Marceau, Francois Severin, 24
Marighela, Carlos, 329, 345, 349, 350; Minimanual of, 347; views on strategy, 347, 349
Marion, Francis ("Swamp Fox"), 19, 20, 21
Marquesito, el, 37, 38
Martí, José, 59
Marxist-Leninism, and guerrilla warfare, 385
Marx, Karl, 142; on Paris commune, 146; and problem of revolutionary violence, 141; on urban insurrection. See also Engels; guerrilla doctrine
Mau Mau uprising, 311, 313, 378, 379, 385
Mazurov, Kiril Trofimovich, 211
Mazzini, Giuseppe, 130, 133, 137, 384; and guerrilla bands, 140, 141
Medico, el, 37
Melanesia: guerrilla tactics in, 3
Mendietta, Jean de (el Capuchino), 37
Merino, 37, 38; and Carlist wars, 38, 62. See also Peninsular War
Mexican Civil War, guerrilla warfare in, 383
Mexican revolts, 56
Mexico, 57, 388, 404; guerrilla warfare in, 153, 190, 191; revolution in, 193
M'hidi, Larbi ben, 296
Mickiewicz, Adam, 67
Middle Ages, guerrilla warfare in, 12, 13
Middle East, 303; guerrilla warfare in, 309. See also names of individual countries
Mieroslawski, Ludwik, 67, 136
Mikhailovich, Draja, 204, 216-218
Military conscription, 50
Mina, Francisco Espoz y, 31, 40; Carlist wars, 38, 39, 62; expels French from Navarre, 33; Marx on, 142; most important military action, 33; pursued by French generals, 32
Mina, Xavier Espoz y, 32, 38
Ming dynasty, banditry in, 18
Miqueletes, 37. See also Peninsular War
Mola, Emilio, 185
Moltke, Helmuth von, 84. See also Franco-Prussian War
Mondlane, Eduardo, 312
Mongols, 12
Montenegrins, 16
Montes, Cesar, 329
Moreira Cesar, Colonel, 61
Morelos, Jose Maria, 56
Morenga, Jakob, 157
Morgan, Daniel, 21
Morocco. See Spanish Morocco
Mosby, John Singleton, 81, 82. See also American Civil War
Most, Johannes, 147, 148
Mount Isel, battles for, 41, 42. See also Tyrol
Mozambique, 312
MRLA (Malayan Races Liberation Army), 291
Muhammad, 12
Mursilis, 3
Mussolini, Benito, 230
Mustafa (Turkish general, 15th century), 15
Napier, Sir Robert, 76
Napoleon I, 29, 235; defeat of, 49; guerrilla warfare against, 47; invasion of Russia by, 149; Spanish resistance to, 29, 30, 100, 144; views on guerrilla warfare, 107
Napoleon III, 57
Napoleonic wars, 113; guerrilla warfare during, 382, 384, 399
Nasution, Abdul Harris, 368
nationalism, guerrilla warfare and, 381
Nazi Party, 168; resistance to, 202-237. See also Germany
New Guinea, guerrilla tactics used in, 3
Newton, Huey, 356, 357
New Zealand, Maori wars in, 77
Ngo Dinh Diem, 269; corruption of regime, 269, 270
Nicaragua, guerrilla movement in, 195, 196; Sardino rebellion, 190
Nieh Jung-chen, 245
Nieszokoc (19th century Polish strategist), 137
Nigeria, 310
nineteenth century: guerrilla warfare during, 51, 52, 382; revolutionary doctrine during, 130, 135; strategists of, 52; theorists of, 137
Nkrumah, Kwame, 367, 368
North Atrica, 150; guerrilla warfare in, 70-72
OAU (Organization of African Unity), 312
Ocafia, Battle of, 30
Oman, 387; guerrilla warfare in, 308
Orlando, Andrea, 97, 98
Oscar, Artur, 61
Ostrogoths, 12
Paez, José Antonio, 55
PAIGC (Front for the Liberation of Portuguese Guinea), 361
Pajetta (Italian anti-Fascist), 230
Pakistan, 288; independence, 286
Palestine, 404; aid from Axis powers to Arab guerrillas in, 188, 190; Arab-Jewish War, 281; counterguerrilla measures, 189; Deir Yassin Massacre, 281; guerrilla warfare, 187, 278; Hagana (Jewish resistance group), 281; insurrection in, 152; IZL (Jewish resistance group), 280, 281; Jewish immigration, 187; LEHI (Jewish resistance group), 280; rebellion against British rule, 186, 187; restrictions on Jewish immigration, 280; terrorism in, 278, 281; United Nations and, 280
