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The Celtic God Who Loved Her

Page 4

by Trinity Blacio

  “Morrigan!” she whispered and wrapped her arms around her naked body.

  “We’re on our way, baby. Hold on.” His voice, strong and calm, surrounded her and spread warmth through her body.

  Clothes covered her body, and Dagda and Morrigan appeared in the room next to her. Dagda’s club clenched in his fist. A sharp gaze scanned the room. His anger grew.

  “Come on, Jade. Let’s get you home.” Morrigan wrapped her arm around her waist. “Hold on.” The next thing she knew Morrigan transported them into her bedroom.

  Her knees weak, Jade could still smell the stench from the room on her body. “God, I stink!” She stumbled to the bathroom.

  “What are you doing?” Morrigan followed her.

  “I need a bath. A hot one! You can go if you need to be somewhere, Morrigan. After I’m done, I’m going to crawl into that bed and sleep ’til one of the kids wake me up.” Her voice shook, but she wouldn’t look at Morrigan.

  “I’m not leaving. Do you really think they’re going to stop? Bres won’t stop until he has you.” Morrigan jumped up onto the bathroom counter, her feet swung back and forth.

  “Do you mind? Can I have some privacy?” Jade turned and stared at her.

  “Sorry. I’m not leaving you ’til Dagda gets back. Go on take your bath. It’s not like I haven’t seen a naked female. Plus, we can talk.” Morrigan waved her hand and steaming water filled the tub. Rose petals floated on top of the water, and candles burned around it. Soothing, soft jazz music played in the background.

  She slipped into the tub. “Tell me something. What was that place? It was horrible. Why couldn’t I see who grabbed me? Oh, and thanks.” She nodded to the water.

  Morrigan jumped off the counter top, “What? You mean one of them touched you? Crap!” She stomped out of the room.

  “Aengus!” The goddess’s echoed in the other room.

  Jade rinsed her hair, hopped out of the tub, and wrapped a towel around her head and body. “Morrigan, what are you yelling about? You’re going to wake the kids.”

  She walked out of the bathroom. Morrigan talked to Aengus, both of them furious.

  “Um, excuse me, what’s going on?” She glared at both of them.

  “Aengus, go find your father. Now. Make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid.” Morrigan turned to her and sighed. “If Dagda knows they touched you, he could start a new war. We’ve been at a semi-peace now for the past 300 years. We can’t risk his stupid pride getting in the way here. Too many were lost last time. I’m sorry, but this can’t happen.” Morrigan paced in the room. “It’s late. Why don’t you go to sleep? It’s going to be a long night. The children are sleeping soundly, and I’ll be here.”

  Jade slipped on a tee shirt and unwrapped her hair. She brushed out the long, wet, black strands. “I could use some sleep. The kids will be up early, and I have caterers coming early in the morning.”

  The lights dimmed low when she slipped into bed, the music lowered to a whisper. Morrigan sat in the chair next to the bed.

  “Tell me of Dagda? I know so little of him, except for what I’ve read in books.” Jade yawned and curled under the covers.

  “There’s not much to tell. You have already seen his stubborn streak. He is very protective of his family if you didn’t notice. But this is the first time I’ve seen him this crazy over any female, even with me he seemed withdrawn. Dagda has never sung to a female that I know of. You’re a very special lady. I know he won’t stray from you.” Morrigan laughed. “That could also be a draw back I’m afraid. Sleep now, Jade. You have a big day tomorrow.”

  The scent of lavender filled the air. Morrigan waved her hands, and Jade’s eyes closed. Every muscle in her body turned to jelly. The last thing she heard was Morrigan say, “Sleep well, Jade. You’re going to need it.”

  * * * *

  “You need to get back to your mate, Father. You can’t start a war over this. She wasn’t hurt,” Aengus yelled at a furious Dagda. Thunder stormed all around them, and they searched the surrounding woods.

  “Morrigan is with my mate. She won’t let anything happen to her. I’ll find the thing that touched Jade.”

  “So you’re going to let your mate sleep alone? On your first night together, especially after being attacked? Don’t you think she needs you now more than ever? You can always find the Fomorian responsible for this at another time.” Aengus grabbed his father’s shoulder tight. “Do you really want to start another war? Think of the number of lives we lost in the last one.”

