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Fight With Me

Page 20

by Kristen Proby

  “Hi, DJ.” I respond unenthusiastically.

  “Nat,” he winks at Natalie and she glares at him.

  Things between DJ and I did not end well.

  “So, how you been, Jules?” he asks, a cocky grin on his too-handsome face. DJ is handsome; tall, toned and dark-haired. He works at the gym I used to work out at, and was my trainer for a while.

  “I’m great, DJ.”

  “Glad to hear it. And to see that you’re maintaining that sweet body of yours.” He winks at me and my stomach rolls. He’s an asshole. I want him gone, and I pray that Nate is too busy with his game to notice him.

  “Thanks for stopping by, but Natalie and I are enjoying our drinks, DJ. Have a good night.”

  “Mind if I join you?”

  Jesus, no one ever accused him of being smart.

  “Yes, we do mind. Goodbye, DJ.”

  “Oh, c’mon, don’t be like that.” He runs his fingers down my cheek, and I catch his wrist in my hand and pull it away from me.

  “Don’t touch me. Just go away.”

  “Or what, Jules?”

  “Or I’ll have to kick your ass,” Nate murmurs quietly behind him.

  Chapter Twenty Six


  I look over and Nate and Luke are both standing behind DJ, Luke with his arms crossed over his chest, watching, and Nate glaring at the back of DJ’s head, his gray eyes hard and narrowed.

  DJ turns around and offers Nate his cocky smile, the one he thinks is charming, and winks at him. “Hey, dude, I got this. I fucked her a few years ago, and if I play my cards right, I’m hoping to fuck her again later tonight.”

  I hear Natalie gasp, and then everything happens in slow motion. Nate bares his teeth and grabs DJ by the shirt and physically drags him away from our table, past the bar, and right out the front door, with Luke right behind him.

  Natalie and I look at each other for a heartbeat, then scramble out of the booth and follow them outside.

  Nate has DJ up against the wall of the building, his face inches from DJ’s, and enraged.

  “Who the fuck taught you manners, asshole?”

  “Fuck you,” DJ spits out and kicks Nate in the shin. Nate grunts, but doesn’t lose his grip on DJ’s shirt. His arms are flexed tight in anger.

  DJ looks over Nate’s shoulder at me and smirks. “Hey, baby, did you miss this?” He grabs his cock through his jeans and laughs at his own joke.

  “You have no idea who you’re fucking with,” I murmur.

  Nate hasn’t moved a muscle. He’s glaring at DJ, breathing hard, but he’s completely controlled, and obviously isn’t hurting the other man, given that he’s able to make rude gestures at me.

  DJ looks Nate up and down and smirks again.

  “What do you want me to do, Julianne?” Nate asks softly.

  DJ smirks. “Gotta ask your girlfriend for permission, pussy?”

  “Kick his ass, Nate.”

  “Thought you’d never ask, baby.”

  Nate takes a step back, releasing DJ, and turns his back on him, and I know what his strategy is: let DJ take the first shot.

  Nate is not disappointed.

  DJ grabs Nate’s shoulder and pulls him around to face him and punches him, square in the jaw, Blood spatters from the corner of Nate’s mouth.

  “What do you think of that, asshole?” DJ sneers.

  “I think you have a pathetic right hook, moron.”

  Nate punches DJ twice, once in the nose, then in the gut, sending DJ to the ground, but the other man is stupid and gets back up, swinging. Nate weaves out of the way and counters with another right hook to the jaw, then grips DJ’s shoulders and pulls him down against his knee, right to the gut and throws him to the ground again.

  “Stay down,” Nate growls.

  “Fuck you!” DJ stands again, more shaky this time, and rubs his stomach. He lunges for Nate again, fists flying, but Nate crouches and catches DJ around his torso and lifts him, slamming him against the wall with his strong shoulder, and drops DJ to the ground again.

  Holy fuck! I knew Nate was strong, but seeing him, like this, is just amazing. Not only could he really hurt someone, he could kill someone.

  “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll stay down, motherfucker.”

  DJ wheezes and coughs, wincing in pain. I’m sure his ribs are bruised, if not broken. He gets up to his knees, and Luke speaks for the first time.

