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Page 8

by Susan Sheehey

  The man was much taller than both of them. Something he obviously flaunted by trying to step closer to her.

  Reed wasn’t going to have any of it. He removed his arm from Skye and slapped the man on the back with the facade of a friendly gesture. But really, he was just checking if the prick had a weapon in his waistband. Nothing there. Then he draped his arm across Vance’s shoulders, closing around his neck nonchalantly. “Any friend of Skye’s is a friend of mine.” He gave her a wink and started walking the man up the street and away from the women.

  When Vance tried to pull out from under Reed’s arm, he didn’t let go, which made the shithead’s spine stiffen. “So, uh… She’s talked about me?”

  “Sure. From her description, I recognized you the second I saw you.” At least, your kind, anyway.

  “I must have left an impression.” His smug smile came off more sickly.

  “Several. I know for a fact Skye has memories of her time with you that feel as fresh as yesterday.” Reed tightened his grip around Vance’s neck and his hand. Then he dropped his voice, “So if I were you, I would seriously consider leaving these memories in the past. Skye too.”

  The man cowered under his hold until he was released. Then stiffened with a considerably darker expression.

  “Now, you hurry on your way. And do watch out for those steps.”

  The stairs down the hill leading toward the courthouse were still a good ten yards away, but from Vance’s narrowed eyes, he knew exactly what Reed referred to.

  “Are you threatening me? That would be very stupid. My dad’s a lawyer.”

  Reed let a low chuckle rise up his throat. “I don’t threaten, kid. As much as I’d love to chat with your dear old dad—and I really would—why not let this friendly conversation stay between us two men.” He let the last word hang in the air, staring hard at the prick. Because this guy was not a real man. “Do you get my meaning, pal?”

  “I’m not your pal.” Shithead somehow found his big boy voice and shucked off Reed’s hand. It was impossible for Reed to take his pretty boy scowl seriously. “I don’t know what you’re implying, but you clearly have no idea what really happened between Skye and me. Why don’t you run along before you get hurt?”

  Reed shook his head, letting his chuckle grow to an outright laugh. “As entertaining as that may be to watch, you didn’t get my meaning. You must be more of a literal guy. So, I’ll make this really simple.” He took one step forward, which made Vance step back. He held the man’s stare. “Come near Skye again, and by the time I’m done with you, even your lawyer-daddy won’t be able to recognize you.”

  Vance stammered. Then he stepped back again, this time reaching the street curb. His heel slipped, and his eyes widened.

  Reed reached out and grabbed the man’s shoulder. He held the man over the step, forcefully keeping him there. “Those suckers can be slippery. But then again, you already knew that.” He finally pulled him back and let him loose.

  Frat boy backed away, casting a suspicious glare at him.

  “Say hi to your dad for me, Vance.” He smiled.

  Shithead shoved his hands in his pockets and retreated to the parking lot.

  He better pray I never see his face again.

  He spun around and headed straight back to Skye, still stunned, but her color was coming back.

  Lynée, the awesome friend she was, stayed beside her the whole time Reed had his confrontation.

  “Are you all right?” he asked Skye softly.

  “Yes,” she replied. Her voice shook.

  Her pale face and shaking hands made him so furious inside, it had taken so much of his self-control not to pummel the man where he stood. But that would draw far too much attention with all these people around. Which was the last thing she would’ve wanted, drawing more attention to herself. Plus, he was secretly trying to keep a low profile.

  Damn. The man had really done a number over her. And she’d just had to relive it all without warning. Thank God they were in public. Who knows what that scumbag would’ve tried to do if others weren’t around. Yet, having to face Vance again in front of people probably made her more embarrassed. The last thing he wanted her to feel around him was humiliated.

  “Do you want me to take you home?”

  * * *

  Skye stared into Guy’s chocolate eyes, still reeling from her interaction with Vance. She forced a deep breath to calm her nerves and bring her back to the here-and-now.

  “I’m going to talk to Wyatt,” Lynée announced. “The sheriff should know what’s going on if that son-of-a-gun decides to show his face around here again.”

