Kissing the Lass (Scot to the Heart #2)
Page 22
As soon as I know Tristan’s plans and the date of Sophia’s departure, I will write again so that you will know when to expect me.
* * *
* * *
Arabella let the missive fall from her hands. At least Jamie was now free and that was all that mattered.
“We are going to visit with Davina and the Grants, and Rose wishes to visit with Madeline,” Sheena announced from the entrance. “Do ye wish to join us?”
Madeline was Rose’s daughter and married to Lord Brachton, Lachlan Grant. She was currently confined to Grant Manor awaiting the birth of their first child. Rose had been wanting to visit for the past few days but feared intruding on the family while they awaited the arrival of Mary from the Continent. Apparently Rose no longer wished to wait.
Arabella did long to get out of this house and it wasn’t as if anything was keeping her here, but her mood was not suited for visiting. If Davina were to come here, it would be different, but she’d rather not be put in a position to answer any uncomfortable questions if the Grants asked after Lord Gideon.
“You go on. I’ll remain at Anagburn.”
Arabella picked up Gideon’s letter and read it once again. Did he truly intend to return for her? Would he wait until his sister had sailed to Italy? Did he no longer wish for Arabella to meet his family? Or, was this another excuse. Would she receive letters for the remainder of their handfasting, each giving an excuse for a delay? Should she simply write and explain that she understood his desire not to return and that she would not hold him to his promise?
Oh, if only she was certain of his feelings as she was of her own. But, regardless of how much she missed Gideon, what she had spoken to her brother earlier still held true. She did not want to be with someone who did not love her as she loved him and as Gideon had never spoken the words, she was assured that what piece of his heart that she may have once held had been retrieved and returned to its owner. She just wished Gideon would give hers back as well.
“Tristan, I don’t feel so well,” Olivia complained as they neared the inn where Lady Jillian had taken a set of rooms.
“Is it the carriage?” He asked with concern. “Perhaps once your feet are firmly on the ground you will feel better.”
“No, that isn’t it. My throat hurts and I feel overly warm.”
Tristan place a hand on Olivia’s brow. “You are burning up,” he announced in alarm as the carriage came to a stop. “I’ll see about getting you a room and Jamie will go for a doctor.”
Olivia nodded and for the first time Gideon realized how listless his sister seemed. His mind had been focused on plans for Arabella and their future that he hadn’t even taken noticed that Olivia wasn’t chattering on as she was want to do. Or, at least she had when he visited with her a few months ago.
Chapter 32
Arabella sighed and set the latest missive aside. Olivia had become ill as they reached Plymouth and Gideon was uncertain how long they’d be required to remain where they were. At least he was confident that the illness required only rest and time, for which Arabella was grateful. Nothing was more painful than losing a family member to death.
Though Gideon had written her six times since he left Anagburn, Arabella had only written once. She’d been reluctant as she knew he was not at the family estate, nor had he provided an address. Further, there was very little, if anything to write. And, it was best if she didn’t encourage his continued correspondence. Perhaps if his letters weren’t so brief and lacking in information other than the most basic of detail, she’d feel better. But, as they were not, she became more and more convinced that Gideon was simply keeping her apprised of his life because it was the honorable thing to do. In time, she was certain that she’d no longer hear from him and in less than a year, he’d no longer be bound to her.
The family was able to secure a large set of rooms with a parlor. One of the chambers had been taken by Tristan and his wife and the other was for Olivia. Gideon and James found rooms across the hall, but they all spent their time in the parlor, waiting for Olivia to recover from her illness. It was during the later morning when Sophia, along with Rafe arrived.
“Why are you here?” Tristan had asked.
“I got tired of waiting to spend time with my family and when word reached me of Olivia’s illness, we decided to come to you.”
“She,” Rafe corrected with a smile. “She decided.” He then kissed is wife. “I’ll see about a room.” Then he was gone.
“How ill is she,” Sophia asked.
“The doctor believes it to be a mild illness, but Olivia should rest for a few days before she travels further.”
“I’m sure that is all well and good,” Sophia dismissed. “Which room is hers?”
Jamie pointed and Sophia marched across the parlor and entered Olivia’s chamber.
The longer Olivia was ill, the longer it would take for Tristan and Lady Jillian to marry a second time. Did he leave now and hope to retrieve Arabella and return in time. He wanted her to meet his family, but feared that by the time he could get away, Sophia would be sailing for Italy, and he hadn’t spent near enough time with his older sister when he didn’t know when he’d see her again.
As soon as he considered leaving, Gideon dismissed the idea. They’d only be here a few more days and then they’d return home. He’d leave after the wedding and return before Sophia was gone. She’d never forgive him if she learned he had married and not been given a chance to meet his wife. As Tristian and Jamie knew, Gideon also decided it was time to tell her, as soon as she was finished assuring herself that Oliva would recover.
However, what he hadn’t anticipated was for Maxwell, his twin brother, to arrive in Portsmouth that afternoon.
