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The Celtic God Who Loved Her

Page 6

by Trinity Blacio

  “What do you want? I’m tired and ready to blow a fuse, so get on with it.” Her gaze snapped up to the creatures, her back straight and her shoulders rigid. Anger and fear crept into her body. She wouldn’t let this thing see that she shook inside.

  “You know something, I’m so tired of you freaking freaks trying to take me! Come on, give me your best shot, asshole!” Jade swung, connecting with the thing’s face. Her knuckles burned with pain, but she didn’t care.

  The creature rubbed his eye. “You have a wicked mouth and arm. I wonder what else you’re good at?”

  “Oh, and we want you, of course. You see, we can’t let you and Dagda come together.” He sneered at her and crowded closer.

  Jade threw her head back and laughed. “Well, I’m afraid you’re a little late on that.”

  The creature snapped, “The boss hates your mate.” He sniffed the air and stared at her. “You’re his wife! Oh, this is going to be good! Bres will be so happy to know he has taken Dagda’s wife away from him.”

  The other satyr laughed behind the first. “But I could take you with me.” His hand brushed her face. “You could become my own personal sex slave. I can smell his scent on you. I want to spread my seed on you and mark you.” His hand whipped around her back and yanked her body into his. He ground his shaft against her. “I mean, you’re pleasant to look at for a human….”

  The other one slipped in behind her and rubbed his cock against her ass.

  They stunk of piss and dirt, her skin burned where they touched her, and she gagged.

  They didn’t get any further. She’d had enough. She slammed her knee into the satyr before her and swung around to lay the second one down on his ass. Her bruised fist connected with his shaft, and he screamed.

  “You stupid human! You will die!” the one on the ground yelled.

  “That’s okay. I’ve already died once.” She raced toward her house and screeched in her mind, “Morrigan, I need a little help, please!”

  “Where are you?” Dagda demanded.

  “In the woods, you big ox! I thought you always knew where I would be?” she shouted.

  “Stay put. I’m coming. We’ll discuss that later.”

  “Ya, right, like I’m going to let those things touch me again! Not going to happen!”

  She zigzagged between trees holding her side. The creatures panted behind her. The roar of a very pissed off mate reassured her, and she slowed, glancing over her shoulder. His long, red hair swung around his face, and muscles contracted on his arms. Dagda attacked the satyrs.

  “He really is magnificent when he is in battle, if you call it a battle. I kinda feel sorry for those two, but they deserve what they get,” Morrigan said.

  Jade stopped and rested her hands on her knees. Her head hanging down, she gulped in air. She tried to calm her nerves.

  “Are you alright? Did they touch you?” she asked, concern written on her face.

  “I’m fine. They tried, but my knee has this fondness for balls.” Jade grinned and watched the battle unfold. Her body shook with shock, and her breathing was still uneven from the run.

  “You do know there is no contest here? Dagda just wants information before he kills them. Why don’t you come back to the party with me?” Morrigan hooked her arm through Jade’s and zapped them just inside the woods.

  The bonfire blared to the skies; people still danced and laughed, telling stories of long ago times. Pumpkins surrounded the courtyard and cast shadows from their faces.

  “I should warn you when he’s finished with his toys, he’s going to come for you. And it’s not going to be gentle. He’s in full warrior mode right now. His body and heart are going to want to claim you, mark you.”

  “Oh, that’s just great. He has a fit when some man dances with me, and now he thinks he can have me? It isn’t going to happen!” She looked around the courtyard and picked the biggest and most handsome man around. It was time to fight this thing; she would dance with whomever she wanted. Jade walked up to the stranger.

  “Would you like to dance?” she asked, Morrigan laugh behind her, but she didn’t care.

  “Why, I would love to dance with you, Jade.” His lips curved into an evil smile, and he pulled her into his embrace.

  “Who are you?” She shoved at him, knowing she had made a mistake from the look he gave her.

  “Release her, Bres!” Danu demanded behind her.