  Dagda’s body shook with anger. He knew his son was right, but to think one of that thing touching Jade… His soul demanded vengeance. He turned and faced his son. “When did you become so wise? Let’s go, but that Fomorian will be found, and I’ll have my vengeance soon.”

  * * * *

  Dagda stood next to the bed and stared at Jade, so small and beautiful. The thought of her death would kill him. In all his life, he had never felt such pain, even when Caer went missing. Nothing compared to this. Dagda knew now this tiny human was the other half of his soul. Setting aside the club and harp, his clothes disappeared, as did hers. He slipped into the bed and pulled her to him, curling his body around her. Soft skin rubbed against tough, callused skin. Her damp hair rested on his arm. Large, warm hands covered every inch of her body, checking to make sure she was okay.

  “You need to stop, Dagda. I’m tired.” She yawned and curled up closer to his body heat.

  “Sleep, I’m just making sure your okay.” He kissed her head and hugged her tight. Dagda’s eyes closed, lavender and musk filling his senses. His body drew in her scent, imprinting it. He would never forget it.

  * * * *

  Jade rolled over and moaned. Her twin boys jumped onto the bed, screaming at her.

  “Come on, Mom. We want to see all the people! You promised us we could stay the whole day, remember?” His voice at a high pitch squeal, Cory shook her arm in excitement.

  “Give me five minutes, and I’ll be down stairs. And be quiet, you don’t want to wake the girls.” She smiled at her twin boys as they ran for door.

  “They’re already up. That big man is making them breakfast,” he said before racing out of the room to catch up with his brother.

  “Well, crap, it wasn’t a dream.” She flung the covers off her body and shivered. Yeah, he keeps me warm in bed, but I freeze when I get out!

  An imaginary body surrounded her and heated her. You’ll never be cold again, baby. Now, hurry up. People are starting to wake up outside, and the food has arrived.

  Jade looked at the clock and moaned. Nine o’clock. “Crap!”

  Throwing on her clothes, she ran down the stairs, only to see her kids at the dining room table eating breakfast with Dagda, Morrigan, Caer, and Aengus.

  “Well, isn’t this cozy,” she said.

  Her kids laughed at something Dagda said. This was her home, but she felt like they were taking over. She hated to feel out of control when it came to her children.

  “Since you guys have eaten, I’m going to make sure everyone outside has enough food.” She turned and stormed outside, running straight into Tracy.

  “You are so lucky! My god that man does dishes, and your kids love him already. First, you find Mike, and now you have Dagda. Can you rub some of that luck on me, please?” Tracy begged, following her.

  “If you like him so much, go for it! Excuse me, I have to make sure all the food arrived.” Jade walked faster, just to get away from her.

  “What the hell is up your ass?” Tracy grabbed her arm.

  “You want to know what’s wrong? I’ll tell you. My life. Hell, it’s not mine anymore. Dagda hasn’t given me any choice. He claims I’m his mate, but we haven’t talked about anything. Then, he orders me around, we have sex. I’m kidnapped out of my own home. I’ve had something shoot an arrow at me, and it would have killed me if Dagda hadn’t saved me. Oh, it’s nothing!” Her hands flew all around her.

  “Listen, I know this is a lot to
take in, but, come on, what woman wouldn’t want that hunk of man. It’s not his fault someone took a shoot at you. There’s something else, isn’t there? It’s Mike, isn’t it? Even though I know this is a lot to get use to, this isn’t like you.” Tracy’s calm voice broke the dam.

  Tears welled up in her eyes. “It’s different when I’m with Dagda. It’s like Mike wasn’t there, that what we had meant nothing. I feel like I’m cheating on him.” She wiped the tears that fell down her cheeks when she saw Dagda staring at her. His gaze filled with compassion.

  “Talk to him, Jade. He can help.” Tracy hugged her and walked away.

  Dagda moved up to her and cupped her cheek. “Tell me. You’re upset and confused. Let me help.” He pulled her into his arms. His body soothed hers.

