Guerrilla Warfare

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by Walter Laqueur

  Chu Teh, 244-246, 255, 256

  Clausel, Bertrand, 33, 34

  Clausewitz, Karl von, 18; lectures on "small war," 110; on specific assignments for guerrillas, 111; on surprise attacks, 111; on use of artillery, 111

  Cleaver, Eldridge, 356, 357

  Clutterbuck, Richard, 289

  Collins, Michael, 180, 343

  Colombia, 342; guerrilla warfare in, 315, 316, 319

  colonialism, 69, 200, 201; guerrilla resistance to, 69, 77, 78, 186, 290, 309-311

  colonial war, in Spanish Morocco, 184

  colonial wars of Great Britain: Afghan wars, 76; Indian Mutiny, 76; Maori wars, 77; second Sikh war, 76; Zulu wars, 76, 77. See also Great Britain; names o f individual countries

  Communism, Chinese, 239

  Communist guerrilla doctrine, 369-373; Soviet and Chinese policies, 370

  Communist guerrilla movements, 238

  Congo, 310, 311, 387, 404

  Connolly, James, 177, 178

  Conselheiro, Antonio, 59, 60, 61

  Cottereau brothers (Chouan), 25

  counterinsurgency, 122, 392; doctrine of "modern warfare" and, 374; in Russia, 165; theories of, 378-380; in United States, 376, 377

  Cowpens, Battle of, 21, 22

  Cristinos, 62. See also Spain; Carlist wars

  Cuba, guerrilla war in, 58, 59

  Cuban Revolution, 379, 329, 330, 332, 337, 338, 339. 371, 379, 380; banditry in, 301; guerrilla warfare in, 299, 300, 301, 302; revolutionary romanticism in, 335, 336; rural guerrillaism, 333, 334; terrorism, 344, 401

  Cyprus, 368,379; EOKA, 368,369; guerrilla warfare in, 278, 309; terrorism in, 278

  Czechoslovakia: guerrilla units in, 221; Slovak revolt, 220

  Dalloz, Pierre, 229

  Daun, Leopold von, 14

  Davydov, Denis, 44, 47, 126, 397; partisan warfare against Napoleon, 45, 46

  Debray, Régis, 327, 329, 333, 384, 406; approach changed, 340; criticized by Latin American Communists, 338; La Critique des Armes, 340; guerrilla doctrine of, 331, 332; Revolution in the Revolution, 328

  Decker, General von, 114, 115

  de Gaulle, Charles, 294, 298; supported independence for Algeria, 294

  Deir Yassin massacre, 281

  de la Rey, Jacobus Hercules, 89, 90

  Demosthenes, 5

  Dening, B. C., 200

  Denmark, 150; resistance to Hitler, 204

  Devaureix, Α., study of guerrilla warfare by, 119-121

  de Wet, Christiaan Rudolph, 89-92. See also Boer War

  Dhofar Liberation Front, 308

  Diaz, Juan Martin (the Empecinado), 30, 31, 34, 35; in Carlist wars, 38, 39; destroyed robber band, 36; Marx on, 142

  Díaz, Porfirio, 57, 190, 192

  Didouche, Mourad, 296

  Dien Bien Phu, 267-269. See also France, Vietnam and

  Djilas (Yugoslav partisan), 216

  Dorokhov (Russian partisan, 1812), 48

  Duguesclin, Bertrand, use of guerrilla tactics by, 13

  Dutch War of Independence, 13

  East Africa: guerrilla warfare in, 154-159, 383

  Easter Rising of 1916 (Ireland), 178, 179

  Ehrhardt, Arthur, 199

  eighteenth century; guerrilla doctrine in, 384; guerrilla warfare in, 382

  Emmerich, Andreas, 104; advice on guerrilla warfare, 104, 105

  Empecinado, the. See Díaz, Juan Martin

  Engels, Friedrich, 143; on guerrilla warfare, 142, 144, 145; on Indian Mutiny, 144; on insurrection, 141, 145

