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Half Blood Rising: (Moonlight Academy Book 1)

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by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

“Sensitive, aren’t we?” he teased, and I showed him my middle finger.

  God damn it, why did he have to be so good looking? My hair was sticky and greasy, and his was perfectly styled, shining nicely, as well. I probably stunk, too, and that made me even more self-conscious. He was so pale, but he still looked good.

  Stupid, stupid girl, don’t even go there, I told myself. Pure breeds didn’t get involved with half-vampire freaks like me. Besides, I still wasn’t even sure of what I was exactly. Half-vampire, yes. But something else—I had no idea … It truly bothered me, the unknown, and the possible ramifications of what it could mean.

  “Shut up, Pretty Boy,” I snapped at him again and tried to enjoy the rest of my second sandwich. He kept staring and I was nervous, apprehensive about meeting other students at this fancy school.

  “So, are you going to tell us—what are you? Jeremy is curious, and normally nothing and no one fazes him,” the vampire continued as I stared out the window. At least my stomach wasn’t growling, but I needed to remember that I couldn’t get used to it. What if things didn’t work out? I needed to be realistic about my situation.

  That faery, Oldman, had mentioned that some students took part in missions—that sounded interesting. I read that the national council had founded Moonlight Academy, and I wasn’t planning to take anything for free.

  “If I knew, I wouldn’t tell you, anyway, because it’s none of your damn business. Around four years ago, I awoke as a half-vampire on the street with no memories,” I answered, thinking about the past. “And that’s the end of it. That’s all I know, so you can stop with your inquiries.” Sometimes I tried to remember. I’d found that note inside my pocket with the name, Jaymin, so I presumed that’s what I’d been called in my previous life—and that was all the information I had to go on, if the name was mine at all. It was a pathetic story, and the vampire who’d turned me must have done it for a reason. I suspected that sooner rather than later, he would turn up in my life again.

  I still wanted to find him—there were too many unanswered questions about my past. They were my memories, and I had every right to get them back. Besides, I believed I had family, people who cared about me.

  The grave silence continued in the car for a little while after my revelation. Lachlan appeared shocked, stripping me down with his gaze. The warlock, too, seemed baffled, still driving the same speed as before. Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything; now I was sure they both labelled me as a freak of nature.

  “Someone turned you and then left you on the street?” Lachlan repeated, and I rolled my eyes. I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it.

  “Yes, I just said that, numpty,” I told him, trying not to focus too much on his incredible eyes. That was the main reason I’d become a rogue and did everything that I could on the streets. The bloodlust—it was the only thing that put me off becoming a full-blooded vampire. Someone once said that such a transformation was possible. I didn’t like the act of drinking blood from a human or a donor.

  “Your maker must have been an ancient vampire or another creature. I sense magic in you, but I cannot detect where it is from. You mustn’t fear, Mistress. Madame Oldman could run certain tests to determined what you are,” the warlock, Jerry said, but that didn’t make me feel any more confident about my decision. I didn’t want anyone running tests on me.

  “That’s interesting, very interesting,” Lachlan muttered, more to himself.

  Luckily, that was the end of the discussion about my origin, because a minute later, the warlock parked the car in front of an old large two-story house. The area seemed to be pretty decent. I still couldn’t believe that Jeremy had driven for six straight hours without a break.

  It looked like we were on the outskirts of the city. Jerry opened the door and climbed out of the car. He let the vampire out first.

  It was already extremely humid, and it was only around seven in the morning. The streets seemed empty, but a few humans were staring out the window at us. Well, this wasn’t at all what I’d expected.

  “Right now, I am taking you to class to meet a few other students,” Lachlan said, showing me towards the door. “At Moonlight, you will work and study in a group. I believe Madame Oldman has already decided on the numbers.”

  I hoped they were going to give me a chance to change, or at least make myself look a bit more presentable. Well, I really didn’t have any other clothes with me but silently hoped they might supply some.