  Tears rolled down her face and wouldn’t stop. He swung her up into his arms, and, the next thing she knew, they were in her room.

  Sitting on the bed, he kissed her tears and held her shaking body. “Baby, you’re killing me here. What’s wrong?”

  “I’m so confused. It’s….” She hiccupped and moaned. “When I was married to Mike, I knew what to expect. With you, I don’t know what’s going to come next. One moment, I’m on fire. The next, I’m scared. What about my kids, Dagda. I can’t have them put in danger. If something happened to my babies, it would kill me.” Another hiccup interrupted her. “I mean, I feel totally different with you than I did with Mike.” She buried her head into his chest, waiting for his anger, but it didn’t come.

  “I’m not going to say it doesn’t bother me to hear you talk about Mike. It does. I wish all those kids down there were mine, and eventually, they will be. But, when we find our soul mate, the two souls connect. From what I’ve been told by Morrigan, as our bodies join together over the next few days, emotions will run rampant.” He lifted her chin and smiled down at her. “Yesterday was very rough for me, too, to find you after so long. Then to have someone come and take you away. It almost destroyed me. I won’t lose you. Jade. You’re mine, and I won’t let go. You’re children will be fine. They’re well protected.”

  “But so was I, and I was taken.”

  “My son is with them personally. Do not worry. Besides, Bres won’t harm children.” He frowned. “I’m afraid it’s you he’s after. My half-brother has always been jealous of anything I do. I wish I could change this, but I can’t. I’m sorry.” He lowered her down onto the bed. His body covered hers. “I’ll protect you with my life Jade.” He brushed her hair away from her face. “You have guests down there to attend, and kids that need their mom, or I would take you right now.” His tongue traced her lips, and his hand cupped her breast. He sat up and gazed down at her. “Go!”

  Jade jumped up and ran to the door. She stopped and turned to smile at him. “I trust you to protect me, Dagda. Thank you. Who says I would let you take me?” She wiggled her eyebrows at him.

  His growl reached her ears, and she took off laughing, her heart lighter.

  Chapter Seven

  Jade strolled back outside. Her four youngest ones followed close behind, pointing at all the people around them. They walked towards the food buffet. Her neighbors had already lined up under the tent for the buffet when she got there. Many of them laughed and talked as they waited.

  “When you throw a party, you throw a party! I didn’t realize that there was so many here last night,” Caer said behind her.

  “Actually, this is the first party I’ve had in a while.” Jade smiled at Caer.

  “Why don’t I take the little ones over to where they are setting up for the games today? You can get the things done and meet us over there.” Caer stood next to her, holding onto both her little girls’ hands.

  “Do you really think you can handle all four of them? I mean, they can be a handful.” Jade smiled down at her little girls, keeping a close eye on the boys.

  “We’ll be fine. Morrigan is going to help, along with Aengus.”

  “That would help a lot. I have to go feed the other animals after I’m done here. Give me a half hour, and I’ll meet you over at the games.” She looked up at her boys. “Cory, Drew, do you want to go over to where they’re setting up for the games with Caer?”

  Both Jade and Caer laughed when all four jumped up and down and yelled. “Well, I guess I’ll see you in a bit. You four be good and listen to Caer?” Jade patted Cory and Drew’s head and left to find the caterer.

  Half an hour later, Jade finally managed to get to the barn to feed the horses and let them out into the pasture. The horses bucked and ran around. She loved to watch the horses gallop. It was so peaceful.

  A large, stinky hand clamped over her mouth and another clutched her waist, pulling her off the fence. She kicked back at her attacker, but another pair of hands held her foot, and a third set wrapped a blind-fold over her eyes.

  Jade bucked, moving anyway she could to get away from her attackers, but a sudden sharp pain to the head stopped her struggles.

  * * * *

  Dagda paced back and forth, watching the four little ones bobbing for apples when an unannounced disturbance hit him. His gut wrenched. Jade, are you okay?

  His eyes scanned the people, and he reappeared at the last place he knew she had been. He couldn’t feel her presence anymore. I should have never left her alone!

  Aengus! I need your help. Meet me at the barn. Something is wrong with Jade!