  EOKA (Ethniki Organosis Kypriakou Agoniston), 368, 369, 385

  Eremenko, Stepan, 48

  Eritrea, 310, 387

  Eritrean Liberation Front (ELF), 307, 308

  Ermolov, General, 47, 72

  Espoz y Mina, Francisco. See Mina, Francisco Espoz y

  Espoz y Mina, Xavier. See Mina, Xavier Espoz y

  Ethiopia; Eritrean Liberation Front (ELF), 307, 308; support for ELF in Arab world, 308; terrorist campaign, 307, 308

  Eugen, Prince, 14

  Europe: guerrilla warfare in, 62-69. See also individual names of countries

  Ewald, Johann von, 104, 105, 106

  Fabius Cunctator, 7

  Fanon, Frantz, 358; analysis of anticolonial struggle, 328; ideology of, 358, 359. See also Africa

  Fatah, al-, 303, 304, 385; aims of, 365; military models for, 364; strategic doctrine of, 364; violence and, 364

  feudal warfare, 12

  Figner (Russian partisan, 1812), 46, 48

  Fizur (Turkish general, 15th century), 15

  FLQ. See Front de Libération de Québec

  Forge, Yves, 229

  Forrest, Nathan Bedford, 81, 83

  Fra Diavolo (Michele Pezza), 97, 98

  France: Algerian War of Independence, 294-299; clash between Gaullists and Communists in, 206; Communists in, 228; failure of Communist resistance movement, 238; Gaullists, 228; German occupation of, 228; guerrilla warfare in, 228; Maquis, 204, 228, 229; sabotage in, 230; Spanish War against, 29; theories of counterinsurgency in, 374, 375; Vietnam and, 262, 266

  Francheschi, General, 37. See also Peninsular War; Mendietta, Jean de

  Franco, Francisco: and Spanish Civil War, 197, 198; and war in Spanish Morocco, 185, 186

  Franco-Prussian War, 51, 85, 142; guerrilla warfare in, 83-88, 143

  franc tireur. See Franco-Prussian War

  Frederick II (Frederick the Great), 14

  Freikorps, 166; against Bolsheviks, 166; against French occupiers, 167; Nazi Party and, 168, 169; against Poles and Spartacists, 166; politics of, 166; opposition to Weimar Republic, 168; radicalism of, 168, 169

  Freycinet, Charles Louis, 84. See also Franco-Prussian War

  Front de Libération de Québec, 322

  Galba, Servicius Sulpicius, 8

  Gambetta, Léon, 84. See also Franco-Prussian War

  Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 67, 68, 95; lack of popular support for, 68, 69; social composition of "Thousand," 398; use of propaganda and indoctrination by, 68

  Geneva Conventions of 1949, 391

  Gentilini, Enrico, 134

  geographical milieu: and guerrilla warfare, 393, 394

  German Peasant War, 14

  Germany: Baader-Meinhof gang, 324, 353, 354; failure to take Moscow, 208: Freikorps, 166-169; guerrillas against Nazis, 202-237; Polish resistance to Nazis, 222-224; role of women in guerrilla movements in, 398; Slovak revolt against Nazis, 220, 221; treatment of Slavic peoples during World War II, 208; use of Russian collaborators, 209; Yugoslav revolt against Nazis, 216

  Gershelman, Fyodor, 127

  Giap, Vo Nguyen, 262, 265, 268

  Gneisenau, August Neithardt von, 112

  Golain, Lieutenant-Colonel (leader of Slovak rising), 220

  Gomez, Camilo, 37

  Gómez, Máximo, 58, 302

  Gomez, Miguel. See also Carlist wars

  Grandmaison, Lieutenant-Colonel (small warfare theorist), 102

  Great Britain: "Angry Brigade," 322; attitude toward guerrilla warfare, 377; colonialism, 121, 123-125; colonial wars of, 76, 77, 186, 290, 309-311; and Palestine, 280, 282. See also names of individual countries

  Greece, 371, 383; contribution to allied war effort, 227; guerrilla activities in, 227, 228, 278, 279; internal strife in guerrilla movements, 404; Italian occupation of, 227; near-success of Communists in, 238; resistance to Axis powers, 226; terrorism in, 401

  Greek Civil War, 282, 286; Communist guerrillas in, 283; defeat of Communists, 284, 285; revitalization of Greek army, 284