  The mortification continues. After all this time, she still couldn’t escape the shit-storm that was Vance. “Oh, please, no, Lynnie. He has much more important things to do right now.”

  “Domestic violence is not something to sweep under a booth table, Skye. You deserve better. I will not allow you to be a statistic.” She looked at Guy. “You got her for a minute?”

  “Always.” His reassuring smile softened her resolve. Lynée trounced off to find the sheriff.

  “Thank you,” she said. “I…I didn’t expect to ever see him again. Especially not here.”

  Guy gently took her hand in his. “It’s all right if you want to cut the evening short.”

  “No, of course not,” she replied quickly. “He will not have any control over my decisions ever again. But I think I just need a few seconds.” After several deep breaths, her heart rate wouldn’t slow down. That familiar fear from her freshman year wrapped around her chest like a vice. She pinched her eyes closed. “Crap, I didn’t react well at all, did I? I panicked.”

  “You handled yourself very well.” His smile was small but genuine. His warm hands grounded her back to the moment. The cool breeze, the scent of apples and powdered sugar from the waffle cake stand, and the musical whirring whistles from the kiddie carousel.

  “I wouldn’t make a very good police officer after all.” A tear slipped.

  “Shh, you're way too hard on yourself.” He wiped her cheek with his sleeve. “But nothing will happen to you as long as I’m around. If you’d like, I can track him down and make him a very good punching bag.”

  She chuckled through a sniffle.

  “It’ll be very therapeutic,” Guy explained. “He’ll have both hands tied behind his back and duct tape over his mouth. And you can just wail on him. Or better yet, why don’t we open our own festival booth? Charge money and call it Whack-a-Dick.”

  Now, she outright laughed. She’d almost pay money to see that herself.

  “There’s that smile.” He held both her hands in his and kissed her knuckles.

  Thank God for him. She never expected to be laughing that quickly after seeing her ex.

  “I can take you home if you want, but I don’t want you left alone tonight.”

  She contemplated his words—so much meaning behind them. The idea of being alone with Guy made her so warm and fuzzy inside. But she realized she truly meant what she said. Not letting the jerk have any control over her life. She wanted to stay at the festival with Guy. No matter what, she was going to live her life the way she wanted. “I don’t want to leave. Let’s watch the fireworks.”

  The corner of his lips curled. “I’m game.”

  Guy held her hand the rest of their stroll, gentle but firm, like a tether keeping her afloat. Twenty minutes before the fireworks started, Lynée spread out the large blanket she’d retrieved from her car, and the ladies took a seat. Guy rounded up some cider for the group.

  “Are you really okay?” Lynée asked while he was occupied paying for their drinks. Her friend’s eyes behind her black-rimmed glasses were full.

  “I am. Just shook up.”

  “Wyatt said he’d drive by your house himself several times tonight and include your address in their rounds throughout the week. All the deputies have Vance’s picture, too.”

  Skye tried to keep from cringing. Lynée meant well, and kn
owing she had her back through this meant the world. But now Wyatt and all the police around here would see her as a victim. Every time they would come into the diner from this point on, she’d have to suffer through sympathetic looks and constant questions. Another tick in the cons-column of small towns. “Thanks,” she finally managed. “But I’d rather if you spent the night at my place tonight, instead? Would that be okay?”

  Her friend cupped a hand over her forearm. “Absolutely.”

  “Smile, you two.” Josie held up her phone for a picture.

  Guy returned with four tall ciders and sat on the blanket beside her. Amazing how just his presence gave her such relief. Her shoulders relaxed, and her hands stopped shaking.

  What would she have done if Guy wasn’t around? Granted, they were in a public place, and Vance probably wouldn’t have tried anything violent in front of so many people. But he’d gotten away with so much for so long, especially with his daddy as his safety-net. Even if he’d walked away, he wouldn’t have truly disappeared for good.

  After the interaction with Guy, Skye felt sure Vance was truly gone once and for all. “Thanks again, Guy.”

