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Mama’s Gone

Page 16

by Leopold Borstinski


  “For reasons that escape me, she wanted to take absolute revenge on the Markovs.”

  “From San Francisco?”

  “The same. She got Milton to put a crew together for a St Valentine‘s Day massacre. Good news is that even Milton, who‘s as craven as hell, knew it was wrong and dropped me a dime.”

  Alice sat and stared, mind racing, trying to process the implications of what Bobby just said. She had never heard of Mama be countermanded before. The idea of Milton and Bobby conspiring against Mama was shocking. The fact they felt they needed to do that was jaw-dropping.

  “We walked onto their turf and tried to muscle them out, right?”

  “More or less. There were poor choices on both sides which led to the bad blood. Didn‘t take long to resolve, which shows it wasn‘t that big a deal.”

  Alice accepted what he said but his response showed there were other situations not yet mentioned. Once he‘d filled in the gaps, Alice had her head in her hands.

  “This is the end.”

  He raised his eyebrows and sipped his beer.

  “Not for a long time, but we need to make changes. Mary Lou needs more of a rear seat role - whether or not she wants it.”

  “You‘re not talking about ousting her.”

  “Encourage her to take a more consultative role.”

  “Get her to step down, you mean.”

  Alice‘s words hung in the air and the two soaked in the idea that someone else must take over. Neither wanted to engage with what that meant or talk about what was to happen next. They sidestepped the whole topic for ten minutes as they lapsed back into general conversation.

  ALICE SPENT THE next day ruminating on her conversation with Bobby. They had discussed whether Bobby should run the business but he was insistent that he was not up for the job, claiming age and not wanting to tread on Mary Lou‘s toes. He was careful not to express an opinion who it should be even though there were only two contenders.

  Did his silence on the matter imply he was in favor of Frank? Bobby rarely had any desire to stand in the center of a family squabble. He always ensured he was in a different room whenever the twins argued as kids. This left Alice with a simple thought: how could she make her mark as the leader of the new family? She didn‘t entertain the notion Frank should run the show for even a second.

  Her analysis was quick and honest: Mama had worked out they needed to diversify and expand. The best way to grow was to form an alliance with another gang. A partnership forged out of strength would last the test of time because both parties would gain something significant from the other. The Lagotti family had large multi-state gaming and narcotics operations, and owned a string of call girl rings. They even had some stretch on the east coast and had the occasional Senator in their back pocket. These were assets other gangs would dream of having.

  Alice knew the family‘s weaknesses too. They had insufficient hired hands to attack new territories: San Francisco showed that to be all too painfully true. And they‘d been stumbling around desperate to find the Next Big Thing they could seize for their own but nothing had appeared on the horizon.

  Another issue was that their call girl operation hadn‘t moved with the times or expanded for as long as Alice could remember. Milton might be an old associate of Mama‘s but hadn‘t been pulling his weight. The Palace had always been a disgusting venue, but it was poorly managed too. Even Frank had worked out to split the Nugget into gambling and lap dancing.

  When Milton saw the parties were going off the boil, he should have converted the first floor into something else: lap dancing for sure, but a gentleman‘s club, maybe, to attract a better quality of john who‘d pay just for a cocktail with a whore on his knee, before he walking upstairs to pop a pill and fuck her.

  No matter. What they needed to do was find a partner: one who had muscle but little reach. Someone with the desire to grow but would cooperate and not just screw them over. Somebody with imagination. The interesting thing about the Markovs was that Nikolay still came to the table even though a nephew lay in the morgue. That showed he was serious about his business and believed the Lagottis could do him harm if the fighting had continued. These traits were what she was looking for although Alice was aware that many would see him as an enemy.

  ALICE REACHED OUT to Nikolay Markov, who agreed to meet for a coffee. He was surprised to receive a phone call from the Lagotti girl and was intrigued to know what she had to say. Her mother and stepfather had acted like mooks a few months ago but it never hurt to talk. Nikolay might have been aggressive when negotiating with Mary Lou and Bobby, but despite appearances his ego was under control.

  “Thank you for agreeing to meet up.”

  “I was surprised you called. Does your mother know what you are up to?”

  “I‘m not up to anything. The last time you met with members of my family, matters came to a head somewhat violently. Now the dust has settled, I thought we should at least have a conversation or two. There is an agreement operating in San Francisco.”

  “The truce is holding - for the time being. What makes you think there is anything to discuss?”

  “Our shared operations in...”

  Alice stumbled over the venue's name.

  “... the Red Stocking. You should do your homework better.”

  “The name is less important than the fact that profits are up ever since we worked together.”

  “True. We have all benefitted in the short-term. Doesn‘t mean the place will make money in a year or two.”

  “But I‘d like to think that if revenues were to go south, we‘d either figure out how to fix things or use our brains and shut it down.”

  Nikolay stirred the sugar he‘d dropped into his coffee. His eyes focused on his cup and then he stared at Alice without responding. He was keeping his cards close to his chest, but she expected him to play things cautiously.

  “I heard your men were fierce fighters. They handled themselves very effectively against us.”