  Greek military history, guerrilla tactics in, 5

  Greek War of Independence, 63, 65; banditry in, 64; guerrilla tactics in, 63

  Grigoriev (leader of anti-Bolshevik Cossack irregulars), 162

  Grivas, George, 309, 310, 368, 369, 397, 401

  Guerrilla doctrine: Communist, 369; Cuban, 335; in Latin America, 340; Marxist-Leninist tradition, 326, 327, 333; of Che Guevara, 330, 331

  guerrilla leaders: mentioned in Bible, 3; in Peninsula
r War, 30-39. See also names of individual countries

  guerrilla tactics: in Boer War, 89, 90; first mentioned, 3; in Greek military history, 5; in Greek War of Independence, 63; in Hundred Years' War, 13; in Melanesia, 3; in New Guinea, 3; in peasant uprising in Middle Ages, 13; in Poland, 132; predating recorded history, 3; in Roman military history, 5-7; in World War I, 152

  guerrilla warfare, 150; and agrarian unrest, 379, 380, 388; in American Civil War, 79-83; in the American War of Independence, 382; in Algeria, 284-299; in Arabia, 383; and banditry, 93, 94, 96; Bloch's discussion of, 99; in Bolivia, 317; in Burma, 293; in Caucasus, 70, 72-74; causes for the proliferation of, 235; in China, 240, 242, 246; in Colombia, 315; colonialism and, 150, 405; Communist parties in, 369-373; in Cuba, 58, 59, 299; in Cyprus, 309; in East Africa, 383; economic development and, 395; in eighteenth century, 382; in Europe, 62-69; Fascism and, 152; in Franco-Prussian War, 83-88; future of, 404, 409; geography and, 235, 393, 394; in Greece, 279; in Guinea-Bissau, 362; against Hitler, 202-237; impact of new technology on, 153, 154; in Indonesia, 278; and internal strife, 404; in Iraq, 307; Italian authors on, 130-135; in Italy, 133, 134; in Korea, 294; in Latin America, 59, 60; laws of war, 391; leadership, 396, 397; in Malaya, 287-289; Marxist-Leninism, 385; in Mexican Civil War, 383; in Middle Ages, 12; in Middle East, 309; military coups and, 408; in modern conditions, 199; and modern technology, 200; nationalism and, 380, 381, 396; national wars and, 150; new developments in character of, 385; in nineteenth century, 51, 52, 382; in North Africa, 70-72; and Palestinians, 364; in Peru,

  317; in Philippines, 278, 287, 291; in Poland, 66, 67, 135; Polish authors on, 135-138; political impact of, 204; in Portuguese colonies, 310; preceded by incubation period, 392; propaganda and, 400; psychological factors in, 235; and radical politics, 130, 131; reasons for success, 402; and revolutionary uprisings, 150, 250; Russian authors on, 127; in Russian Civil War, 151,383; sadism in, 399; social composition in, 398; in Spain, 7, 31; techniques and organizational forms of, 401; theories of, 386-393; three species of, 395; tradition of, 394; in Turkey, 309; in twentieth century, 152; in Uruguay, 315; in Venezuela, 315, 338; in Vietnam, 240, 262-277; World War I, 383; during World War II, 203-214, 233, 234, 383; in Yugoslavia, 214, 215. See also terrorism; names of individual countries

  Guevara, Ernesto (Che), 315, 328, 329, 336, 384, 397; and belief in primacy of armed struggle, 332; guerrilla doctrine of, 330,331; Episodes of the Revolutionary War, 301; La Guerra de Guerrillas (handbook of guerrilla warfare), 330, 334; Guerra de Guerrillas: un Método (article), 330; on stages of guerrilla war, 334, 335; writings of, 327

  Guibet (military writer), 108

  Guildford, Battle of, 22

  Guillȩn, Abraham, 197, 329, 344-346.

