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Jacob's Joy: Men of Crooked Bend Book 9

Page 9

by Taylor Rylan

  “He’s something else, isn’t he?”

  “Yeah, he is. I’m so glad you agreed to do the donation because I think two is perfect and I’m happy with the boys we have. Is that okay?” I asked. I watched Jacob, hoping to catch a glimpse of his true feelings. I saw relief, and that actually made me happy.

  “Yeah, that’s perfect. I love the boys—both of them. But I agree. Two is enough, and as it is, I have a feeling that in a few years we’re going to have our hands more than full.”

  I nodded in agreement because I knew it was true. Our hands were already full with Mack most days. Wait a few years and see where Colt was at three, and yeah, we were probably going to be in trouble.

  I took Jacob’s coffee from him when he held it out to me so he could put Colt up on his shoulder to burp him. Colt let out a quiet burp as I set the coffee on the nightstand. I chuckled, but that quickly turned into a smile when I looked at our son. He was most definitely milk drunk because he had that look about him.

  I walked around the bed, and after I set my own coffee mug on my nightstand, I pulled the bottom mattress out of the bassinet and put a clean waterproof liner and then a sheet on it. I was behind on my tasks, but I caught up quick enough. By the time I finished, Jacob was snuggling with Colt, something I’d seen him do on many occasions.

  “If you want, you can take him,” Jacob said, but I shook my head. I was content to simply watch the two of them snuggling together on the bed.

  “I’m good. You look content.”

  “I am. But let me rephrase. If you take him and put him in his bassinet for me, I’ll see about getting you out of those sleep pants you’re wearing,” Jacob said with heated eyes. Oh yeah, I could most certainly go for some of that, so I quickly rounded the bed and carefully took our son from my husband’s arms. Once Colt was in a clean sleep sack, I gently placed him in the bassinet, and when I turned to look at Jacob, he was already out of his pants and slowly stroking his own half-hard cock.

  “Umm, did you start without me, Sheriff?” I pulled my shirt over my head and pushed my pants down my legs before I crawled onto the bed and right over to Jacob. I pushed his hand away and replaced it with my mouth and heard a hiss from above me.

  “Shit. Fuck. Damn that feels…mmm,” Jacob said as I rolled his balls in my hand. I blindly reached for the blanket but gave up and pulled off his cock and sat up.

  “Hey, why’d you stop?”

  “Lie down,” I told Jacob as I grabbed the blanket. You never knew when Mack would wake up and wander into our room. Even though I’d closed the door, I hadn’t locked it, and Mack was quite capable of opening doors. Jacob scooted down on the bed, and I pulled the covers up to cover myself. Giving my husband a morning blow job wasn’t exactly something I wanted our toddler to see.

  “Mmm, yeah, you know jussss….” Jacob stopped as I ran a spit-soaked finger down his crack and probed at his entrance. “Fuck, sweetheart, here.”

  I was smacked in the side of the head by the bottle of lube that Jacob had retrieved from under the pillow. I guess that answered my question of just how far he wanted to take things this morning. I quickly opened the bottle and squirted a generous amount on my fingers and then let some drip down Jacob’s balls.

  I sucked his now-hard dick back into my mouth while I slowly massaged his opening. It had been almost a week since we’d done anything, and I knew I’d need to take things slowly, but I also knew we were pushing our luck with how much longer Mack would stay asleep. One finger quickly became two and I didn’t want to push it too fast, but when Jacob told me three, I added a third.

  “You gotta stop sucking, or I’m going to explode already.”

  I looked up Jacob’s body and swirled my tongue around the head of his dick when he looked down at me. When I gently pressed my finger on his prostate, he groaned just before I felt his channel clamp down on my fingers and his dick swelled before my mouth was filled with come.

  “Fuck,” Jacob said as I greedily swallowed his release. It had definitely been too long, but when you were parents to a toddler and newborn, stolen moments were sometimes all you got.

  “Dada, poo!” Mack said from the doorway as Jacob’s cock spurted one last time into my mouth. Well, fuck. There was no way I was getting sexy time this morning. I quickly pulled off Jacob’s cock and lay down beside him, hoping Mack wouldn’t realize I was under the blankets that were just barely covering Jacob’s now rapidly softening dick.