  “Mother, it’s been a long time.” He held Jade tight, his hand on her ass, and squeezed painfully. “I just wanted to welcome the new, little woman in Dagda’s life. I mean, how many women does this make it? Wait, I lost count after twenty-two, but I’m surprised he’s committed himself to a human.” Bres laughed.

  The music stopped, a roar echoed from the woods, and everyone stared. People parted before a very pissed warrior god. Dagda grabbed her, yanked her out of Bres’s arms and placed her behind him. His hand shot up and wrapped around Bres’s neck, lifting him off the ground.

  “So, I have you to thank for the Fomorian’s after my wife.” The air around him charged with anger, Dagda shielded her from his brother with his mass. Dagda shook him like a rag doll.

  “Enough, Dagda. You’ve made your point. Now, drop your brother. You’re ruining your mate’s party and scaring the humans.” Danu’s voice rang with impatience, and she tried to step in-between them.

  Dagda threw his brother to the ground. “He deserves more, and you know it. If he comes near my mate again, I won’t hesitate to track him down and destroy him.”

  “Like you would get a chance. This isn’t over, Dagda.” Bres stood, brushing himself off and glaring at his brother.

  “I won’t have this happen again. Bres, go home to your wife now, and if I even hear about any more of your toys trying to harm Jade, I will personally destroy everything you hold dear.” Danu snapped her fingers, and the man disappeared. “And you,” she pointed her finger into Dagda’s chest, “you will behave. Now, don’t you have a new mate to attend to?” She glanced at Jade and smiled.

  Jade stepped back as Dagda turned to her, muscles rippled across his chest, his gaze heated with lust and passion. “Now, Dagda, I didn’t know he was your brother!” She held her hand up and tried to shield herself.

  “You better run now, my little bird, because when I catch you, you won’t be able to walk for a week!” His eyes glowed red, his voice deep and controlled.

  “But the woods aren’t safe?” She looked back at him.

  “Oh nothing is going to happen to you this day. I’ve made sure of that. Now go before he starts rutting you here in front of your guests.” Danu laughed and shooed her off.

  Jade didn’t need any more encouragement. She turned and fled into the woods, not knowing where she was going. Morrigan and Danu laughed, and, in the background, the music started to play again.


  Crap! He’s counting!

  “Two. You’re too slow. Pick it up, Jade!” he bellowed over the music.

  She giggled. Her body burned with want, past anger disappeared. The warrior wanted to claim his mate, and she couldn’t wait to see what he did.

  “Three!” Dagda hollered.

  The pounding of his feet could be heard over the shouts and cheers, which egged him on.

  Chapter Ten

  She ran, gave it everything she could, but she knew he would catch her. It was only a matter of time, but she could make the game more fun. Jade tugged her sweater off and cast it over her shoulder. She smiled. It would give her a little extra time.

  Jade stopped dead in her tracks when a cave she’d never seen before appeared. “Okay Dagda what are you up to? Where did this cave come from?” Ducking inside, she carefully scoped the inside, looking for any trace of his plan. Seeing nothing, she turned, erasing her footsteps, and hid the entrance with branches just in case he didn’t have anything to do with it the cave. That’s when she noticed the white sand beneath her feet. There was no white sand around this area. The only pla
ce she ever heard of white sand was at the beaches. “Okay, Dagda, let’s see what you have here.” Satisfied it was covered, Jade ventured further in, following the light that flickered at the back.

  The sound of branches and leaves crunching from the entrance galvanized her. She rushed around the corner into the light and stopped, stunned. All different kinds of sexual toys lay in piles around a huge bed. A small, gentle waterfall covered one side of the cave. Below it, a heated pond stretched, its steam floating around the room, warming the air. The light of the candles danced against the walls, rose petals scattered throughout the cave, and fresh flowers climbed the walls. It was a love nest.

