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The Celtic God Who Loved Her

Page 2

by Trinity Blacio

  Her head spun with possibilities. Gods don’t interact with humans, yet here they were in her kitchen. “Why are you…? Oh, crap, you think I had something to do with her being shot.” Jade jumped up out of her seat and backed away. “I just found her. I swear. All I wanted to do was heal her. No one at the village would help. I couldn’t just leave her to die,” she rambled.

  “We know this. Please sit. You look like you’re going to faint.” Aengus helped her to the chair. “We aren’t going to hurt you, but we need to know why the Fomorians are back. It seems that they used my wife to get close to you. You see, the Fomorians have been our enemy for centuries. They just tagged Caer when they could have killed her easily. The arrow that gazed you would have hit your heart if Dagda hadn’t interfered. You’d be dead now. ”

  “But I’m nobody. Just a human,” Jade said.

  “You have Boann’s blood. It runs in your veins. I can feel it. It might be diluted, but it’s there.”

  She turned to see Morrigan walk into the kitchen.

  “Oh, God, now I have the Queen of Demons in my kitchen.” Jade shook her head and tried not to pass out. The queen’s laugh startled her out of her scrambled thoughts.

  Crap Morrigan was going to kill her!

  “No, you’re not going to die. You saved our daughter even though she was a pawn. You’re kindness and care saved her. Now, do you know who Boann is?” Morrigan asked and sat in the chair on the other side of Jade.

  “She’s said to be married to Nechtan, but lover to Dagda. She created the River Boyne where I found Caer.”

  Morrigan nodded her head, “Well, only Dagda knows about that last part, and he’s not said a word. Anyway, her blood runs through you.” Morrigan brought her hand up and set it on hers. “She had to have had an affair with one of your grandfathers. You are somehow related to her. I haven’t figured it all out yet, but I will.”

  Morrigan stood and stretched, her foot tapped to the band music outside. “It looks like we’re going to be here for a while. Dagda is in his hunt mode. He wants blood from that Fomorian that shot at you earlier. We’ll stay here and find out why they want you dead. In the mean time, you have a party going, and I haven’t

  been to one in ages.”

  “My children! Are they safe?” Jade jumped up, but Aengus grabbed her.

  “It’s fine. We’ve protected the grounds and the woods. No one can enter. You’re perfectly safe, and so is everyone else.” Aengus pulled her into his big arms and hugged her.

  “Well, let’s go and enjoy this party of yours.” Morrigan whisked out of the room, followed by Caer and Aengus who pulled her with them.

  Chapter Two

  Celtic music swirled in the gentle breeze and curled about her. Still stunned, Jade watched the gods dance and talk to her neighbors. All around her, her neighbors ate and danced. She smiled in remembrance of the day she met Elizabeth walking through the woods and searching for herbs. Elizabeth introduced herself and gave details on what she did with the herbs. The witch also made a point to mention that she practiced witchcraft, enlightening her once again on the practices she’d forgotten years ago.

  Jade watched Elizabeth continue telling her stories to the young boys, her hands imitating animals and the Fae. The bonfire cast shadows all around them and made the atmosphere spooky. Elizabeth smiled at her across the bon-fire and nodded to the gods, acknowledging their presence.

  Aengus and Caer danced while Morrigan joined her neighbors in conversation.

  Gods here, at her party, and no one knew….

  “Why do you stand here alone? Where’s that huge man you danced with earlier?” Tracy asked sliding her arm around her.

  “He left.” Her shoulders tightened with agitation. ”It’s not like he’s interested in me anyway. Where’s the man you were dancing with? You two were pretty hot and heavy dancing.”

  Tracy drew her to the buffet table and grabbed a beer. “He’ll be back.” She nudged her side and cocked her head toward the crowd. “I thought you said he left?”

  She turned, hearing the notes of a harp, and the band stopped playing. Everyone turned to watch the man no one knew play his harp by the fire. The flames of the fire cast a shadow around his massive form. His harp in his lap, his large fingers strummed the musical instrument, and it came to life.