  “Mistress needs to be shown to her room first, Master Lachlan,” Jerry interrupted.

  “Fine, just take her then. I need to sort something out, anyway,” the vampire responded, sounding irritated and then crossed the road.

  “Lachlan, I damn missed you!” someone screamed, and when I glanced back, I saw a very tall and skinny girl jumping on the Scot.

  There was no doubt she was a vampire, and she was beautiful with long black hair, and even longer legs.

  My stomach made a funny jolt when she kissed him hard. He embraced her, and they were snogging each other passionately. I felt uncomfortable staring.

  “This is Mistress Ramona, Master Lachlan’s partner,” Jerry explained. I quickly turned around, not wanting to look like I was spying on them from the distance.

  A wave of discomfort ran down my spine. Of course a pure breed like him had a girlfriend. What else did I expect?

  Nothing, I told myself. I wasn’t supposed to expect anything at all. He was an arrogant prick and I hated his guts, and that was that.

  Deep down, I hoped I wouldn’t have to see him often. Jeremy cleared his throat, and we walked inside the building that seemed completely empty. I still felt a little apprehensive being here.

  Moments later, I found myself in a long dark corridor filled with magic. Yeah, I could sense it, but it was too early to tell if this was positive or negative energy.

  “This way, Mistress, this house was converted into an academy around twenty years ago. Most of the students are from all different parts of the world, so that’s why they stay in dorms,” Jerry explained.

  The atmosphere was enigmatic, silence filled the halls. I thought that if we were going to the dorms, this place would be thriving with young students.

  “Where is everyone? I mean, it’s a bit strange that it’s so quiet in here,” I pointed out, sensing magic everywhere. It was strong, and I figured that all sorts of creatures must be staying in the academy.

  “Classes don’t start until around nine a.m. Most students are still sleeping. It’s still pretty early, and we have been driving all night,” Jerry answered, giving me a warm smile. He was the first supernatural who’d ever made me feel safe. Most of the time I avoided others, in case they sensed I was different. A lot of them had, and that was the main reason I never asked anyone for help.

  We began climbing the stairs, heading to the top floor. Several minutes later, Jeremy stopped by an old wooden door. I suspected that this was going to be my dorm. He took a key out of his pocket and opened it. My excitement was at its peak. I didn’t expect anything fancy, but for the first time in four years, I felt that I finally had a place to go. It was then that I began to realise I’d made the right decision. “Come on in, this will be your room at the academy.”

  The space was small, to say the least, but the room was equipped with two beds, desks, and there was also a sofa in the middle. Overall, I didn’t care about how much space I had; it was important that this room was designated to me.

  There was also a large window with a view of the courtyard. I walked around the room slowly, trying to savour this moment, thinking that this appeared to be too good to be true.

  Oldman had found me on the streets of Lviv, it was a miracle that I’d gotten this chance. Tears forced their way to my eyes as these new emotions overwhelmed me. This was the place where I could return to after dark. It looked like I would probably have to share with someone, but it didn’t matter. I was so happy that I was no longer homeless and hungry.

I don’t know what to say,” I told him, trying to pull myself together. I hated being the “emotional” me. I preferred the other me: the rogue who never complained or cried. Maybe she’d been a bit too mouthy at times, but I liked her.

  “I was going to suggest that you leave your belongings in here,” Jerry said, “but since you have none, we may head over to the meeting arranged by Madame Oldman. I believe everyone is already there.”

  I looked down at the clothes I was wearing. Yeah, they were worn out. Other creatures were going to be judging me, but whatever. This was all I had, and it would have to do for now.

  “Let’s go, then,” I agreed.

  We went back to the main building, passing a few vampires. No one stared at me, everyone was going about their own business. Soon after, we reached another corridor. My stomach contracted when Jerry opened the door to another classroom that was filled with people. Several creatures turned their heads to look at me. Principal Oldman rose to her feet and gave me a warm smile. The pretty boy was there, too. I also sensed a handsome fae, warlock, and some other creatures that were probably students of Moonlight.