  Guinea-Bissau, 312, 361, 372; guerrilla warfare in, 362

  Habash, George, 366

  Hagana (anti-British Jewish resistance group), 280-282

  Hague Convention, 391

  Haiduks ("robbers"), 17

  Hamza (Turkish general, 15th century), 15

  Hannibal, 7

  Haspinger (Tyrolean priest), 44

  Hawatme, Naif, 366

  Haymarket Square riot, 148

  Heraud, Javier, 329

  Hidalgo y Costilla, Miguel, 56

  Himmler, Heinrich, 213

  Hitler, Adolf, 223, 235, 237; exaggerated reports of resistance to, 202, 204; guerrilla resistance to, 202-237; objections to Russian volunteers, 209

  Hoche, Louis Lazare, 24, 28, 29. See also Vendean revolt

  Ho Chi Minh, 384; article on "revolutionary guerrilla methods," 176; background of, 263; guerrilla strategy of, 241. See also Vietnam

  Hochkirch, Austrian victory at, 14

  Hocine, Ait Ahmed, 296

  Hofer, Andreas, 41-44

  Hoffman, Max, 200

  Holden, Roberto, 312

  Holland, resistance to Hitler, 204

  Ho Lung, 245

  Hron, C., 129

  Huerta, Adolfe de la, 193

  Huerta, Victoriano, 191

  Hundred Years' War, guerrilla tactics in, 13

  Huns, 12

  Husseini, Amin el-, 187

  imperialist expansion, 69; in Russia, 69; in United States, 69

  IMRO (Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization), 182; in Bulgaria and Yugoslavia, 183, 184; corruption of, 183; factionalism in, 184; guerrilla tactics of, 183; internal strife in, 404

  India, 288; guerrilla warfare in, 293; independence, 286; Naxalite revolt in, 293, 294

  Indian mutiny, 76; Engels on, 144

  Indian wars, in United States, 78, 79

  Indochina, 267, 273, 376, 379; guerrilla warfare in, 176, 177. See also Cambodia; France; Laos; United States; Vietnam

  Indonesia, 368; guerrilla warfare in, 278, 286; Madium rebellion, 287; United Nations and, 287

  Insurrection οf St. Sava, 16

  Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization. See IMRO.

  IRA (Irish Republican Army), 178, 180, 182, 324, 385, 398; aid from United States to, 181; in Irish Free State, 181; and nationalism, 181; and Nazi Germany, 181; official, 322; provisional, 322, 323; social composition of, 298; terrorism in, 180, 181; in Ulster, 180. See also Ireland

  Iran: agrarian reform in, 308, 309; guer-

  rilla warfare in, 308; Kurdish rebellion in, 307

  Iraq: Kurdish rebellion, 307; Pesh Merga and, 307

  Ireland: Civil War in, 404; Clan-naGael, 178; Easter Rising of 1916, 178, 179; Fenians in, 178, 179; IRA, 178 -182, 322-324, 398; Sinn Fein Republicans in, 179; struggle for independence in, 178; urban insurrection in, 179; World War I and, 179

  Irish Republican Army. See IRA

  Irish volunteers. See IRA

  Israel, 363; Arab rebellion in, 401; al-Fatah, 306; guerrilla warfare in, 303-307; Palestinian attacks against, 303; and Six Days' War, 303; terrorism against, 304, 305

  Italy, 67, 69, 231; Communists in, 232; failure of Communist resistance movement in, 238; first Italian Legion and, 68; geography of, 231; guerrilla warfare in, 133, 230; March of the Thousand, 68; radical politics, 131-135; resistance to Hitler, 204; resistance to Napoleon, 96, 97; surrender in World War II, 216

  IZL (Irgun Zuai Leumi), 280-282, 385

  Jackson, George, 357

  Jacquerie, the, 14

  Jaguncos, See Conselheiro, Antonio

  Japan, 241; efforts of Huks against, 287; URA, 322, 323; and war with China, 252, 253

