick her eyes but before she could move closer, he turned away from her, shaking his head, and took off into the forest.

  Isabella stared after him with her heart in her throat. She felt as if the entire world was closing in on her. No! Luis!

  When she returned to the finca, Isabella headed straight for her room. She knew without a doubt, they could work it out the next day.

  Only, he was gone. Luis Fernandez left without saying goodbye and Isabella Fuente cursed the day she met him.


  Present Day

  “It’s hot as fuck here,” Luis Fernandez groaned aloud as he stepped outside of the hotel into the blazing sunshine of Orlando, Florida.

  The entire town was a strip mall slash theme park designed to suck in tourists with the thrill of a special getaway that cost more for one week than most people could afford!

  It was crowded and gawdy as hell. The noise and smells were a noticeable distraction, but he appreciated the sunshine after the gray rain and gloom that was springtime in Virginia.

  He had to hand it to the folks at Stein Luxury Hotels & Resorts, they knew their shit. Set back from the regular hustle and bustle of the town, this hotel was different.

  Run by folks like him, that is supernaturals. It catered to certain needs. One of them being peace and quiet, the other being a huge, secluded manmade forest built for the exclusive use of the guests.

  Indeed. He couldn’t wait to let his Jaguar out. The supernatural community needed more safe havens like this to escape the daily grind! When was the last time he went on vacation anyway?

  Fuck. The last time he’d been out of the country had been back when he was a kid. In Ecuador. With Marco and her. Rrrr. His Jaguar hissed and roared inside if his mind’s eye. Luis almost slammed his head into a brick wall just to get the blasted animal to shut up.

  His Beast was still pissed off with him for walking out on Isabella Fuente all those years ago. But she’d been a child. Almost his kid sister for fuck’s sake! And he’d been a teenager.

  What were the choices anyway? He would never get between his best friend and the guy’s little sister! That would be a complete dick move.

  So Isabella had had a stupid crush. That’s all it was. Then why did you run when she called you fated mates? He ran a hand through his thick black hair and straightened his clingy t-shirt.

  Because. He answered his own question. Albeit, rather immaturely. Because it wasn’t real. He was smart to leave before things went too far. She was so beautiful. Especially that night.

  Her hair was a wild tangle of red that always reminded him of fire. She was pale with plump lips and blue eyes, her skin like ivory with a smattering of freckles and yet she tanned in the sun like every other South American kid.

  Damn. It broke his heart now to picture her petite frame and round face. She was a kid, but at the cusp of becoming a woman that night at just fifteen years old. He was in serious danger of falling under her spell.

  She’d been warm and sweet and fresh. Loving and generous. Everything he’d ever wanted having come from a cold and dis
tant family. He’d had no choice. Running was his only option.

  He’d never have been able to explain to Marco that he and his sister had made out, or worse. And, let’s face it, teenagers were not known for their restraint.

  Only a crush, yes, but one he could not allow himself to indulge in. We were children, not mates, he told himself firmly. The hollow part in his chest begged to differ. As did his Beast.

  Mates. Mine. Though he expected his Jaguar’s reply, it didn’t make hearing the guttural word any easier. Just lately his animal had gotten more and more demanding. Insistent even. The bastard was a real cockblocking son of a bitch.

  Sure, Luis had looks and charm, but the truth was he’d not enjoyed a single one of the dozens of women who threw themselves at him regularly in the last year! Stupid cat could think of one woman only. Isabella Fuente.

  The shame he felt at his behavior made his ears grow warm. He had not even seen her since then. That hurt the most. She seemed to avoid her brother whenever Luis was around. And yet he remained friends with Marco.

  Luis was a loyal man. A good friend. Yes, they still kept in touch, Even worked together a time or two. He listened to tales of Isabella told by her brother with a practiced nonchalance over the years.

  But lately, he couldn’t handle it. He’d been avoiding Marco and anything having to do with his past. With her. His focus had turned to his Station and to building up his rep as a Warden and more.

  The Latin Lover. He’d gotten that moniker after a night on the town with his Station mates where he’d gotten twenty, that’s right, twenty cell numbers in less than an hour. He hadn’t used a single one despite the teasing.

  Stupid nickname! And now here he was, at the centennial convention for the Wardens of Terra, in the sunshine state, and still his Beast longed for the one woman he hadn’t seen in over a decade. Not one of the texts or emails he’d sent had been answered. Not one.

  His human half wanted to rejoice in the fact that she’d been wrong. They weren’t mates. If they were, how could she ignore him? Nah. He’d been right.


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