  “Are you learning impaired, dude? Stay the fuck down before he puts you in the hospital.”

  DJ is clearly embarrassed as he falls back to the ground, sits on his ass and winces again. A small crowd has gathered to watch the show, mumbling and laughing at DJ. He looks up at me and glares.

  “I should have beat the shit out of you when I had the chance. You’re nothing but a fucking whore anyway.”

  Nate rears back to kick DJ in the face, but I yell, “Don’t!”

  He stops and whirls on me, his eyes raw with rage. “What?”

  I shake my head and look back down at DJ. I offer him a sweet, fake smile, walk sassily over to him, and squat in my heels so I’m close to him.

  “You tried to kick my ass, remember, DJ? And I beat you bloody. I’m pretty sure that nice scar there by your left eye is thanks to me.”

  I stand and walk away from him and he calls out, “Cunt whore!”

  “Do it,” I mutter to Nate as I walk past him, and I hear DJ’s low grunt, then his head hitting the pavement, when Nate punches him one last time in the face, knocking him out.


  “Well, one thing I will say about our nights out, it’s never boring.” Natalie turns around in the passenger seat of their Mercedes and looks back at Nate and me.

  “No, never boring,” I murmur and kiss Nate’s bruised and swollen knuckles. “Are you okay?” I ask him.

  “I’m fine,” he mutters. He won’t look me in the face, and aside from me touching him, he’s hardly laid a hand on me.

  Luke pulls into my driveway and Nate and I get out of the backseat. I lean in Nat’s window and kiss her cheek. “Kiss Livie for me. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Okay. Bye, Nate. You kick major ass.” She winks at him, Luke waves at us both, and they pull out of the driveway.

  “Let’s go in.” I walk toward the front porch, but Nate runs a hand through his hair and stands still.

  “Maybe I should just go back to the condo tonight.”

  “What?” I turn back to him, confused and a little scared. “Why?”

  He shakes his head and looks at his feet. “You said yourself that one night apart won’t kill us.”

  I’m completely thrown. This cold, distant man is not my Nate.

  “I don’t want to sleep without you,” I whisper and my stomach rolls when he winces and turns away from me.

  “Look, Nate, I’m sorry about DJ…” Nate whirls back to me, his gray eyes angry and face taut.

  “Don’t you apologize for that motherfucker, Julianne.”

  “Okay.” I step back and fold my arms over my chest. I don’t know what to say. I don’t know what’s wrong.

  “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “Okay,” I repeat and lick my lips nervously. “So why are you punishing me?” I ask quietly.

  Nate hangs his head, plants his hands on his hips and takes a deep breath. “That’s not what I’m trying to do.”

  “Talk to me, Nate.”

  “I’m fucking pissed, Jules. Beyond pissed. I wanted to keep punching him, over and over, until he was a bloody pulp. I have too much adrenaline and anger running through me right now to trust myself to not hurt you. I would never intentionally hurt you, but I’m not feeling gentle.” He pushes his fingers through his hair roughly and paces away in frustration.

  “Don’t run away from me,” I throw his words back at him. His back is to me, he’s gazing down my dark driveway. “You won’t let me run, well back at you, ace. If you’re pissed, fine. If you’re frustrated, fine. But you’ll be th
ose things with me, not while running away from me.”

  We stand like this for what feels like long minutes, but it may only be seconds.

  Finally, I hear his low voice. “Why did you ever let that idiot near you?”

  “Fuck,” I mutter and rub my forehead.

  “Seriously, Julianne, I don’t get it.” He turns around and stares at me, his eyes unreadable.

  “Nate it was years ago. Years.”

  “And?” he raises an eyebrow.

  “I used to go to the gym he works at. He was – probably still is – a trainer. I was young and stupid enough to think he was cute. We went out on two dates, Nate, I had sex with him one time, and he went stalker crazy on my ass. I told him I wasn’t interested in seeing him again, he raised a fist, and I knocked a couple of those pretty teeth out.”

  I walk to Nate and reach out to touch him, but he backs away from me.

  “Stop this,” I whisper.