  “There she is, our newest student,” she said, looking even better than before and wearing a white jumpsuit. “Come on, Jaymin, sit down and let me introduce you to everyone.”

  “Jaymin.” Someone snorted. It was the tall and skinny vampire who’d greeted Lachlan outside. She was staring at me with a mock expression on her face, and I was ready to scratch her eyes out.

  The tiny voice inside my head told me that this was it, the place where I would spend the next several months of my life. My old life was over, no longer leaving me empty and unfulfilled. The future finally seemed brighter than ever before.

  Chapter Seven

  It’s not that kind of school.

  My nerves were slowly beginning to get to me. Lachlan’s lover kept glaring at me, so I gave her one of my sharpest death stares. Afterwards, she tossed her hair behind her and smiled at Lachlan. Our conversation about my origin earlier on had left me a bit restless. I didn’t want him sharing my personal information with that bitch. I looked away—whatever. I wasn’t going to allow him to have that sort of effect on me right now. I was stronger than that.

  “Come on, sit down,” Oldman said. “We are only having an informal chat right now.”

  Jerry lightly nudged me, and I took a seat next to a girl with short, bright pink hair. She was a shifter. I sensed her energy, and her aura was bright, inviting, and positive. Her inner magical energy was much more defined than anyone I’d ever met before. I’d read in one of the books at the library that they tended to keep within their packs, and they stayed away from humans. She gave me a bright smile; her bottom lip was pierced, and she had several tattoos on her arms.

  “I was just showing Miss Jaymin to her room,” Jerry said.

  “We’ve only been together a few minutes. I wasn’t expecting everyone to arrive so early.” Principal Oldman smoothed her skirt and turned to address the room.

  “Welcome to Moonlight Academy, everyone, the first school to ever be established in order to educate supernatural young creatures,” she began, glancing around the classroom. “In a moment, I will be going around and introducing each of you, but first, I would like to tell you that, each one of you here today are from different backgrounds, different breeds. That doesn’t matter, because you are all students here.

  “Here at Moonlight, we work with everyone, but we aren’t the kind of academy you are most likely used to. The high council gives us certain jobs and tasks, and, sometimes these missions can be quite dangerous. Everyone present has just been accepted—you’re all new—and you will be assigned together as one team. In exchange for taking part in these ‘missions,’ you receive a free education, along with room and board. If these jobs are complicated, many times students receive financial rewards.”

  This sounded too good to be true. We were going to get paid for being students and taking part in missions? There must be a hack somewhere. Others didn’t seem too concerned, so I decided to continue on and listen. Oldman was fae with a certain taste and style. She must have been good at her job if she managed to work her way up into this position. After the meeting, I was planning to find the library and do some research on this place.

  “Any questions before we start the introductions?” she asked, but no one said a word, so she continued, “Let’s start with Karina. She’s a shifter from Sweden, and, unfortunately after being exiled from her pack, she had to learn how to survive on her own, and, sometimes, in the toughest of environments. Her gifts will be quite useful in this group.” Principal Oldman smiled and turned her head. “Then to my right, we have Marco—he’s fae. In the past few years, he’s been living in London. He earned his living by stealing valuable items. I’m certain I needn’t remind you that fae magic can be extremely unpredictable. Marco is quite skilled, and I hope each of you will get on well with him.”

  I glanced at the dude on my right. He was dark haired, tanned, and a very handsome supernatural. He didn’t look like a thief at all. Oldman wasn’t prepared to say that the fae were the most powerful creatures amongst all supernaturals, but I sensed what she meant. I suspected that Marco had lived for quite a long time.

  They could manipulate the weather, read your mind, and make you go completely mad. These were just a few of their abilities, but most had to learn their skills over years of study under someone’s guardianship. Marco winked at me and Karina—he seemed extremely confident.