  “Your people are Americans. They have grown soft over the generations since they stepped off the boats from Italy. My guys are fresh arrivals with the blood of Cossacks coursing through their veins. Of course they are tough. If they show any weakness then I kill them.”

  A HOLLOW CACKLE erupted from Nikolay and Alice did her best to echo his extraordinary good humor but all she could manage was the smallest of grimaces.

  “Once you‘ve been in this country a while, you learn that sometimes it is who you know that counts and not what caliber pistol you‘re holding.”

  “There are stories that you hold politicians in your pockets and I offer the utmost respect to you if those tall tales are true.”

  Now it was Alice‘s turn to stir her cup and stare at Nikolay. That was his first positive statement about her family the man had ever uttered. Almost as if he knew the direction she was taking the conversation and wanted to hustle her to the end point.

  “Work with people and you build up relationships that can last for decades.”

  “Your mother‘s achievements are well known. If we hadn‘t got off on such sour terms, I would have had the chance to find out more about her. These are the difficulties you face when blood is shed - not that my nephew was worth jack shit. I was concerned about the principle, not that sniveling piece of garbage. He came from my sister‘s loins, not mine.”

  Alice perceived a judder run along Nikolay‘s body as he mentioned his sibling. She almost felt a connection with him at that moment, but wondered if she had merely projected her own thoughts onto his actions.

  “Family life isn‘t always a bed of roses.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  Nikolay checked the time on his watch.

  “This has been a most pleasant exchange, but unless there is something specific to discuss then I need to make a move.”

  “I wanted to hear your thoughts on us working more closely together. Our tribes would benefit.”

  “You and

  “Our families.”

  She knew he‘d only asked her that to rattle her and she‘d almost fallen for his ruse, but she was a smart cookie.

  “If there are particular opportunities then I‘m happy to consider them, but on similar terms to the Red Stocking.”

  “That deal was agreed to create a ceasefire. What I‘m suggesting is a long-term partnership so we would split profits equally and fairly. That stops resentments building up, which lead to perceived sleights and loss of life. Successful businesses should be about making money, not killing people.”

  “I understand you might not want the Stocking as a basis for future considerations, but one thing is not negotiable: I would always be in charge. No woman has ever told me what to do and it ain‘t gonna happen now.”

  ALICE CONTINUED TO mull over each of Nikolay‘s words two days later when Sam made a rare appearance on the west coast. Despite telling herself how much she needed Sam in her life, Alice hadn‘t noticed her absence as much as she thought she would. There was only that time when Mama cracked before her eyes that Alice yearned for her lover.

  In bed entwined with Sam‘s body, Alice wondered the extent she could trust Nikolay and whether a man - like Bobby, say - might thrash out a better deal, just to play off Nikolay‘s prejudices. Also, she needed to work out what he would need to be offered to give up control over any new operation.

  Her musings were interrupted by Sam‘s fingers and tongue which were busy toying with her erogenous zones. She relaxed into the experience and spent the next hour fondling and fucking until both she and Sam were exhausted. With her head still within licking distance of Sam‘s bush, Alice asked herself what other options did she have? Bobby was too old, Frank was too much and Milton was too incompetent.

  “If you‘re going to hang around down there, do something useful, dear.”

  Sam‘s admonishment shook Alice back to reality. The Markov dynasty must wait at least until the morning. While Sam was in her bed, she should make best use of that succulent body. Thirty minutes later, Sam was asleep and Alice carried on ruminating on Nikolay Markov.


  ALICE AWOKE WITH the shock of finding Sam between her legs and the pleasure of all that implied. Later, Alice got out of bed to make them both a coffee. Sam stepped onto the balcony and had a smoke. When Alice returned, she popped the coffees down and lingered on Sam‘s silhouette. That woman still turned her on and her stomach butterflies flew around in a circle while she gazed at the beauty in front of her. She soaked in that long back and visible spine, those calves and up to Sam‘s curvy ass.

  At this point, Sam looked over her shoulder and saw Alice staring. In response, she sashayed into the bedroom like a catwalk model, hands on hips, walked up to Alice and planted a kiss on her lips. Their bodies were so close, Alice imagined she could feel every part of Sam‘s body against hers. Every touch. Ev-e-ry hair.

  They returned to bed and fooled around until the coffees went cold. Then they fooled around some more.

  “I gotta go.”

  “Huh? Weren't you staying until tomorrow morning?”

  “No can do, honey. I‘ve got to go into work this weekend. I‘m sure I told you. There‘s a major client meeting on Monday and a heap of preparation to do.”

  “You never said...”

  Alice saw zero point in hiding her disappointment because she wanted to be with Sam and when they met, she didn‘t get the vibe her feelings were reciprocated. Sure, Sam flew across the country to see her but she always seemed to itch to go home. This morning was a typical example.

  “Do you like being with me?”

  “Don‘t start this again, honey.”

  “But do you, because I love the time we spend together.”

  “Good times, yeah.”

  “Only good. Nothing more?”

  “I‘ve told you over and over again, it‘s great with you but the rest of my life is in Boston.”

  “The company is headquartered there so you need to be in the center of things. I get all that, but what if I set you up with your own practise here?”