  A torn piece of material from her shirt lay on the ground. Her scent lingered in the air, but it grew weaker. He scanned the area when his son appeared next to him.

  “Humans. Three men have taken her. I didn’t think about humans taking her! I promised her I would protect her! Their footprints and stench lead this way.” Dagda punched the side of the barn while searching.

  They sprinted towards the road following the scent that had been imprinted on his brain. Only tire tracks that led away from the property could be seen. “I was so worried about Bres doing something I didn’t even think any humans would harm her!” Dagda stormed. “I can’t even reach her in my mind!” His fears were real and painful, his head throbbed, and he couldn’t understand why. He reached up, rubbed the spot, and knew what happened.

  “They’ve hit her in the head! I can feel it.” Dagda appeared in front of the children. He would make sure they were safe before he went hunting. His face twisted into an evil smile as an idea began to form. He turned to his son. “Morrigan can help us. Jade’s wearing the cross she gave her.”

  “I’ll stay with the Caer. We’ll protect the children.” Aengus yelled, racing to Morrigan, not wanting to alert everyone of their presence.

  “I know where she is. Let’s go,” Morrigan said to Dagda.

  * * * *

  “God, my head hurts. What the hell happened?” She reached up and touched her head. Something wet soaked her fingers. Her hand came down, and blood covered it. Her stomach lurched, and she froze for a second. Relax, Jade, you have to figure out where you are. Taking a deep breath, she studied her surroundings. A bare room except for the small bed she laid on. Light filtered in from a bar-covered window. A metal door was the only entrance into the room. Her shirt and pants torn.

  “Not again!” Her legs, slow to move, swung off the bed, and she sat up. The room spun. Closing her eyes, Jade concentrated again on Morrigan and Dagda. Um, excuse me, but a little help is needed here!

  She opened her eyes, slowly rose, and, using the wall to balance herself, staggered her way to the door. She knew it would be locked, but she had to try. Why aren’t you answering me? Dagda, I need you!”

  Her hand reached up to her neck for the necklace, but it was gone. “No!” Fear took control of her body. Dagda can you hear me? Please tell me you can find me without the necklace! She stumbled back to the bed and collapsed onto it, forgetting about the door. Keys rattled outside, and the door swung open.

  “You’re awake? Good, they’ll be here soon,” a masked man said. He threw an apple at her and closed the door, locking it.

  She looked at the apple on the bed and ignored it. Her head throbbed. Blood dripped down her back. Jade grabbed hold of the sheet on the bed and ripped it into long shreds. “Please find me!”

  Her head swathed in the dirty sheet, she curled up into a ball on the cot. Coldness seeped into her bones, dizziness assaulted her every time she moved, and the pain escalated in her head.

  * * * *

  Dagda’s scream of rage echoed around them. He couldn’t contact his mate, and they had found the necklace.

  “How did they know?” Morrigan held the necklace in her hand.

  They both stared at each other, knowing the answer to her question: Dagda’s brother.

  Where are you? He heard the whisper in his head. It was faint, but there. Jade, I’m coming, baby. Hold on!

  Turning back towards the road, Dagda grabbed hold of his head. The pain Jade felt reached him, and a single tear slipped down his face. “I’m sorry Jade,” he whispered. She was weak and cold. He now knew they kept her in a room fortified against magic. But their mistake was opening her door. It let her thoughts seep out and make a connection with him. His gaze settled on Morrigan. She smiled and disappeared. Dagda followed suit, reappearing in front of a dilapidated building.

  His muscles contracted. He rolled and stretched his arms, watching the building in front of him. Jade was in there hurt. He could feel her slipping in and out of consciousness. She had lost too much blood. People would die today.

  * * * *

  It had to be a dream. Screams of death surrounded her, but she couldn’t move. I’m sorry, babies! I don’t want to leave you! Jade knew if help didn’t arrive soon, she would never see her children again, leaving them alone in the world.

  You’re not going anywhere. I’m here.

  I’m tired, Dagda, so tired and cold.

  Large, warm hands gently lifted her body, but still she couldn’t open her eyes. Warmth spread through her body, and pain disappeared with the feel of his lips kissing her face.


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