Journeying Between the Worlds

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Journeying Between the Worlds Page 13

by Eagle Skyfire

  Ask her to take you to see the Sacred Fire. In this place, there will be a ceremonial fire ring made of white stones. This fire is a reflection of the Fire within your own soul. Meditate and feel it. Note its color. Inquire what can be done to strengthen your fire. Be open and listen to the wisdom she gives you. Feel the strength of this big cat and ask her to lend some of her energy to your fire. If you find that the flames are smoky, dark, or fluttering weakly, that means that you have blockages and are allowing toxic people and energies to influence you too strongly in your life. If this is the case, then ask the Jaguar to use her sacred breath to cleanse the flames. Let her teach you how to feed your Sacred Fire properly. Thank the spirit of the Jaguar for all that she has shared with you.

  Gently return with your Guardians back to the Fire of Your Heart. Once you are fully back, start reflecting on what you have been given. Make sure to practice what you have been shown so that your soul’s Fire may remain in Balance.

  Honor the Element of Fire

  Get a candle. It does not have to be large, but it should be no smaller than a votive candle. If you can get one that is white, then that is preferable. Dedicate the candle to the Creator and to All That Is. Once you have done this, then the candle should only be used for your shamanic practices.

  If you are able to be outside, you can use a bonfire instead of a candle. An offering of smudge and tobacco will need to be thrown into the fire as you dedicate it to this spiritual purpose. This particular fire may not be used for anything else after this point. When you are done with this exercise, thoroughly extinguish the fire as normal to protect the environment.

  Face to the north. Light your candle and begin to gaze at the flames. Relax. Allow for yourself to get lost in the movement of this little fire. Feel the Fire Within, feel the energy of your own spirit. Breathe deeply. Open your Heart and feel the connection to the candle flame. The flame represents the Breath and Fire of the Great Spirit. Be open. Go deeper. Allow the Fire Within to connect with the fire before you. Be in this moment completely. While you are communing with this element, begin contemplating these questions: How are you using your energy? What is it creating in your life? What are you feeding the Sacred Fire Within You? Give thanks. Snuff out the candle. With an open Heart and mind, sit and reflect on the answers that you have received.

  I know it goes without saying, but I shall say it anyway: never leave a lit candle unattended! In this spiritual practice, to extinguish it, snuff it out. Never blow out a sacred flame.

  Spirit: The Element of the Great Spirit

  That Lives Within Us

  We have reached the last element, which is spirit. This is the element within us that channels the Breath of the Great Spirit and unites us with the Creator. This element is the most Powerful of all of them and can be the most elusive to understand. Spirit is our soul. Connecting here gives us the capacity to see the big picture and the essence of any situation or relationship. Cultivating the element of spirit will help you evolve and go further on your spiritual journey. This is the element of transcendence and is not confined by time or space. The direction that it has is the center. Since this is the aspect of us that is a part of the Creator, it does not know limitations. Several tribes would place a star that pointed to the Four Directions in the center of the Medicine Wheel. So, because of this, you may use your favorite color, for all colors are the colors of spirit. This element allows us to understand karma and comprehend intuitively those things that go beyond logic and the five physical senses. With the element of spirit, we can gain insight to what our soul agreements were before we incarnated. It is through here that we are able to go beyond our own selves and connect with All Our Relations.

  When in Balance, the element of spirit allows us to commune directly with the Creator. Here we can sit with our sacred selves. This is the element that instinctively tells us how our choices impact ourselves and others so that we can make Balanced decisions. A Balanced decision is one that takes into account equally your personal needs and the needs of the many. This is the element of enlightenment and unity. When in Balance, it is like a bright shining star that brings life and light during the darkest times of our lives.

  When it is out of Balance, then the element of spirit within us is more like a black hole. It brings isolation and despair. You can feel as if you are locked strictly into this physical world. Instead of unity, there is a disconnection and disassociation with life. When spirit is out of Balance, there is a block to the Breath of the Great Spirit, and you will be in a constant state of exhaustion. It will seem as if life does not support you and all there is is suffering no matter what you do. Disconnection from this element can also come when you do not own your actions and words.

  Power Animal: Eagle

  The bird that comes soaring in to guide us to connect with the element of spirit is the majestic Eagle. The Eagle has been a symbol of Power and leadership throughout the centuries. In Native American spirituality, the Eagle is the great messenger to the Creator. It is said to fly higher than any other bird, and it has the capacity to see from great distances as well as being able to focus on small details. When this bird is in Balance, it teaches us about the Balance between the needs of the self and the needs of the community. Eagle likes order and structure. It will show you how to use these properly to preserve and be the vehicle of what you are trying to create. Eagle is the perfect instructor to teach us how to use our oversight of a situation plus insight, which identify the details of a situation, together to manifest the best possible outcome. It is taught that Eagle flies so high that it is able to carry our prayers and strengthen our connection with the Great Spirit. Eagle has the qualities of both justice and mercy. It has the spiritual ability of translating divine messages and law into simple concepts and practices that we can follow.

