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Hope's First Christmas (Brie's Submission Book 19)

Page 10

by Red Phoenix

  She pouted. “It does to me, Sir!”

  “There’s only one thing I want to eat for Christmas.”

  Brie blushed, grinning at him. “You can’t live on pussy alone, Sir.”

  “Watch me.”

  She broke out in giggles.

  Sir looked down at his watch. “And, right now, I’m in the mood for an afternoon snack.”

  When he held out his hand to her, Brie took it eagerly.

  He led her to his secret playroom calling out the secret code that opened the door.

  Sweeping her up into his arms, Sir carried her into the playroom and placed her on the binding table.

  He stripped off her panties, then buckled the leather cuffs around her wrists and smiled lustfully as he spread her legs wide. With a glint in his eye, he left her for a moment. When Sir returned, he was wearing the motorcycle gloves that Rytsar had given him.

  “Don’t move,” he commanded in a tone that made her insides quiver as he ran his hand over her pussy.

  He continued to pet her, the feel of the leather adding a friction she hadn’t experienced before, and she liked it—a lot.

  “I have always found your pussy exquisite. That inviting mound…” He ran his gloved hand over it. “The soft folds…” His fingers traced them lightly. “Your wet inner lips…” He spread them apart. “And that sensitive clit that begs for my attention…” Sir rubbed it slowly, teasing her.

  “All of it inviting me to taste, lick, and suck.”

  Sir settled down between her legs and smiled at her as he took a slow, long lick.

  Brie whimpered, loving the feel of his tongue on her clit.

  Spreading her legs wider, he teased her with his tongue and soon had Brie moaning with glorious need. Because of her bound wrists, she was forced to lay there and simply enjoy his talented mouth.

  When he began licking and sucking with greater intensity, her thighs started to quiver. She was so close…

  Brie heard the doorbell ring and froze. “Do we pretend we’re not home, Master?”

  Sir looked up from between her legs.

  Her heart stopped when she heard the pounding on the door and her father’s voice. “Brianna, don’t leave us standing here. We’ve come a long way.”

  “It’s my dad!” she cried in panic.

  Sir stood up slowly, wiping his mouth before he unbound her wrists. “Slip on your panties, lock this door, freshen up, and join me,” he commanded calmly as he took off the gloves and laid them on the table.

  Brie jumped down from the table, struggling to get her panties on in her harried state. She heard Sir answer the door and her parents’ voices as he invited them in.

  What are my parents doing here?

  She called out the code and the door slowly closed. She then ran to reapply her makeup and brush out her hair while her poor pussy continued to throb with need.

  Taking a deep breath, she opened the bedroom door and walked out. “Mom! Dad!”

  “About time you came out to greet us,” her father scolded.

  “Brie was up early this morning and I suggested she take a nap,” Sir explained.

  Her father opened his arms to her. “Well, my tuckered little girl, come to Daddy.” Brie grinned as she walked up and he enfolded her in his arms. “Merry Christmas.”

  “Merry Christmas, Daddy.”

  Brie turned to her mother next. “This is such an amazing surprise!”

  “Thane wanted you to have your family here for Christmas.”

  Brie glanced over at Sir. “You knew they were coming?”

  “I got the text when they landed.” He smirked, subtly wiping his mouth. “But I was hoping for a little more time…so you could rest.”

  Brie blushed.

  “Are you feeling okay, sweetheart?” her mother asked with concern.

  She smiled reassuringly. “I have never felt better, Mom, and look…” She pointed to the nativity set on the coffee table.

  “Aww!” Her mother walked over to it. “It looks just perfect there.” She turned back to Brie with tears in her eyes. “I’m so happy.”

  “Don’t start, Marcy,” her father ordered.

  “She’s been a sentimental mess this year,” he explained to Sir.

  “No harm in that,” Sir replied.

  “So, where’s my granddaughter, Brianna?” her father demanded.

  “Sorry, Daddy. We just put her down for a nap. She won’t be up for another hour at least.”

  “Just enough time to get everything started for dinner,” her mother announced.

  Brie frowned. “Unfortunately, I forgot to defrost the turkey. We won’t be having much.”