  “You don’t understand. It makes me sick that he ever touched you.” He runs his hands through his hair again and looks up toward the sky and then back at me. “I know that you weren’t innocent when I met you, but I don’t ever need to meet anyone that has been inside you. Even if he hadn’t been an asshole, I still would have wanted to kick his ass.”

  “Nate, he means less than nothing to me. You saw that yourself. I told you to kick his ass.”

  “Yeah, that was new too. I’ve never asked permission to protect someone before.”

  So this is what this is about.

  “Do you know what it means to me that you had the control to take care of me before you took care of him?” He frowns at me and I keep talking. “You’d never hurt me, babe.”

  I take a deep breath before I continue. “Besides, I came face-to-face with the woman who still has your last name, Nate. I wanted to pull her heart out of her asshole, and maintained my composure. I won’t do it again.”

  “I told you, I don’t have anything to do with her anymore.”

  I just tilt my head to the side and stare back at him impassively until he sighs deeply and shakes his head.

  “Point taken.”

  “If I let myself think about the fact that you were married, or think about the women you’ve been with, Nate, it’ll kill me. I refuse to think about it. I’m with you now, and I know I’m the only one with you now, and that’s all that matters.” I step toward him again and cup his face in my hands, run my fingers through his hair, and he doesn’t move away, but he doesn’t touch me either.

  “Thank you for tonight; for protecting me, and making me feel so loved.”

  “I do love you,” he whispers and I smile up at him, so in love with him.

  “I know.” I whisper back, and Nate’s arms come around me, pulling me into him. He tucks my head under his chin and just hugs me close. I wrap my arms around his torso and cling to him as he rocks me back and forth, kissing my hair.

  “So, um, does this mean you’ll stay?” I ask and my stomach settles when I feel him chuckle against my cheek.

  “Yeah, I’ll stay, baby.” He kisses my hair once more and I pull back. Nate grips my chin in his fingers and tilts my head back. “You are mine.”

  A slow smile spreads across my face. “Ditto.”

  “Jesus you’re beautiful.”

  I’m suddenly cradled in Nate’s arms and he’s fumbling with the keys, unlocking the front door, and carrying me inside. He sets me down in the foyer, closes and locks the door, and stalks toward me slowly as I back up toward the stairs.

  “Do you know what you do to me?” he asks, his voice low and rough, his eyes narrowed and his hands in fists at his sides.

  “What?” I ask breathlessly.

  “You make me want things I’ve never wanted before. You make me want you. You make me fucking hard.”

  My heels hit the bottom step and I climb the stairs slowly, backward, unable to stop looking at him. I get about five steps up when he mutters, “Stop.”

  He unbuttons his shirt as he climbs the steps below me and peels it off his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. He reaches the fourth step and is eye level with me. I’m gripping the handrail for balance, mesmerized by his beautiful gray eyes. He’s still not touching me, yet my skin is humming in anticipation.

  “Touch me,” I whisper.

  He leans in and brushes his lips across mine, lightly, and pulls back again, watching me.

  “Please touch me,” I whisper again.

  His eyes travel from my hair, over my face, down my dress to my shoes and back up again. “Sit on the stairs,” he commands.

  I frown, and he narrows his eyes. “Sit.”

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  I lower myself to the stairs and look up into his face, wondering what the fuck he’s going to do next. He unbuckles his belt and opens his slacks, and just when I think he’s going to free his cock so I can go to work on it, he kneels in front of me.

  I feel my eyes widen and roam over this angry, beautiful man. He’s kneeling before me, still not touching me.

  “Lean back on your elbows,” he whispers, and I comply.

  “Pull your skirt up around your hips.” Again, I comply, and I feel my breathing quicken. I feel completely exposed, because I am, from the waist down. I wasn’t lying when I said I wasn’t wearing underwear.

  Nate’s eyes dilate and he sucks in a deep breath. His eyes are narrowed on my pussy, and his hands are flexing in and out of fists, and I know he’s dying to touch me.

  “Touch me, babe,” I whisper.

  His molten gray eyes find mine as he reaches up and tucks a stray curl of hair behind my ear, sending shivers down me.