Palestinian guerrilla movement, 366; aid from third world countries to, 307; hijackings and kidnappings by, 322; large-scale fighting in host countries by, 366; Nasserism, 366; PFLP (Popular Front of the Liberation of Palestine), and PDFLP (militant Palestinian group), 365; propaganda warfare by, 367; strategic doctrine of, 364; terrorist activities of, 303-307, 364
Papagos, Alexander, 284, 285, 286, 402
Paris Commune, 145, 146
Parri, Ferrucio, 230
partisans. See guerrilla warfare
partisan warfare. See guerrilla warfare
Paskevich, Ivan Feodorovich, 72
Pathet Lao, 267. See also Laos
Paul II (Pope), 16
Pavelic, Ante, 215
peasant revolts, 14; in Middle Ages, 13
Pecanac, Kosta, 130, 218
Peng Te-huai, 240, 244
Peninsular War, 30-34, 36, 40; attitude of British to guerrillas in, 39; guerrilla leaders in, 30-39; Spanish guerrillas in, 39, 41. See also Napoleon I; Spain
People's Front for the Liberation of Oman and the Arab Gulf. See PFLOAG
Pepe, Guglielmo, 133
Perez, Crecencio, 301
Peru, 314, 342; guerrilla warfare in, 315, 316, 317, 319. See also Blanco, Hugo; Latin America
Pesh Merga (Iraqi Kurd resistance group), 307
PFLOAG (People's Front for the Liberation of Oman and the Arab Gulf), 308
Pham Van Dongb, 263
Philhellenism, 16
Philippines, 383, 388; agrarian unrest in, 292; guerrilla heritage, 292; guerrilla warfare in, 278, 286, 291, 293; Huk-
balanap (Huk) rebellion, 279, 288, 292, 293; Muslim revolt, 293
Pickens, Andrew, 20
Plautius, 9
Poland: Burza, 222; guerrilla warfare in, 66, 67, 132, 135, 136; Polish Home Army, 222; relationship of Communist and non-Communist guerrillas in, 205; Warsaw rising, 222-224
Polish insurrections, 65, 67, 136, 150
Ponomarenko, P. K., 207
Popovic (Yugoslav leader), 216
Portuguese colonies: guerrilla warfare in, 310
Practical Guide for the Perfect Partisan," 137
Prado, Jorge del, 371
Praskovia (Russian partisan, 1812), 48
Prestes, Luis Carlos, 190, 194, 195
Prussia, 118
Psaros, Colonel (Commander of Greek EKKA), 226
Pumaeahua rebellion, 53
Rafael, Lucas, 37. See also Peninsular War
raiding parties, 14
Raquillier, F., 137
Remensas, rebellion of, 15
Rennes, Siege of, 13
Ribar (Yugoslav leader), 216
Rif War. See Spanish Morocco
Romans: guerrilla tactics of, 4; Jewish war against, 4
Rommel, Erwin, 226
Rostopchin, Fedor Vasilievich, 48
Ruffo, Cardinal, 97, 98
Rumania, 219
Russia: attitude to guerrilla warfare in, 371; cooperation between guerrillas and Red Army, 211; counterinsurgency in, 165; expansion in Central Asia, 75; German attempts to suppress guerrillas in, 209; German occupation, 208; guerrilla warfare before World War II in, 44, 49, 72-75, 120,125, 126; guerrilla warfare in World War II in, 205-207, 210, 213, 214; Kurdish rebellion, 307; NKVD, 207, 208; Red Army, 96, 152, 161, 174, 211; social composition of guerrilla units in, 207; Soviet guide to insurrection, 176; Soviet reaction to Warsaw uprising, 223; Ukrainian guerrillas in, 211
Russian Revolution, 152; anti-Bolshevik
Cossacks, 162; banditry in, 161; Basmatchi, 164, 165; Bolsheviks in, 160, 161, 164; guerrilla warfare in, 160-164, 174, 383; Mao Tse-tung and, 175; Red Army, 163, in Siberia, 161; White Army, 161, 163
Rüstow, Wilhelm, 117
Saint Jorioz, Conte di. See Bianco, Carlo
Samus (Russian partisan, 1812), 48
Sanchez, Ilich Ramirez, 324
Sanchez, Julian, 37
Sandino, Augusto Cesar, 195, 196
San Domingo, 54
Sanjurjo, Jose, 185
Santilan (Spanish guerrilla leader, Peninsular War), 37