  “In Malibu?”

  “Anywhere in California. San Francisco, LA. You tell me.”

  Sam stopped stuffing her possessions into her travel bag.

  “You‘d be willing to do that for me?”

  “So we could be together... more.”

  “Are there strings attached? Sounds as though you‘d only support my business if I carried on sleeping with you. Makes me sound like you want to be my pimp.”

  “What? No. I mean that if your work is the only barrier to being together, I can sort that out. A business deal is just that: business. What you and I have outside the office would be separate. Do I want us to get even closer now? Yes. Will living on the same side of the country help? Yes it should. Do you want to do that? I have no idea.”

  Sam sat on the bed and held Alice‘s hand.

  “That‘s a fabulous offer, honey. Really. But I need to go away and think about it. You see, the truth is I don‘t know how I feel about any of this. Of course, I love our being together. The sex is amazing and you are truly great company but I don't know what I want of my life. Until then I can‘t answer your questions because I don‘t know any answers.”

  “I understand but I still must know. Take your time, but if you don‘t want us to carry on, be honest and say so. Don‘t leave me hanging.”

  A tear dripped out of Alice‘s left eye and splashed onto Sam‘s hand. They hugged until the redness around Alice‘s pupils had faded. After, they lay down and fucked again. When Alice was resting, eyelids closed, Sam kissed her again and slunk out of the apartment.

  ALICE STAYED IN bed the rest of the morning. She spent the first hour replaying her conversation with Sam. By the end of that time she had no greater insight into what Sam wanted or would do than when she started analyzing the thing to death. So she moved onto Nikolay Markov.

  He was open to some form of alliance but he couldn‘t bring himself to cut a sensible deal with a woman. Yet. Alice needed to create the opportunity for him to work with her so he could judge her based on her deeds and not his prejudices. The trick would be to find something he wanted which would be an easy give-up for him so she could get her foot in the door. One thing was certain: nothing about the Red Stocking deal should be on the table.

  ANOTHER DAY, ANOTHER cup of coffee. Alice and Nikolay sipped and covered as much small talk they could both stomach. Alice kicked off proceedings by thanking him for meeting up again. She knew how to manipulate male egos.

  “I‘ve been thinking about our last chat and have a suggestion I‘m hoping you‘ll find of interest.”

  “There had to be some proposal otherwise why meet up. Unless you wanted an excuse to see me again.”

  “That‘s right. But as we‘re here, I‘ll explain about my idea, anyway.”

  Nikolay half-smiled and sat forward in his seat.

  “We discussed how your men are so effective and I was wondering if you‘d be interested in a simple trade. Six of your fellas for either hard cash or narcotics.”

  “I don‘t need your drugs.”

  “That‘s fine. Our product is cheaper and better quality, but that‘s your choice. How about the green?”

  “My men aren‘t cattle to be bought and sold.”

  “Nope. They provide a useful service and I am proposing to pay you for them to render that service to me. With one addition: I pay you an extra amount upfront so that if things work out, after twelve months they move over to my wage bill. If it doesn‘t pan out, no harm, no foul and you pocket the money I‘ve already given you. The end.”

  “I underestimated you, young lady.”

  “You‘re not the first.”

  ALICE STAYED OVERNIGHT in Fog City as she‘d agreed to continue the discussion with Nikolay the following evening over dinner. He picked an ordinary looking pasta joint in the Tenderloin district, near to the Red Stocking. She arrived in the neighborhood sixty minutes ear
ly because the venue was in the heart of his territory and she wanted check the area out. She had no desire to let herself get kidnapped - or worse.

  There was nothing out of the ordinary about the restaurant, the surrounding buildings or any of the people who came and left in the thirty minutes before their scheduled appointment. Nikolay arrived a little over fifteen minutes early while Alice made him wait until the allotted hour.

  As she headed for their table, Nikolay stood up and Alice offered her hand which he took and leaned in to kiss her on both cheeks, European style. The Old Country remained inside him despite being so many miles away. He pulled the chair out for her to sit down - ever the gentleman and quite the reversal of his gruff exterior the previous day.

  They ordered food and light conversation ensued. Nikolay came across as an earnest figure surrounded by hordes who wanted to knock him off his perch. His situation wasn‘t that much different from the Lagottis. Only he had a Russian accent and Mama had a Southern drawl, even after all these years away from the Confederacy.

  DESSERT WAS SERVED and all she had achieved was to massage Nikolay‘s ego and in return he‘d paid her several compliments about her dress, her hair and other aspects of her appearance. Business hadn‘t been mentioned and Alice was getting impatient.

  “Have you considered my proposal?”

  “Yes I have. While the terms are well structured, I wonder why you have need of Russian muscle. What ruse are you planning that you wish to exclude me from?”

  “Good question, Nikolay. It‘s thinking like that which makes you an attractive business partner.”


  “You want me to lift my skirt before you‘ve said whether you‘re in the game. That‘s not how I operate. Show me you want to work with me and we can share in the profit together. If you don‘t pay into the ante, you don‘t get the right to look at my cards.”


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