  “Papa, go poo,” Mack said from right beside us. Shit, he was in the bedroom now.

  “Okay, buddy. Let’s get you cleaned up,” Jacob said, and when he stuck his hand under the blankets, I realized he was looking for the sleep pants I was on top of. “I’ll be right there. Go on to the bathroom, bud.”

  When I heard Mack walk off, Jacob threw the blankets back and grabbed for the pants I was holding out.

  “Fuck. I’m sorry, sweetheart. That’s not how I saw that happening. I owe you—big-time—and I promise I’ll return the favor very soon,” Jacob said as he stood up and quickly pulled on his sleep pants.

  He was gone before I even got a kiss, and I groaned in frustration. I looked down at my dick, which was at half-mast, but I ignored it and instead got up out of bed. Morgan would be here soon enough and Colt had his five-day checkup at nine. It was time to get ready to face the day.

  I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth before I brushed and pulled my hair back into a low ponytail. It was just easier with everything going on, and I didn’t want to deal with it today. Once that was finished, I walked back into the room and quickly got dressed. Jacob came back in as I was pulling a button-down shirt on.

  “Hey. You upset?”

  “No. Just getting ready for the day. I figured since Mack is up, I’d be waiting until at least tonight since Morgan will be here until five. I love you, but there is absolutely no way I’m having any kind of sex with you while our nanny is in the house with us,” I told Jacob. He smiled, causing me to stop and stare at him. That wasn’t a normal smile. No. That was one of pure mischief.

  “What makes you think it’ll be while we’re in the house?” Jacob asked as he walked off to the closet. I could do nothing but stare at his back. Well shit. That changed things, didn’t it?

  Jacob — 11

  I felt like compete shit. That wasn’t how I intended the morning to go at all. No, I was going to be the one taking care of Isaac. He more than deserved all kinds of pampering, and not only had I shot off quickly, but then we were interrupted by Mack.

  I was already spinning ideas as to how and when I could repay Isaac for his selflessness, and I had a plan, but when I came out of the closet with my shirt on, he wasn’t in the bedroom any longer. A quick peek in the bathroom let me know he wasn’t there either, so he must have gone downstairs with Mack. I went in and cleaned up as lube wasn’t exactly something you wanted to leave in certain areas.

  After I washed my hands, I peeked into the bassinet and discovered that Isaac had Colt with him as well. Well hell. Not only had he been left hanging, he was now downstairs with both kids. I pushed my sleep pants off and tossed them toward the bed before I walked over to the dresser and pulled out a pair of briefs. Once I had them and a clean pair of jeans on, I grabbed socks and boots and took off for the stairs.

  I was halfway down before I remembered my coffee, so I turned back to get it. I saw Isaac’s coffee mug on his nightstand as well, so I took the time to pull on my socks and boots so I could carry both mugs downstairs. With both mugs in hand, I once again started for the stairs, only to remember my phone. Shit. Fuck. If this was how my day was going to go, I wanted a do-over already.

  I looked for Isaac’s phone but didn’t see it, so once mine was in my pocket, I picked up the coffee mugs and headed for the stairs, yet again. It seemed that the third time was a charm because I actually made it down the steps that time. I was greeted by Ivan and Nanuk at the bottom of the stairs, both of their tails wagging happily.

  “Hey, gu
ys. Where’s Isaac? Huh? Where is he?” I asked the dogs. They both spun in circles and took off to the living room where they picked up their rope toy and started tugging on it.

  I found Isaac in the kitchen, making Mack breakfast. Mack was in his high chair, eating the fruity cereal that we’d switched out with his horse cereal he’d thrown a fit over. I frowned when I saw Isaac’s hair. I preferred it loose, but it wasn’t mine to deal with. I set the coffee mugs on the counter and walked over to the stove where Isaac was.

  “You okay?” I asked as I wrapped my arms around his waist and put my chin on his shoulder.

  “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because your husband left you hanging this morning? That honestly wasn’t my intention.”

  “I know. Don’t worry about it. It’s most likely not going to be the last time one of us doesn’t get over the finish line. We are parents to two kids, you know.”

