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Hope's First Christmas (Brie's Submission Book 19)

Page 4

by Red Phoenix

  She giggled, excited at the prospect of Shadow and Cayenne mating again. “You are about to make two cats very happy.”

  “Let’s not even go there.”

  “When do you want me to bring Shadow over?”

  “The sooner the better. Cayenne is desperate.” Brie could hear the cat’s trilling meows in the background.

  On the drive over, Brie kept smiling at Shadow. “All your patience has finally paid off, proud papa. You are about to meet up with your beautiful woman again, and I’ve been told she’s been missing you something fierce.”

  When Brie arrived at the house, Shadow instantly perked up as if he could already smell that Cayenne was in heat.

  The cat stared at the door intently as she walked up to his house. Master Anderson opened it before she even had a chance to ring the doorbell.

  The bullwhip master stared at Shadow, his eyes narrowing with distrust. The cat’s gaze was equally intense as he twitched his tail back and forth.

  “I can’t believe I’m really doing this…” Master Anderson muttered to Brie.

  Cayenne’s desperate meow came from somewhere inside the house and Shadow instantly responded, squirming in Brie’s arms, wanting to join her.

  “Looks like love is in the air,” Brie exclaimed happily.

  He grimaced. “That’s one way to put it.”

  Master Anderson led Brie to the room he had designated for their reunion. The moment he opened the door, Shadow leaped out of Brie’s arms and headed straight to Cayenne.

  She ran to him, the two touching noses before she meowed, prostrating herself on the floor and rolling her hips side to side.

  “Way more than I need to see,” Master Anderson stated, shutting the door hurriedly. “Let’s go out back before I completely lose it.”

  He headed to the back door and escorted Brie out, shutting the door. “I cannot begin to explain how difficult this is for me.”

  Brie grinned at him. “It’s a part of nature.”

  Master Anderson groaned. “It is a hard thing to accept when she’s your own.”

  “Said every father in the world.”

  “I suppose,” he said, laughing. “If those two didn’t make such cute kittens, I wouldn’t be able to handle what that black bastard is doing to my Cayenne right now.”

  She found it amusing that he felt that way. “Really, it’s no different than any sub who submits to your bullwhip. They willingly accept the pain because it brings them pleasure.”

  He grunted. “So, you are comparing me to the cat now?”

  “Yes. You are both gentlemen who take care of their women.”

  Master Anderson huffed, looking at the door worriedly.

  “And, since you’ve invited Shadow to mate with her, you’re going to have to start calling him by his given name. ‘Black bastard’ is no longer an option.”

  He gave Brie a chagrined look and stared at his watch. “Do you think it’s been long enough?”

  “I’m sure. Cats are pretty quick.”

  Master Anderson headed back in.

  “Could Shadow see his children before we leave?” Brie asked as she followed behind him.

  Master Anderson chuckled. “I suppose he’s entitled to it.”

  Brie opened the door and found Cayenne licking Shadow.

  “See, Master Anderson? She loves him.”

  He frowned. “I suppose it’s possible.”

  But the moment Cayenne started to make that trilling meow again and flattened herself to the floor, Master Anderson barked, “Why don’t you take him to see his kids? Pronto!”

  Brie picked up the huge black cat who let out a mournful meow as she carried him out of the room. Master Anderson quickly shut the door behind her.

  “I know you’re sad, Shadow,” Brie told him, “but we have a wonderful surprise for you.”

  Master Anderson opened the door to the old guest bedroom, which he’d transformed into a cat sanctuary. It had an attached, screened-in pen with cat ramps, cat cubbies, and multiple scratching posts outside with an entrance through a plastic flap in the window.

  As soon as Brie set Shadow on the floor, the calico ran up to greet him. The big black Tomcat started purring loudly.

  “They’ve missed each other,” Brie exclaimed joyfully.

  Master Anderson looked down at the little calico with tenderness. “I ended up calling this one Paprika.”

  “Oh, that’s an adorable name for her,” Brie cooed. “Tell me all their names.”