It had been years since he’d seen his twin and the two embraced warmly.
“You are well now?” Maxwell studied him.
“I was struck with relief a few days ago, but as I was already close to home, I didn’t return to Italy.”
“Maxwell, it is so good to see you,” Sophia came forward and embraced her brother.
“It’s not been that long,” he reminded her.
“How often do you visit?” Gideon asked. Sophia and Scala lived in Tuscany and Maxwell was often in Rome when not on a dig. They weren’t so far apart that they couldn’t visit. Well, at least visit more often than either of them bothered to come to England.
“It’s been what? Six months?” Maxwell said.
“I believe so.”
“What has brought you home?” Tristan asked. “Not that we mind because it has been far too long, but you usually don’t return without a purpose.”
“Gideon has been at odds for weeks. Worried, irritated, at peace, then anxious. I knew something was wrong and left Rome immediately.”
“It still amazes me that the two of you can sense each other, as if you have clairvoyant abilities,” Jamie said.
“Whatever his concerns were are no longer, but I’m certain you will tell me what they were.” Then he looked at Gideon. “But what I find most curious, and wish to know more about, is the woman who has stolen your heart.”
“Heart?” Sophia asked.
“Yes, Gideon is in love. Didn’t he tell you?” Then he glanced at Lady Jillian, who had remained quiet, in the background, as she had a habit of doing. Sometimes Gideon forgot she was there. Tristan seemed to forget he had a wife, as well, for all the attention he gave her and he’d be willing to wager that Lady Jillian wished she’d never followed Tristan into the gardens.
The two rarely spoke, at least not in front of the family. And, Lady Jillian didn’t go out of her way to engage any of Tristan’s family in conversation. Sophia eventually gave up since it appeared Lady Jillian had no wish to be friends with any of them.
“I assumed…” Maxwell gestured to her.
“Max, my apologies,” Tristan interrupted. “Please, meet my wife, Lady Jillian.”r />
“It’s a pleasure.” Max nodded to her then focused on Gideon once again. “They don’t know, do they?”
“Know what?” Sophia demanded.
“Gideon found love,” he said again. “Why is it a secret?”
“It’s not. At least, not exactly.”
“Who is she?” Sophia demanded.
Gideon was just about to answer when there was a knock at the door.
“You are going to explain,” Sophia warned as Scala strode across the room to answer the door.
“So, this is where my family is?” Harrison stepped inside. “It is a good thing that I stopped over in my set of rooms and discovered the various notes, or we would have traveled directly home and missed you completely.”
“We?” Tristan asked.
At that, Harrison focused on Tristan as he smiled. “Yes, we.” He cleared his throat. “And I’m happy to be the one to facilitate this reunion.” At that he stepped aside. “I found Elaina.”
Gideon blinked. His brother could not be serious. Elaina was dead. Lost at sea. If this was Harrison’s idea of a joke, it was a poorly made one.
However, at that moment Elaina, Tristan’s first wife, stepped into the parlor.
What should have been a happy reunion was met with stunned silence. Then again, it is rather difficult to rejoice the return of a wife when the second one is sitting not far away.
“Oh dear,” Sophia sighed.
Chapter 33
Dearest Arabella,
I’ve so much to tell you and now that life at Trent Manor has seemed to settle, I’ve time to write why my past missives have been far too short and lacking of detail. I do apologize, because I am concerned that I’ve offended in some manner, as only one letter has been received from you. As for my family, I’m not even certain where to begin.
As you know, Jamie is free and with the family again. He is now spending most of his time in the stables, much to Sophia’s irritation. For the first time in perhaps years, all but one of my siblings is in the same place and we anticipate the arrival of Tristan any day. At least, I hope it is soon.
It is Sophia’s intention that we practically live in each other’s pocket until she and her husband must return to Italy at the end of the summer.
If all but Tristan was there, then Gideon’s twin, Maxwell must have come home from wherever he had been.
As you know, we were delayed in our return from Portsmouth because Olivia became ill. She has recovered, thankfully.
However, before we could leave Portsmouth, my twin, Maxwell, arrived. He’d been sensing my emotions for weeks and needed to return home. Do you recall me mentioning how we always knew if the other was in trouble, hurt, or happy? Well, Maxwell was in Rome at the time when he sensed all was not right with me.
Arabella took a deep breath and set the missive aside. Did she want to read the rest? Already she knew what Gideon had been distressed about. For Maxwell to have arrived in Portsmouth from Rome meant that he’d already sensed Gideon’s disquiet before he ever left Anagburn.
Ignoring or pretending Gideon hadn’t written more would do her no good and it was best to now learn his intentions. However, before she continued reading, Arabella rose and walked to the sideboard, poured whisky into a glass, drank and then returned her attention to the missive.
He and I spoke at length about you and your family. And, I also told my family of our handfasting and how it came about, as well as the truth behind the practice. They find the entire matter interesting and I assured them that if anyone was at fault in bringing this to pass that it was I and you remain innocent of all actions, including my affection for you and your family’s response.