  “Yes, I’m aware of that. Speaking of kids. I take it Colt is down here with you?”

  “Yeah. I put him in his bassinet in the living room. He fussed a little, but he quickly went back to sleep.”

  I looked toward the living room, worried about the dogs play fighting with their toy, but they’d abandoned it and were now both lying in front of the fireplace and were chewing on their bones.

  “Do you want me to start a fire?”

  “If you want. The high is supposed to be low fifties today, and it helps keep that room warm.”

  I kissed the side of Isaac’s neck and gave his stomach a squeeze before I left to take care of the fire. It was mid-April, but it still got down to below freezing at night.

  I glanced at Colt, who was sound asleep. I moved the grate from the fireplace, and in no time, I had the fire going. Once it was blazing, I replaced the grate, locking it in place on both sides. It was good to have an architect in the family. Especially when you had a toddler and a fireplace. Although, Mack pretty much left the fireplace alone, which was something to be thankful for.

  With one last gaze at Colt, I went back to the kitchen to help my husband. He was plating eggs as I entered, and I had to smile.

  “Mack’s on an egg kick I see.”

  “Apparently. There are worse things, and at least he’s still eating other food with them. But lately, he always wants eggs.”

  “We should pick some more up while we’re in town today, then. I’d hate for him to want eggs one night and us not have any.” I walked over to the fridge and wrote eggs on the shopping list we’d need to take care of soon.

  “Do you think it’s okay? I mean, Colt is only five days old. Should we be taking him out to the supermarket yet?”

  I shrugged, unsure if we should or shouldn’t. I couldn’t remember when Heath and Marie had started taking their kids out and about.

  “Well, we’re going to be at the doctor’s office. We can always ask her.”

  “Oh, that’s a good idea. Did you want eggs?” Isaac asked as he carried the plate over to the freezer.

  “Dada, no! Want eggs.”

  “Buddy, they’re hot. They need to cool first, okay? How about toast. You want yours?”

  Mack nodded, so I carried it over to him after spotting it on the counter.

  “Fank oo.”

  “You’re welcome, bud. Is that good?”

  Mack nodded again while taking a large bite of the buttery goodness. I turned just as Isaac was pulling the plate of eggs out of the freezer. Once those were in front of Mack, he abandoned the toast for the fluffy yellow bites.

  “Eggs aren’t necessary, no. I’m happy with a bowl of cereal. And I can make breakfast if you want. Is there something you would like?” I asked as I gave Isaac’s ponytail a gentle tug.

  “Hmm, I can think of so many things I’d like. But I’ll settle for eggs, toast, and sausage.”

  “Do we have sausage?”

  “There’s some in the freezer, yes. It’s those precooked patties, but they’re really good if you reheat them in a skillet,” Isaac said, walking back to the freezer. He opened it and pulled out a bag full of sausage patties. Well damn. If I’d known we had those, I would have eaten them already.

  “Oh, I like those ones,” I said as I walked over to my husband. I once again wrapped my arms around his waist and placed my chin on his shoulder. “I love you. You know that, right?”

  “What a silly question. Of course I know it. Are you okay? You’re acting a little weird,” Isaac said as he turned in my arms.

  “I’m fine. I do feel like sh…crap about this morning though. That honestly wasn’t my intention. Sit down and enjoy some coffee. I’ll fix breakfast.”

  “I don’t mind. Really.”

  “I know you don’t. But I want to take care of you, so please sit down and relax?” I asked. I ran a finger down the side of Isaac’s face and watched the indecision there leave. Isaac nodded and then did as I’d asked. It made me feel good to be able to do something so simple as make breakfast for him. Especially since I was usually in too big of a hurry and left the door with a hasty kiss and a travel mug of coffee.

  “How do you want your eggs this morning?” I asked as I placed sausage patties in a clean skillet.

  “Scrambled is fine. You sure you don’t want help?”

  I peered at Isaac over my shoulder and shook my head at him. He shrugged before picking up his coffee and taking a sip. I quickly cracked eggs into a bowl, and in no time I had the eggs cooking in the skillet beside the sausages. I dropped bread in the toaster, and when I glanced at Isaac, he was quietly talking to Mack.