Saxe, Maurice de, 107
Scharnhorst, Gerhard Johann David von, 112
Schels, J. Β., 128
Schiageter, Albert Leo, 168
Seale, Bobby, 356
Semyoriov (Cossack leader), 161
Sendic, Raul, 328
Senegal, 362
Serafis, General (leader of Greek "National Band"), 226
Serbia: guerrilla units in, 130
Sertorius, 10, 11
Servilianus, Fabius Maximus, 9
Seslavin (Russian partisan, 1812), 48
Seven Years' War, 120, 149
Severus, Julius, 5
Shamil (Caucasian guerrilla leader), 69, 72, 73-75, 401
Shkuro (leader of anti-Bolshevik Cossack irregulars), 162
Siege of Mafeking, 88
Siege οί Rennes, 13
Six Days' War, 303. See also Israel
Slave revolts, in Latin America, 54
Smuts, Jan, 90, 92, 157
Socialism, 134; and insurrection, 130
Somaten (Honrados), 37. See also Peninsular War
South Africa, 88-93
Southeast Asia, 286, 293. See also Indochina, insurrections
Soviet Union. See Russia
Spain, 29; banditry in, 30; Basque ETA in, 323; Carlist wars in, 62-64; Dutch War of Independence against, 13; guerrilla warfare in, 7, 31, 41; resistance to Napoleon in, 29, 30, 130, 131; Spanish insurrection against Napo-
leon in, 100; war with Spanish Morocco, 184-186; War of Succession, 148
Spanish Civil War, 196-198; guerrilla units in, 197
Speckbacher, Joseph, 44
Stalin, Josef, 175, 223; Greek Civil War and, 283; Soviet guerrillas and, 207
Stern, Abraham, 280
Stern gang. See LEHI
Steyn, Martinus, 91
Stafflet, Jean, 23, 25
Stolzman, Karol Bogumir, 115, 135
Strokach, T., 207
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), 355
Sudan, 310, 387; insurrection in, 303
Sufi'ism, 73
Sumter, Thomas, 20
Sun Tzu, 255
SuSan, 95, 98
Swiss: war against Austrians, 13
Symbionese Liberation Army, 322, 356-358
Syria, 304, 308
Taborites: war of, 14
Tacfarinas (Numidian chief), 5, 6
Taiping Revolution, 95, 242
Tambov guerrillas, 163
Tantalus, 10
Taruc, Luis, 287, 292
Taylor, Maxwell, 274, 275
Teheran Conference, 219
terrorism, 135, 147, 148, 324, 352, 353, 401, 403, 404, 409; "Angry Brigade" and, 322; Black September and, 322; in Brazil, 350; in China, 401; in Cuba, 344, 401; in Ethiopia, 308; FLQ, 322; in Greece, 401; international character of, 323, 324; IRA, 322; against Israel, 304; kidnappings and assassinations, 321, 322; in Latin America, 279, 314, 317-319, 341, 343, 351, 401; letter-bombs, 364; in Palestine, 278, 282; and proletariat, 325; role of students in, 345; in Russia, 172; skyjacking, 321, 322, 364; Soviet attitude to, 324; strategy of, 345; Symbionese Liberation Army, 322; Third World and, 407; TPLA, 322; in United States, 355, 356, 358; in Uruguay, 350-352; in Venezuela, 341; in Vietnam, 262, 271, 401; vulnerability of democratic regimes to, 407; weapons used in, 405, 406
Teutoburg Forest, Battle of, 6
theory of guerrilla warfare: 100-104; Callwell on, 122; Chrzanowski on, 116; Clausewitz on, 110-112; Franklandon, 125; La Mieu de Corvey on, 113, 114; and legal questions, 118; Russian authors on, 127, 128; Riistow on, 117; and small war doctrine, 112; Stoltzman on, 115; Swiss writers on, 117; von Decker on, 114
Thirty Years' War, 14, 149
Tito, Josip Broz, 184, 206, 217, 218,397, 401, 402; achievements of, 214, 215; break with Stalin of, 219; Greek Civil War and, 283; as Marshal of Yugoslavia, 218; support of allies for, 219. See also Yugoslavia
Tone, Wolfe, 179
Torres, Camilo, 328, 336, 342, 343, 351
Toussaint l'Ouverture, Pierre Dominique, 54, 55
TPLA, (Turkish People's Liberation Army), 321, 322
Trinquier, R., 375, 377
Trotsky, Leon, 160; on guerrilla warfare, 174
Truong Chi, 267, 268
Truong Son, 269