  When the Eagle is out of Balance, it abuses Power because it arrogantly believes that it is above the law and that it is the ultimate authority. It can be very unfair, favoring those it likes to the detriment of others. Eagle can be extremely overprotective of what it believes be true or thinks is important, regardless if that is actually true or not. When the Eagle is in this way, it is negatively judgmental and critical of anyone who does not conform to its views. Eagle can be relentless in achieving its goals no matter what the price, including the wrongful idea that might makes right. Instead of supporting peace and unity, this sacred animal will be quick to fight with total disregard for the final results or how high the price.

  Journey of Spirit

  The point of this journey is not to answer questions. It is to learn how to go to the place of spirit within you. Engage this element to develop a deeper sense of oneness with the Creator and with All That Is. This journey is a way of connecting with your own soul. You may sit in any direction that you are called to, and if you wish to have a representation of this element by using your favorite color, you are welcome to do so. The color that you choose can change each time you do this journey since you may be working on different aspects of yourself and of your life. Complete your preparations to journey and kindle the Fire of Your Heart. Concentrate on it so that it becomes bright and strong. Pay attention to what it feels like, the color of it (if it has one), and how strong it is.

  Concentrate on your desire to become more connected to the Creator and All That Is. Focus and breathe. Envision Eagle with his sharp eyes that can see right through you. See the details of this bird’s powerful wings and sharp talons. See it soaring and coming toward you. With a sharp cry, the Eagle calls you to follow him into the sky. Deep within you, something responds and wishes to fly free with this Power Animal. It is your soul. Concentrate on your desire to become more connected to oneness. Focus. A feeling of jubilation moves through you as you spiral ever higher with the sacred bird. You can feel your own wings. See the vastness of the heavens above you. See the beauty of Earth Mother below you. Open your wings and soar upon the winds that are the Breath
of the Great Spirit. Feel the element of spirit within you. It shines like a bright star within your Heart. See how it responds to being here in the Dreamtime.

  You follow the Eagle even higher and see a bright light that is stronger than the sun, but it does not burn you. It is the Light of the Creator. Let the rays of light from the small star that is your soul within you touch the greater light. If you find that it is too intense, then it is okay to circle at a level where you are comfortable. Let yourself be open, for there will be so much that you will wish to express that has no words! Allow yourself to be in this radiance, which is made of divine love, profound wisdom, and infinite compassion. Do not be surprised if, when you try to see yourself, you have become pure light. After all, we are merely spirits having a human experience.

  You will know that it is time to return because you will feel completely satiated but not uncomfortably so. The Eagle whistles and calls you back. Follow this sacred bird back to the Fire of Your Heart. He gives you a blessing by fanning you with his wings. This helps secure the blessing of your journey into your body. Express the deep gratitude that is in you and fully return into your body. It might take you a little bit to be able to be completely back, so take your time and do not be in a rush to stand up. It is also very common that when you are working on the element of spirit, Sacred Ancestors or Sky Teachers will join you. If this is the case, then feel honored and take the time that they request to “sit” with them. Usually, they will gift you with advice so that you can learn how to integrate and better harness the energy of spirit. Spirit is the element that you can journey with to take a look at your other elements to see which ones need to be put back into alignment if you are unsure.

  If Sacred Ancestors and Sky Teachers join you, spend time with them. You are in the place of eternity. Let yourself feel healed if you are carrying sorrows; this is the place to feel what divine and Balanced Power should feel like.

  Honor the Element of Spirit

  Spirit is the easiest to honor of all. Since this element is of the Great Spirit, who is in all things and beyond all things, what you do in the name of the One and of the many is a way of honoring this element. Take time to meditate and pray. Acts of kindness and compassion for the greater good that are so needed in this world, so long as they come from a place of authenticity, will feed your soul, Balance the element of spirit within you, and help you evolve. Simple things like drumming, chanting, and playing a musical instrument are ways of expressing joy that do not have to always use words. Another way would be to sit peacefully and just be.

  When you are doing this, it is good to contemplate these questions: Do you know your greater purpose and are you willing to live it? Are you living authentically? Let your mind be silent. Allow your Heart and the element of spirit to respond. Ask that you be shown what you can do to grow in alignment with your greater purpose and with becoming who you were meant to be.


  • nine •

  Crafting Shamanic Tools

  Now that you know how to safely journey, have identified your personal Medicine, and have begun to interpret what your Guardians are trying to tell you, it is time to harness your creative abilities. Tapping into your creativity is a wonderful way to develop your personal Power and gain confidence and self-expression. A crafted sacred item also acts as a bridge between the spirit world and the physical world. It will help you directly channel Power that the object holds. For now, I will gently remind you that you are to create items only for yourself and not for another person.

  Everyday Items as Medicine

  Not all shamanic tools are drums and rattles. If you engage in a specific activity consistently for the greater good or the purpose of bringing good Medicine to the world, you can also turn the activity’s tools into sacred objects. Be aware that once you do this, these items should be strictly used for this purpose!