  He pointed to a slim black cat that was approaching Shadow. “That there is Chipotle. He’s got a real sense of humor. And that cute little orange tabby sitting on the window ledge is Nutmeg. She’s a shy little thing.”

  “Peppercorn is heading in right now. He’s all kinds of curious,” Master Anderson said proudly as Brie watched the black cat push his way through the plastic flap. As soon as he spotted Shadow, the cat jumped down and ran to him.

  Master Anderson walked over to the window and lifted the flap up. “Hey, Ghost Pepper and Saffron, your ‘daddy’ has come for a visit.”

  Brie peeked out to see the other female tabby and a large black cat who looked a lot like Shadow except for his blue eyes.

  “So, he’s Ghost Pepper, huh?”

  “I call him Ghost for short.”

  When the big cat entered the window, Brie called out. “Hey, Ghost! I can’t believe how much you’ve grown since I saw you last.”

  He glanced in Brie’s direction and jumped down, heading toward her. He rubbed his cheek against her leg, purring loudly.

  “Consider yourself claimed,” Anderson chuckled.

  “You don’t have any issues with Ghost even though he looks so much like his father?”

  He looked down at the black cat fondly. “Nah, Ghost and I are best buds. He likes watching me practice the bullwhip. The others run away when I start cracking the whip due to the harsh sound, but he seems fascinated by the bullwhip.”

  “How interesting…”

  Brie wondered if Ghost had inherited Shadow’s intelligence as well as his looks, as she watched him slowly stroll over to greet his father.

  “Funny thing. I recently went through my closet in this room and you’ll never guess what I came across.”

  She smiled. “I haven’t a clue.”

  Master Anderson opened the closet door and pulled something out of a suit jacket hanging there. “You wouldn’t have any idea where this might have come from?”

  Brie squeaked when she saw it. “Oh my goodness!” It was one of the whoopee cushions.

  “How many did you end up hiding in my house that night? I still come across them in the oddest places.”

  She burst out in giggles. “I think Rytsar bought like fifty.”

  Master Anderson shook his head. “Such an odd man…”

  “Were you surprised?” Brie asked, grinning.

  “Hell, yeah, but I never understood why there were six of them in my washing machine.”

  Brie blushed. “You came home too soon. I didn’t know where else to put them.”

  Master Anderson laughed. “So, I caught you red-handed but I just didn’t know it.”

  “Yes! Did you like our little prank?”

  “Oh, it was special, darlin’. Especially the night Shey came over and sat on the couch opposite of the one I normally use. You should have seen her red face when that whoopee let loose.”

  “Poor Shey!” Brie giggled.

  “Naturally, she was embarrassed and thought I had set it out for her. It wasn’t until I showed her the massive amount of whoopee cushions I had collected around the house that she finally believed I wasn’t the culprit.”

  “Sorry about that, Master Anderson. Why didn’t you ever confront us about it?”

  He smiled charmingly. “Do you know the best way to get back at a prankster?”

  She shook her head.

  “You pretend nothing happened and they can’t ask you about it without outing themselves—that gives you t

he final laugh.”

  “You are an evil genius.”

  “I am the master of practical jokes. Never forget that, young Brie,” he said with a wink.

  Brie and Sir, along with Hope and Shadow, headed over to see the new kittens as soon as Sir finished for the night.

  “This is so exciting,” Brie exclaimed.

  Sir smiled, keeping his eyes on the road. “I can’t believe my friend is now the owner of nine cats.”

  “Oh, he’s planning to give them away,” she assured him.

  “He’s giving one to Shey, who practically lives at his house as it is. Do you really see him giving up the other kitten?”

  “No, Sir, actually I can’t,” she laughed.

  When they arrived, Brie exclaimed with joy. “Oh, look, Hope, Master Anderson’s house is all lit up for Christmas.”

  “I can guarantee you that Shey had something to do with that,” Sir said, taking Hope out of her car seat.

  Brie walked up Master Anderson’s walkway with Shadow in her arms, thoroughly charmed by all the twinkling Christmas lights. “It reminds me of my old neighborhood.”