  “Do you like it?” Dagda whispered in her ear. A shiver shimmied up her spine. Hands pulled her body back into his; they reached up and surrounded her breasts. “I wanted the rest of the night to be just ours. I messed up, bean chéile. I’m sorry. Mom is going to help Morrigan watch the children for the next two days because we’ll be too busy.” He picked her up and carried her to the bed.

  Tears slid down her cheeks and dropped onto his chest. She gazed into his face as he laid her down on the bed. Love and passion played across his features. Her clothes disappeared, and suddenly her hands were tied to the bed. She squirmed in anticipation.

  “I want us to have a wedding. I know we are married in my world, but I want your friends and your world to know also. Will you marry me, Jade, in your custom? Will you be my wife, my partner, and my love slave?” His fingers traced a line down her neck to her breasts and around her nipples. “I have something for these beautiful nipples.” Rudy rings appeared in his hands, he slipped them through the holes where she usually wore nipple rings and stared at her body. His focus moved up to her face, his eyes misty. “Talk to me, baby.”

  “You had to marry me. There was no choice, Dagda. There is no mention about love. When I get married, I want a man who loves me. I’m your mate. You had no choice.” Her eyes closed. “My body wants you, Dagda. You’re already embedded in my heart, even before you saved me. I’m falling in love with you, but I don’t know if you love me, or just feel the effects of the mating.” Tears rose up again to slip down her face.

  The bed dipped beneath his weight, and he lay down next to her. He wiped away her tears. “When I first saw you last night, I was attracted to you. No, I didn’t know you were my mate then, but when we danced, I knew you were mine.

  My heart died when that arrow grazed you. Even then, I knew you were meant for me, though I tried denied it.” His tongue laved at her nipple. “I knew I loved you when you called my thingy small.” He chuckled. “You’re the first woman to actually stand up to me. I love that fight in you. I love when you get upset with me. Your lip gets this tick, and I want to lick and nibble at it.” She grinned, and he nipped her nipple.

  “Hey what was that for?” Her head rose, and she stared at him.

  “I’m trying to pour my heart out to you, and you’re going to laugh at me?” His tongue soothed away the sting. “Now, where was I? Oh, yes, what I love about you. I watched you before I approached you yesterday. You were playing with the little ones. Your laughter sang to me, your love for your children apparent on your face, and the respect they had for you. So many humans ignore their children in today’s world—giving them games to play on the TV, letting them watch TV all day, ignoring them. But, with you, I knew then you would be the perfect mother for our children.”

  He scooted his body down hers, kissing her belly, and his fingers trailed down to her mound, pushing in.

  “I can’t wait to see you all round with our child. I love you, Jade, don’t ever doubt that.” His gaze swept back up to her face. “I want my children in your belly, you by my side, and I want to announce to the world my love for you. Will you marry me again? In your custom?” His gaze held hers while his fingers pushed in and out of her.

  She struggled with her decision, unsure of what she wanted. His patience in the face of her silence surprised her, giving her courage to follow her instincts.

  “I want time to plan it, and I want the children involved. I don’t want to leave them out of this.” She smiled.

  His fingers slipped out of her, and he reached up to her kissing her lips softly. He looked into her eyes. “I love you, my bean chéile.”

  Thick lips sucked on hers, his tongue thrust into her mouth seeking hers. Even in kissing, his tongue demanded dominance, forcing hers to play. Dagda leaned back, a playful grin on his face.

  He flipped her body so that her stomach pressed against the bed, her hands never getting twisted. He raised her ass into the air and spread her legs. Two fingers pushed into her ass stretching, and preparing her for his cock.

  “Dagda….” She never got another word out. His shaft replaced his fingers and pushed into her nether hole.

  “You’re so tight and mine!” Goosebumps covered her arms at his declaration. He placed his hands on her hips and kneeled behind her. He drove into her further. “After tonight, no one will doubt my claim. I’ll mark every inch of your body!”

  He bit her neck and lowered his massive frame over her smaller one, holding her in place. His hand reached down and pushed three fingers into her pussy. His thumb stroked her clitoris, as he pumped his fingers into her heat.