Tsitsianov, Count, 126
Tsunyi Conference, 246
Tuchin revolt, 14
Tukhachevski, Mikhail, 165
Tupac Amaru risings, 53
Tupamaros, 346, 350, 351, 352; social composition of, 308. See also Uruguay
Turcomans, 75
Turkey, 308; guerrilla warfare in, 308, 309; IMRO and, 182-184; revolutionary youth of, 309
Turks: Danilo's massacre of, 16
Tyrol, 144; uprising in, 41-43
Ungern-Sternberg, Roman Ν. von, 161
Unimanus, Claudius, 9
United Nations, 280
United States: black extremist groups in, 356, 357; Black Panthers in, 355, 357; Civil War, 79-83; eounterinsur-gency in, 78-79; guerrilla theories in, 376, 377; Indian wars of, 78, 79; Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), 355; Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA), 322, 356; terrorism in, 355, 356, 358; Vietnam War and, 239, 268, 269, 276; Weathermen in, 355, 356
urban guerrilla warfare, 147, 172; intellectuals in, 349; in Ireland, 153. See also guerrilla warfare; terrorism; urban insurrection; names of individual countries
urban insurrection, 145, 150, 151; in China, 243; in Ireland, 179; Warsaw rising, 222-224. See also guerrilla warfare
urban terrorism. See terrorism
Uruguay, 345, 348; guerrilla warfare in, 315; Tupamaros, 314, 350, 351, 352
Valentina, George Wilhelm von, 104, 106
Vallières, Pierre, 353
Vandals, 12
Varus, 6
Vasilyev, Ermolai, 48
Vasquez, Fabio, 316, 319, 397
Vendean revolt, 22-29
Venezuela, 314, 340, 341, 371,388; guerrilla warfare in, 315, 319, 338; terrorism in, 341, 344. See also Latin America
Vercingetorix, 6, 7
Vershigora, P., 207
Victor Emanuel II, 67
Vietnam, 241, 265, 37g, 408; antiguerrilla warfare in, 274; army of propanganda and liberation in, 265; assassination campaign in, 273; Communists in, 240, 242, 276; compared to China, 262; Dien Bien Phu, 262, 267, 268, 269; guerrilla operations in, 262; guerrilla war in, 239, 240, 267, 270; Japanese occupation of, 239; military lessons in, 275; Ngo Dinh Diem, 269; NLF (National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam), 273; popular front tactics in, 264; rivalry between Buddhists and Catholics, 264; rivalry between Cao Dai and Hoa Hoa, 264; source of Communist appeal in, 263; terrorism in, 262, 271, 401; war between United States and, 268, 276, 277; Vietcong in, 270-273
Viljoen (Boer commando), 89. See also Boer War
Villa, Francisco (Pancho), 95, 190-194, 385
Viriathus, 8, 9, 10
Vitelius, 8
Vojnovic, Kosta, 130
Volkonsky, Prince Pëtr Mikhailovich, 47
Voronzov, Mikhail Semënovich, 73
Voroshilov, Kliment Efremovich, 207
Vuich, Colonel, 127
Wagram, Battle of, 43
Wat Tyler's rising, 14
Weathermen, 355-358. See also terrorism
Werth, Johann von, 14
Weyler, Valeriano, 59
Wilczynski, Wlodimir Stanislaus, 128, 129,
Willisen, General, 15
World War I: Arabian peninsula and, 154; East Africa and, 154; guerrilla warfare in, 152, 154, 383; new technology in, 153
World War II: and collapse of colonial powers, 201; guerrilla resistance to Hitler, 204; guerrilla warfare during, 238, 383; Warsaw rising, 222-224
Yon Sosa, 328, 397
Yugoslavia, 184, 380, 383, 394, 402; Albanian Communists in, 225; anti-Fascist council of, 218; guerrillas in, 205, 404; IMRO in, 183; Teheran Conference and, 219; Tito's partisans in, 204; World War II guerrilla units in, 205, 213-216. See also Tito
Zakhariades, Nikos, 283
Zapata, Emiliano, 190-194
Zeruas, Napoleon, 226
Ziklag, Battle of, 4
Zionism, 280, 281. See also Israel; Palestine
Zulu wars, 76, 77
Zumalacarreguy, Tomás, 62, 63
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