  When Sir pressed the doorbell, “Jingle Bells” started to play.

  “Oh, Lord,” Sir muttered under his breath.

  “That’s adorable,” Brie giggled.

  Master Anderson answered the door with a huge grin on his face. “Are you ready to meet my Christmas kittens?”

  “Did we really have a choice?” Sir joked.

  “Of course, you did. You could choose to come of your own volition or wait until I hogtied you and brought you myself.”

  Sir smirked. “I thought as much.”

  “What’s with all the Christmas decorations this year?” Brie asked as she walked inside and saw a beautiful Christmas tree by the fireplace.

  “Shey reminded me of how much I liked the holiday growing up. I’d kind of forgotten that over the years. But, enough about the decorations. Come meet the new members of the family.”

  Sir raised his eyebrow as he looked at Brie. It did seem Master Anderson had already claimed them in his heart.

  Cayenne and her two newborns were lying in a large cat bed next to the tree.

  Brie knelt down on the floor to let Shadow go. He immediately joined Cayenne in the bed, settling down behind her, and began licking her fur.

  “Oh, Shadow,” Brie cooed in delight. “You two made two adorable tortoise shells, one with a pink nose and one with a black one. How cute is that?”

  Master Anderson looked down at them like a proud papa. “They’re damn cute, if I do say so myself.”

  Brie looked up at him. “Have you decided which one you are giving Shey?”

  “I have,” he stated with a grin. “What’s better than one kitten?”

  “Two!” Brie giggled, looking up at Sir who was shaking his head.

  “What?” Master Anderson asked, elbowing Sir in the ribs.

  “I told Brie you were keeping them.”

  “No, I’m giving both to Shey. Not the same thing at all.”


  “It’s all about sharing the love of Christmas, man.”

  Brie looked down at the tiny kittens nestled against their mother with Shadow resting against Cayenne, his purrs filling the room.

  These little Christmas kittens were a tiny miracle…

  Brie smiled at Shadow, her heart bursting with joy.

  Kinky Eve

  Kinky Eve was a new event happening at the Submissive Training Center the night before Christmas Eve, and Brie was sad that Rytsar would not be attending the celebrations.

  Sir, Marquis, and Faelan had organized a huge holiday-themed BDSM extravaganza as a charity event.

  Stephanie Conner, the young woman who headed Rytsar’s Tatianna Legacy Center which served women rescued from sexual slavery, had been invited to accept the check.

  The timing was unfortunate, however, because Rytsar had left a day earlier for Russia to visit Vlad’s two-year-old son. Brie understood the importance of his trip, but she knew that she and all the submissives in attendance would deeply miss his presence.

  Sir had been secretive about the event itself, leading Brie to speculate on what the three were planning.

  The fact that they were holding it at the Training Center had her imagination running wild. Would it be a bunch of demonstrations to watch and enjoy while they ate a formal holiday dinner? Or, would it be a free-for-all where they would be allowed to use any room in the entire Center however they wanted? There was also the chance that the sole purpose was to invite the vanilla community in to mingle with them in a casual setting.

  With the possibilities being limitless, and those three men at the helm, whatever it was would be extraordinary.

  “How should I dress for tonight?” Brie asked, hoping to get a hint about the night’s events.

  “I would recommend the gown hanging in your closet.”

  Brie raced to her closet to find a long dark green dress, sparkly heels, and a sexy panty and bra set covered in candy canes and lace waiting for her.

  “Thank you, Sir!” she cried as she immediately stripped out of her clothes and slipped on the panty set.

  “The festive underwear is for me to enjoy later,” he said seductively.

  Based on his comment, Brie narrowed it down to a holiday dinner in the commons area of the school or a vanilla dinner to benefit the charity. Nobody came to the Center dressed up in formal clothing if they were planning to scene.

  As Brie slipped on the flattering gown, she told Sir, “I can’t tell you how excited I am that we are gathering at the Training Center. It will be such fun to celebrate the holidays with our friends.”