  Jelowicki, Α., 136

  Jewish war against the Romans, 4

  John of Gischala, 4

  Johnson, Adam R., 83

  Jomini, Henri, 109

  Jordan, 304, 366

  Juarez, Benito Pablo, 57. See also Mexico

  Judas Maccabaeus, 4

  Kalmykov (ataman of Ussuri Cossacks), 161

  Kamienski, Η.Μ., 136, 137

  Kardelj (Yugoslav partisan), 216

  Kassem, Izzed Din, 187

  Kaukji, Fawzi, 188

  Kazi Mulla, 72. See also guerrilla warfare, in Caucasus

  Kellermann, Frangois Christophe, 24

  Kennedy, John F., 271

  Kenya: Kikutu tribe, 311; Mau Mau uprising, 278, 279, 311, 313, 385

  Khider, Mohammed, 296, 297

  Khmer Rouge, 267, 272

  Klembovski, Victor Napoleonovitch, 127, 128

  Klephts ("robbers"), 17, 64

  Koloktronis (Klepht leader), 18, 64, 65

  Komorowski, Bor, 202

  Korea: guerrilla warfare in, 294; role of women in guerrilla movements, 398

  Korfanty, Adalbert Wojciech, 167

  Kosciuszko, Tadeusz, 65, 135, 136

  Kovpak, Sidor, 207, 211

  Kowaru, Tito, 77

  Krim, Belkacem, 296

  Krushchev, Nikita, 211

  Kurdistan, fighting in, 303, 307

  Kutuzov, Mikhail Ilarionovich, 44

  Lamarca, Carlos, 329, 345

  La Masa, Guiseppe, 134

  Laos, 267, 408

  La Rochejacquelin, François Alexandre
Frédéric de, 25

  Latin America: anti-Americanism, 196; Communists in, 338; counterinsurgency, 315, 318, 319, 338; disunity among guerrillas, 316; geography of, 317; guerrilla doctrine, 332, 340; guerrilla leaders, 328, 329; guerrilla movements in, 315, 320, 321; guerrilla warfare in, 59-62, 190-196,314; Indian revolts, 53; Junta of Revolutionary Coordination, 316; Negro slave revolts, 54; revolutionary strategy in, 340-343; romanticism of revolutionaries, 335, 336; rural guerrilla warfare, 279, 317; terrorism, 279, 314, 318, 319, 341; tradition of guerrilla warfare, 52, 53; urban guerrillas, 320; wars of independence, 55; withdrawal of guerrillas from countryside, 317

  Lava, Jesús, 293

  Lawrence, Τ. Ε.: on Bedouins as soldiers, 156; compared to Napoleon, 154; essay on guerrilla warfare, 169-171; guerrilla operations in Arabia, 154-156

  Lebanon, 304, 366

  LEHI (Lohame Herut Israel), 280, 281, 282

  Le Mière de Corvey, Jean Frédéric Auguste, 113-114, 137, 384

  Lenin, Nikolai, 160, 175; on guerrilla warfare, 172; on military strategy, 173; study of Clausewitz, 173

  letterbomb, 147n

  Lettow-Vorbeck, Paul von, 153, 154-159

  Liddell Hart, Basil, 235

  Li Li-san, 246, 247

  Lima, Turcios, 328, 397

  Lin Piao, 372, 373; essay on guerrilla warfare, 250; guerrilla strategy of, 241; on guerrilla warfare, 255; on global villages, 328. See also China; Mao Tse tung

  Lister, Enrique. 197

  Li Te (Otto Braun), 247

  Li Tsu-cheng, 18

  Longo, Luigi, 230, 232

  Lora, Guillermo, 343

  Lo Ta-kang, 98

  Lucullus, Lucius Lincinius, 8

  Lusitanian tribes, guerrilla warfare among, 7, 8

  Maccabaean revolt, 4

  McCafferty, Captain (Fenian recruit from Mosby's rangers), 178-179

  Macedonia, 182; IMRO and, 183, 184

  Maceo, Antonio, 58, 302

  Machel, Samora, 397

  Magsaysay, Ramon, 293, 402. See also Philippines

  Mahler, Horst, 254

  Makarios, Archbishop, 309, 310

  Makhno, Nestor, 162, 163

  Malaya, 288; British counteroffensive in, 290; Communist guerrilla warfare in, 287-291; counterinsurgency in, 289; guerrilla warfare in, 278, 286; MRLA, 291

  Malcarado (lieutenant to Francisco Espoz y Mina), 33

  Maori wars, 77

  Mao Tse-tung, 175, 244, 256, 374, 384, 397, 402; as de facto leader of party, 244; guerrilla strategy of, 241, 255; guerrilla tactics of, 244, 245; on guerrilla warfare, 250-254; on Long March, 247, 248; military doctrine formulated by, 250; military writings of, 260, 261; and problems of grand strategy, 255; and "pure guerrilla warfare," 246; on revolutionary potential of peasantry, 243, 244; and war against Japan, 252, 253, 254. See also China


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