  Her scream of release echoed in the cave. He groaned, and his seed exploded into her. Her body collapsed onto the bed with his shaft still inside of her. He reached up and untied her arms, caressing them where the silk had rubbed her skin. He pulled out of her and rolled to his side. Big eyes filled with love stared down at her. Gently, he picked her up and, getting off the bed, cradled her in his arms. He carried her to the heated pool and stepped inside, sitting on the bottom of the pool. He washed her body with reverence. Heat rose again in her body, calling to her husband and mate.

  “We can’t?” She moaned when his shaft slipped into her. His legs spread hers as he moved inside her.

  “We can, and we will. I’m nowhere near done with you, so just hold still, baby, and let me take you to the stars and above.”

  She couldn’t believe it; he kept his promise for the next two days. He proceeded to use every toy in the room, and then he even created new toys for her enjoyment. He worshiped her body and never let her rest until the second day when she just collapsed.

  She opened her eyes and moaned. Back in her bed, alone, Jade looked around. Nothing changed. Was it a dream? Her legs swung out of the bed. A moan escaped her lips again. It wasn’t a dream?

  Turning around, Dagda stood there with a smirk on his face, his shoulders back and his feet apart.

  “What’s so funny?” she asked and headed towards the bathroom for a good soak. When she stepped into the bathroom, she paused. Bubbles and rose petals filled the tub. Her heart swelled with love. She beamed her happiness at him when her gaze found his in the mirror.

  Dagda’s hands slipped around her waist to cup her breasts. “I knew you would be sore. Hop in the tub. The water will heal you. My mother and the kids are downstairs. We have a wedding to plan.”

  He lowered down on one knee, his blue eyes shining. His large hand picked up her small ring hand and placed a huge ruby and diamond ring on her finger. “I know I already asked you, but I want to do this right. Will you marry me, Jade?”

  She glanced down at the ring, rays of light reflected off the gem, and glittered brilliance shined out. Tears streamed down her face.

  “It’s beautiful. Thank you. Yes, I’ll marry you, my Celtic warrior god.” She jumped on him as he stood and wrapped her legs around his body. Jade reached up and placed a light kiss upon his lips.

  He smiled. “That is not a kiss; your warrior god wants more.” His kiss scorched her lips and curled her toes. He slapped her bare butt and pulled back. “Now, get into the water. I want you healed for round two later today!”

  Round two? What the hell? You have to be kidding me! Jade sat up and stared at him. She rolled her eyes and settled into the tub. The water soothed and healed every achy muscle
in her body.

  “Baby, you haven’t seen anything yet!” He turned and walked out of the room.

  She laughed and prayed she had the stamina to keep up with him. But, hell what a way to go.

  You keep up with me fine. By the way, I should tell you that you’re immortal now, and so are the children.

  We’re what? She shot up out of the tub, grabbing a towel. His laughter echoed in her mind as she dried off.

  Don’t you think you should have talk to me first? So much for a leisurely bath.

  Now, where would the fun in that be! Wear that nice, red dress I laid on the bed, would you, sweetheart? That way your master’s hands can play while we eat.

  She shook her head and chuckled. The red dress—or what resembled a dress— lay on the bed.

  I can’t wear that in front of the children. Are you mad?

  Yes, you can, and you will. Do I have to come up there and put it on you myself?

  Yep, you sure do! She giggled. Jade could hear his feet take the steps. The door flew open, heat radiated from his pours.

  “So, you’re ready for round two, are you?” He grabbed her towel and threw it to the floor. His eyes scanned her naked body. The ruby nipple rings stood out against her white skin. His hands quickly followed his gaze’s path. He twisted and pulled on them.

  “I’m ready for round two, three, four, and however many rounds you can give me, my warrior god!” She rubbed her body against his. Jade knew their lives were going to be filled with many children and hot, erotic sex.




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