  “I agree, babygirl,” he replied, straightening his red tie before buttoning up his black jacket. Looking at his watch, Sir said, “We’ll be heading out soon to drop Hope off at my aunt and uncle’s before we head to the Center.”

  “I won’t be long,” she assured him as he left.

  Brie hurried to finish getting ready, taking one last look in the mirror, before leaving to grab Hope’s overnight bag.

  She headed out the door behind Sir, curious what the night would hold.

  Brie could hardly contain herself when they pulled up to the Training Center an hour later. “Every time I come here, I remember that first day and how nervous I felt when I walked into that building.”

  Sir held out his hand, helping Brie out of the car. “Are you ready to discover what lies inside?”

  “As much now as I was then, Master,” she answered as he held out his arm to her and escorted her inside.

  Rachael Dunningham, the first person Brie met on that first day of class, greeted them as they headed toward the elevator. “Merry Christmas, Sir Davis and Mrs. Davis.”

  “The same to you, Miss Dunningham.”

  “Aren’t you going to join us downstairs?” Brie asked, sad at the thought of Rachael being stuck upstairs greeting guests while everyone else enjoyed the party below.

  “I appreciate you thinking of me, Mrs. Davis, but there’s no need to worry. Several of us volunteered to take shifts so no one misses out on the festivities.”

  “I’m so glad to hear that. I would love to spend time catching up with you after your shift is done.”

  Rachael glanced at Sir and smiled. “We’ll see if there’s time for that.”

  Brie took both her hands and squeezed them, promising, “I will make sure there’s time.”

  Rachael nodded, smiling graciously. “I’ll see you downstairs then.”

  Brie waved to her as the elevator doors opened and she stepped inside with Sir. Brie could hardly contain herself as the elevator headed down.

  When the doors opened, Brie let out a gasp.

  The commons had been transformed into a winter scene with blue and silver cloth cascading from the ceiling and down over the walls while sparkling snowflakes hung from ceiling and twinkling pine trees lined the outer walls. In the back was a giant gold chair uphols
tered in red velvet with a large sack sitting beside it.

  Elaborately decorated dining tables filled the center of the commons area, leading Brie to believe that she was right about the formal dinner.

  “A charity dinner?” she asked Sir.

  “Not exactly,” Sir stated, stepping out of the elevator.

  Two submissives dressed as sexy Christmas elves walked up to them.

  “Is everything in place?” Sir asked them.

  “I’m pleased to report that Santa has been working us elves very hard. You’ll find everything as you wanted, Sir Davis.”

  “Good,” he replied, sounding pleased.

  Brie looked around at the beautiful decorations and stated. “I actually expected there would be a performance or a demonstration tonight.”

  “What would be the fun in that?” Faelan asked, coming up behind them.

  Brie turned to see that his girlfriend, Kylie, was with him. She wore a royal blue dress, which perfectly matched the color of the eyepatch Faelan was wearing.

  “Don’t you two look stylish?” Brie said in admiration.

  “I love getting dressed up for fancy occasions,” Kylie confessed.

  “And, I love undressing you,” Faelan told her with a sly grin.

  Brie found their easy relationship endearing.

  “So, is this purely a holiday dinner with kinky friends?” Brie pressed Faelan.

  He laughed. “Do you really think we would be that lame?”

  Sir looked at Faelan and said, “I haven’t told her a thing.”

  “Ahh…well, you are in for a surprise, then.” Faelan winked at her.

  “Do you know?” Brie asked Kylie.

  She shook her head. “No. I think all of us submissives are in the dark about it.”

  Faelan wrapped his arm around Kylie’s waist. “It was the only way to surprise all of you.”

  She grinned at him. “Well, I can’t complain because I love surprises.”

  “I do too,” Brie agreed, laughing. “I just don’t have the patience to wait for them.”

  The elevator doors opened and Marquis walked out with Celestia beside him. She wore a silver gown that complemented Marquis’ classic tux.

  Marquis approached them wearing a rare smile. “I have great expectations for tonight.”


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