Given their oldest brother had been compromised, Arabella could well assume they might be concerned she’d done the same. It was good of Gideon to come to her defense, but they’d both been equal in the kissing.
There was another bit of upset after Maxwell arrived. You see, my other brother Harrison also appeared. With him was Elaina, whom he found quite alive on a small island, which I believe is part of the Isles of Scilly. She had been swept overboard, as we know, but was able to hold tight to a bit of wood from the ship until she washed ashore. Harrison discovered her quite by accident, much to his shock and amazement and brought Elaina home right away. Because of the remoteness of the island, and the belief that it was uninhabited, no boats ever stopped, nor did anyone on the island possess one, and she’d been quite stuck there for these past three years.
Lord Hopkins’ wife had returned? She never died? Hadn’t Hopkins married weeks ago? That would make Gideon’s brother a bigamist! Unintentionally, of course, but that didn’t make it any more legal.
Tristan has been forced to return Lady Jillian to her father and make whatever reparation he can. We are just thankful that the quiet ceremony held before they left London remained a secret so no one will ever know that there had ever been a union between Tristan and Lady Jillian.
I will write soon and hope to receive correspondence as well.
Goodness, if she’d had a true marriage to Tristan, but nobody knew, how was she going to explain certain matters to a future husband?
What if she was with child?
Oh dear, so much could go wrong and Arabella sincerely hoped that there was no lasting reminder of the secret wedding.
Yes, she would return his correspondence, but she also knew that at the very least, Gideon would not return to her until after his sister had sailed. Given Sophia intended to remain for the summer, it would be at least two months before Arabella might see Gideon again. She certainly didn’t expect him to take precious time from his family to travel to Scotland since this might be the one time they’d all be in the same home in a number of years.
Might return, she reminded herself! Circumstances kept him from returning, however, it also made it very easy for the two of them to continue on with their lives without the further complication of their relationship. Besides, if he intended a future, he would have sent for her, especially since his sister’s stay was so short and his family now knew of their relationship.
I am well and the foot has completely healed.
While I feel badly for the predicament your brother found himself in, I am grateful that his wife had not died and that her children will grow up knowing their mother.
I wish you joy in being surrounded by your family, as you know how very dear my family is to me. I am truly happy for you. In celebration, I’ve sent one of Uncle Aiden’s finest bottles and pray it does not break open in transit or become discovered by excisemen.
P.S. I believe you once told me that my family was more interesting than yours. I no longer believe that you can claim as such.
* * *
“This is very fine whisky,” Maxwell said holding out his empty glass to Gideon to be refilled.
“That, it is.”
“Are you certain they are smugglers?”
“This surprises you after I’ve told you how MacGregor met Lady Bentley.” Gideon laughed.
Maxwell picked up the missive that Gideon had set aside when he lifted the bottle of whisky from the package and frowned.
“Is this how all of your correspondence is? It reads as if she’s writing to a friend and not a husband whom she cares about.”
Gideon’s face heated. “I told you of our conversations before I left. We did not speak of love.”
“And you don’t wish to write it in a letter even though it is what you feel?”
Leave it to his twin to get to the heart of the matter.
“What if she doesn’t return my affection? My love?” That had been Gideon’s fear from the moment he began to realize that he was coming to love Arabella and that a permanent marriage was what he wanted. She may have spoken that he was in her heart and that she feared tha
t she’d come to love him, but she hadn’t said that she did love him. And now that he’d been gone, when there was time to think about one another, to consider the loss, he worried that Arabella would realize it was an infatuation that the two of them had been caught up in, but wanted no more than a year and a day.
Further, every step of the way she’d been forced. In fact, she panicked when her family declared they’d wed. That is not the reaction of a woman in love.
All of this he had explained to Maxwell. Not the rest of his family, as they wouldn’t understand, but Maxwell, being his twin, had sensed the turmoil in Gideon’s heart.
“There is only one way to find out.” Maxwell took the empty glass from Gideon.
“How is that?”
“Tristan won’t be back for a sennight, at the very least. Ride to Scotland and bring her back to Trent Manor.”
Gideon’s stomach tightened. Arabella did not want to be in Cornwall, and he didn’t wish to live at Anagburn.
“Might I suggest you ride the coast, it will take longer, but find your home, claim your bride, bring her to Trent Manor to meet us, then take her to your home and make her truly yours.”
Gideon simply stared at his brother. Leave it to Max to voice everything Gideon wished to do,
“By the time you return, both Harrison and Tristan will be back at the manor.”
“Harrison? Where did he go?”
Maxwell smirked. “He snuck away this morning before Sophia rose. He is to travel north to secure a delivery but he assured me that he’d be home before Tristan.”
“Sophia is not going to be happy when she learns.” His sister would be livid. The one thing she had demanded of all of them was that they were all to remain at home, though Tristan could be forgiven as he had to meet with Lady Jillian’s father, the Duke, and it was not going to go well for him.