  “Anytime.” He returned the smile and wrapped an arm around her waist. “Let me know if that festival booth sounds good to you. I’m sure it’ll be the most popular.”

  She swatted at his chest.

  Josie snapped a few photos of people around, then turned to the group. “You both look adorable. Look here and smile.”

  Skye pulled Guy closer.

  Guy held up his hand, blocking his face. “No thanks.”

  “Aw, come on,” Josie replied. “With the twinkle lights behind you, it’s so pretty. Just a quick shot.”

  “Are you shy?” Skye murmured playfully in his ear.

  He kept his head turned toward her. “I’m not a fan of photos on social media.”

  Skye frowned. “Why not?”

  Josie kept complaining in the background, clicking away any shot she could with Guy’s face.

  Guy whispered in Skye’s ear. “How do you think Vance found you?”

  She bit her lip, the realization hitting her like a pie in the face. Maybe he was right. She plucked Josie’s straw hat off the blanket and held it in front of both her and Guy’s face, leaning in to make it seem like they were kissing behind it.

  Lynée giggled, and Josie whistled as camera flashes lit up the sky around them.

  “It’s okay,” Skye whispered behind the cover of the hat. “Your secret is safe with me.”

  The corner of Guy’s mouth lifted. “What secret?”

  “You’re afraid the government will find you.”

  His smile vanished. His brilliant, brandy eyes looked absolutely stunned.

  Skye continued. “Because you’re a superhero, and they want to conduct top-secret experiments on your DNA to clone you.”

  Guy let out a breath and chuckled.

  How easy it would be to lean in and kiss him right now. Just a quick one. The urge was so strong. For a split second, she thought she saw his eyes trail down her mouth. Maybe he was thinking the same thing.

  The music played over the speakers strategically hanging on the lamp posts. She dropped the hat and leaned back on the blanket. Within a few minutes, the fireworks began. Everyone trained their sights on the light show in the sky.

  Her mind was trained on Guy. She felt safe with him, close to him. She couldn’t say the last time she felt so utterly content in a man’s arms.

  Was she moving too fast? Wasn’t this precisely what got her in trouble with Vance? She’d trusted him and jumped in with both feet without first testing the waters.

  She couldn’t go through all that again. It was hands-down the worst time of her life. Not just the physical abuse, but the verbal abuse, the manipulation, the over-controlling leash around her heart, and the way he’d made her feel as if everything was her fault. She’d gotten to the point where she was afraid of saying the wrong thing for fear it would set him off.

  Her short-lived time with Vance had left an indelible mark. She’d promised herself not to repeat that mistake again. Is that what she was doing with Guy?

  No. Guy was nothing like Vance, of that she was sure. But there was nothing wrong with pumping the brakes a bit. Or testing the waters, like she hadn’t done with Vance.

  She shifted in her seat.

  If I kiss him, would it ruin everything?

  A little battle played out in her head, timed with the booms and pops.

  Am I infatuated with him because he’s a knight in shining armor? Or just because he’s new and different? She sighed out a deep breath.

  There was only one way to find out.

  She swallowed and turned to Lynée over the crackles from above. “Be right back,” she said.

  She took Guy’s hand. “Follow me.”

  A brief pause accompanied his stare, but then he smiled. “Okay.”

  She led him through the maze of foldable chairs and blankets to the back of the park at the treeline. She stopped under a tree and pivoted to look up into his sparkling eyes.

  “Everything okay?” he asked, his face more curious than concerned.

  “Guy, I really like working with you.” She reached for his other hand in hers.

  “I like working with you too. Thanks for helping make that happen.”

  She gnawed the inside of her cheek. “I was wondering, would our working relationship be damaged if I kissed you?”

  His sight traveled to her lips and back again. “I’m willing to risk it if you are.”

  Damn, hearing those words…it took all her focus not to jump into the deep end right then. She licked her lips and stepped closer. She rose to her tiptoes and placed a small kiss on his lips, then another. The hard cider and cinnamon lingered on his mouth. Her heart pounded in her chest. She lowered herself down and exhaled.