  One of my students crafts beautiful wooden items that have been “kissed by lightning” through channeling electricity. He has dedicated his workshop, power tools, and all the hand tools that he uses for this purpose back to Creator and bringing positive energy into this world. I have yet another student who is a drum maker and has done the same with all the tools and materials for crafting musical instruments for spiritual work. And I can think of still others, a family, who are very deeply connected with the Medicine of the plants and trees. They love to cultivate all kinds of vegetation. They have dedicated the soil, the plants, and all the items necessary to grow healthy plants back to Creator. They have noticed that the plants thrive vigorously and people respond positively because of the good Medicine.

  First Medicine Pouch: Your Ready Bag

  I would like to share with you an item that would be good for you to have. One of my teachers introduced me to this practice long ago, and I still follow it today. It is a type of Medicine bag that I have nicknamed a ready bag. The reason I call it a ready bag is because it is filled with things that at a moment’s notice I could give as proper offerings of gratitude to the spirits. It also can act as a portable personal altar of sorts, so you may meditate and connect more deeply with your Guardians no matter where you are.

  This Medicine pouch does not have to be big. Mine is small enough to fit into the side pocket of my drum bag. It is the quality of the offerings that counts, not the quantity! The bag should be made of a natural material such as leather or fabric. I know of several folks who made a small box made of wood. Within should be the accoutrements for smudging, such as a small bowl or shell, smudge, matches or a lighter, and a feather. Other offerings can be added, such as cornmeal and tobacco. You should also have an offering bowl and crystals or fetishes that honor your spiritual helpers. You may also personalize it by adding other crystals and items that have meaning and help you connect more deeply with your own Medicine.

  Create a Shamanic Tool for Your Practice

  Here is a method for creating a shamanic tool. There are some things you need to think about before you get started. An important one for you to reflect on is what purpose the tool is going to fulfill. Is this item going to be dedicated to a specific sacred spirit? What Medicine Power do you want it to hold? What exactly is the item you are crafting? After that, choose and gather the items, tools, elements, and any embellishments that you will use to create the item. You will also need to have an offering of gratitude that you will give back to the land. It can be cornmeal, natural tobacco, or a gift of beauty, such as a pretty stone or an honoring chant that you sing. Make sure that the workspace and whatever you selected is blessed in addition to yourself. Think carefully about which kingdom you would go to in order to bring back the Power to awaken the item.

  Place everything in front of you and prepare to journey. Walk into the Fire of Your Heart. Ask your Guardians to escort you to the kingdom that you will need to go to. Once you are there, focus with your Heart and your mind on what you are crafting and ask that an energy or spirit who would be willing to assist you make itself known. When it appears, give thanks for this kindness and present the offering of gratitude. Allow yourself to feel and connect with the sacred Power that is being gifted to you. You will know that you have received enough when either you are dismissed or you feel as if your Heart is full. Begin journeying back to carry this Medicine through the Fire of Your Heart. Remember, you are only to bring back the Power and not a spirit!

  Breathe the energy into the main body of the item that you are going to build. Say, for example, I am making a prayer feather. I would breathe the Medicine into the feather and anything else I have decided for sure is going to be a part of the finished product. While remaining connected to this energy, permit your creativity to flow through you. Allow the images, colors, and decorations to be an expression of what you have experienced in the spirit realm. Everything that you put upon your sacred tool has to have meaning! When you feel that you have completed it, focus and release the last of the energy into your creation. You are us
ing the Breath of the Creator that is within you to awaken the object because that is what turns it into a sacred shamanic tool. Seal the Medicine by bathing your sacred item in the smoke of smudge.

  If you find that you cannot finish crafting the object in one sitting, then cover your work in progress with a red cloth made of natural fabric. This includes all the tools and items that you are using. When you return, with the help of your Guardians, connect with the images and energies on the spirit side that came to you when you first journeyed. Channel this sacred energy until you are finished.

  Once an object becomes sacred, it must be cared for in a special manner. In my tradition, you should never touch the Medicine of another person unless they give you explicit permission to do so! You should follow the same rules for your own sacred tools. Once you are done using your shamanic item, it should be stored in a special place, such as your personal sanctuary. I will describe how to create a sanctuary in chapter 11. The reason we use the color red is because it represents the Breath and Fire of the Great Mystery. Wrapping your sacred tools insulates them from random energies in addition to keeping them physically protected.

  It is important that whatever you have created you use frequently. Your tools will hold the memory and energy of your lessons. The more you use them, the stronger the Power within them becomes! Sometimes, a shamanic tool can develop a personality. For example, I have two drums. My shield drum bears the symbol of my name. She is used for calling everyone to prayer, to hear the teachings, or to ceremonies. She is a diva and does not like being touched by anyone except me. My other drum is a sweat lodge drum. I use this drum for community ritual, and he has earned the nickname Smiley. This is because he loves everyone and enjoys being played by anyone. The joy of the spirits can be felt with every drumbeat when Smiley is used for ceremony.


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