  “Not to worry, babygirl,” Sir assured her. “Unc has been up since five cooking a turkey.”

  “They’re coming over, too?”

  “I knew you wanted to have a holiday meal with family.”

  Brie ran to him and hugged him. “It will be wonderful to have a full table for Christmas.”

  The doorbell rang again.

  Brie looked back at Sir excitedly as she walked over to open it.


  Giggling immediately followed.

  Lea handed her a bowl.

  “What’s this?”

  “Green bean casserole. It’s not Christmas without it.”

  Brie carried the bowl into the kitchen, telling her mom, “Look what Lea brought. That’s one less thing we have to make.”

  Soon after, the doorbell rang again. Brie didn’t have to guess who it was because Rytsar yelled, “Let me in, radost moya.”

  Running to the door, she flung it open to see Rytsar carrying a large basket.

  “What’s this?” she asked smelling fresh-baked bread when he handed it to her.

  “Maxim and I tried our hand at my mother’s piroshkis.” He looked back at Maxim, who was holding several gifts in his hands. “We did her proud, didn’t we?”

  Maxim nodded.

  “I can’t wait to try them!” Brie exclaimed, inviting them both in.

  Brie watched with joy as Rytsar took one of the gifts Maxim was holding and gave it to her father. Her father actually smiled.

  True to his word, Rytsar was slowly winning his way into her father’s heart, like the good dyadya he was.

  When the doorbell rang again, Brie heard Hope start to cry.

  “I’ll get her,” Brie’s mother insisted as she headed up the stairs.

  Brie opened the door and let out a surprised gasp. “Tono and Autumn!”

  Tono’s smile warmed her heart. “Merry Christmas, Mrs. Davis.”

  Brie grabbed both their hands and pulled them inside. “This is such a wonderful surprise. Thank you for coming.”

  “Since I can’t be with my own family this Christmas, there is no other place I would rather be,” Autumn told her as she handed Brie a platter.

  “And, what did you bring?” Brie asked.

  Autumn grinned. “Tono and I made gyoza. We can pan fry them for an appetizer or with the meal.”

  “I’ll put them in the fridge for the meal. How does that sound?”


  Brie walked them over to her parents, who were busy fawning over Hope.

  It felt wonderful to have a full house at Christmas. Brie looked at Sir, touched that he’d done this for her.

  Apparently, it was about to get a little fuller because she heard the doorbell again.

  Expecting Sir’s aunt and uncle, Brie was shocked to see Ms. Clark. “Merry Christmas, Ms. Clark.”

  She nodded curtly. “Happy holidays, Mrs. Davis.”

  Brie was a little surprised that Sir had invited the Domme but greeted her warmly. “Won’t you please come in?”

  “I’ve brought the required addition to the meal,” she said, handing Brie a heavy dish. “I hope you like ham.”

  “Christmas isn’t Christmas without it,” Brie declared. “Let me put this in the oven to keep warm and I’ll introduce you to my parents.”

  As Bri

e put the dish in the kitchen, she watched Rytsar’s reaction when Ms. Clark entered the room. He stared at the Domme and gave her a friendly nod when their eyes met.

  Glancing at Sir, Brie saw that he was observing them, as well. However, he wore a relaxed expression. She assumed he must have spoken to Rytsar about it beforehand.

  When the doorbell rang again, Brie hurried to the door wanting to give the Reynolds a big hug. Instead, she found Mary standing all alone with a dish in her hands.

  “Wow, Mary, I sure didn’t expect to see you. Come in, come in!”

  As she passed by Brie, Mary said, “Greg is socializing with all of his business associates today. I couldn’t stomach it and thought I would take Sir Davis up on his offer for a meal.”

  “Well, I’m happy you did,” Brie said, giving her a hard squeeze.

  Mary handed off her dish to Brie, saying, “I brought toasted Brie. I thought it was fitting after our Kinky Eve event.”

  “I love this!”

  Brie grinned as she headed to the kitchen to show her mother Mary’s dish.

  “What a wonderful group of friends you have,” her mom said, looking at the house crowded with people.