  Morrigan stood next to him, a knowing smile lit her face as she gazed at Jade.

  Jade’s body swayed to the melody, and she strolled toward him. His gaze bright, he watched every move she made while his fingers kept playing. Dagda’s voice filled the air with heat and tension as he sang:

  Other gods play at sex

  I – AM – SEX

  No god has power such as I

  I am sex personified

  I am lust

  All desire me,

  All lust for me,

  None deny me

  I am the dark dangerous passions

  From first blush to screaming orgasm

  My phallus massive

  I am Dagda

  My conquests are legend

  My seed sown over centuries

  My offspring litter the world Lust in my own image I am alone More than millennia unloved Physical desires unchallenged My desires unquenched Satisfying lust of others Reveling in my own darkness Giving both pain and pleasure None have ever possessed me It is I who possesses

  Time no longer amuses me Eternity alone no longer intrigues I seek now a mate Someone to challenge me

  The Gods have sent one Now it is I who must offer I who must capitulate I who seek acceptance

  Jade of the raven hair Body of a Goddess Curves to make a god cry Forgive me, Be mine Live with me Until the end of time My love is dark My love is forever

  Tears welled up, her body shook, and heat rushed through her body. Muscles rippled across his chest as he placed his harp back on his back. Morrigan whispered something to him, and he nodded his head. Dagda and Morrigan made their way to where Jade stood.

  “I owe you an apology for earlier.” Morrigan stepped forward. “It was wrong of me to judge so quickly.” The goddess looked behind her at Dagda. “I think he’s here to stay and keep you company. I believe he still owes you a dance. Don’t worry about our relationship. It’s in the past. But if you ever need my help, please summon me, and I’ll come. We owe you much.”

  Jade’s face heated with embarrassment, but didn’t move. Morrigan took off a beautiful Celtic cross and placed it around Jade’s neck. “My gift to you, for saving our daughter. It belonged to a dear friend of mine. Now it’s yours.”

  Jade didn’t say a word and examined the cross until Tracy nudged her side. The warrior god stood in front of her and smiled down at her. His large hand reached up and picked up the cross. “It’s rare for Morrigan to bestow such a

  favor.” He lowered the cross and traced the swell of her breast with his fingers. “She’ll protect you, and your family, as her own.”

  He ran a hand through his hair and look around. Distracted, he caressed the swell of her breast on last time before his hand dropped to his side. Heat lingered where his fingers had been.

  Dagda gaze fell back to her. “I’m not very good at this. Morrigan is right, though, we’re friends now, her and me. We come together to help our son when he needs it, but that’s all. Well, unless we have to host a formal party or something.”

  “I’ll treasure it always.” Her chin fell to her chest. Her heart beat fast, and her body flamed with heat and lust. The warrior god stepped closer to her, invading her personal space. His arm slid about her waist and pulled her towards the dancers.

  “Let’s dance.” His other arm wrapped around her and brought her body closer. Jade knew from research he was considered a deity, his lust legendary, along with his hunger.

  “You don’t have to dance with me. I know you’re here only to capture the one responsible for harming your daughter.” Jade tried to back away, but he stopped her retreat with a feather light brush of his lips upon her neck. />
  “I’m not dancing with you to thank you.” He placed a kiss on her neck. “I’m dancing with you because I want to.”

  Goosebumps popped up on her arms. He stroked her neck with his tongue and nibbled her skin.

  A whimper escaped her lips, but he still continued his sexual torture.

  “Why are you doing this?” Her arms held onto his waist afraid to move them.

  Dagda’s body surrounded hers; heat rose up, warming her, and increased her desire for him. His sword cold on her bare thigh, and his cock pushed against her stomach, engorged and thick.

  “I haven’t felt the heat in my veins in many years. Your scent stirs my body like no one has in years. You were right about Boann. She and I were lovers at one time, long ago. She died right after I told her it was over.” His hand trailed down to her ass and cupped it. “You have her eyes and hair. They were her best features. I used to love to run my fingers through her hair when we made love.” He raised his head, and his hand lifted her chin. “I want to see you again, after tonight.”