  In under ten minutes, I had both plates filled with food and carried Isaac’s to the table before I went back for the carafe of coffee. I stopped to get the creamer on the way from the fridge and carried both to the table and set them down next to Isaac.

  “Thank you. I could have helped though.”

  I gazed down at Isaac and smiled while tucking a finger under his chin to keep his eyes on mine. “I know. But I want to take care of you. Let me?”

  My husband smiled and nodded at me. I watched him refill his coffee, and then I went to retrieve my own plate of food and coffee mug.

  “Papa, toast,” Mack said quietly. When I looked at his tray, he only had a few colorful circles of cereal left.

  “Did you want more, bud?” I asked as I held out a slice of my toast. Mack nodded before reaching for it.

  “Fank oo.”

  “You’re welcome,” I told him as I sat down to eat my own breakfast.

  “You didn’t have to do that. I could have given him a slice of mine.”

  “True. But he asked me and I don’t mind. I can make more easily enough. Eat your eggs before they get cold,” I told Isaac as I started forking my own eggs into my mouth. They were warm and fluffy, just how I liked them.

  By the time we’d eaten, cleaned up Mack, loaded the dishes in the dishwasher, and finished our coffees while Mack ran around the living room with the dogs, there was a knock on the door. I glanced at the time. It was too early for Morgan, wasn’t it?

  “Hey, Jacob. I know I’m early, but Peter had something to do for Boone, so I just decided to come on over. I hope that’s okay?”

  “Of course it is,” I told her as I stepped back from the door to let her inside. She was only thirty minutes early, and we’d always stressed to her that her hours were flexible.

  “Oh hey, Morgan,” Isaac said as he walked over to the door.

  “Morg! Morg! Baby! Morg, come see baby!”

  We all chuckled as Mack came running over once he’d heard Morgan’s voice. It was a very good thing that he was so taken with his nanny. Isaac and I watched as Morgan let Mack pull her into the living room and over to the bassinet where hopefully our newborn was still sleeping. With the volume level Mack was currently using, you just never knew.

  We heard Morgan laugh as Mack tugged on her hand. It really was cute to watch. We knew our toddler was in very good hands, so Isaac and I went back to the kitchen to finis
h getting things ready.

  “You packed extra diapers in the bag?” I asked. We both knew to be prepared because you never knew how many diapers you’d end up needed while on an outing with a child.

  “Yes. Onesies and sleepers as well.”

  “What about wipes? We haven’t used any out of the diaper bag yet, right? So there’s a full pack?”

  Isaac gave me a questioning look, so I went searching and discovered that yes, there was an unopened pack of baby wipes in the diaper bag. There was also travel-sized lotion and powder as well.

  “Okay, so formula. We need to add some of those ready-made bottles to the list. Unless we figure out how to get the bottles with the correct water in them and we can just add the powder,” I said as I searched through the bag.

  “Do either of you mind if I hold the baby?” Morgan asked from the other side of the island.

  “Crud. No, of course not. I’m sorry we didn’t really introduce you,” Isaac said. I watched them walk over to where Colt was sleeping, but Morgan said something before she walked off in the direction of the bathroom.

  I added three bottles with ready-made formula to the diaper bag before I finished double-checking it. Once I felt it was sufficiently packed, I zipped it up and carried it over to the bench beside the door that led to the garage. When I made it back to the living room, Isaac and Morgan were standing in front of the couch while Morgan held our youngest son.

  We were very fortunate that one of the ranch hands had a wife who loved children but wasn’t quite ready for her own just yet and was more than willing to watch Mack for us. It was going to be an adjustment when Isaac and I went back to work, but we had several more weeks until then.

  “Are you about ready to head to the appointment?” I asked Isaac as I walked up to them. I looked over at Mack, who was now lying on the floor, using Ivan as a pillow and absently petting Nanuk while he watched Mickey Mouse. That kid. Some days, he had me laughing so hard I cried. Others…well, yeah, others were a test in patience.

  “Already?” Isaac asked before looking at the clock on the wall. He glanced back at Morgan before looking at the clock again.


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