  “I really do, Mom.”

  “When I think of you coming to LA on your own and working at that little tobacco shop to make ends meet while you took your college classes, it’s amazing to see how far you’ve come.”

  Brie glanced at Sir, who was talking with Autumn and Tono. “It’s all because of him.”

  “No, honey. It’s because you never let anything stop you.” She put her hands on Brie’s cheeks. “I’m so proud of you, my dear, sweet daughter. You’ve exceeded everything I ever hoped for you.”

  Brie smiled, looking at her mother tenderly. “You gave me the foundation to do it.”

  “And you ran with it. Boy, did you run with it.” She kissed Brie on the cheek and then fussed, “I’d better get to peeling more potatoes. You’ve got a full house here.”

  Lea offered to help Brie set the table. “Wow, this is amazing, girlfriend. I was dreading spending Christmas alone because my parents headed off to New York to spend the holidays with my dad’s family.”

  “I’m so tickled I get to share Christmas with you.”

  Looking at the gathering, Lea said, “I’m surprised Master Anderson isn’t here. Is he running late?”

  Brie answered her as she set the forks and knives. “Since Shey isn’t here, his family flew down to spend Christmas with him.”

  “Damn, that’s so sweet of them.”

  “Isn’t it? I haven’t met his family yet, but I hope to while they’re here.”

  When the doorbell rang again, Sir held out his hand to Brie. Together, they answered the door.

  “Merry Christmas!” Brie cried when she saw the Reynolds.

  “We’re happy you made it safely, Unc,” Sir said, taking the giant foiled pan from him.

  “Handle that with care, Thane. I put a lot of love into that turkey.”

  “Will do, Unc.”

  “Brie, can you help me with these pies?”

  Brie laughed as she took the giant container from Judy. “How many pies do you have in here?”

  “I wasn’t sure what everyone wanted so I made pumpkin, apple, pecan, and cherry.”

  “You definitely covered all the bases.” Brie grinned.

  “You can never have too much pie!” Judy exclaimed. “Now, I have to run back to the car to get the stuffing and gravy, as well as all the fixings for the pies.”

  Brie called out, “I’ll meet you by the refrigerator.”

  Returning to the kitchen, Brie was amazed at how efficiently her mother was running it. With such a large space, there was plenty of room for everyone to prepare for the meal.

  “I love this kitchen, honey,” her mom told her. “It’s so elegant and spacious.”

  “Isn’t it perfect for the holidays?” Brie agreed.

  Sir’s uncle, Jack, called out to everyone. “Come see this magnificent bird before we start carving it.”

  Everyone gathered to watch, admiring the perfect golden brown color he’d gotten on the turkey. Jack held up the knife to give to Sir. “Would you like to do the honors?”

  Sir waved his hand. “No, Unc. The honor should be yours. You’re the one who got up at the crack of dawn to cook it.”

  “Very well,” his uncle said with a smile, winking at Brie.

  While Mr. Reynolds entertained the crowd with his carving skills, Brie helped carry all the food to the table. With twelve guests for dinner, the table was overflowing with food, just the way Brie had always imagined it.

  “Please, come sit,” she called to everyone. “Dinner is ready.”

  Sir sat at the head of the table with Brie to his left. Rytsar insisted on holding Hope during the meal and sat beside Brie. Her parents sat beside Rytsar with Sir’s aunt and uncle sitting across from Brie. Tono and Autumn sat beside them with Lea at the far end next to Ms. Clark. Ms. Clark chose to sit at the opposite end from Sir with Mary beside her.

  A full table in every sense of the word.

  “Oh, wait,” Brie said, popping out of her seat. She hurried to the kitchen and hit play, setting Alonzo’s Christmas album on a low level. She wanted him to be a part of their first Christmas meal together as a family.

  Sir nodded to her as she sat down.

  Addressing their guests, Sir said, “We want to thank you for being here with us today. Each of you has played a significant role in our lives and we are grateful to share this day and meal with you.”

  Smiling at Jack, Sir informed them, “I have asked my uncle to say a blessing before we begin.”