  Her eyes meet his. “You’re a god. Look, I know this is a bit blunt, but I don’t want a one-night stand. I want a man who can be a father to my children and a partner to me. I need a commitment, a long term one.”

  His hand slipped under her skirt and cupped her sex.

  She sucked in her breath, and her body quivered with need. “I’m not Boann, Dagda. I’m Jade. I won’t bring a man into my life, and around my children, who won’t be there for us later.”

  She gulped in air and forced herself away from him. Tears threatened to fall, her traitor body called for his as did her heart, but the children came first.

  Jade stepped back and ran into another man, “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there.” He stood tall, and slender, unlike Dagda’s muscled build.

  “That’s okay. I wanted to cut in. Would you dance with me?” The stranger’s hands held her about the waist.

  She nodded her acceptance, and the stranger sashayed them away. Dagda stood with a frown marring his handsome face.

  “My name is Trent Greensworth. I live about two miles down the road.”

  She smiled up at him and let him pull her into his arms for a dance. Her gaze slid back to the god who tempted her. Dagda’s gaze followed her and glared at Trent. He held his sword tight. Morrigan walked over to Dagda. Morrigan glanced at her and winked.

  I’m afraid the big goof doesn’t know what hit him. You see, I believe he’s your mate. I’ve never seen him so pissed and confused. Don’t push him too far. He hasn’t been around human females in ages. You have my blessings.

  Her head shook back and forth, unable to believe that Morrigan spoke to her in her head. This can’t happen. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to check on my little ones.” She pulled out of his arms and excused herself. She scrambled into the house, closed the door, and leaned against it.

  Disgusted with everything, she pushed herself away from the door and made her way up the dark staircase to her twin daughter’s room. The light from the bonfire flickered through the windows and emitted enough light for her to see. She opened the door and found both of the girls sound asleep. She closed the door and backed out of the room to check on the two boys next. Jade’s back came into contact with a hard surface. She turned in shock to see Trent in her home.

  “You shouldn’t be up here. Please leave.”

  His eyes glared down at her. A shiver traversed her spine. The reflection of the bonfire swirled in his pupils. His body, tense and rigid, stood in front of her. He pushed her up against the wall and blocked her exit with his arms. “I saw what that man did to you down there while you danced.” One of his hands landed on her breast and squeezed. “I mean, if you’re going to play the role of a wench, I want to play also.”

  This can’t be happening. Her knee slammed upward and connected with his balls. Trent doubled over, grabbing his privates.

  “This is my home. No one grabs me, and I didn’t invite you. I suggest you get the hell out of here.” Her body shook, and her hands pushed him towards the front door.

  He stumbled down the stairs and muttered all the way down.

  She opened the front door. Dagda stood there. The air sizzled with his anger. “What’s going on?” His voice boomed through the house.

  Chapter Three

  One hand on her hip and the other holding the jacket of her attacker, Jade asked, “What is it with you men? If you move, I’ll throw this trash out.” Dagda stared at her for a moment, and then moved. She pushed Trent toward the door.

  “I want you to leave my property, and I don’t want you on it again,” Jade yelled and turned to face Dagda. He frowned at her, before turning to watch the retreating Trent.

  “What did he do?” Dagda’s arms crossed over his chest, his feet spread apart.

  Jade rolled her eyes and stepped around him. “If you must know, he saw what you did to me on the dance floor; he thought he could do the same! But he got a rude wake up call.”

  She kicked off her shoes and walked to the kitchen sink. Jade stood stiff, her face burned with heat. Grabbing the faucet, she yanked on the water and began washing the dishes.

  “What do you mean he tried to do the same thing I did on the dance floor?” The scent of pine needles filled the air. “I want an answer now.”

  Dishes rattled. Jade slammed each one down into the dish rack; he spun her around to face him. A plate slipped out of her hand and crashed to the floor.