  “You are so beautiful, Julianne.”

  “Touch. Me.” I whisper again and he clenches his eyes closed for a heartbeat and looks back down my body again, raking me with his gaze.

  “Nate.” I get his attention with the strength of my voice. “You won’t hurt me, my love.”

  He growls and plants his fists on the stairs at my hips and pushes himself up to kiss me, slipping his tongue in my mouth, tangling and sliding along mine. This kiss is urgent and needy. I wrap his hair in my fingers to hold him to me, but he backs away, panting, eyes on fire and says, “Elbows on the stairs.”


  Finally – FINALLY! – he slides his large hands up the outside of my thighs to my hips and pulls me forward to the edge of the step and lowers his head. He blows on my center, raising my skin in goose bumps. He spreads my thighs wide, spreading my labia in the process and licks me from my anus to my clit and back down again.

  “Holy fuck!” My head falls back as my hips come up off the stairs. Nate holds my hips firmly, presses his face into my pussy and kisses me, plunging his soft, talented tongue inside me, swirling around and around, and presses his nose against my clit.

  Electricity is shooting through my core, up my spine, and out my limbs. I look down at him and his hot gray gaze is pinned on my face, alive with lust.

  “Oh God, babe, I’m gonna…” I can’t finish the sentence. He moves that tongue up along my lips to press on my clit and roughly pushes two fingers inside me, pressing down, and I come apart, my muscles pulsing and milking his fingers, my clit throbbing against his tongue.

  He kisses and nips at the inside of my thighs and my pubis, and then pulls his fingers out of me and sticks them in his mouth, sucking my sweetness off of them.

  “You’re delicious,” he whispers. He reaches up and loosens my halter straps, letting the bodice fall around my waist, exposing my naked breasts. “Jesus.”

  Nate leans in and circles one nipple with his nose. My breathing is still erratic from the mind-blowing orgasm he just gave me, and that nose on my nipple sends fire straight to my core and I moan his name.

  He wraps his lips around the tight bud, and worries the other with his fingers. I reach up with one hand and tangle my fingers in his hair, and he backs up and glares at me.

  “Elbows on the stairs,” he repeats.
  “No, I want to touch you.”

  “I’ll restrain you if I have to. Elbows on the stairs.”


  I comply, completely turned on by his need to control me. To control this.

  His mouth covers the other breast, and he sets about making me crazy again, writhing beneath him.

  He suddenly pulls back, grips my hips and lifts me, and flips me onto my knees.

  “I need you,” he growls, and I hear him push his pants down his hips. “Now.”

  He slams into me, hard, and I cry out in surprise and just a little pain. The apa feels larger than usual, pressed against the very core of me.

  “Jesus, baby, you’re so wet and tight.” He moves out and in once again, as hard as before, and I moan.

  “Yes,” I whisper.

  “This is gonna be rough, baby.”

  “Good,” I respond.

  “Tell me if it’s too much.”

  “Just do it, babe. Fuck me.”

  He spanks my right ass cheek and grips my hips roughly and begins to pound in and out of me in a fast, desperate rhythm. He spanks me again, twice, and I moan at the pleasure of the sting, loving that he is crazy with lust for me, that I can make him lose himself in me.

  “Fuck, baby.” He tightens his grip on me and slams into me one last time, his release pushing through him, and takes me over with him.

  He’s panting and shaking behind me. He doesn’t pull out of me. He leans over and kisses between my shoulder blades and rests his cheek there, his hands planted on the stairs by my elbows.

  “Are you okay?” he whispers, making me smile.

  “I’m fantastic. Are you okay?”

  “Did I hurt you?”

  “No, babe.” I kiss his bicep. “You rocked my fucking world.”

  He chuckles and pulls out of me, making me gasp as I feel that apa pull along the walls of my pussy.

  “Jesus, I’m glad you’re not afraid of needles.” I turn and sit my bottom on the stairs, and look up into his bright gray eyes. He’s relaxed now, the anger and frustration seemingly released with rough sex and a hot orgasm.

  “You’d look amazing with a tattoo,” he murmurs.


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