  Sir sat down and took Brie’s hand. Alonzo’s violin played softly in the background as everyone joined hands. Bowing her head, Brie listened as Mr. Reynolds prayed.

  “Heavenly Father, we ask that you bless this bounty before us and the people gathered here. We are honored to celebrate with Thane, Brie, and Hope on this special day. May the bonds between us grow stronger with every Christmas that passes and may the joy of the season remain in our hearts all through the year. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.”

  Brie smiled as she repeated, “Amen.” She looked over at Sir, her heart full of love.

  “Let’s eat!” Rytsar declared.

  People chuckled before digging in, filling their plates with the wonderful food everyone had brought.

  Rytsar cut a pickle in half and asked Brie, “Shall we see what moye solntse thinks of my favorite food?”


  Brie watched with amusement as he brought the dill pickle to Hope’s mouth. She opened her lips hungrily but when she bit down, she got a shocked look on her face and pulled away, crinkling her face as she shuddered.

  Everyone laughed.

  “Is it too sour for you, Hope?” Brie’s father asked her.

  In answer, Hope opened her lips and eagerly took another taste, exhibiting the exact same reaction.

  “Moye solntse likes it,” Rytsar declared proudly, kissing the top of her head.

  Brie took Sir’s hand under the table and squeezed it. This was everything she had hoped for and more. She struggled not to get teary as she watched her friends and family talking and laughing at their table.

  And then Rytsar did something truly extraordinary.

  Near the end of the meal, the mood in the room had become relaxed and intimate. After taking a shot of vodka, Rytsar handed Hope to Brie and turned his attention on Ms. Clark. “I have something to say…”

  The room fell silent as everyone’s gaze landed on him.

  “You have been living a lie.”

  Rolling her shoulders back and steeling herself for his wrath, she said, “Okay.”

  “Samantha, it doesn’t matter who you used to be. That is in the past. You are not your mistakes. You are not your wounds—or mine. You have the power to decide who you are today, right now, and every moment that follows. Stop living in the past. I command it.”
br />   He stood up from the table.

  “From this day forward, with every breath you take, you will act in a way that supports the best you that you are capable of being. You are not less than anymore, Samantha. You are enough.”

  Brie felt chills on hearing his pronouncement.

  Samantha stared at him, saying nothing, her breath coming in rapid gasps.

  “Agreed,” Sir stated, looking directly at her.

  The silence in the room grew more profound as the power behind Rytsar’s words sank in.

  Finally, Ms. Clark bowed her head slightly. “Thank you, Anton.”

  Rytsar nodded and sat down.

  Everyone stared at Rytsar in stunned silence.

  Uncomfortable with the attention, he took Hope back from Brie and declared, “Make merry!”

  But Brie couldn’t take her eyes off him.

  Of all the gifts that had been given today, his was the most selfless and powerful.

  Rumble in the Hills

  After Sir had successfully completed his motorcycle class, he asked Brie to join him on his first ride with Rytsar through the hills just outside LA. With Brie’s parents staying at their house for the remainder of the holiday week, it left her free to join him.

  “You better drive safe,” her father warned Sir. “You not only have my only daughter on the back of that motorbike but the young mother of my granddaughter. I don’t want anything happening to her. You hear me?”

  “Dad—” Brie started to protest, but Sir stopped her.

  “I assure you that I will be vigilant. My entire life is invested in my wife.”

  Sir’s answer seemed to appease her father, but Brie could see the concern in her mother’s eyes.

  “Don’t worry, Mom,” Brie told her. “Sir is an excellent driver and Rytsar will be with us during the entire ride.”

  “It’s just…motorcycles,” she whimpered, looking at the bike as if it was a dangerous weapon.

  Brie chuckled. “It’s going to be fine, Mom and, when I get back, I’ll tell you all about it.”

  Her mother squeezed Hope closer to her. “Just be safe, sweetheart.”

  Brie kissed her cheek and gave Hope a tender kiss on the forehead. “We will.”

  Equipped with a helmet, leather jacket, and pants, Brie felt fully protected as she climbed onto Sir’s sexy Harley and sat behind him.


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