  “Damn it, Dagda! What gives you the right to come in here and demand anything? You think just because you sang me that song it gives you special privileges. Well, it doesn’t.” Moving forward, her head tilted up, she glared at him. “He saw when you took liberties with my body and thought he could do the same.” Her hands indicated her private parts with a wide-eyed stare.

  Dagda’s muscles rippled. A club appeared in his tight-fisted hand. “I’m going to beat his skinny white ass until he’s black and blue! How dare he touch what’s mine!” He turned and stomped toward the door.

  Jade ran around him and placed her body in his path. “You can’t do that. He’s gone, and he won’t come back now. Drop it. And I don’t know where you get off. I’m not yours. I just met you!” She pushed on his chest, but he didn’t budge.

  Dagda wrapped his hands around her waist and picked her up. “You’ll be mine! Now, stay put. I’m just going to make sure he gets the hint.”

  Her foot slammed down, but he ignored her. She watched Dagda disappeared, annoyed with his pigheaded behavior, and Tracy ran inside from the party.

  “Is it true? Is he really a god, and he wants you?” Tracy grabbed her arm and pulled her towards to door.

  Jade shook her head and slipped on her shoes. “I don’t know. Maybe, but don’t go around and blab it to the world. He just wants a piece of ass or something.” Jade laughed and tried to disguise her livid mood. They walked outside.

  “Is that really Morrigan?” Tracy pointed. “She’s beautiful.” Her jaw hung open, and her gaze never left Morrigan as she studied the goddess.

  Jade pulled Tracy’s hand down and shook it. “Tracy, stop. They just want to relax. Don’t draw attention to them.”

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her daughter walk towards the woods with an older boy. “God, can’t anything go right!” Jade ran towards her daughter with Tracy in toe. She stepped in front of them. “Cleo, what are you doing?”

  “Going for a walk.” Cleo shuffled her feet.

  Jade yanked her daughter away from the boy and hugged her.

  “Mom, please, you’re embarrassing me.” Cleo pulled out of her arms.

  “I think you’re a little too young to go for a walk in the woods. You both need to go and join the rest of the kids.” Jade stared at the tall boy and turned to her daughter.

  “My father told me about you. He said if you were easy, your daughter would be too.” His gaze dared her to say anything and traveled down to her breasts.

  A hand came fro
m behind her and picked the boy up by the collar.

  “He’s a child. Don’t hurt him.” Her voice sharp, she pulled Cleo towards the buffet table and sat down on one of the many logs around the food.

  Morrigan strolled up to them and knelt down in front of Jade’s daughter.

  “I can turn him into a toad, and we could feed him to the wolves?” She smiled at Cleo and pushed her hair away from her face.

  Cleo lifted her head up off her mother’s shoulder and stared at Morrigan. “Are you really a goddess and would you really turn him into a toad?” Her voice shook.

  “I sure am and I would love to turn him into a toad. Want to walk around with me? I could tell you some stories about boys. I have millions of them.” Morrigan stood up and held out her hand.

  “Is it okay?” Cleo asked.

  “Go on. Have some fun and not to many stories. She’s only fifteen. Thanks, Morrigan.”

  “No need to thank me. I think you’re going to have your hands full in a minute anyway. The bull is right behind me.” Morrigan laughed and led Cleo away.

  The sound of loud thumping feet reached Jade’s ears. Her head shot up, and Jade was greeted by Dagda. He didn’t say a word as he reached down and picked her up. Swinging her up over one of his shoulders, he carried her off towards the barn.

  Chapter Four

  “What do you think you’re doing?” She tried to squirm out of his arms, but he swatted her ass hard and transported them inside the stables.

  “Hold still, woman! It’s time we get a few things straight right now!” Dagda put her down on a bale of hay in front of him. His arms corralled her, making escape impossible.

  Her vision cleared from being upside down, she gazed at him. “What do we have to get straight?” The words came out in a whisper. His hands slid around her back and unsnapped her dress.

  “What are you doing?” She dodged his arm and slipped by him. She faced him in a defiant stance, her hands planted on her hips.


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