  Oldman paused and sipped a glass of water, then she turned to me. “And here is Jaymin, half-vampire and a rogue. She has been hunting creatures wanted by the council for the past four years—very dangerous fugitives, I might add. Her track record is quite impressive, so be watchful of her. And opposite Jaymin, is Judas, a full-blooded vampire. At some point Judas will tell you his own story, but for now, let’s just say he’s got his own business on the side.”

  She turned toward the pretty boy, and I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes. “Now, let me introduce you to Lachlan, he’s my assistant, but he’s also a student here at Moonlight. His family has strong connections to the Elite, but that doesn’t mean his place there is secure. Lachlan is also a vampire with large social and economic influences. He secures jobs for the school that are complicated and dangerous, but with huge financial rewards. He can manipulate your mind and make you forget things, so be wary.”

  Well, well, well. Pretty Boy was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, so I’d been partly right about him. Maybe that was the reason why the mages wanted to get information from him. Lachlan smiled at Oldman, and this time, I did roll my eyes. Lachlan didn’t scare me, he only got on my damn nerves, with his self-important attitude. I knew his type: he probably had rich parents or other wealthy family members.

  Oldman had called me a rogue, and I was all right with that. Marco winked at me once again when I glanced at him. Damn it. He was probably reading my mind now.

  “And last, but certainly not least is Ramona, a pure-blooded vampire with healing abilities and spectacular fighting skills. She grew up in Ukraine in an orphanage, so she can relate to some of you.” The principal completed the introductions around the table.

  Ukrainian, well, that was unexpected. She just looked Slavic, but she must have been turned when she was young. I was a little taken aback by the fact she could heal people. I’d never heard of a vampire who could do that sort of thing. And on top of that, she was his girlfriend.

  It was a decent group to be part of, and it looked like, for now, I was stuck with pretty boy and his top-model vamp. Too bad, but I had to make this work somehow. I wanted this opportunity, and I was willing to do whatever it took.

  “Today is orientation day. You can check the subjects we offer and review your schedule. Remember, you’re a team, so you will be working together closely. In the afternoon, I’ll call upon each one of you to sign an agreement with the school—the contract I mentioned earlier on,” Oldman adde
d, and I assumed this was the end of the meeting. “Oh, if you have any questions, now is the time to ask. I always forget about that bit.”

  “I want to ask about the Elite.” Marco went first with one of the most important questions. “I decided to enrol here because I want to get in. Can you tell us about their requirements?” He had a deep voice, and his darker skin shone in the bright morning sunlight.

  The room was air conditioned as was the entire school, just another added bonus. Other supernaturals most likely weren’t affected by the heat like I was. I was curious about the Elite Academy, too. Many supernaturals had talked about it, but to me, it had always been like a distant dream that would never be fulfilled. And now, I finally had the opportunity of a lifetime, a chance to prove myself—that I could get accepted if I worked hard enough.

  “The missions you are to take part in will prepare you for the trials. Saint Kilda Elite Academy is quite unique and ancient, and we don’t have much insight on their specific admissions process. At Moonlight, we believe these trials will require a combination of your abilities, skills, magic, and intelligence. We are going to work together for some time, so you will have a chance to prove yourself,” Oldman stated, interlacing her fingers together and giving us a tight smile.

  Well, that was a bit of a disappointment. The academy obviously had no idea what to expect; each one of us could only guess. Obviously, that was the main reason why so many students didn’t make it to the Elite. I’d heard that they only accepted a handful of students. Well, I didn’t have to worry about it right now, anyway.

  Marco didn’t seem satisfied with her answer, but he didn’t say anything else. Then others began to stand from their seats; obviously they didn’t have other questions. I didn’t know what else to ask, but I did need to find out if she could help me with getting some new clothes. I felt a bit embarrassed that I didn’t have anything decent with me. I waited outside the door until everyone was gone.


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