  Guy’s hands slid up her arms. He cupped her jaw and tipped up her head. Slowly, he lowered his lips over hers.

  So firm, so inviting. She wanted more.

  He grazed over her bottom lip with the tip of his tongue, and her lips parted. She loved how he dove in, searching her, reaching for her. She gripped his upper arms, sinking more into his kiss.

  Their lips fused together as Guy tilted his head, taking things deeper. Tongues danced and moved as if they never had a perfect kiss until now. The firework booms dissipated into soft thuds that could’ve been her own heartbeat.

  Yeah, this is something different, all right.

  Guy’s arms wrapped around her torso, melding their bodies together.

  She moaned at the feeling of his arousal pressed against her. She gripped the back of his neck as the kiss turned passionate, desperate. The wetness gathered at the apex of the thighs, and she cursed the crowd around them.

  He broke the kiss and panted. “Shit.” He swallowed. “Had I known it would be like that, I’d have done that weeks ago.”

  She dropped her head and chuckled into his shoulder. “Absolutely.” To hell with testing waters. Life was too short to be so cautious. She looked up and said the one thing that came to her mind. “Stay with me tonight.”

  He blew out a long breath. “Fuck, Skye, I would love nothing more. Nothing. But I can’t tonight.”

  Her heart instantly woke up from its daydream. He didn’t feel that way like she’d thought.

  “When I said you shouldn’t be alone—”

  She laid her fingertips over his lips. “I know. And Lynée agreed to spend the night, but I just thought—” She lifted a shoulder, searching for the right words.

  “I know. Believe me, I know.” His thumb smoothed over her jawline, and he lowered his lips to hers for a shorter, less-passionate kiss.

  He was being a gentleman. She’d forgotten what those guys looked like. Now that he’d reminded her, she wouldn’t fault him for it.

  “C’mon. Let’s go watch the finale.”

  Reed sprawled out on his mattress and stared up at the wood ceiling. Despite the p
henomenal week in terms of his investigation, he had only one thing on his mind—Skye. He’d never known there could be such pleasure in just a kiss.

  At the festival that night, she’d asked him to stay with her. Shit, how he wanted to. His dick was screaming for it.

  But after the run-in with Vance, he couldn’t take advantage of her. The bastard had shaken her to her core, and to her credit, she recovered nicely, but that wasn’t Reed’s make-up. Maybe after there was some distance from the asshole, so fresh on her mind.

  More than likely, Vance had found her through her social media pics. So he wasn’t exactly lying to Skye with that prediction. But in all honesty, there was another reason behind not wanting his own picture taken.

  Facial recognition software was much more advanced than people realized. Adding sunglasses and letting his beard grow out for the Seattle trips wouldn’t work well enough for some of the more sophisticated software. The last thing he wanted was for tech-savvy cartel thugs to find him through an innocent photo on Skye’s social media. It would lead vicious psychos right to her front door. That LocoLobo guy from the Dark Inferno game could easily find him that way if he’d learned Reed’s name by now. Which is why Reed always had his camera covered with a piece of masking tape on every laptop and tablet he used. He made sure his burner phone didn’t have a camera either. Just to be safe.

  He grabbed the candle he bought and opened the lid. The crab apple smell was strong, reminding him so much of their awesome afternoon. More vividly, their kiss during the fireworks. He chuckled to himself. Fireworks during a kiss. A bit of a cliché, but that pounding of his heartbeat in time with the finale while he tasted Skye’s amazing lips…damn. He wanted to take it further.

  He adjusted himself under the blanket. His mind played out the scenario so vividly—Skye flush with wanting, maybe some moans would escape when he brought her to orgasm. He would take it slow at first, make sure she could handle his size. But he would make it exquisite for her. She would be in his bed all night if he had his way.

  Fuck, yes.

  He would have to wait. Luckily, he was a patient man. Anything she needed, he would do it.


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